03-26-2002, 06:40 AM
i never understood why people are interested and fascinated by japanese animation (im not into this kinda stuff). so how did you get so fascinated to it?

oh by the way...i caught my first episode of pokemon earlier today(no sport practice) and found it...hmm...interesting. Let's see Ash and his pikachu like go for this orange badge. I don't find it i dont understand how little kids found it addicting.

and i heard of dragonball z, if you want to know...shocking to you guys isnt it?

03-26-2002, 07:27 AM
Well, I actually started by reading mangas. I was a huge fan of dragon ball mangas back in the early 90's. I liked it because the plot was simple and I could understand it. I was only 6 years old.

As I got older, newer mangas and anime came out, and I grew out of dragon balls. I still like the dragon ball manga because the art is really cool, way better than the anime crap they show on tv. I became interested in Yu Yu Hakusho, and Slam Dunk anime and mangas. I even got into Sailor Moon since all my girl-friends liked it. From then on I became obsessed with anime. Some of my favorite were DNA^2, Kimagure Orange Road, Uresai Yatsura, Ranma 1/2, Maison Ikkoku, and a lot more(some of them I forget their names):( !

As good as those were, Eva came out in 1995 and set a whole new standard for all the newer anime. It's still my favorite anime of all times. If it weren't for Eva, anime wouldn't be as good as they are today.

03-26-2002, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by fireball20
oh by the way...i caught my first episode of pokemon earlier today(no sport practice) and found it...hmm...interesting. Let's see Ash and his pikachu like go for this orange badge. I don't find it i dont understand how little kids found it addicting.

and i heard of dragonball z, if you want to know...shocking to you guys isnt it?

Your joking.... right? Please tell me that your joking... FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, PLEASE TELL ME THAT YOUR JOKING! >_<

03-26-2002, 07:36 AM
Good lord!

You realy need to see some "real" anime. The stuff you see on tv is junk, its like compairing chocolat and shit. Im not joking either.

Anyway I got addicted by seeing it on tv as a kid, and thinking that it was a million times better than the crap that I had been watching (witch it is) And basicaly just watching it whenever I could after that.

Hope I helped.

Green Arrow
03-26-2002, 08:07 AM
No matter how mnay times I watch pokemon, I think, "how do so many people like this show?"
I mean don't get me wrong if I was like 12-13 I would probably love the show since I have always liked cartoons.

I remember growing up watching awesome cartoons like Transformers, Robotech, Voltron, awesome cartoons like that, Japanese or not and I guess I never really grew out of them.

The first thing that got me interested in anime was that I havealways liked cartoons like I said. But cartoons give you something that real movies can't, which is generally awesome effects and gore unseen in movies. Having the same depth as real life movies it just has something they don't. The first Anime I watched I think was Ninja Scroll, then I endeavoured to get Akira and I did and it has become my fav anime to date. Pretty much any anime I watch I like, well I don't Like Cardcaptors or Sailor Moon coz they are too childish for my liking, but I like Eva (who doesn't). The problem living in Australia we don't get much anime on TV and it is quite hard to find anime to buy, unless you buy it off the net down here.

I also watch DBZ, I dunno why, I like the fighting. Many people do not like it coz they think it is childish but it is one of the most watched cartoons on TV.

03-26-2002, 12:44 PM
Woa, you really need to see some other animes XD DBZ and Pokemon is like.. the worst you can get, IMHO o_O;

Anyway.. I started with reading mangas. Ghost in the Shell, to be exact. My now ex told me I should read some, so he borrowed me some of his mangas. I really liked it, so decided to buy some myself.
The first anime I saw was either AMG or Love Hina. Atomxy recommended LH to me ^_^;

03-26-2002, 01:12 PM
Prolly what first got me into it was the great storylines. I love them.

03-26-2002, 02:07 PM
Pokemon and DBZ are no good examples for anime because the first series was created for children and the latter is already quite old and gets annoying after some time anyway.

What got me into anime and manga, especially into manga was Rurouni Kenshin. I read some volumes of the manga... what I liked about it... hmmm... the art was extremely well done, I liked the special way of reading Japanese comics! It feels good.
The plot and the characters were superior to the western comics I had known so far.
So I bought some other shows, be it that the story seemed interesting to me or that I liked the author�s drawing style.

03-26-2002, 04:15 PM
<font color="4422BB">a long long time ago i was searching the net for FF7 stuff when i came across this site nuff sed </font>

Lady Fett
03-26-2002, 05:39 PM
I got into Anime ages ago. You were all probably tiny tots back then. I saw Voltron and another Mecha Anime which I cannot remember off the bat. I loved the way the faces were drawn. I thought they were cute. I didn't even know it was an actual art form way back then. I just knew I loved the large expressive eyes and tiny little button noses. Only I didn't like the way Disney did it. This was a little more beautiful. O_~ Then, a little later on in my life I saw such cartoons pop up as Dragonball, Sailor Moon, and Ronin Warriors. That's when I realized it was an art form. I couldn't place a name with it. I loved the plot for Ronin Warriors. Dragonball was funny and Sailor Moon, to me at the time, was too girly. (I was a tomboy, Yes.) Then someone told me about Anime... and showed me "OH! My Goddess!" Needless to say I've been a huge Anime fan since and I study the art form like there's no other. I don't just like it because of the cute faces for the characters. I like Anime cartoons because they go where no American cartoon would dare to go. The Plots are deeper. The animation is better. When I say the animation is better than american toons, it's becuase If a character gets blown up or falls off a cliff in Anime, their clothes show it and they'll even have scrapes and wounds through the rest of the sequence. Or they even walk around with bandages through a few episodes until they heal, like Rei did in EVA. I like little details like that. In American Toons the character magicly appears unscathed. There are a few American toons I like. Yet, I'm always finding a new Anime I like. If one Anime doesn't suit you, don't think the rest are gonna dissapoint you as well. Anime has as large a range of subjects and auidences as American live action films. Go out there and find something at your Local "Suncoast" or even online that is in your taste range. I'm sure you'll find out why we're... -=indicates all Anime fans=- ... so into it. ^_^

EDIT: Ahem, Spelling Error. :notgood:

03-27-2002, 07:53 PM
I've been watching anime since like... forever! It's probably the drawing styles and the fact that most of the stories take place in fantasy worlds - they take you faaar away from "here and now". xD

If you're over 14... Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z is definetly <B>not</B> for you. You need some of the "grown-up" stuff.

*Recommends things*
Ayashi No Ceres (Ceres, Celestial Legend).
Generator Gawl.
Revolutionary Girl Utena.
Weiss Kreuz.

03-27-2002, 09:08 PM
well ill admit dbz got me into anime
then i started buying and watching alot of anime
but yah dbz was the first stepping stone, and ppl watch it because they get an adrenaline rush out of it

03-27-2002, 11:52 PM
hmm...let's see...where should i start?? okay...well im 16, and no im not kidding...that was my first watching of an anime...

i grew out of cartoons like at 12 or somethin...maybe that's why i dont watch any of these...the only cartoons i watched was rugrats, doug, and (the best!) teenage mutant ninja turtles! that's why i wonder why japanese animation is so great...
my friends arent into japanese anime(is that right, anime?) i am not that into it...

the only cartoons that i watched were american cartoons...

well have you seen all the posts i have in this and the pokemon craze over thread(which i started) that basically tells you how much im into anime...

i dont think i'll ever understand anime...

are all anime cartoons??? (i dont even know the difference between the two! :shock: )

03-28-2002, 12:33 AM
yes anime is japanese animation or japanese cartoons

the reason why ppl like it (i think) is because the complexity of it compared to american cartoons

theres a much more complex storyline, better animation (in most cases), and a certain style of character drawings and characters for that matter

lets say most anime is more adulterated

but what the hell, im not a genius or anything

Auron of the �ushido
03-28-2002, 01:55 AM
I first got started on animes like Riding Bean and Bio Booster Armor Guyver. Akira was what really got me hooked to anime.

03-28-2002, 01:29 PM
I think the greatest difference between most anime and most western cartoons is that animes are not only made for kids. They can have serious and sad, poetic and intellectual story lines. They don�t have to be about funny dogs, ducks and cats having funny light-hearted adventures... they can also be about more serious stuff.
I have witnessed that where I live many people consider any animated film to be kids� stuff. In Japan animated films are not only made for little kids but also for grown-ups, there are tons of different themes, there is something for everybody.
You can impossibly love every single anime. And of course those that are most popular among our little beloved children are not the kind of anime a grown up or a teenager that likes gloomy action movies would prefer.

If you want to understand anime, if it is ever possible, you would have to watch some different shows. But... hm, it is not about understanding anime, it is about loving anime. I�ll probably never understand why people adore senseless fighting anime, but I still love some other series.

Auron of the �ushido
03-28-2002, 02:33 PM
RIght on.

They also have anime in movie theaters in Japan.....

03-28-2002, 06:54 PM
SAMURI PIZZA CATS now that got me hooked on anime that is a funnnnnnnnnnnnnnnny show I couldn't stop laughing afterwards then there was dbz I saw lots of the japanese subbed ones and I like alot of violent shows so that got me hooked on that and the american version because I didn't have to read sub-titles

03-29-2002, 04:51 AM
i grew out of cartoons like at 12 or somethin...maybe that's why i dont watch any of these...the only cartoons i watched was rugrats, doug, and (the best!) teenage mutant ninja turtles! that's why i wonder why japanese animation is so great...

Believe it or not, Transformers and, Ninja Turtles, and Doug were what eventually got me into anime.(even thought they aren't anime) I liked Robotech when I was little. I kept watching cartoons because there was always that one at a given time that I liked. One day I saw Robotech again on Cartoon Network. My brother knew what anime was, but I didn't really see the difference between anime and American cartoons. I did notice that Japanese seemed willing to use animation for projects that Americans would never consider using animation for. Back when I saw Robotech again, I realized how much I really liked it. Later on, I saw this anime called Ranma 1/2. It was at that time, you could've said that I had become an anime freak.

My infatuation with anime is a bit differnt from the average infatuation with anime. Mine stims from my infatuation with fiction period, my infatuation with anything fanciful.

I'm not quite sure what I'm trying to say here, but you might be able to get what I mean.

I guess I'd be content to see the old Transformers series come to Cartoon Network. I loved Transformers.

"May his spark join the matrix."

That was just some rich stuff.

03-29-2002, 06:45 AM
*follows the crowd but puts it in reverse for funs sake*

i know! evangelion and ninja scroll are so like, LAME! kiddie stuff. it's all about dbz and pokemon. they own joo! admit it!

enough of this. i'd be happy if you all admitted you were like SO obssesed with this BEFORE you saw the "light".

me? for some reason, i like ALL anime!. kiddie and adult. even those who people hate and even question wheter it's really an anime or not. like how some people just can't believe pokemon is technically reffered to as an anime and it makes them sick. :rolleyes:

what got me into anime (and i actually knew it was in a leage of it's own) was sailor moon. or was it robotech. i didnt get into it when it first came out cause for some reason...i didnt know they existed. some peeps told me upn aired sm back in the day. but i had no idea. oh well. i dont think i missed much. i can always go back for the classics like dbz and akira. or even armored trooper votoms and adeiu(sp?) galaxy 999 (galaxy express 999 the movie)

they were fun. i liked them. only recently have i seen an anime i actually DONT like. i was happy knowing that so far, EVERY SINGLE ANIME I'VE EVER SEEN was enjoyable one way or another. but when i saw ZOIDS, i just died. the only anime i have yet to like in any way. i could blame it on the dubs but...i'm not sure how much that'll save it.

all anime lover status is no longer mine. i even liked the guyver even though my friends really thought it sucked. :p

yes anime is japanese animation or japanese cartoons

not really. anime, to US, is jap toons. but anime is just how the japs say animation. they'd call the simpsons and spongebob anime. that is their word for animation.

WE, on the other hand, have come to generalise the term with jap toons. and it's ok. i like it. or how else would we identify it?

If you're over 14... Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z is definetly not for you. You need some of the "grown-up" stuff.

i'm 18, and i love dbz. it's hilarious. master roshis perversion is NOT to be missed. goten's and trunks are fun to see together getting in trouble and having fun. bulma is hot. videl is fine. and i'm a megalomanica who covets supreme supernatural power and this aniem feeds it beautifully.

pokemon was a wonderful show to watch when your JUST getting into the game like i did. when i heard it coming to the states from nintendo power, i couldn't contain myself. it was a first for me. the first rpg, the first anime related game, i had ever bought and owned. i loved it. when the show came on, it was like reminising with my gameboy advantures which i have only recently played. but i could relate. it was fun. i woke up early at 7 am to watch it even though i was on vacation and i would normally wake up at 12 pm. that's how much i loved it. and all because i've "grown" out of it, in a way, i dare not betray the joy it brought me before. it did the job a cartoon is supposed to do. ENTERTAIN. and it did that very well. and i love it for that.

so, if you dont mind, i will let myself decide whether i need that "grown-up" stuff or not.

(which i get anyway cause i'm a hentai FREAK! :P)

Lady Fett
03-29-2002, 12:57 PM
LOL! My 23rd Birthday is just around the corner.. and I Love Pokemon, Sailor Moon, and Dragonball Z. I like to sit down and give things a chance. I own the entire series of Sailor Moon and Pokemon. Call me childish if you want. I don't really care. I've got the first Boxed set of Dragonball. I'll watch everything in Anime, from the so called "Kiddie Stuff" like Cardcaptors, to the super X rated Hentai's like "La Blue Girl" ... and I own all of those too.... Hahaha. Man... I must be some kinda freak... I've got too much Anime and Manga on my hands... and that isn't even half of what I own.... -=takes a look around her room, and realizes... she's a Nerd=- OH My! Look at all those comic books and! And! Action figures! Wow... Why do I collect so much stuff? Heehee.

03-29-2002, 03:29 PM
I have witnessed people trying to revive their childhood by watching their old cartoons! I myself have downloaded two episodes of MASK. And I love Darkwing Duck, again or still.

;) I am not like Tact... There are anime or manga I could simply KILL! Hehe. But that is my personal taste. I suspect Tact would disagree with my opinion on Satoshi Urushihara�s manga.

Anyway, "kiddie stuff" can bring back memories and can make you feel young again.

Lady Fett
03-29-2002, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by Misao
I have witnessed people trying to revive their childhood by watching their old cartoons! I myself have downloaded two episodes of MASK. And I love Darkwing Duck, again or still.

;) I am not like Tact... There are anime or manga I could simply KILL! Hehe. But that is my personal taste. I suspect Tact would disagree with my opinion on Satoshi Urushihara�s manga.

Anyway, "kiddie stuff" can bring back memories and can make you feel young again.

-=eyes her Darkwing Duck figures and Video's... and is taken back=- So true... So True... I am still addicted to all my old favorites. Don't you wish Cartoon Network had a wider selection of old cartoons like "The Real Ghostbusters", "G.I. Joe=The American Hero", "Bots Master", "Rainbow Brite", "Teenage Muntant Ninja Turtles", Etc? If they mixed all of those old shows into a Saterday morning line up with some really good Anime to boot... I would never turn the TV off again!! I would only switch channels to watch a few things on the Disney Channel like "Darkwing Duck" or "Bonkers". If I worked at Cartoon Network... I would make all of you... so... so... happy. Bwhahahahahaha!! The line ups of good shows would never end!! Hahaha! Am I evil or what? This gives me an idea for a new Thread!!

03-29-2002, 10:03 PM
...but when i saw ZOIDS, i just died. the only anime i have yet to like in any way...

I found Zoids entertaining. I never took Zoids seriously enough to hate it. Zoids doesn't take Zoids that seriously.

I loved Darkwing Duck so much. I wish I could watch it again. Wait They show it on Disney Channel don't they? I'm going through Darkwind withdrawl. Must see Darkwing.

I also like DBZ, I'm just sick and tired of the goddamed Buu Saga. WILL THEY JUST GET SOME NEW EPISODES DAMMIT, or at least show some of the old ones again?!! I think Cartoon Network is having trouble getting the new episodes. It's going to probably be a while before they get new episodes. I think, they have enough time to show the whole damn series. They should for cryin' out loud. There are too many DBZ fans that haven't seen the first season at all. I think, however, they are only showing the Buu saga, to give the illusion that new episodes are coming soon. I don't think they are, so I don't watch DBZ that much anymore.

I also enjoyed Exo squad when I was little. It used to come on right after Robotech. Then Battletech came on in it's place. I liked Battletech, but it wasn't as good as Robotech, even though Battletech was an original story and Robotech was two or three different mecha animes slashed up and mixed togther. In that sense Americans invented the merger. Admitedly it was a good merger. Battletech is cool. I just hated it because it took the place of Robotech. I think that gave Battletech a bad rap with most Robotech fans. Of couse then there was the desire by FASA to eliminate Robotech's existence. Pladdium, who tolerated Battletech and allowed FASA to use designs from Robotech, was the party whom the courts ruled in favor of, when FASA sued. That's why most of Battletech's best mechs aren't tournament legal in the games anymore. That's also why those mech configurations dissapeared from the computer games. I think that delt a blow to the t.v. show that it just couldn't recover from. I don't know if they were ever able to replace the Wasp and the Stinger. (Both were based on variants of the Valkarie.)

I also loved X-Men. I didn't buy into it at first. I figured that it's popularity was just a byproduct of the media, but when I finally started watching it, I loved it. I had seen every episode of this one called Wild KATs, that was in many respects similar to X-Men. It was another one by Marvel, supposed to be some sort of spin-off of X-Men I think. Whatever the case. After seeing X-men, I realized why it was so popular, why it started spin offs and why it outlasted its spin offs. X-Men ran for 6 or 7 years. I was in 2nd or 3rd grade when it was started, and I was in 8th or 9th grade when it was completed. And I don't think it was cancelled. I honestly think they finished the story. That is something that is very rare in American cartoons, but Marvel managed to do it with X-men and Spiderman. They also came close with Batman.

I really went off this time, but nostalgia has a way of doing that. I love nostalgia.

03-30-2002, 01:28 AM
I dunno, Mine was short and sweet, I saw DBZ and I liked it. It was the beginning of a beautiful relationship. *sniff

03-30-2002, 02:11 AM
Goodness gracious...what do you usually do in your spare time?!

The first anime I really was into was Sailor Moon. But I never really knew "anime" until I was 11 or 12. Ever since, I also liked Pokemon, DBZ, Gundam Wing, Ah! My Goddess, Ayashi No Ceres, and Zoids. Of course, Clover also.

03-30-2002, 05:10 PM
I always liked dbz and then i saw others and i started to like em. But i think overall DBZ made me like anime in general...

03-30-2002, 07:24 PM
Originally posted by Prinsesa
Goodness gracious...what do you usually do in your spare time?!

The first anime I really was into was Sailor Moon. But I never really knew "anime" until I was 11 or 12. Ever since, I also liked Pokemon, DBZ, Gundam Wing, Ah! My Goddess, Ayashi No Ceres, and Zoids. Of course, Clover also.

A good helping of a lot of other Anime that I have recently gotten into (thank you adult swim) and playing RPG's

03-31-2002, 01:42 AM
Transformers, Voltron, i liked quite a bit but when i saw bits and pieces of Ninja Scroll it got me really interested in anime and i have just recently looked into manga.

03-31-2002, 03:59 AM
Originally posted by Renmazuo
(thank you adult swim)

yus! im watching that in one hour and im looking forward to seeing every ep of yu yu hakusho, i love watching re-runs of cowboy bebop, thats my favorite anime (check the sig and avatar)

03-31-2002, 05:37 AM
I remember watching Yu Yu Hakusho when I was younger. Either that or Sailor Moon was my first anime. I can't quite remember. I prefer manga, however, so my first manga was Sailor Moon. I LOVED IT, and I couldn't get enough of it. FUN!

03-31-2002, 08:15 AM
this was THE first anime i ever heard of, then i tried to draw anime, and that's how i got interested kimagure orange road, once was my favorite.. the first anime i ever watched was either Slayers, or Sailor Moon.. there are SO SO SO many anime i love, i know alot of anime... im an anime freak as well, and know lotsa japanese names.. im planning on moving to japan , im taking japanese language class next year

03-31-2002, 10:04 AM
I've always been a fan of the samurai pizza cats xD no idea it was anime back then, so I guess it started with Teknoman and so I came to know about teknoman on the internet and that it was an anime and such. Then later on dbz aired on dutch tv and I liked it for the first 10 episodes, around that time I came to the shrine and found a whole world of anime and thats the moment I got more into anime then before and I now can't hardly live w/o it.

03-31-2002, 06:10 PM
When I was 13 0r 14 i started getting into it.Such classics like Astro Boy,Gigantor and Speed Racer were weekend favorites.After those came on it was Lost In Space.Dr.Smith,ahhhh memories...:)

03-31-2002, 09:21 PM
I've always had some fascination with it. Now, the first time I remember it was some mecha anime i saw when i was a kid. so i suppose it started there. then i got an Ironfist Chinmi manga, and a Sonic the Hedgehog one, when I was about 7..... and watched any anime i could. i've been fascinated with it for as long as i can remember. i dont really know why, or when it started, but i've always loved it.... ^_^;

04-03-2002, 07:50 PM
Well, i was always into video games and knew how great the Dragonball Z games were but then I found out they were actually based on a tv show that just began to air in the states. That was my first encounter with anime but i sisn't really get into it until my cuzins friend kept talking about it. he made me watch movies like Ninja Scroll, Vampire Hunter D, and Demon City Shinjiku. To my surprise I loved them all, and now I thoroughly enjoy the art that is manga

04-03-2002, 11:34 PM
Welllllll...I remember...back thirty years ago *I see flash back time* J/K :lol no actually it was 4 years ago I was talking with a dude named joe and he was whatching dbz and I was like "hey man what the crap are you whating?" and he said "hey dude stop smoking that pot it's bad for you" :lol ok thats not what he really said but it's more interesting...I thought dbz was dumb at first but now I really like it :D...anyway later I got a HUGE obsesion with G wing but found other more comical anime shows to be better...:)

04-15-2002, 01:53 PM
Please don't laugh.....

My first anime was Samurai Pizza Cats. I guess I was 6 or 7 at the time, as time flew by I had wonderful friends who asked me if I was into Jap Anime/Manga, of course I was. So they 'filled me in' on what else there was to enjoy.

So I was introduced to...
Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Ranma 1/2, Teknoman, Vampire Hunter D, Oh My Godess! Gundam, Eagel Riders (I honestly say I didn't like it)......and so much more.

That was how I found my love for it. I also had a love for drawing, so, that's how I started to draw it too.

Now that they've introduced so much more nowadays (like DBZ, Gundam Wing etc) life just got a bit better :D

04-15-2002, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Jade

My first anime was Samurai Pizza Cats. I guess I was 6 or 7 at the time[/B]

No way! To tell the truth I totally forgot about I did to that was the first anime I ever saw too! Freaky...:eye:...well I never realized it at the time that it was even an anime or that anime existed. That was like seven years ago....I do remember rboot from around that time too... this brings back memories *sniffle*

04-19-2002, 10:52 PM
I was introduced to the world of hentai by some member that shall remain unnamed untill he/she wants to be revealed.
After that i got less interested in it and watched my frist anime movie 'A.D police' and was hooked on animes ever since.

04-21-2002, 05:19 AM
I was introduced to the world of hentai by some member that shall remain unnamed untill he/she wants to be revealed.

lol. sorry. i was just showing off. :p

it was me folks. i introduced hentai to rez. my bad. :p (j/k)

04-26-2002, 12:30 PM
that's what got me hooked

04-26-2002, 01:47 PM
suncoast got me hooked. They had some tv screens and i saw a short episode of dragonball z, i started renting the videos and then started buying them.

05-02-2002, 02:37 AM
It was around the time when my brother told me about Poke/mon when it first started coming out..... after watching the show I started collecting the cards and stuff... then it was Digimon........ and now it's just games and DBZ for me....:D

05-03-2002, 09:01 AM
Believe it or not.... what got me into anime was....

Pok�mon! I watched an episode about three/four years ago, and then I was watching all the anime I could. The problem is, that only having the basic five English channels, Ihave only had the chance to see *dubbed* childrens anime, such as...

Pok�mon, Sailor Moon, Cardcaptors (I love that show!), Digimon, Monster Rancher (crap) and something called Flint the Time Detective. Flint - now that is a wierd show! Oh yeah, I watched Strange Dawn as well. There are a few others, but I can't remember what they are called. I can't find anywhere where I live that sells the original anime videos, or manga, I have searched for YEARS. I'm just so unlucky... doomed to a life of kiddies anime shows (even if Ilike them!)

:D :D :D

05-03-2002, 09:08 AM
Card Captors!!!! I loved the whole series... but I actually have never seen the first ever episode, I first saw the one where she caught the Shadow card!

05-16-2002, 03:06 AM
ki. :d..I was interested in Sailor Moon o_o;;...then..they never finished the SM episodes and i decided to read all the SM episodes online. o-o..then..I started to watch Ranma when I accidentally clicked on a SM link. o-o..and from world of anime opened to me XD~

06-12-2002, 06:42 AM
well my first anime film was AKIRA thats what got me into anime

06-12-2002, 05:25 PM
ITS ALL ABOUT THE DBZ!!!!!!!! DBZ is the first anime I have ever watched and will always be one of my favorites. I know the plot isn't the best, but the action and the fighting keep me coming back for more. There is also that bit of comedy in DBZ which makes the show even better.

Then there was Tenchi. Tenchi really got me looking at what else was out in the world of anime. Tenchi is also one of my favorite shows of all time, except for Tenchi in Tokyo. That sucked :notgood:

Then there was Pokemon.............Yesh I watched it when I was in 7th-8th grade and I loved it. The comedy was awesome and made me always come back for more.

Now I'm currently getting into Trigun (which is the best series I have seen so far) and I'm kinda getting into Zoids. I am also getting some of the movies like Princess Mononoke and Akira.

06-13-2002, 03:07 AM
What Got me into Anime was Robotech! Dont laugh! Robotech Rules You! Its One of the Greatest Anime's In History And one of the First Mecha Animes To Be Taken (Slightly) Seriously By The western World. The Style However Is not Like Anime As We Know it With Gigantic Eyes And Sweatdrops And Love Heart eyes. It Was All Serious Except For the Laughable english Dubbing. Plus theres Just Something About Dana Sterling... In A Bizzare 80's kinda Way...

06-15-2002, 01:38 AM
Uhm, I started with Sailor Moon.. XD I started to like anime more and more 'cause of Sailor Moon.. and Serena =p Then, I was introduced to some other animes. Gundam, Ranma, and whatever. I can't remember them all. O_o And then I started reading mangas. XD

06-15-2002, 11:06 PM
Actually, I saw Sailor Moon before any other anime and it almost had me thinking that anime was really stupid.

Safer Sephiroth
06-17-2002, 06:39 AM
What got me into anime is when I saw DragonBallZ on tv one day and I thought it was pretty cool, so now I watch

Gundam Wing
Ghost in the Shell
Heavy Metal 2000

Setsuna Yuna
06-22-2002, 09:53 AM
I guess it was my biological father that started it. He is full Japanese. I've never seen him before, but I guess he would've raised me like a Japanese girl (although I'm only half Japanese). I guess to make up for not being with him and learning about his culture, I started getting into Japanese stuff, and that's when I came across anime. ^_^

06-22-2002, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Setzer
What Got me into Anime was Robotech! Dont laugh! Robotech Rules You! Its One of the Greatest Anime's In History And one of the First Mecha Animes To Be Taken (Slightly) Seriously By The western World. The Style However Is not Like Anime As We Know it With Gigantic Eyes And Sweatdrops And Love Heart eyes. It Was All Serious Except For the Laughable english Dubbing. Plus theres Just Something About Dana Sterling... In A Bizzare 80's kinda Way...

Yo! Robetech owns. It's japanese, it's a cartoon, and it owns, therefore it's anime.

Robotech was my favorite show whenever it was on. The different sagas presented a prime example of Western ingenuity, in that we proved it possible to roll three differnt stories into one. Palladium in esscence invented the anime merger. (a concept which has given rise to strange concoctions such as Sailor Ranma and other wierd Fan-fics.)

Of course, I said earlier in this thread that it wasn't an anime at all that got me into it. I used to enjoy the old cartoon shows. (that were new when I watched them) Transformers, Spiderman, X Men, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, oh, you couldn't keep me away from the T.V. when that was on. Robotech came on the same network as one of those, and I was hooked. I was never able to recreate the old enjoyment I had when watching Robotech. That was probably because, when Cartoon Network got the rights to show it, they couldn't get the rights for all the episodes. There are just a few episodes I remember seeing way back when, that I never saw on CN.

I think I may have seen an anime before that also. Back when I was just 3 or 4 I used to watch this series called Dragon Warriors. It came on right after Garfield I think. I don't quite remember what it's about, but I do remember that it was in the bit-eyes-small-mouth drawing style. Later on, long after that series's cancellation and after I got a Nintendo, I heard of this game called Dragon Warrior. I told my older brother that I'd like to play it, but then again, everyone I knew wanted to play it. I learned of the Dragon Warrior rpg's and was hooked the moment I played one. I noticed that the stories of these rpg's flowed much like the t.v. series, and that occasionally I'd recognize a tune. I still own a copy of Dragon Warrior, and I also have a copy of Dragon Warrior VII. Had I never played Dragon Warrior, I would've never taken an intrest in rpg's period, and I wouldn't have ever tried out the Final Fantasy games. I would've never stubled upon forums at all had I not ever played the Final Fantasy games. Then again, I would've never played the Dragon Warrior games had it not been for this cartoon show I watched when I was just 3 or 4. But whenever I have mentioned a t.v. show called Dragon Warriors, people have looked at me as if I were nuts. I have met no one other than me who can recall said show's existence. All I know is that it aired some time between 1986 and 1989, on some channel that could be picked up in North Texas without cable. Yet everyone tells me I was making it all up. What I wanna know is, how can my mind make up a non-existent cartoon show, that's in a drawn in a style that I had never seen before at that point, that is also based around the same concept as a video game I would not have enocuntered for another three years at least. But still, everyone I have ever talked to about it has said they've never heard of it. Oh well! Have any of you heard of a Dragon Warrior anime?

Awe heck! I'm only gonna get a headach trying to remember things from when I was 3 or 4. But I sure liked the shows that came on then, and I sure liked the shows that came on when I was older, but now these new cartoon shows suck. They say it's just me getting older, but I just think that it's the writers of those shows getting lazier.

Hmm... Oh well. I better end this post before it gets too nonsensical.

P.S. Jello!