05-03-2007, 11:31 PM
There seems to be a lack of devoted "RPG Maker" followers out there, so I figure I'll see if there are any roaming around this board.

I just think it would be nice to get a little topic devoted to discussion about this game.

Also, if you've managed to mod this game onto your PSP (which I highly recommend), you could probably post some of your created games on here, and share them with one another.

Just an idea! =)

05-04-2007, 01:44 AM
I've always been interested in an RPG maker game, but its never happened.

05-04-2007, 02:59 AM
You do realize that RPG Maker, RPG Maker 2, and RPG Maker 3 have each been made for one of Sony's consoles, right? (Excluding the Playstation 3.)

05-04-2007, 04:03 AM
I've been interested in it, but never got around to playing it.

jewess crabcake
05-04-2007, 04:21 AM
I always wanted to buy one but never did, I saw rpgm 3 for uhh 27.99 I was like Oh man, If only I had the monies.

05-04-2007, 08:56 PM
The original sells for around 10 dollars on eBay. If your even slightly interested, I suggest you check it out. It's a great game for the PSX, it's just incredibly underrated.

I always wanted to buy one but never did, I saw rpgm 3 for uhh 27.99 I was like Oh man, If only I had the monies.

RPG Maker 2 and RPG Maker 3 unfortunately weren't as good as the original. As a matter of fact, RPG Maker 2 was awful. RPG Maker 3 was a step in the right direction though.

05-11-2007, 02:06 PM
Oh man

Let's just say I was really into the PC version. :-\

05-12-2007, 12:30 AM
I tried playing a version of RPG Maker I downloaded online but I couldn't make heads or tails of it. Confused the hell out of me. Guess my dreams of becoming a video game programmer one day are null and void .__.

J. Peterman
05-12-2007, 12:33 AM

Ephemeral Dyne
05-12-2007, 06:40 AM
I have tired both RPG Maker 2 and 3 for the PS2. Haven't had the chance to play 1. Maker 2 was f'ing hard to understand, but the pay off of actually spending time and building your creation could be great. Maker 3 was alright, but the lack of content for custimation was a big downside. But the ability to create a fully 3D world was awesome. And the worldmap editor was amazing. Very hard to get it perfect at first, but in the end your worlds could look and feel like that of Dragon Quest 8's world. Just...with a lot less content.

I think the best bet in RPG making would be PC programs for now. Most people can't make anything more advanced than 2D RPGs, but the ability to create ANYTHING you want without the limitations of premade content really lets you create your own personal game you want. Plus, even if you suck at animating and drawing, you can import things other people made or content from other games. And you can create your own Sephiroth battle, complete with One Winged Angel BGM, for the inner fanboy in you.

The best RPG maker out there right now is, IMO, RPG Maker XP. Of course, the last I remember it, you had to pay $60 for it.

05-12-2007, 04:11 PM

I made a game where you were a sick twisted bastard. @___@

05-13-2007, 04:53 AM
The original RPG Maker and RPG Maker XP are your best bets for now. Let's just hope Agetec can take another step forward in the right direction for future installments.

05-14-2007, 07:17 AM
RPG Maker XP is like, the best RPG MAKER EVAR!

I got the "Postality Knights" version *Wink Wink* for those that know of that version, and am currently undergoing a project titled "Dragons and Angels".

I've had the idea of making an RPG ever since I was little. (Around 6 or 7)

I've pretty much got the story DOWN, as well as the main characters. Its heavily influenced by tons of sources, and my music in the game is pretty much nothing but stuff from VG tracks, as well as some symphonic sounds, for the more epic parts in the story. I seriously thought about writing a novel instead with the story (I've been cultivating it for years) but it was meant to be an RPG first.

Its influenced by:

Evangelion - Aesthetics mainly - With my main character influence being heavily Shinji-inspired, except not EMO and about 18 when the game starts. By the end of the game he'll be in his early 50s. Yes, I said 50s.
Ah! My goddess - Belldandy inspired character. Never even watched the anime, TBH. The character inspired by Belldandy is the girlfriend and eventually wife of the main character. She's also sort of a Goddess. Aeris from FF7 also inspired her.
Breath of Fire: The main character can become a Dragon
The plot of "The one" - SORTA inspired my idea of the game having Dragons, and a limited amount of them, and every time the main character kills one, he gains its powers and form.

There's probably other things, too, but thats most of the major ones.

Oh dang, it appears I started to ramble on about my project...lol

Ephemeral Dyne
05-14-2007, 08:28 AM
Did you pay for it, Mr. Casual?

05-14-2007, 08:38 AM
"Postality Knights" implies no.

Also, XP is only the best version if you know how to do basic scripting with RUBY. For those who don't, you're probably better off with 2003. The graphics aren't as nice (of course if you plan on drawing your own this is unimportant), but it gives you more options when 'programming' your game. It also has an animated, ATB battle system built in as opposed to the Dragon Quest-esk system in XP. I'm not saying one is better then the other (I prefer the DQ system because it means less graphical work) but if you wanted a Final Fantasy style battle system you would have your work cut out for you programming one in XP.

05-14-2007, 08:44 AM
Did you pay for it, Mr. Casual?

Noooooo, The Postality Knights edition is a "Free" version made by the group of the same name. Makes some scripts incompatible though, iirc.

And trust me, I'm not going to try to make a profit off this anyway. As soon as my game is finished I'm going to distribute it because I want others to play it.

I can afford it now, but back when I got it, I was pretty broke. I've already done tons of work in my version though. Here is a picture of one of the very beginning areas:

Here is the in-game shot of the top of the Pyramid, with the shade filter activated:

The Dungeon theme from Wild Arms plays in the background. Mainly because I think it fits well, and the music that comes with RMXP = Shit, imo.

"Postality Knights" implies no.

Also, XP is only the best version if you know how to do basic scripting with RUBY. For those who don't, you're probably better off with 2003. The graphics aren't as nice (of course if you plan on drawing your own this is unimportant), but it gives you more options when 'programming' your game. It also has an animated, ATB battle system built in as opposed to the Dragon Quest-esk system in XP. I'm not saying one is better then the other (I prefer the DQ system because it means less graphical work) but if you wanted a Final Fantasy style battle system you would have your work cut out for you programming one in XP.

Phylomortis has a nice 2d side battle script for RMXP posted. I use it, and I think its pretty good, actually. I don't care about 2d animated sprites, however. That would be awesome, but I'd be 50 by the time the game got finished, lol.

Ephemeral Dyne
05-14-2007, 09:03 PM
And trust me, I'm not going to try to make a profit off this anyway. As soon as my game is finished I'm going to distribute it because I want others to play it.

Of course. I was just wondering if it was something I should, um..."Google" for :p

Nothing but damn torrents, though.

Floyd _the_Barber
06-12-2007, 04:40 AM
I'm wanting to buy one which one gives the most options. Just how much could you do with one of this?

06-15-2007, 01:57 AM
I'm wanting to buy one which one gives the most options. Just how much could you do with one of this?

If your looking for the most options, you should definitely go for the original RPG Maker or RPG Maker 2. I'm more attached to the original because of its classic feel, and the fact that it's pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it. RPG Maker 2 is much more advanced, but it has more options as to what you can put in your game. RPG Maker 3 may have the graphical improvements and easy-to-navigate menus, but as far as options go, it's definitely not worth it.

06-23-2007, 01:14 PM
don't most of the emulator sites have the RPG Maker thing up fer download? just curious.

06-23-2007, 01:17 PM
Heh, I'm using RMXP now to make a SMT tribute. It's real fun to use.

I got the paid version, cause Enterbrain really needs support in the Western market if they'll ever consider bringing future RPG Maker installments over.

01-17-2009, 01:35 AM
My copy of RPG Maker got lost..I really miss it. :/

04-30-2009, 11:50 PM
There seems to be a lack of devoted "RPG Maker" followers out there, so I figure I'll see if there are any roaming around this board.

I just think it would be nice to get a little topic devoted to discussion about this game.

Also, if you've managed to mod this game onto your PSP (which I highly recommend), you could probably post some of your created games on here, and share them with one another.

Just an idea! =)

There are a lot of devoted people actually... you just have to look around lol.
About hoping to mod it for psp, I mean, you are better off using rm2k3, rmxp or rmvx, 2k3 is basically free since there was no way to stop it back then lol, and XP and VX each cost $60. I personally like 2k3 and XP a lot better than VX. If you guys need links to get the programs, both free ones and trial comment on here.

07-18-2009, 07:25 AM
Which one do you guys like better?

VX or XP?

VX, at least from what I've seen, doesn't look like much of an improvement.