Green Arrow
03-26-2002, 05:07 AM
Has anyone seen either of these movies. I was just curious. I was looking for some new anime to view and this was my next pick, just wanted to get some people's obinions.

03-26-2002, 10:39 PM
I saw them both a while ago. I liked them both. But thats because I like story oriented anime. If you are into blood'n guts'n glory, look elsewhere.

03-27-2002, 12:32 AM
i really liked the first one but didn't really care much for the second but they are better than some animes i've seen.

03-28-2002, 03:59 AM
I've seen Patlabor 1 and i thought it was great and couldn't wait to see the second one. i saw the end of the second one on the action channel. Patlabor 1 is da bomb!

03-28-2002, 04:17 AM
are they movie or are they series?

Green Arrow
03-28-2002, 04:00 PM
Wel I read some reviews and purchased Patlabor 1 the movie and I must say it kicked ass. I am gonna purchase #2 tomorrow prolly.
Kotetsu DX - I read some reviews and it started out as a manga I think and then went to a series, it has like 28 episode series I think and 2 movies. I also read that they are in the process of a 3rd movie so that should be something to look out for in the near future if you liked the other 2.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-06-2002, 06:11 PM
I've only seen the second one. Now, it offers some BEAUTIFUL animation. The backgrounds, the cityscapes, the first few minutes in which they show them making the, this is some of the best animation I've seen that came out of the more current years of anime, it's also very crisp and clear..

The story suffers a little, it doesn't really grab you at all... Most of the middle part of the movie is a big long conversation between three people....that's a big yawn...especially when you don't even follow exactly what they're trying to say....

oh well, I wish I could see the first one..... even though there wasn't enough mecha action for it to be a mecha movie, Patlabor the Movie 2 interested me enough to continue interest in the property....and even buy a few models :)

12-18-2006, 09:34 AM
Personally, I consider Patlabor 1 my favourite anime movie of all times. Its probably the only title in my collection that I had watched more than a dozen times.

What I really like about Patlabor 1 is the simplicity of the story. There was no intrigue or very little mystery but still there was investigation to be carried out and demons to be fought.

Patlabor 2 is too much political intrigue for my liking. Yes it has a really story and frightfully real scenario but I really prefer my Patlabor stories to be a little less serious. And having the characters all grown up on me a little makes them familiar but less endearing as they were in the original series and 1st movie.

But really I'm nitpicking man. All 3 Patlabor movies are examples of the highest standard of Japanese animation story telling. Highly recommended.

12-18-2006, 03:45 PM
Aw geez... This one's four fucking years old. If you want to discuss a show or movie, use a current thread or make a new one if one doesn't exist.