05-11-2007, 08:51 AM
Can anyone tell me the pros and cons of this game without any spoilers?!

05-11-2007, 05:53 PM
- The story that develops throughout the first two discs is pretty good.
- Triple Triad is sort of addicting.
- Music is pretty good throughout the game.
- Great opening FMV.

- Boring and tedious Draw system.
- Battle system is broken in places (I can elaborate further if you want).
- Storyline seems to worsen throughout Discs 3 and 4.
- Horribly forced romantic plot.

Thats all I can think of for the time being.

05-11-2007, 06:04 PM
- The story that develops throughout the first two discs is pretty good.
- Triple Triad is sort of addicting.
- Music is pretty good throughout the game.
- Great opening FMV.

- Boring and tedious Draw system.
- Battle system is broken in places (I can elaborate further if you want).
- Storyline seems to worsen throughout Discs 3 and 4.
- Horribly forced romantic plot.

Thats all I can think of for the time being.

If you want me to be objective, I'll go with this, except for the 'horribly forced romantic' plot bit. Besides, if she already likes Yuna and Tidus, there's no reason she wouldn't like the relationships in VIII, right?

EDIT: Maybe that's the emo talking afterall. It may very well be forced, and I wouldn't even be able to tell :sad:

Argus Zephyrus
05-11-2007, 07:32 PM
Just play the dang game; I reckon you will not die in the process.
Enjoy it!

J. Peterman
05-11-2007, 08:03 PM
Sorry that you're playing this game. I hope you don't go mental or something.

05-11-2007, 08:29 PM
The game is fine. Play it and form your own opinion because everyone's opinion may be different than yours.

05-15-2007, 09:50 AM
The game is fine. Play it and form your own opinion because everyone's opinion may be different than yours.

The ultimate advice on any game.

06-12-2007, 06:12 AM
If you liked FF10, I think you will like FF8 a lot too. Actually, I believe they were created by the same development teams (unlike FF9 and FF12.)

Basically, FF10 took much of what FF8 had and improved on a lot of it, though I prefer the story of FF8 better myself. Coming from 10, you might not like it quite as much, but the elements are all there. Great and numerous FMVs for its time, great characterization, a sturdy plot with twists, engaging and exciting story, and a tolerable amount of level grinding, and an excellent sound track. Oh, and the aeon summons are awesome just as in FF10 (FF9 and FF12 were a major let down in this regard, mostly so for the latter.)

Cons? I can't think of any in particular. You had to spend more time leveling up than in FF10, but compared to other games in the series like FF12, it's still not bad. There are a couple tedious points in the game that I won't go into too much detail on, but a walkthrough always solves that problem. If you liked the 'love' story in FF10, you will like the one in FF8 too I think. As in FF10, the story is strongest up until about the middle of the game where it slackens off a bit (but not as much as in FF10.)

06-12-2007, 10:29 AM
pros- some brilliant parts (you'll know these when you get to them) and the characters are pretty good.
cons- some tedious parts. I found the bosses quite long and boring without using summons and magic doesn't seem as powerful as in other ff games

06-13-2007, 06:45 AM
Well, I too just started playing FF8 two or three weeks ago. My initial impressions on the game:

- Higher quality graphics (if the last game you played was FF7)
- FMVs, Eyes on Me
- Allows players to choose party members of their choice like VI and VII

- Instructions presented for a mission sounds more complicated than they really are (I put off playing the part where you switch the president's carriage of the train with the dummy for the weekend because it sounded like something that would take a whole day full of restarts to complete. When I eventually tried it, it took like, 15 minutes, although most of the time I failed was because I was too anxious).
- Limit system is risky to use: you have to bring your party members' HP down to critical levels or get a party member severely disabled to activate it, and that's risky when you're low levelled.
- Normal battle music not memorable (Kiros, Ward and Laguna's, however, are totally funky memorable. They should've made that the main battle theme).

- The tutorials - no way to skip some of them. If you're playing the first time, sure, helpful, but if you restart, there's no way to get around some of them.
- Draw system - on one hand, it's fresh and different from the other FFs released until then, but you have to decide if you want to draw or battle it out, plus it has quite a learning curve: it's difficult to remember what you can draw from which monsters and where to find them (unless you write it down or use a walkthrough/guide).
- Junctioning system - like the draw system, on one hand it's different and fresh, on the other hand you'll become reluctant to use magic because it will diminish your defenses/offenses/stats if you use the junctioned magic (for example, I tend to keep magic off my battle menu for fear of accidentally using something I'm junctioned to).

06-13-2007, 01:18 PM
Just beat the game yesterday. Final CGI animation almost made me late for my dentist appointment x-o

- Instructions presented for a mission sounds more complicated than they really are (I put off playing the part where you switch the president's carriage of the train with the dummy for the weekend because it sounded like something that would take a whole day full of restarts to complete. When I eventually tried it, it took like, 15 minutes, although most of the time I failed was because I was too anxious).
Agreed. It looked really complicated when it was really simple. I was really prepared for something hard.

- Limit system is risky to use: you have to bring your party members' HP down to critical levels or get a party member severely disabled to activate it, and that's risky when you're low levelled.
Try Aura?

- The tutorials - no way to skip some of them. If you're playing the first time, sure, helpful, but if you restart, there's no way to get around some of them.
- Draw system - on one hand, it's fresh and different from the other FFs released until then, but you have to decide if you want to draw or battle it out, plus it has quite a learning curve: it's difficult to remember what you can draw from which monsters and where to find them (unless you write it down or use a walkthrough/guide).
- Junctioning system - like the draw system, on one hand it's different and fresh, on the other hand you'll become reluctant to use magic because it will diminish your defenses/offenses/stats if you use the junctioned magic (for example, I tend to keep magic off my battle menu for fear of accidentally using something I'm junctioned to).
Tutorials, press triangle to skip it.
lol I used the official guide (which had way too many mistakes) Drawing was easier I guess for me.
Junctioning is really easy. I don't usually use magic except for healing and auraing. My characters are extremely weak magic-stat-wise, but all have 255 strength on my main party. Yay ultima.
My con was the card system. Took me a long time to figure out how it worked x-o
When I did, I accidentally spread the random rule. ;; Thank god it was in Balamb.
So the card game can be frustrating.

06-14-2007, 04:01 AM
Try Aura?
If I could draw it. So far I have yet to find a monster or draw point to get it. I'm not even sure if my party's level high enough.

Tutorials, press triangle to skip it.
Hmmm... So, that's where I went wrong. I kept trying with O and X instead, but never tried triangle. Thanks for the heads up!

I don't usually use magic except for healing and auraing.
See, that's another problem. I have both cura and cure junctioned, hence I'm reluctant to use it. Usually I'd try to draw-cast an attack.

My con was the card system. Took me a long time to figure out how it worked x-o
I think I have a rough idea of how to play it, but I haven't tried.

06-14-2007, 10:04 AM
Pros: This game is awesomely fantastic.
Cons: The people who played FF VII first don't think so.

06-14-2007, 10:10 PM
If I could draw it. So far I have yet to find a monster or draw point to get it. I'm not even sure if my party's level high enough.
Go to the Island closest to Hell with Enc-None equipped. Circle the edge of the island and collect as many rare magic as you can. Return a few minutes later and it will be refilled.
It's the most westernmost island from the Galbadian continent.
Also is the best place to train chars to lv100.

See, that's another problem. I have both cura and cure junctioned, hence I'm reluctant to use it. Usually I'd try to draw-cast an attack.
What are they junctioned to? o_O Go junction some ultimas on Str and use melee attacks and limit breaks all the time.
And on the card game, you kinda have to get used to it D:
I needed Gilgamesh to beat Ultimecia D: Stupid Hell's Judgement, doing 9998 damage D:

06-15-2007, 02:21 AM
What are they junctioned to?
HP mostly.

And oh, I'm still on disc 1. I have to go to Galbadia garden now, but I'm training by the beach at the Dollet area instead as suggested by a walkthrough I'm reading. Probably will continue doing so until I get the mug ability.

Argus Zephyrus
06-15-2007, 05:10 AM
Using junctioned magic isn't a problem, not if you have plenty of it and don't spam magic in battle. I personally usually reserve magic for use in boss battles and tough field enemies, though against them I'll probably use status magic or something.

Westernmost island? Noted.

Honestly, I've never taken advantage of limits in FFVIII or FFVII. In FFVIII, most of all, it is indeed a wee bit too risky for my own comfort.

I would hardly consider the draw system a disadvantage. Most field enemies are vulnerable to slow, sleep, etc. so then you can draw magic to your heart's content. Status magic works better in FFVIII than in most other previous FF's. For example, against that machine tank boss at the Galbadian missle facility, you can effectively use Blind or an item that causes blindness, thus the only physical attack you'll really have to worry about is that big laser it fires. Then you can draw whatever you want and thundara(ga) it to death and what not. I usually use sleep or a paralyzing attack so I can just draw magic until I get sick of it. Then there's blind. (Makes the battle against T-rexes in Balamb Garden much easier when you are still at a low level, in coordination with sleep.)

06-15-2007, 07:41 AM
Honestly, I've never taken advantage of limits in FFVIII or FFVII. In FFVIII, most of all, it is indeed a wee bit too risky for my own comfort.

Just cast aura, that will greatly improve your chances of getting limits at high HP.

06-15-2007, 01:44 PM
Ah, you're still on Disc 1. Well, my advice is get L-Magic RF and refine some tents. Curagas work much better for HP ^^;

06-15-2007, 10:37 PM
One thing i can say about this game.FANTASTIC

06-16-2007, 05:22 PM
exactly...if it werent the graphics id sayd its the best of them all ;)

06-17-2007, 02:19 AM
Ah, you're still on Disc 1. Well, my advice is get L-Magic RF and refine some tents. Curagas work much better for HP ^^;

Also, I moved stuff around. I found that for some reason Zombie actually provides more HP when junctioned to HP-J for now. Still on disc 1 tho - finally got mug, got through the second Kiros/Ward/Laguna hallucination, Quistis got Degenerator, and saved outside Galbadia Garden.

06-18-2007, 06:07 AM
Pros: This game is awesomely fantastic.
Cons: The people who played FF VII first don't think so.

What a quaint summary.

06-18-2007, 08:54 AM
Pros: This game is awesomely fantastic.
Cons: The people who played FF VII first don't think so.

What a quaint summary.

And so very true.

06-18-2007, 09:42 AM
Pros: This game is awesomely fantastic.
Cons: The people who played FF VII first don't think so.

Not true. I played FFVII first, and I find VIII truely in a class of it's own. Sure, the sudden break from the traditional elements is confusing (and for those who plays SNES-era FF a lot, less of one party member might be stretching a bit during battles), but it's story is strong.

06-18-2007, 05:34 PM
I played 7 first too and i think 8's brilliant. I think that all of the ff's are as good as each other, as they each have unique aspects that you won't find in other ff's. Although, i find 9 the best, personally.

07-09-2007, 03:19 PM
FF8 is the first ff game i play ever, actually i only play FF8 so far >_< and its been 10 years. AND for some reason i never finished the game... i played in jap version, and my jap is suck, so... maybe that is why... onced i get to disc4, cannot even kills monster inside the palace, all because i play anyhow... i mean... i never really care about the junction system, and never really search items for upgrade weapons!, i even never go to the island closest to Heaven and Hell(?) and all the GF stuffs and cards gyaahhh.... then after that got trauma.

2 Years ago, my bf(husband now) bought me an FF8 computer version(english), and i start playing... in my laptop(stupid graphic card) and i start reading walkthroughs and and..... i stop playing again!!!!!!!!! i read read read untill i dont want to play anymore.

What i found is:
There are a lot of way of playing it, like you can finish the game at low level and suchs.
Like the more high your level, the more hard the mobs will be. Then i was like what is the point on leveling then? arghhh.... and i OmegaWeapon is really scarry. And why i never got GF DoomTrain(or something like that) its like the last item cannot be found T_T(at Esthar i believe)

And now i decided i want to play again!!... so... anyone can give me some advice? to make my game experience more enjoyable...

I decided, i will not play other FF version before i finish FF8(but i play FFTA on my GBA and never finish too!!!<--play wrong again)

And about FF7 and FF8 critics. I never play FF7, so i really like FF8 a lot, even though the juction system is complex, and i really like Eyes on Me, i buy FF8 and ps2(was in Japan then for sometime) because of Eyes on Me.

And to think so many FF fans said that FF7 is a lot better then FF8 is really make me sad, moreover... the Square-Enix even installs more spin-offmovie and game from FF7. How about FF8!! and the most controversial debate about A and B(you know who), to think the Sakaguchi(exdirect) said there is no connection between them.... doesnt it mean there is a serious plot hole in FF8?? that is why i have this mix feeling whether to finish this game once and for all so i can move on(what the heck i am talking about)

Btw: sorry i rant a lot, just want to share my feelings >_<

07-09-2007, 06:54 PM
Well, I'm halfway through Disc 2 now, with Squall at an insanely high level 70+. Guess all those GF training had a nasty side effect. In any case tho, I'm going to hunt for gameshark codes to boost all the characters up to level 99 straight. Otherwise things are gonna get real hairy with Squall at such a high level and the others at a lower 20-30 - no, I have no idea how that came to be either. And I goofed up a couple of times too - i.e. not training before heading to the missile base, and forgot to get the MegaElixir from Master Fisherman. Right now next on my list is to get to the Cetra(sp?) ruins.

07-10-2007, 06:25 PM
FF8 is the first ff game i play ever, actually i only play FF8 so far >_< and its been 10 years. AND for some reason i never finished the game... i played in jap version, and my jap is suck, so... maybe that is why... onced i get to disc4, cannot even kills monster inside the palace, all because i play anyhow... i mean... i never really care about the junction system, and never really search items for upgrade weapons!, i even never go to the island closest to Heaven and Hell(?) and all the GF stuffs and cards gyaahhh.... then after that got trauma.

2 Years ago, my bf(husband now) bought me an FF8 computer version(english), and i start playing... in my laptop(stupid graphic card) and i start reading walkthroughs and and..... i stop playing again!!!!!!!!! i read read read untill i dont want to play anymore.

What i found is:
There are a lot of way of playing it, like you can finish the game at low level and suchs.
Like the more high your level, the more hard the mobs will be. Then i was like what is the point on leveling then? arghhh.... and i OmegaWeapon is really scarry. And why i never got GF DoomTrain(or something like that) its like the last item cannot be found T_T(at Esthar i believe)

And now i decided i want to play again!!... so... anyone can give me some advice? to make my game experience more enjoyable...

I decided, i will not play other FF version before i finish FF8(but i play FFTA on my GBA and never finish too!!!<--play wrong again)

And about FF7 and FF8 critics. I never play FF7, so i really like FF8 a lot, even though the juction system is complex, and i really like Eyes on Me, i buy FF8 and ps2(was in Japan then for sometime) because of Eyes on Me.

And to think so many FF fans said that FF7 is a lot better then FF8 is really make me sad, moreover... the Square-Enix even installs more spin-offmovie and game from FF7. How about FF8!! and the most controversial debate about A and B(you know who), to think the Sakaguchi(exdirect) said there is no connection between them.... doesnt it mean there is a serious plot hole in FF8?? that is why i have this mix feeling whether to finish this game once and for all so i can move on(what the heck i am talking about)

Btw: sorry i rant a lot, just want to share my feelings >_<
It's fine. That's happened with me with alot of games I currently have. The only reason why I stopped playing them for the time being is because of other stuff or games I'd rather play first, even if I've already beaten it.

So just play the game because any walkthrough won't tell you how the story goes (unless it's a spoiler walkthough). That's one of the reasons why I like FF8 is because of the storyline. And before people go posting saying how badly it sucked and that the FF7 story was better, just know that I found that game boring as shit. Moved too slow for my taste.

jewess crabcake
07-10-2007, 07:00 PM
the fact that the monsters level up with you makes it hard to train everyone, squall will be level 78, and everyone is lvl 50 and down.

07-12-2007, 11:19 PM
Monters arent the same level as your strongest character. When I played with Laguna only, I managed to draw the "aga" spels from monsters, but when Kiros joined, i could only draw ordinary spells from monsters (monsters were much weaker). I think that monsters are something like average level of all characters... I found it much easier to play with one super strong character and others on much lower level. Actually, leves dont play high role in the game. More important is the strength of equipped magic.

07-12-2007, 11:23 PM
Play against Omega Weapon when you're party isn't all level 100. Then, hopefully you saved beforehand, play against him when everyone's level 100. It doesn't matter what you have equipped to your stats or anything. You can only have so much HP and his Light Pillar is usually the first thing he does (and for me, he pretty much almost always had the first strike).

jewess crabcake
07-12-2007, 11:31 PM
did you equip cerberus's initiative?

07-13-2007, 12:07 AM
Omega Weapon uses L5 Death. If you play against him when your characters are Level 100, then you have to equip 100 Death to your ST-Def, otherwise it's lights out.

07-13-2007, 01:01 AM
Play against Omega Weapon when you're party isn't all level 100. Then, hopefully you saved beforehand, play against him when everyone's level 100. It doesn't matter what you have equipped to your stats or anything. You can only have so much HP and his Light Pillar is usually the first thing he does (and for me, he pretty much almost always had the first strike).
Advantage of playing with low level character is in maximum usage of various stat bonuses (after finding Cactuar). You just spend additional hour leveling up, and there you are, level 100 with stats that are higher than stats of characters you usualy play with.

07-13-2007, 01:04 AM
did you equip cerberus's initiative?
If I did that, then I would use a Holy War. And that doesn't make the fight that exciting

07-13-2007, 01:43 AM
I think that monsters are something like average level of all characters...
I suspect that too. Otherwise the monster would be dishing out seriously painful attack at the weakest party members, X-ATM092 would've hurt more, and Edea at the end of disc 1 would've dealt major devastating blows to the other characters. But strangely, that wasn't the case for me.

08-08-2007, 09:51 PM
Pros: This game is awesomely fantastic.
Cons: The people who played FF VII first don't think so.

I played FF VII first, and i have to say i soo cannot decide which one i like best,

they are both my fave :P

08-09-2007, 12:18 AM
Personally, this is my favorite of the series. THe story is so much better than the recent games, and is a match for ff7. The improved graphics and battle sysem were appreaciated were also greatly after playing 7. IT was because of this game that i got into the series and for that, I must say i love the game

08-12-2007, 01:12 AM
I really do like 8, but im more of a 7 fan....liked Seifer ....he was almost as smooth as Reno, but i disliked Squalls odd attitude....great game overall though....btw, do any of you believe Seifer looks like Rufus from 7? I just thought about that...

08-12-2007, 05:49 PM
If you're referring to the movie, then I would have to say that most of those actors looked alike anyways. But from the games, I don't see a comparison to them to any other human being.

12-01-2008, 08:35 AM
*bump* hey guys well after a year! I have decided to play FF8 as my mainstream game atm lol. I am up to Timber, and every time I see Rinoa is get a fangasm (not in that way) lol!