05-11-2007, 10:57 AM
Wouldn't it be wicked sweet if they made a darker version of zelda? Seems they keep making them kid friendly (F'n pg gamecube).

05-11-2007, 11:16 AM
Zelda is primarily aimed at children. I don't think the series will ever be significantly darker then Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess.

05-11-2007, 11:26 AM
They should make a more adult version. I enjoyed old school zelda as a kid but grew out of it after Link to the past for super nintendo. (man i'm getting old...) But the game has such potential for a darker version. Someone get a petition started!

(The theme music for "Link to the past is buzzing through my head right now, hahaha :) )

05-11-2007, 02:31 PM
What the fuck is up with this retarded idea that dark=mature/adult? That's a line of utter bullshit typically spewed by teenagers who want to be seen as adults, but don't know what being an adult actually means. Real adults are perfectly fine playing games that are made to be fun, not to be dark and gothic, which is what truly appeals to kids.

05-11-2007, 03:59 PM

It'd turn out like Shadow the Hedgehog for sure.

Keep Zelda light hearted and innocent.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
05-11-2007, 06:40 PM
What the fuck is up with this retarded idea that dark=mature/adult? That's a line of utter bullshit typically spewed by teenagers who want to be seen as adults, but don't know what being an adult actually means. Real adults are perfectly fine playing games that are made to be fun, not to be dark and gothic, which is what truly appeals to kids.


Also, "wicked sweet"? Fucking hell.

jewess crabcake
05-11-2007, 06:50 PM
I thought he meant darker like a dark ryu type, inner evil thing, then I read the thread. So basically let's give link an automatic assault rifle and send him to San Andreas.

05-12-2007, 07:32 PM
What the fuck is up with this retarded idea that dark=mature/adult? That's a line of utter bullshit typically spewed by teenagers who want to be seen as adults, but don't know what being an adult actually means. Real adults are perfectly fine playing games that are made to be fun, not to be dark and gothic, which is what truly appeals to kids.

well ok then, first off. Darker does NOT mean mature/adult. I didn't say that. BUT darker content appeals more to adults, just like cutesy appeals MORESO to kids. Not that kids and adults can't/don't like either or.

SECONDLY, I'm f'n 26. quit being so judgmental to a friggen idea, thats what forums are for, conversation. Lay down your Super ego. It shows your IMMATURITY, which make YOU look like less of an adult.


Also, "wicked sweet"? Fucking hell.

Yes WICKED SWEET. I'm from upstate ny, I've been saying those 2 words consistently forever, much like many others around ny. Another judgmental asshole. So fuck off.

05-12-2007, 07:47 PM
well ok then, first off. Darker does NOT mean mature/adult. I didn't say that.

Yes you did. Look at this:

Wouldn't it be wicked sweet if they made a darker version of zelda? Seems they keep making them kid friendly

You imply that there is a distinct difference between being being "dark" and "kid friendly."

BUT darker content appeals more to adults, just like cutesy appeals MORESO to kids. Not that kids and adults can't/don't like either or.

Bullshit. So-called "dark" content appeals more to teenagers than any other demographic. Cuteness appeals to just as many adults as kids, if not more. Look at games like Nintendogs. Tons of adults bought that game. And look at Katamari Damacy. There's nothing dark about that game, but adults tend to love it far more than kids.

SECONDLY, I'm f'n 26.

Your age means slightly less than jack shit to me, although it does pain me slightly to realize once again how superior I am to the rest of my peers.

quit being so judgmental to a friggen idea, thats what forums are for, conversation.

And I'm conversing. You see me conversing? This is me conversing. I'm just not conversing in the way you wanted. But guess what! That's still what forums are for.

Lay down your Super ego. It shows your IMMATURITY, which make YOU look like less of an adult.

I've earned my ego, thank you kindly. Everyone who knows me understands and accepts it because they know that I'm usually right about everything I care to speak about. I'm not going to change my ways just because some moron on the internet is offended by them.

05-12-2007, 08:04 PM
Yes you did. Look at this:

You imply that there is a distinct difference between being being "dark" and "kid friendly."

Bullshit. So-called "dark" content appeals more to teenagers than any other demographic. Cuteness appeals to just as many adults as kids, if not more. Look at games like Nintendogs. Tons of adults bought that game. And look at Katamari Damacy. There's nothing dark about that game, but adults tend to love it far more than kids.

Your age means slightly less than jack shit to me, although it does pain me slightly to realize once again how superior I am to the rest of my peers.

And I'm conversing. You see me conversing? This is me conversing. I'm just not conversing in the way you wanted. But guess what! That's still what forums are for.

I've earned my ego, thank you kindly. Everyone who knows me understands and accepts it because they know that I'm usually right about everything I care to speak about. I'm not going to change my ways just because some moron on the internet is offended by them.

Whatever man, I may have IMPLIED but I didn't define it that way.

And your not conversing your bashing. You think your superior, and I'm a moron. For what? Because I thought a darker themed Zelda would be a cool idea? Because I implied that older people like darker content over cutesy? Because I'm not an advertising marketer and know exactly what genres appeal most and least to each age bracket?

You think you've "earned" your right to be a dick? To be closed minded to ideas that don't appeal to YOU? To bash others who call you out for it?

I'm not trying to change your ways, people like you rarely ever change. Sadly. If you don't like an expressed idea, there are ways you can CONVERSE that with out taking personal shots at the one who thought the idea.

But I'm sure that won't sink in. Your brain is prolly spinning gears right now with ideas on how you can counter what I just said and make some twisted justification that satisfies your need to think your right.

Back to the topic of the thread. I still think a darker themed zelda would rock.

God Doesnt Exist
05-12-2007, 08:36 PM
Zelda is primarily aimed at children. I don't think the series will ever be significantly darker then Majora's Mask or Twilight Princess.

I'd like to see the average 10-yr-old do those puzzles.
Zelda is not for children.
It's for every one..
Probably better for 14 and up.

05-12-2007, 08:51 PM
Wouldn't it be wicked sweet if they made a darker version of zelda? Seems they keep making them kid friendly (F'n pg gamecube).

Let me guess, you're one of those types that think The Wind Waker sucked because it had 'Kiddy Graphics', aren't you?

If so (which I'm 99% sure you are through the way you've posted) then I pity you. Even more so for having this attitude at the age of 26.

05-12-2007, 09:11 PM
Ok, I wanna explain what I was thinking a little clearer. (for you judgmental ego driven assholes, say whatever you want i don't care)

Ok Zelda games are geared to appeal to younger crowd. (Not that older people can't enjoy playing it.) Story line, graphics, and gameplay. For what it is thats great. It's not like there isn't a huge fan base to that format.

But what if you took the Zelda theme and applied a more complex deeper story line to it. Changed the graphics into a more realistic looking detailed environment. Changed the puzzle format to something more thought invoking. A better battle system, maybe with some blood and gore too. (not excessive, but included)

So older teens to adults can enjoy the zelda theme, without feeling they are playing a zelda themed mario world. More indepth, much like FFXII is. (Although i wouldn't say ffxii is dark persay, the dark idea spawns from "link to the past" when you used the mirror to enter the dark world, imagine that without the cutesy factor?)

05-12-2007, 09:23 PM
Let me guess, you're one of those types that think The Wind Waker sucked because it had 'Kiddy Graphics', aren't you?

If so (which I'm 99% sure you are through the way you've posted) then I pity you. Even more so for having this attitude at the age of 26.

Yes i was dissapointed with windwaker, not that i didn't enjoy playing it, but it didn't get me pulled into it, i didn't even finish it, i lost interest. The "Kiddy graphics" and gameplay are a turn off for me. I'm not knocking the game, I just didn't enjoy it, and I used to love zelda. I feel like now that I'm not a kid, the kid appeal to the game has gotten old to me. Not that the game isn't a good game.

And can we drop this shit about people judging my age and maturity? I'm not judging you guys or being less open to what your saying do to said judgments am i? I'm trying to convey a newer different approach to the zelda line. Why can't you people see that? DISCUSS THE IDEA, NOT ME!!!!!!

05-13-2007, 10:25 PM
If you want a "Darker" Zelda, I'd suggest Shadow of the Colossus, however, it plays a little bit differently, but in my opinion, in a good way.

05-14-2007, 12:07 AM
I'd like to see the average 10-yr-old do those puzzles.
Zelda is not for children.
It's for every one..
Probably better for 14 and up.
I was 11 when I beat Ocarina of Time. Apart from the Water Temple (which everyone seems to have trouble with) I don't recall the puzzles being excruciatingly hard.

05-14-2007, 01:36 AM
I was 11 when I beat Ocarina of Time. Apart from the Water Temple (which everyone seems to have trouble with) I don't recall the puzzles being excruciatingly hard.

Yeah, OoT was fairly easy, though compared to some of these newer ones. A Link to the Past was greatest, still, in my opinion.

And everyone hated the stupid Water Temple. At one point I was going back and forth raising the water level just because I didn't know what else to do. I eventually made several good mistakes and was back on my way to pwning bad guys. *Thumbs up.*

05-14-2007, 02:27 AM
Zelda TP was pretty good...for an average game. IMO, its deserved score was more along the lines of 7.8, other than 8.8, because its basically OOT with a Wolf minigame and change Navi to Midna and there you go. Add a few little options that fans were begging for for years, like using any weapon while riding the horse, which didn't do anything special, you just did it because you could, and of course, the same old puzzles from eons ago. The only new thing was going "Spiderman" with the double Clawshots, and that stupid top thing.

There was not enough new content nor was there enough change in the game to make me think it would be the next big Zelda.

Don't get me wrong, guys, I LOVED the 2d Zeldas, as well as all the current 2d portable Zelda games, but TP just didn't do it for me.

Oh, and I absolutely HATED the fact that Ganon was reduced to a Dracula type role, instead of a more serious one, like in Wind Waker.

And to answer the thread starters question, Wind Waker is actually the darkest and probably most mature Zelda, despite the cartoony Cel-shaded graphics. Just play it, if you haven't.

05-14-2007, 06:10 AM
If you want a "Darker" Zelda, I'd suggest Shadow of the Colossus, however, it plays a little bit differently, but in my opinion, in a good way.

Oh that game rocked!!! I only regret I plowed through it in 2 days. It was alot of fun. Wonder if they'll release a sequel.

that makes me think of another indy great. Uni I think it was, you had to save some princess from shadow demons or something. No level ups or armor/weapon upgrades. just you a stick and this girl. man, i can't recall the name...

There was not enough new content nor was there enough change in the game to make me think it would be the next big Zelda.

Don't get me wrong, guys, I LOVED the 2d Zeldas, as well as all the current 2d portable Zelda games, but TP just didn't do it for me.

Oh, and I absolutely HATED the fact that Ganon was reduced to a Dracula type role, instead of a more serious one, like in Wind Waker.

Refreshing to see some people join this thread who understand what I'm pointing at.

I think when zelda went from 2-D to 3-D it lost some appeal. 3-D environments were fairly new to the scene and that could have been enough to pump out titles. Not taking advantage of whats actually capable. I hope they change zeldas design platform on the 360 and ps3. <crosses fingers>

05-14-2007, 06:56 AM
Oh that game rocked!!! I only regret I plowed through it in 2 days. It was alot of fun. Wonder if they'll release a sequel.

that makes me think of another indy great. Uni I think it was, you had to save some princess from shadow demons or something. No level ups or armor/weapon upgrades. just you a stick and this girl. man, i can't recall the name...

Ico. Made by team Ico, who also made Shadow of the Colossus. SOTC was actually named "Nico" at one point, suggesting it was going to be Ico 2. SOTC is full of Ico stuff, and even suggests that its a prequel to Ico as well. If there ever was another Team Ico game, however, it'd probably be something completely different, which is a good thing, in my opinion. You never want to see a series get milked and have innovation or new ideas get shot down just for guaranteed sales, like how Nintendo kind of does now, with a lot of their games being extremely similar to their predecessors, but I digress.

Refreshing to see some people join this thread who understand what I'm pointing at.

I think when zelda went from 2-D to 3-D it lost some appeal. 3-D environments were fairly new to the scene and that could have been enough to pump out titles. Not taking advantage of whats actually capable. I hope they change zeldas design platform on the 360 and ps3. <crosses fingers>

I think Nintendo should steer away from the dungeons and puzzles with future Zelda titles. I kind of thought a Zelda version of Morrowind or Oblivion would be cool. I know its never going to happen, but it would be cool.

I also think they should make a better 3d Overworld. One that looks natural and REAL, like the one in SOTC, but sans the emptiness. Some dungeons would be nice, I suppose, but another cool feature would be implementing them into the actual overworld, other than simply a door that goes into a 10 level deep dungeon, kind of like some of the buildings and structures in SOTC, where there weren't any load times between entering the overworld and a building. That ruins the immersion, imo.

05-14-2007, 07:17 AM
No they shouldn't, and stupid shit like this is why Twilight Princess is already too far in that direction. Because a bunch of overcompensating chowderheads cried so much about the amazing and beautiful graphics in Wind Waker, now we get OMG LOOK AT HOW DARK AND SCARY IT IS Zelda.

If that one isn't "dark" enough for you I don't know what you want. Blood everywhere? Man, fuck you. I hate it when people ruin great things by being idiots.

05-14-2007, 07:35 AM
No they shouldn't, and stupid shit like this is why Twilight Princess is already too far in that direction. Because a bunch of overcompensating chowderheads cried so much about the amazing and beautiful graphics in Wind Waker, now we get OMG LOOK AT HOW DARK AND SCARY IT IS Zelda.

If that one isn't "dark" enough for you I don't know what you want. Blood everywhere? Man, fuck you. I hate it when people ruin great things by being idiots.

I think some people don't understand the difference between GRITTY and DARK.

Dark can be used in extremes, like Demons and things everywhere, not necessarily blood. OOT was probably the Darkest Zelda game, with the Redead design being nightmarish. The story in WW was Dark, with how the world flooded and many people died, even though its never said that many people die directly, its definitely implied. SOTC had a dark story. It had a sad ending, and the true motives of the main "bad" guy were never fully explained upon. It was mysterious. And you also were killing innocent beasts for your own greedy desire to bring back the dead.

Now, GRITTY, is crap like Gears of War, with dead bodies everywhere, bullets flying, brains being splattered on the pavement, etc. Yes, that would feel totally out of place in Zelda, because Zelda's not about gore. Its about a young Elf boy with an obsessive compulsive disorder to be good who again and again, goes on quests to save an elf princess from a generic bad guy that we've seen thousands of times before who only wants power, even though his respective Triforce piece should actually represent Vitality more than Power, but Power is a word more easily understandable term for the kiddos the game is geared towards.

Anyways, for something thats Dark and Gritty at the same time, see Warhammer 40K, which is ten kinds of awesome all at the same time. Its also got some awesome art and an interesting story.

05-14-2007, 06:56 PM
No they shouldn't, and stupid shit like this is why Twilight Princess is already too far in that direction. Because a bunch of overcompensating chowderheads cried so much about the amazing and beautiful graphics in Wind Waker, now we get OMG LOOK AT HOW DARK AND SCARY IT IS Zelda.

If that one isn't "dark" enough for you I don't know what you want. Blood everywhere? Man, fuck you. I hate it when people ruin great things by being idiots.

RELAX. No need to go back to personal shots. This conversation will never change what the makers of zelda are doing. It's a thread in a forum. If you enjoy the idea or have CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, talk on. If your just gunna get pissy and label people with your judgements, you sir can fuck off yourself.

Ico. Made by team Ico, who also made Shadow of the Colossus. SOTC was actually named "Nico" at one point, suggesting it was going to be Ico 2. SOTC is full of Ico stuff, and even suggests that its a prequel to Ico as well. If there ever was another Team Ico game, however, it'd probably be something completely different, which is a good thing, in my opinion. You never want to see a series get milked and have innovation or new ideas get shot down just for guaranteed sales, like how Nintendo kind of does now, with a lot of their games being extremely similar to their predecessors, but I digress.

I think Nintendo should steer away from the dungeons and puzzles with future Zelda titles. I kind of thought a Zelda version of Morrowind or Oblivion would be cool. I know its never going to happen, but it would be cool.

I also think they should make a better 3d Overworld. One that looks natural and REAL, like the one in SOTC, but sans the emptiness. Some dungeons would be nice, I suppose, but another cool feature would be implementing them into the actual overworld, other than simply a door that goes into a 10 level deep dungeon, kind of like some of the buildings and structures in SOTC, where there weren't any load times between entering the overworld and a building. That ruins the immersion, imo.

YES! ICO! I didn't realize they were made by the same company. makes sense. both great games. Prime example of a company that doesn't rehash it's platform.

I think some people don't understand the difference between GRITTY and DARK.

Dark can be used in extremes, like Demons and things everywhere, not necessarily blood. OOT was probably the Darkest Zelda game, with the Redead design being nightmarish. The story in WW was Dark, with how the world flooded and many people died, even though its never said that many people die directly, its definitely implied. SOTC had a dark story. It had a sad ending, and the true motives of the main "bad" guy were never fully explained upon. It was mysterious. And you also were killing innocent beasts for your own greedy desire to bring back the dead.

Now, GRITTY, is crap like Gears of War, with dead bodies everywhere, bullets flying, brains being splattered on the pavement, etc. Yes, that would feel totally out of place in Zelda, because Zelda's not about gore. Its about a young Elf boy with an obsessive compulsive disorder to be good who again and again, goes on quests to save an elf princess from a generic bad guy that we've seen thousands of times before who only wants power, even though his respective Triforce piece should actually represent Vitality more than Power, but Power is a word more easily understandable term for the kiddos the game is geared towards.

Anyways, for something thats Dark and Gritty at the same time, see Warhammer 40K, which is ten kinds of awesome all at the same time. Its also got some awesome art and an interesting story.

Maybe dark was the wrong term to use in the first place. I do prefer darker content over cutesy (and no that does not mean gory bloodshed every 5 min) Zelda definitely has a dark element to it, and it has potential to be done way better than it has lately. So when I said darkER i meant pushing Zelda to it's potential. Which would involve not gearing it towards kids. More intelligent puzzles, lush brilliant environments (overworld and underworld), a richer deeper storyline. Give the game an epic feel you know? Break it from it's commercialized "roll out another title for the kids" platform. What would the ICO team do if they had a shot at making the next zelda? be entirely different.

05-14-2007, 07:23 PM
Nice try, TK, but these guys are too stupid to see sense.

05-14-2007, 08:05 PM
i like this idea, at the end link could rip off ganon's head and shit down his throat, then stick it in zelda's butt! :thumbsup:

05-14-2007, 08:07 PM
Or maybe Ganon can fight Link and cut off his hand, then say "Link, I am your father." then end the game on a really annoying cliffhanger.

Use the Triforce, Link!

J. Peterman
05-14-2007, 08:53 PM
imo make link have buster sword and make tifa his gf

have zelda be jealous and u can form love triangle

kill off either tifa or zelda for no reason at some point in game

also have ganon kill them with cool sword



05-14-2007, 09:01 PM
Link can trek across Hyrule on a mission to destroy the Triforce by throwing it into the fires of Death Mountain. Along the way, he'll have to contend with the nefarious Trianglewraiths, as well as the Eye of Ganon, while his allies fend off Ganon's advancing armies.

05-15-2007, 03:07 AM
one of the bosses should be

J. Peterman
05-15-2007, 04:55 AM
this game is going to be epic imo

05-15-2007, 07:02 AM
Link can trek across Hyrule on a mission to destroy the Triforce by throwing it into the fires of Death Mountain. Along the way, he'll have to contend with the nefarious Trianglewraiths, as well as the Eye of Ganon, while his allies fend off Ganon's advancing armies.

A Zelda game in a Warlike setting would actually be a step in a good direction, in my opinion. Ganon always beats Hyrule's army and marches in their castle like there was no sort of defense anywhere.

I thought TP was going to do something similar to this, with the sections where you fought the Bulbins on the giant Warthogs, but its really short lived. I think having Hyrule AI soldiers help Link stay off a Moblin, Goblin, Hobgoblin, whatever, in Hyrule town would have been pretty neat.

The idea of Link being a superhero and saving the world almost all by himself (and a little helper who for some strange reason, knows the exact weaknesses of every boss that she or it has seen for only 5 seconds...) is getting a little bit old. I know thats the Japanese game way, but a more western approach wouldn't be terrible. Western, as in Western Role Playing games, not FPSs and GTA, mind you.

And as you said, a Zelda LOTR is as close to a Western Zelda game as you can get. Well, maybe God of War, but its got blood and violence in it, so that means it automatically sucks, right?

05-15-2007, 07:11 AM
Well, maybe God of War, but its got blood and violence in it, so that means it automatically sucks, right?

No way that game rocked! Yet to play 2...

J. Peterman
05-15-2007, 08:53 AM
zelda should be on ps3 imo it has hd so graphics would be better

05-25-2007, 09:15 AM

It'd turn out like Shadow the Hedgehog for sure.

Keep Zelda light hearted and innocent.

Yeah, that game sucked >.<

Argus Zephyrus
05-25-2007, 03:20 PM
They should give Link more balls and a shotgun and team him up with Duke Nukem, lolz

05-25-2007, 06:35 PM
Link is an elite agent in CTU and he has to save the president.

on ps3.

and give him a black tunic because it would look so awesome and dark and i would think of him as a badass because i am 16 and i hate cartoony green kiddy tunics. im a grown up

Metal Maniac
05-25-2007, 07:55 PM
zelda should be on ps3 imo it has hd so graphics would be better

Hell Fucking NO!!!!!! Zelda is a nintendo trademark. Always was always will be. If you port it to ps3 for "Better Graphics" you FUCK UP the whole thing. and anyways why the fuck to you want better graphics when the wii and gamecube got good graphics as is and its the storyline and game play that truely matter. This would ruin it all.

05-25-2007, 08:01 PM
Ever heard of sarcasm?

jewess crabcake
05-25-2007, 09:02 PM
Hell Fucking NO!!!!!! Zelda is a nintendo trademark. Always was always will be. If you port it to ps3 for "Better Graphics" you FUCK UP the whole thing. and anyways why the fuck to you want better graphics when the wii and gamecube got good graphics as is and its the storyline and game play that truely matter. This would ruin it all.

Ever heard of sarcasm?

Not to mention Nintendo would never rip food out of its own mouth, the thought is just ludacris.

05-25-2007, 09:05 PM
Ludicrous. I hate that misspelling and that fucking rapper should die for popularizing it.

jewess crabcake
05-25-2007, 09:21 PM
Oh crap just saw what I typed, lol.

05-26-2007, 01:36 AM
It could be worse. I once spelled debris like debree.
It was horrifying.

Argus Zephyrus
05-26-2007, 05:46 PM

Seriously though, I think it would very interesting to see a Zelda game where Link "turns to the Dark side." Link embraces evil and evil magic in order to "fight fire with fire," as the saying goes. Then he sports a black tunic and does evil things, like robbing, killing innocent people, and destroy a town. Then he later redeems himself in some way and goes back to being good Link. Not necessarily as simple as I put, but y'all get the general idea, right? Maybe something like what Cecil Harvey goes through at the beginning of FFIV or something similar. Of course, with a Nintendo-ie, Zelda-ie feel to it somehow.

jewess crabcake
05-26-2007, 05:58 PM
Evil elves, with fairies of death mir?

05-26-2007, 10:55 PM
Link using black magics to fight evil?

Somewhat reasonable.

Link robbing, killing, and raping the hell out of innocent people?

Just leave.

05-30-2007, 06:37 PM
Link using black magics to fight evil?

Somewhat reasonable.

Link robbing, killing, and raping the hell out of innocent people?

Just leave.

Well, most people fail to realize that Link breaks into peoples houses and breaks all their valuable pots and loots the place a lot of the time.

05-31-2007, 07:41 AM
Sure, while that may be true, The Hero of Time does not kill the innocent.

Sorry, fail.

06-02-2007, 03:41 AM
Excuse me but was'nt Twilight Princess dark? And have you played Majora's Mask?(personally I sorta hate MM but that's beside the point)

Argus Zephyrus
06-02-2007, 04:26 PM
Twilight Princess was not dark. Link does not kill the innocent... under normal circumstances of course, which is my point.

06-03-2007, 10:45 AM
Well MM was. I mean the moon is going to crush everyone if you don't stop Majora.

06-03-2007, 10:13 PM
It depends what you mean by dark. You could be talking about story, detail/graphic, or character.