05-01-2007, 07:17 AM
I just saw Spider-Man 3 and it was pretty good; what an advantage to live in Southeast Asia, we get to see the movie a couple of days early before in the US. Anyway, the story was OK and the CGI effects were amazing with the animations for the Sandman, New Goblin and Venom. Frankly I'm not too crazy on Topher Grace as Eddie Brock, but he was effective. I don't want to give up too much of it, but all I can say that it is worth the wait, but I feel that the storyline needed a little more to work with plotwise. That's just my opinion only, so I look forward to everyone's reactions to the movie and personal opinions.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-01-2007, 11:18 AM
I'm seeing it Thursday night/Friday morning. Can't wait! I've been stoked for this film for a long long time

05-03-2007, 11:56 AM
Saw it during my break today and it was OK

I really liked Sandman as a villain but Venom was pretty shit, we hardly saw him and when we did he was just whizzing around as a big black blur.

The laid-back Peter section was pretty stupid aswell, but I liked the special effects so, again, it was OK.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-04-2007, 08:13 AM
I'm conflicted about the movie. Up until a point I was loving every minute, then some of it got questionable. It seemed there was too much switching between dark and incredibly light moments. Still, I'd say overall, everything in the film came together and felt justified, though I agree that there was just too much going on. That was a lot of people's fear, and while I think it turned out better than expected in that regard, it still definitely felt as if it could've been organized a bit better.

Overall I'd say I like it, but it's hard to really gauge how much. I'm seeing it again, maybe I'll have a better opinion then.

BTW, at my screenings, lots of assholes ruining the movie by making fun of ANY emotional scene. I didn't find any of it overly corny or poorly acted and I couldn't understand why people were being such dicks.

Will disagree with you on two accounts Lukey:

The "laid back Peter" section I feel ultimately had great purpose, to show how cocky and careless he was getting, then the final result of that before he realizes he's being a dick is a fairly potent moment imo. It all pays off.

I thought Venom was done well. Yeah, it would've been nice to see more of him, but what was there...great. It was more a problem with the movie trying to fit SO MUCH into a short amount of time than the Venom portions actually being "bad."

05-04-2007, 07:11 PM
I loved it-- I suck at reviews so I'll keep it quick.

Yeah a lot was going on, but not *too* much to handle. It was a quick pace but pulled off really well. I love Topher Grace, his character didn't change at all from Eric in That 70s Show-- which I was fine with, loved him there, loved him here.

Wasn't enough Venom in my opinion. And I wasn't ready for what all happened at the ending. I thought they were going to SpiderMan 6-- but this ended like a trilogy. /shrug

And I'll agree with you Ktulu. When Peters crying near the end *everyone* in the theater laughed and then some black kid around me started yelling things and wouldn't shut up >_>

Don't understand why people enjoy being a huge juicy cock in the theaters :p

Anyyywho, I thought the film was *great*. Lived up to the last two Spideys.

AND OF COURSE-- Bruce Campbell was amaaaazing. As he always has said, he's the only character to ever defeat Spiderman. xD

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-04-2007, 07:40 PM
I've heard rumors of some bitch slapping. Confirm/Deny.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-04-2007, 07:53 PM
The only people laughing that I could hear were some high black guys (wreaked of pot as they walked by me),these two bitchy girls in the front row, and a few preppy kids trying to MST3K it up, and it was only a few places, but it was still enough to piss me off, it took away from the experience of the movie. Still, the movie has an 8 so far at imdb and people actually clapped at my showing (though some walked away bitching, seems this is a love it or hate it film) so people ARE liking it.

If it were my movie, I'd have cut a few things, but you know, that's fine, every movie could be better in some way or another.

I just wonder what this movie would've been like with Raimi's original premise of Sandman only. Venom was kind of forced upon him by the producers.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-04-2007, 08:39 PM
The only people laughing that I could hear were some high black guys (wreaked of pot as they walked by me),these two bitchy girls in the front row, and a few preppy kids trying to MST3K it up, and it was only a few places, but it was still enough to piss me off, it took away from the experience of the movie. Still, the movie has an 8 so far at imdb and people actually clapped at my showing (though some walked away bitching, seems this is a love it or hate it film) so people ARE liking it.

If it were my movie, I'd have cut a few things, but you know, that's fine, every movie could be better in some way or another.

I just wonder what this movie would've been like with Raimi's original premise of Sandman only. Venom was kind of forced upon him by the producers.

Well, Venom really has too much backstory for it to be a good idea to throw him into this movie.

I mean, the Secret Wars with the Beyonder haven't happened yet (where Spidey originally got the suit in the comics), or even the version from the animated series where it hitched a ride back on the space shuttle (which they could have used from the second movie since JJJ's son is an astronaut and they could've done a flashback thing showing the shuttle landing with him and the symbiote hitching a ride, but I hear they didn't).

So yeah, Sandman and Goblin Jr. would've been plenty.

05-04-2007, 09:26 PM
It's pretty much sold out everywhere where I live. So me and my friends are going to try and see it tomorrow with more friends (apparently, more were going to see it tomorrow).

05-05-2007, 12:36 AM
Saw it Wednesday night. Much more in tune with the comics than previous films, esp Venom and his abilities.

For those who haven't seen it, P.S. this ain't a spoiler, check out J.J.Jamesons' office wall. There's a framed newspaper reporting DocOck is still alive. It always got to me the Ock died in the second film, guess someone thought the same way.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-05-2007, 12:47 AM
I saw it again just now, enjoyed it more this time around. To anyone that's iffy about it the first time, consider giving it another shot if you're a fan of the other two and especially if you like the comics or just the character in general.

05-05-2007, 01:18 AM
I will not be reading any of the discussions in this thread until I see the movie. Right now I have a few obligations preventing me from seeing it until tomorrow. http://i12.photobucket.com/albums/a202/nine_fenrir/robot%20faces/16x16_robot-sad.gif

05-05-2007, 01:52 AM
I just came back from seeing it. Despite going into it with reservations, I loved the hell out of it. Sure, there were a couple of scenes that dragged kinda badly. And sure, it was far from being a perfect film. It failed in a couple ways that Spider-Man 2 succeeded, but it also succeeded in ways that movie failed.

I'd be happy to discuss the movie at length, but I'm going to refrain from posting spoilers here. PM me or catch me on MSN if you really want to talk about it.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-05-2007, 02:16 AM
Cool stuff Prak :D

Also, and others have said this as well, it seemed much faster the second time around. You may feel so too whenever you see it again, if you decide to.

Swedish Fish
05-05-2007, 03:09 AM
I'm gonna see it on Sunday. My biggest reservation is that there are three different villains. I can't see how Spidey can get through them all without sacrificing the plot. I hope that my reservation proves incorrect though.

BTW - Does anyone know why the Hob Goblin/Goblin's name was changed to the New Goblin?

05-05-2007, 03:51 AM
seen it on friday with some of my friends i thought it was really great had its dull moment but they didn't make the film any less entertaining also thought it was quite funny in some places not enough to make me laugh out loud and disturb any one on the other hand some parts were pretty emotional and nearly had me in tears.

looking forward to transformers too it looks cool from what i seen

05-05-2007, 04:39 AM
Spider-man 3 is just plain terrible.

So dragged out and bogged down by all those villains. Also better acting, more story instead of bad dancing/bad jokes would've helped too I guess.


Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-05-2007, 06:33 AM
I'd say one of the problems is that it had too much story. I really wish they'd left it with just Sandman and Harry as Raimi originally intended, leaving the whole Venom scenario for part 4. Still, as is, it still works. It could've been done better, yes, but you can say that for most films.

05-05-2007, 03:12 PM
I didn't really like it. It should probably be noted that I didn't really like the first two movies either, but I went into this thinking I would like it quite a bit more. I think I'm just not really a fan of Raimi's style and I didn't really like any of the actors, James Franco in particular. I don't really have a lot to say about the movie I just dont like the way Raimi seems to try and make things high style as it seems we have a very different idea of what that means.

Tidus 66
05-05-2007, 05:39 PM
I really enjoyed it. I don't know why but the movie felt more dramatic to me than the other two. But sure the movie failed in some aspects and Gwen Stacy could probably been left out (altough one could argue that she "helps" showing the darker side of Peter, and plays a part on Eddie's despair as well as making a connection between Eddie and Peter).
One thing that quite annoyed me was emo-Parker, i enjoyed some bits of it but i couldn't help but think he was a Connor Oberst rip-off, other than that i thought all three villains weren't rushed in and the movie had a good pace altough the beginning felt a bit sketchy and awkward.

Sharon Agathon
05-05-2007, 08:35 PM
I saw the film today and i was at awe. The characters were great and they made Sandman a villian we really care about( and his motives for commiting crimes) The tension between Peter and Harry was so well handled I had tears coming out from my eyes by the end of the film. The action elements is an absolute awe too. The way the angles were handled during the battles between heroes and villians was just incredible and refreshing. It puts the first two movies to shame. Peter and MJ's relationship was emotional and tense as usual. The only bad points i can give is that Gwen Stacy is too much of a side character and Venom comes and go too quickly but they are minor complaints to what i felt is the perfect superhero movie. Just hope Bryan Singer learn from this movie and make a better Superman movie for 2009.

05-05-2007, 08:45 PM
I actually managed to see it last night (one of the later showings) and I thought it was the best one yet. I didn't really care much for the second movie and thought the first one was okay, but this was definitely my favorite Spider-Man movie. There were some hilarious bits and the special effects were awesome. I definitely wouldn't mind seeing it again.

05-05-2007, 10:01 PM
I thought that this movie was very good overall, although I am undecided over its rankings to its previous movies.

One criticisim is that there was way too much dedicated to peter parker and his change when he gets infected with the symbiote. It was very well done, but it took almost 3/4 of the move leaving very little time for the villans.

Also, they should have stuck to either venom or sandman (i prefer venom pesonally). Their stories seemed kind of rushed (especially sandman's).

Minor complaints aside, it had great action, visuals, drama and humour. A brilliant worthy sequel. Hopefully they consider doing Spidey 4

Atom Narmor
05-05-2007, 11:06 PM
Saw it Wednesday night. Much more in tune with the comics than previous films, esp Venom and his abilities.

Your example isn't true at all. Venom was some muscle bound 40 year old who was rough around the edges, not some skinny lanky 90210 reject. Other than that, my opinion comes when I see it tonight.

Well, Venom really has too much backstory for it to be a good idea to throw him into this movie.

I mean, the Secret Wars with the Beyonder haven't happened yet (where Spidey originally got the suit in the comics), or even the version from the animated series where it hitched a ride back on the space shuttle (which they could have used from the second movie since JJJ's son is an astronaut and they could've done a flashback thing showing the shuttle landing with him and the symbiote hitching a ride, but I hear they didn't).

So yeah, Sandman and Goblin Jr. would've been plenty.

I don't know where Spidey gets his suit in this movie but what you say is true, I have the entire secret wars series, I and II. I don't think they'll ever tackle that so they'll fill in the gaps however they please. I always hated Hollywood, or rather the people they choose to bring my favorite characters to life. They always ruin a memory. Spider man is the exception though and they did better than I thought they would. Perhaps the next decade of film making depended on it. Everyones tired of gun toating, leather coat dudes who just so happen to know kung fu and scarry movies are a dime a dozen, influencing young future serial killers everywhere. The world seems to need saving and if they failed in portraying good characters like these it wouldn't just be me who's pissed off, not by a long snipe.

Anyway, I'm going to see it and hope not to be dissapointed. I hear the plot drags because of too many plot threads. I guess it wasn't a well formed web, so to speak. The action has got to be there though, with all these damn villains. In my opinion, they shoulda left the Goblin rebirth out all together and focused on the Sandman and maybe Electro, Venom getting an entire 4th movie to himself to kick Spidies ass, litteraly towering over him in size.


Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 12:24 AM
People upset that Venom wasn't a muscle bound freak are being silly imo. Sorry to say Atom. This Venom was more in line with the Ultimate comics version, even the comet origin.

Atom Narmor
05-06-2007, 12:35 AM
People upset that Venom wasn't a muscle bound freak are being silly imo. Sorry to say Atom. This Venom was more in line with the Ultimate comics version, even the comet origin.

All opinion Ktulu, all opinion and I hate the Ultimates Line. I'm a lover of continuity and keeping things the way the were or showing how they will be. "Out with the old and in with the new" brought things I never cared to see. There is a nice contrast of character when Spiderman battles Venom because his size and sheer strength over Spiderman always made Spidey have to improvise. Now in the movie Venom is just a dark clone, how bogus and unoriginal. What I'm saying is opinion of course but it's ideal to the classic Marvel fan.

8:00 pm showing

Atom 1

Ktulu .5

05-06-2007, 01:01 AM
I loved it. I thought it was almost perfect, and I have no major complaints.

I was worried like everybody else that they were cramming in too much story, but somehow it came off flawlessly. I didn't feel that any of the storylines got too little attention, and the whole thing worked partly because the movie is insanely long (which is a good thing imo), and partly because so much of the back story had already been developed that they were able to just jump into things for the most part.

I thought the Venom story was handled extremely well. Venom didn't need to show up before the last quarter of the movie because the black suit was there almost from the beginning and was providing setup for him the whole time.

About the only problem as far as I am concerned is that I expect people would have problems with everything happening so fast and suddenly if they are not Spidey-adoring geekazoids like me. But as an adaption of the story I think it is great, and although I do feel like it would have been still better not to include sandman, it DOES allow for something very very extremely awesome to happen in the end which I have no intention of spoiling here. In general I'm okay with it, although I will say this is a really insanely exaggerated version of Sandman and he is even harder to buy than the comics version.

Anyway I am pretty sure a lot of people will disagree with me after seeing this because I know my friends I went to see it with were not as thrilled with it as I was, and I've already seen several reports of people who think it's the worst of the three, but for what it's worth, I was floored. I really shouldn't have doubted it. The first two earned it the benefit of the doubt and for me it delivered on the potential they set up with flying colors.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 02:24 AM
From the first movie on there have been changes from the comic. The films are only inspired by the comics, not a word for word adaptation. Why complain now? You have to accept that everything is not going to be the same as in the comics. This was my problem with people bitching about characters in X-Men 3 as well. The first was already radically different from the comic, why complain by the third film? Regardless of any changes from the source material, the Spidey films have been way, way closer to the actual feel from the comics than the other Marvel films because there's a man that truly cares about the character and the stories involved with him at the helm. Raimi has done a wonderful job.

I'm a "classic Marvel fan" and I absolutely don't see it necessary for Venom to be huge in the film. It's a really small thing to nitpick imo. See the film first before judging it just based off of Venom not being 500 pounds of muscle.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 02:29 AM
Glad you liked it TK. There's definitely been some negative response by some, but I think most of the complaints are over very small things (i.e. Peter's hair, Venom not being huge) and people who aren't just over judgmental assholes too cool to like the silly comic film can actually sit and enjoy the thing. So far most everyone here has liked it, more than not, judging from the thread in the TV/Movie forum.

After I saw it the second time I enjoyed it a lot more than at first, mostly because I could actually immerse myself in it more. At the midnight showing I attended there were a lot of jackasses ruining it for everyone during any emotional scenes. Seriously, it's not that corny, and is way better and easy to relate to on emotional levels than other films that have received way more praise, such as, and I hate to say it, Revenge of the Sith. I'm sorry, but the girl of your dreams dumps you...if you're human at all, I don't know, you just may be prone to some tears! The dramatic elements just weren't that corny or unbelievable to me. I wasn't sure about the dancing stuff and such at first, but I think the ultimate payoff of the whole segment is a powerful moment so it all works very well. It's a crazy way to show Peter's decent due to the symbiote's influence, but again, it works. Overall I liked it a lot. It didn't exactly wow me the way the first two did, but I'm still fairly happy with it.

I've done lots of discussion about it on TFW2005 and IMDB. Over at TFW most are liking it as well, but IMDB is more divided. It's like that with every film there though, every single one in existance has a "worst movie ever made" thread

05-06-2007, 02:49 AM
Since I don't know if anyone else touched on this, I thought the handling of the New Goblin was absolutely incredible. I was floored by how much more advanced the flying effects were for him than they had been for the Green Goblin.

I'd also like to say that those people who say that the high-flying scenes have no sense of weight and momentum don't know what they're talking about. Anyone who's ever paid attention to the movements of a reasonably skilled gymnast would notice that it was pulled off exceptionally well.

05-06-2007, 03:06 AM
I have to wait...2 weeks to see this, probably. =\

owell, at least it will not be as busy and I will get a good seat. I AM ALREADY PUMPED.

05-06-2007, 03:20 AM
oops! I never noticed the TV forum had been expanded to have moveeeez as well 'cause I never bothered to check it. Good then. mooooooooooovin' thread

There is a nice contrast of character when Spiderman battles Venom because his size and sheer strength over Spiderman always made Spidey have to improvise.

That has been retained though. Only the size thing is different. Venom still completely overpowered both him and Harry.

I actually was glad that Venom wasn't ridiculously huge. I never liked that aspect of his appearance and I think he makes much more sense not being huge.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 03:47 AM
And Eddie Brock Jr is not huge in the comics, why should he be huge in the movie? The symbiote doesn't make Parker huge, so why would it for Brock? I don't see why evil has to = roided up. The original Venom was only big because Brock was big, and he wasn't really that much bigger than Parker. () The artists simply went overboard with the symbiote's effect on it's host over the years. Being big didn't make him an interesting character, the anti-Spider-man aspect did, him having all of Parker's powers and memories due to the symbiote's prior bond to him, and those elements are retained in the film perfectly.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-06-2007, 07:18 AM
Just got back from seeing it.

I enjoyed it right up until how they handled things between Parker and Sandman at the end. Too much of a cop-out in the rationale for how that sub-arc ended.

Also didn't care too much for the Jazz Club scene, Parker's dancing incorporated too much Spidey-level agility (double flip from behind the piano playing it up to the top of it, then all the other jumping around and sliding?).

05-06-2007, 07:54 AM
8:15 showing. I had to buy my ticket almost an hour and a half early.

I loved every minute of this movie. It's my opinion that with the 3 movies, they kept getting better and better. I didn't feel there was too much going on because I felt the directer made it easy to follow and did a good job tying everything together by the end. To say there wasn't enough Venom is still a lot better then too much. The anticipation of his presence made it that much more exciting. By now with the 3rd movie I've already fallen in love with the characters that at times I found myself a little misty eyed. Seeing Peter acting like a dick to Mary-Jane even pissed me off even though the story isn't real, but the emotion was. But then that was also the cockiness of the black suit. I think it touched me a little more because many of the personal problems between all the characters was something I was able to relate too just as the comic was meant to. I think there may be room for a 4th movie because, besides Sandman still living, one thing I don't remember any of you touching on was the symbiote sample the professor still had in his lab. Anything can happen with that.

I wish they would have had more of a back story in the first 2 films with the butler so that I didn't feel he came out of nowhere which is my only problem.

To settle the argument with the REAL origin of Venom, here we go. (if memory serves)

In the original comic, Spider-Man went off to space in that war. Around that time, give or take, Marvel was lacking in comic sales. They had the idea of revamping Spider-Man by designing the black suit. (There's even a long side story that involved Marvel comics company mailing labels/letter heads being used on accident that had the black suited Spider-Man before the issue came out.) Anywho, By the time Spider-Man came back to earth, the comics introduced him with the black suit. A lot of fans were unhappy and wrote letters. Somewhere down the line they would go back and forth with the black suit and red/blue suit in the stories. They eventually came to the idea of later creating a back story that would make since of the black suit and that's where the symbiote story came in. It hitched a ride from space and came back to earth with Spider-Man and friends. I can't remember the actual chronological order of the issues coming out, I think the black suit came out of nowhere and then they later came up with the symbiote story and then came up with the outer space war story to tie it all together.

Edit: Another thing to note, They originally wanted to make the black & white suit to be black and red, but due to the printing issue between the black and red ink, it created too much of a printing flaw so they stuck with the black and white.

Atom Narmor
05-06-2007, 08:11 AM
Loved it.

Also didn't care too much for the Jazz Club scene, Parker's dancing incorporated too much Spidey-level agility (double flip from behind the piano playing it up to the top of it, then all the other jumping around and sliding?).

True Odin, I woulda known he was Spiderman right off. I'm not a naive one by any standard. He woulda been busteded..

I'm a "classic Marvel fan" and I absolutely don't see it necessary for Venom to be huge in the film. It's a really small thing to nitpick imo. See the film first before judging it just based off of Venom not being 500 pounds of muscle.

No big deal at all. I'm not saying he has to be huge Ktulu, just noticably bigger than Parker, a former wimp geek. After seeing it just now, I'm noting the fact that the character in the film was NOT Eddy Brock at all but a film character with the same name, so to speak. The thing that made him Venom in this movie was the ugly teeth face, the alien it's self. The symbiot acted as I thought it would and somehow had a personality all it's own. THAT was Venom but I stand by my original point in that Eddy Brock of the comics was not present in this movie.


Oh well. My BIGGEST GRIPE, you guys is that Hollywood always kills off characters and it pisses me off if I could say so bluntly. I saw Brock's ribs for cryin out loud. The man jumped into a mutual death with the symbiot MAN! BULLSHEIT! How can you kill off two main characters to Spiderman's story like that?! This is my argument Ktulu, my reason to B I ITCH. They don't only change characters they ruin them for everyone if given an inch so they can run a mile over your face. They killed Cyclops and gave Wolverine 7' extra inches and leadership of the X-Men and that's gay. Selfish ass execs and directors rampant yall. They made this a closed off trilogy for their own selfish desires. They want to ruin it all every chance they get and it's only the die hard fans like T.K. that keep them from writting stupid crap into the scripts like Mary Jane giving birth to 100 spider babies in the next Spiderman flick (actual suggest to Raimi by KIRSTEN DUNCE). Excuse me, Dunst. Raimi is actualy considering it I hear...

05-06-2007, 08:29 AM
Yes, maybe killing off characters is very Hollywood, but as a movie, this is definitely not a comic, everything else is mostly true to its original story. Since it would be silly to make several more sequels based on reused villains when there are so many, and I can't imagine how they'd be able to capture and imprison some of them, these are characters in violent battles that usually do end in some type of death, especially if it were real life, and God forbid they continue the story into a cheesy tv series, I think killing them off is not a bad Idea and makes more since to me.

Atom Narmor
05-06-2007, 08:31 AM
Lol, but what about the Spider baby idea and the stupid red & black outfit? RUINOUS, Str8. Simply..

05-06-2007, 08:33 AM
Lol, but what about the Spider babie idea and the stupid red & black outfit? RUINOUS, Str8. Simply..

Would you care to elaborate?

And why is Eddy Murphy giving Lindsay Lohan that look? o.O


Atom Narmor
05-06-2007, 08:37 AM
Kirsten Dunst has a mini script that Raimi is actualy liking a bit now. An example of how one person can ruin an entire production, a whole series. It involves her giving birth to a whole bunch of babies in the next movie (if there is one), like a spider would. THAT'S BULLSHEIT!

Edit: Another thing to note, They originally wanted to make the black & white suit to be black and red, but due to the printing issue between the black and red ink, it created too much of a printing flaw so they stuck with the black and white.

You stated that they wanted to alter the symbiot suit he'd be warring. It woulda been disasterous, ruining the movie for me. What will they think of next?

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 08:49 AM
Atom what's up, you're being fairly goofy.

This is the first I've heard of whatever crazy 'spider baby' thing you're talking about. I think you're buying into a joke you've come across. Raimi's official statement: there are 3 more Spidey films being made but he does not know if he will be asked to direct. Given the chance and the right story, he will. Dunst: She'll only do more if Raimi and McGuire do more. I've not heard any of this crazy spider baby nonsense at all. You're getting worked up over nothing.

MarvStraight meant the black and white suit was going to be black and red in the comics originally but was changed when the original scheme didn't print well. That was about the comics, not Spidey 3.

Also, again, Venom in this film was Eddie Brock Jr. from the Ultimate Universe with elements from the original Venom. I'm sorry that you don't like those comics, but this film and the two before it are still closer in spirit to the funny books than any other Marvel movies. You're letting very small things distract you from other elements that are very much like the source material.

As for them wanting to ruin it all? Yeah, 250 million was spent just to screw things up. What?

Selfish? Raimi didn't even want to put Venom in the damn movie, he originally just wanted Sandman. Venom is in to please the fans that were demanding him.

X-Men: Wolverine was never given leadership of the team in any of those films

05-06-2007, 08:52 AM
Kirsten Dunst has a mini script that Raimi is actualy liking a bit now. An example of how one person can ruin an entire production, a whole series. It involves her giving birth to a whole bunch of babies in the next movie (if there is one), like a spider would. THAT'S BULLSHEIT!

I agree. They've always tried to stay true to the comic story as much as possible. Since there is not outer space war, having the symbiote come from a meteor works for me, but in a way it was out of left field (no pun intended). Creating a whole new add-on, like Mary-Jane giving birth to a bunch of spider babies, would fuck it up for me.

You stated that they wanted to alter the symbiot suit he'd be warring. It woulda been disasterous, ruining the movie for me. What will they think of next?

Either you took what I said out of context or maybe I didn't type it out correctly. What I was trying to say was as a "little known fact", which has nothing to do with the movie, when Marvel originally came up with the idea of revamping the comic for a boost in sales by giving Peter a new spidey suit, in which the Idea of Venom wasn't even thought up yet until many issues later after the black suit was introduced, it was originally going to be all black with a red spider across the chest with 1 point in the lower abdomen of the spider (later changed to 2 points to make it that much more "different"). But due to the limited quality of comic printing back in those days, putting the black and red ink together like that created a printing flaw when, Secondly, they also came up with the idea of blue highlights around the edges (muscles, lines, etc.) on the suit to give the character more "definition". This also did not look good when you're dealing with a black and red suit.

Atom Narmor
05-06-2007, 09:08 AM
Atom what's up, you're being fairly goofy.
MarvStraight meant the black and white suit was going to be black and red in the comics originally but was changed when the original scheme didn't print well. That was about the comics, not Spidey 3.

I hate the Ultimates as you know Ktulu, I wanted to see my favorite characters grow old and die, or atleast go through changes like the Silver Surfer as he sees everything he loves turn to dust, while coping with near immortality. More realistic, as sad as it sounds. As far the goofyness (lol) I'm tired and sort of frustrated man, I need sleep. Don't get me wrong now, I enjoyed the movie. It was worth standing in line next to the stinky bathroom for a half hour and buying that woman expensive ass nachos so she could fall asleep before the cliff hanger. It realy was..

X-Men: Wolverine was never given leadership of the team in any of those films

I meant that figuratively. Wolverine had front street in all the X - films, his face was all I saw, while Cyclops was a whiney punk who got a bad deal in the end. A REAL bad one. I'm that movie goer who became like a spurned lover because certain people in theater were unfaithful to what I love about certain characters. I can't trust them Ktulu, not with my childhood memories. For some reason, when money's involved people start acting funny and a whole lot of feelings get hurt. LOL

Either you took what I said out of context or maybe I didn't type it out correctly.

Out of context. I'm glad we can agree on a thing or 2 though. You're right about the realistic death encounters. It finalizes a story that costs millions to produce, I guess. Tomorrow, when my brain's not so dry I think I'll scan the article in this magazine that seemed quite serious about the Kirsten DUNCE suggestion to Raimi. You won't believe your eye..

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 09:16 AM
It just seems if that was truly real or at least a serious suggestion about the next film I would've seen it mentioned somewhere else given all the time I've spent reading/discussing Spidey stuff online this weekend. I'm not doubting what you saw or anything, just saying be cautious what you buy into.

About Wolvie, yeah, he was focused on too much in the movies, but only because at that point he had already been focused on so much in the comics, merchandise, and cartoons to the point of becoming an ultra popular character they couldn't afford to let sit anywhere other than right in the starring role. Face it, he's the poster boy for X-Men and he has been for quite a while. The next X-Men cartoon is even tentatively titled "Wolverine and the X-Men"

Also, didn't mean to seem insulting in my goofy comment, it just seems you're getting worked up over some odd things. Can't tell you how to feel though, I shouldn't that is, so I respect your opinions.

05-06-2007, 09:16 AM
I too am tired and need sleep. In fact, the one time I'm not awake and hardly there I end up typing all that. lol.

Atom Narmor
05-06-2007, 09:38 AM
"Wolverine and the X-Men"

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 06:15 PM

"When Spider-Man 3 was being prepped Sam Raimi and Columbia Pictures tried to hold the announcement of Venom for as long as they possibly could... confirming the news just before Comic Con in July of 2006. But here we are, the day Spider-Man 3 hits theaters, and your good pal here has the skinny on who you will see in Spider-Man 4 - with or without Sam Raimi (hater of all things symbiotic).

Before I hit you with the news, let me make it clear that we got this news from a 100% reliable source working on the film. He's the one who told us Venom was the villain in Spidey 3 and nobody believed us. So here you have it, the biggest announcement of 2008... NOW!

Our regular scooper tells FreezeDriedMovies that plans are underway for Spider-Man 4, which were (obviously) set up in the third film. In the third entry, Dr. Curt Connors (played by Dylan Baker) looks at a piece of symbiote with Peter Parker. The movie then travels along it's path without another mention of that "piece" of symbiote. This is the set up for Spider-Man 4 where that small piece of alien symbiote becomes CARNAGE. Yes Cletus Kasady is coming to the big screen, one of Spider-Man most horrifying and evil villains. Not only with Parker have to deal with the red lean mean killing machine, but Connors is set to become the long awaited LIZARD! these two villains have all been CONFIRMED for Spider-Man 4. There is talk of the Black Cat making her first appearance, but that's all but official."

No idea whether or not that is truly a reliable source, but those characters make a lot of sense, especially considering they're already set up. I hope it's not necessarily true because I personally don't really want to see Carnage on the big screen. Carnage was a retread even in the comics for me. I like him to an extent, but I feel like Venom is enough. To me they should just explore the Lizard, lots of great story opportunity there considering the Connors/Parker relationship.

05-06-2007, 07:50 PM
Yeah, I would really prefer not to have Carnage enter the picture. I never liked him either and I think they should just be done with the symbiote. With the number of things that can be done with the Spider-Man stories, there's just no point in rehashing the same concept again. So far I think they've done a great job of covering a lot of ground in only three movies, but there's still more that could very effectively be covered.

But then again if Raimi isn't at the helm again I seriously doubt that any subsequent movies will be decent anyway.

Atom, I think you're full of shit about the whole spider babies thing. I'd love to see your source on that. If you don't have one then quit propagating idiotic rumors.

05-06-2007, 08:13 PM
I just dug this up from Wikipedia.

Director Sam Raimi has confirmed that Sony intends to produce at least three more Spider-Man films after Spider-Man 3 [1], and Columbia Pictures has hired screenwriter David Koepp to write the script for a fourth Spider-Man film [2]. Dylan Baker stated in an interview that he was open to the idea of playing the Lizard in the future Spider-Man 4 film.


Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-06-2007, 08:15 PM
I definitely want to see the Lizard, but Carnage...if at all, at least wait till part 5 or the final movie. Definitely shouldn't retread symbiote territory in part 4, it wouldn't feel right to have that element in back to back movies.

On IMDB the new complaint has gone from Peter's hair and dancing to the American flag featured in the film for 2 seconds. I can't believe people are hating the movie just based on that. It's not as if it's unrealistic, swinging about Manhatten, I imagine Spidey would come across many, many flags. Still, it's offending people and being seen as propaganda. Yeah, Raimi could have easily chosen not to show it...but uh, is it really a big deal that it's there? It's so silly to hate a movie because there's a fucking US flag in it for two seconds.

05-06-2007, 08:55 PM
I say the next movie, if it's made, should definitely feature the Lizard and if they want another villain it should be the Vulture. Those two seem to me like the most important remaining enemies that haven't been used. And after seeing 3, I have no problem with the idea of having two villains in one movie. Doesn't worry me anymore. That is, if Raimi is directing. If he leaves I'll be worried no matter what they do.

I'd definitely rather not see any Black Cat. Just let Pete be happily settled with MJ at this point. There's only so much strain a relationship can realistically take before you stop buying it. Also, they haven't really had Aunt May get sick yet, which was a terrific method the comics had for torturing Pete.

05-06-2007, 11:25 PM
I want Rhino. And Scorpion. Hobgoblin would be cool but maybe we've had enough goblins so far. And bring back Doc Ock.

05-06-2007, 11:34 PM

"When Spider-Man 3 was being prepped Sam Raimi and Columbia Pictures tried to hold the announcement of Venom for as long as they possibly could... confirming the news just before Comic Con in July of 2006. But here we are, the day Spider-Man 3 hits theaters, and your good pal here has the skinny on who you will see in Spider-Man 4 - with or without Sam Raimi (hater of all things symbiotic).

Before I hit you with the news, let me make it clear that we got this news from a 100% reliable source working on the film. He's the one who told us Venom was the villain in Spidey 3 and nobody believed us. So here you have it, the biggest announcement of 2008... NOW!

Our regular scooper tells FreezeDriedMovies that plans are underway for Spider-Man 4, which were (obviously) set up in the third film. In the third entry, Dr. Curt Connors (played by Dylan Baker) looks at a piece of symbiote with Peter Parker. The movie then travels along it's path without another mention of that "piece" of symbiote. This is the set up for Spider-Man 4 where that small piece of alien symbiote becomes CARNAGE. Yes Cletus Kasady is coming to the big screen, one of Spider-Man most horrifying and evil villains. Not only with Parker have to deal with the red lean mean killing machine, but Connors is set to become the long awaited LIZARD! these two villains have all been CONFIRMED for Spider-Man 4. There is talk of the Black Cat making her first appearance, but that's all but official."

No idea whether or not that is truly a reliable source, but those characters make a lot of sense, especially considering they're already set up. I hope it's not necessarily true because I personally don't really want to see Carnage on the big screen. Carnage was a retread even in the comics for me. I like him to an extent, but I feel like Venom is enough. To me they should just explore the Lizard, lots of great story opportunity there considering the Connors/Parker relationship.

I wouldnt mind that. But I want to see scorpian.

05-06-2007, 11:47 PM
It was a very, very exciting movie.

I wish they would have saved Venom for another film, however. Some parts were awkwardly handled and some lines awkwardly delivered...they just didn't quite feel right. They spent SO much time developing Parker's changes...it wasn't necessarily bad, but I just wonder how much different (or better) the film might have been if they'd scaled back.

05-07-2007, 02:46 AM
Spidey shatters records with $148M (http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20070506/ap_on_en_mo/box_office)


Atom Narmor
05-07-2007, 03:23 AM
That's a lota cash, Str8!

I say the next movie, if it's made, should definitely feature the Lizard and if they want another villain it should be the Vulture. Those two seem to me like the most important remaining enemies that haven't been used. And after seeing 3, I have no problem with the idea of having two villains in one movie. Doesn't worry me anymore. That is, if Raimi is directing. If he leaves I'll be worried no matter what they do.

I'd definitely rather not see any Black Cat. Just let Pete be happily settled with MJ at this point. There's only so much strain a relationship can realistically take before you stop buying it. Also, they haven't really had Aunt May get sick yet, which was a terrific method the comics had for torturing Pete.

Black Cat is cool to but let's not forget these two...



Swedish Fish
05-07-2007, 03:26 AM
Finally saw Spider-Man 3. I can't say that I loved it, but they did a remarkably good job on the plot. It was certainly better than the first two.

On the subject of future movies, I would love to see Carnage and Lizard Man.

05-07-2007, 03:56 AM
Sorry if this has already been posted.


It says that a character that died in this may not be dead after all.

As for this movie I loved it. With all the negative reviews I've been hearing I was a little worried. The action scenes were great especially the last one. I noticed that some parts in the first fight between Peter and Harry weren't in the clip that was released a couple months ago.

The only thing that disappointed me is that Peter only fought with the black suit on just once. I would have at least liked another fight with him wearing it

05-07-2007, 04:02 AM
Carnage and Lizard were two of my absolute favourite villains as a kid, and not having enjoyed the last two Spider-Man films I wouldn't really mind at all if the next lot weren't made by Raimi and the same cast.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-07-2007, 04:45 AM

Moved even quicker this time and reconfirmed that I definitely like the film. Finally got a fairly decent audience too, no stupid kids, no disrespectful teenagers.

05-07-2007, 05:09 AM

It says that a character that died in this may not be dead after all.

This made me really excited for them to bring Doc Ock back until I realized it said someone who died in the third movie. I can't think of anyone who died in 3 that could or should be brought back. :/

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-07-2007, 05:29 AM
It could possibly mean the symbiote itself coming back as Carnage I suppose. Dr. Connors was left with part of it.

05-07-2007, 05:51 AM
I would only want to see Carnage if they go out of their way to push the movie to an R rating. Insane violence is pretty much the main aspect of Carnage's character. You can't really make him work in a PG-13 movie.

Also, I enjoyed the movie somewhat. I wasn't really a fan of some of the camera effects during the action scenes as they made it hard for me to focus on what was going on but aside from that I have no real complaints. Venom needed to be more vicious, maybe. Not enough tongue.

05-07-2007, 06:03 AM
I just saw it an hour ago. It was good, but it didn't really follow the storyline to the comic

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-07-2007, 06:31 AM
None of them have followed any specific comic storyline to a T, they aren't supposed to. If you were complaining about it and it was the first movie, somewhat warranted, but if it's only bothering you now, unwarranted.

ThroneofOminous: No Spidey movie will ever be rated R, these are huge mainstream films meant for basically all ages

05-07-2007, 06:40 AM
In case anyone's interested here are photos of the deleted scenes. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong. I'm not sure on some of them

Brock enters the church
Eddie Brock's walk towards his seat in the church is not shown.


American flag by daylight
I'm not sure of this one, but I don't remember Spider-Man in front of the American flag by daylight. He only appears in front of it on his way to the construction site, at night.


MJ's forgiveness speech
I can't remember MJ's speech which appears in the trailers:
MJ: "we have to forgive each other, or everything we ever were will mean nothing."


Norman Osborn conversation
Not sure, but I missed his line "He took me away from you." in the movie.

Symbiot spider logo
The actual transformation of the spider logo on Spider-Man's chest is not shown in the movie, though it appears in every trailer.


Symbiot mirror monster
Like in the animated tv serie, Peter looks in the mirror and sees a monster... a flashforward?


Peter smiling at symbiot
Not sure, but I don't remember Peter smiling at the symbiot in the closet.


Subway fight
A missing action shot Spider-Man swinging a steel bar into Sandman.


Venom transformation
Just one shot missing that comes from the leaked trailer. The second pic is in the movie, but you just miss what happens just before it. In the movie the shot starts with the second pic as Brock looks at the black goo on his hand and freaks out. The first pic is a shot of him catching the symbiot drop.


Harry clapping his hands
Harry claps his hand for MJ's performance as she breaks up with Peter. The clapping is not in the movie.


Peter versus Harry
Not sure, but I don't remember Peter saying the line "I'm so gonna enjoy this" (from tv spot) to Harry before he starts to fight him.


Sandman & doctor - Penny's cure
Sandman visits the doctor for Penny's cure and promises him more money for research for a cure. Sandman gets frustrated and throws the doctor through some window or medial stuff.(Which is shown in trailers)


Sandman & family - construction battle
Notice that the Sandman background was a complete subplot which was cut from the movie. The doctor would go to the police and together they would go to Penny and ask her to stop her father. Penny and Sandman's ex-wife appear at the construction site when Sandman is just about to smack Spider-Man and asks her father to stop it all, and that she understands.


Venom - construction battle
Some missing Venom action at the construction battle.


Sandman versus water
Sandman's face in the trailer is visible, while in the movie it was completely mud instead of a human face.


Black and color
Just an alternate shot. In the movie, his mirror reflection is black.


Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-07-2007, 06:49 AM
I believe there was also some footage in one teaser of more research on the symbiote, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering properly. The script and novel has a lot of stuff not in the final film and it's assumed the deleted scenes part of the DVD will be rather lengthy, there may even be an extended or directors cut edition.

05-07-2007, 06:56 AM
I just saw it an hour ago. It was good, but it didn't really follow the storyline to the comic

No. fucking. shit.

By now we are aware that comic book movies do not follow the exact storyline from the comic book. why would you bother to point it out?

I want Rhino. And Scorpion. Hobgoblin would be cool but maybe we've had enough goblins so far. And bring back Doc Ock.

I don't think that either Rhino or Scorpion were classic enough or showed up enough to justify using them over Vulture. And I would hate to see Doc Ock come back. This isn't like the comics so I don't think everyone who dies should always automatically come back to life. I want people to stay dead.

I can't see using Electro or Mysterio. I don't feel that they are significant enough either. But then again I suppose I feel the same about Sandman. But I really think it should be Vulture. And maybe Kingpin. I think he would work really well in the movies.

It would make no sense and I don't want them to do it, but I have to admit I'd get a bit of a kick out of seeing Tombstone. For some reason I really like him as a Spidey villain and I'm not sure why.

Also: I finally found a torrent of the Spiderman animated series and I am downloading it as we speak. Very excited. And I'm probably going to go see the movie again sometime during the week. Which I never do. Ever.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-07-2007, 07:02 AM
Vulture was in Spidey 3 before the producers started making Raimi change stuff you know. If Raimi stays on as director I bet we'll see him in a future sequel.

Mysterio, Rhino, and Electro I could do without, but I wouldn't necessarily mind them. I do like Scorpion. The one they should definitely avoid imo is Morbius, I don't see a vampire driven Spidey story working on the big screen. Kraven might be too silly for the movies too.

05-07-2007, 07:26 AM
Kingpin won't ever be in a Spider-Man movie because he was in Daredevil which is owned by Fox.

I would say that the most likely candidates of villains in future Spidey movies would be:

Lizard - 99.9% sure
Carnage - almost as positive as Lizard, but only because they have already set up the symbiote storyline
Electro - 60% sure (he's something new, and is popular among comic-book fans and just think of all the stuff they could do with him)
Scorpion - 60% sure(same as above and it'll probably give Jameson more screentime)
Venom - 60% sure (he's what fans want and it's rumored that someone who died in 3 may not be dead)
Vulture - 40% sure (only if Raimi is directing, because he had mentioned that he enjoyed reading about Vulture and he was orginally gonna be in 3)
Rhino or Shocker - 10% sure (if they ever have an opening scene with Spidey kicking some dumbass around)

So, the main villains would almost positively be either Lizard, Carnage, Electro, Scorpion, or maybe even a return of Eddie/Venom. And the only reason I didn't mention Hobgoblin or Demogoblin is because I feel that after Harry, they're gonna be done with the whole "goblin" thing. Hobgoblin's way too mysterious anyway. Was it Roderick Kingsley? Ned Leeds?

Mysterio would be cool but I don't think he should have his own movie. He's not really much of a fighter.

I'm really not interested in Kraven. I really can't see why people think he would be good in a movie. There's nothing really special about him and other sites that I go too he's in everyone's top five or three villains they should use. I don't get it. Where's the attraction to this guy from? We got Lizard, Scorpion, Electro, Carnage, hell I'd rather see effing Vulture and Mysterio than this guy. These are much better villains that Kraven.

And I remember people saying that villians that appeared in the games based of the movies, but didn't appear in the movie, would never appear in a movie. With Vulture orginally planned for the third movie and The Lizard most likely to appear in the fourth movie, I'd say that was BS.

These villains

The Gibbon
The Grizzly
The Squid
The Walrus
White Rabbit
The Spot
Rocket Racer
Big Wheel
Will O' The Wisp
The Puma
Judas Traveller

...The most obscure Spidey foes who will not and should not be in #4.

05-07-2007, 07:27 AM
Yeah, fuck Kraven. He was almost too silly for the comic, and that's saying something.

Now I'm imagining them copying the "Venom returns" story from the animated TV series and salivating because think how cool it would be to watch Venom get pulverized by War Machine on the big screen.

Not that I actually think this should happen, but man.

05-07-2007, 03:30 PM
I don't think that either Rhino or Scorpion were classic enough or showed up enough to justify using them over Vulture. And I would hate to see Doc Ock come back. This isn't like the comics so I don't think everyone who dies should always automatically come back to life. I want people to stay dead.

I want Doc Ock back simply because he's like my favorite comic book character of all time and deserved more evil than the second film had. I wouldn't say rhino or scorpion OVER vulture, but again, I like them so I'd like to see them. :P

Also, I'd like Kingpin too but stupid daredevil had to use him. :/

Also: I finally found a torrent of the Spiderman animated series and I am downloading it as we speak. Very excited. And I'm probably going to go see the movie again sometime during the week. Which I never do. Ever.

If it's all 5 seasons divided into like 5 seperate folders it is probably the same torrent I am downloading right now. :O Assuming you mean the 90's animated series.

05-07-2007, 03:59 PM
People also said Venom would never be in a Spider-Man movie because someone else had the rights.

If it's all 5 seasons divided into like 5 seperate folders it is probably the same torrent I am downloading right now. :O Assuming you mean the 90's animated series.

It's all 5, but not in separate folders.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-07-2007, 04:03 PM
Yeah, fuck Kraven. He was almost too silly for the comic, and that's saying something.

Now I'm imagining them copying the "Venom returns" story from the animated TV series and salivating because think how cool it would be to watch Venom get pulverized by War Machine on the big screen.

Not that I actually think this should happen, but man.

It would be great to get a Spider-man/Ironman crossover movie, after the upcoming Ironman movie, with that Venom Returns storyline.

And everyone is forgetting about The Shocker. Classic Shocker, not Ultimate Shocker.

05-07-2007, 04:07 PM
Yeah, but every time I think about them doing crossovers with Spidey and other Marvel movies that have been made, I remember that all the others have sucked except the X-Men ones, and even in that case I only thought the first two were really good. There's tons of potential for crossovers with X-Men, Daredevil, Fantastic Four... but I don't want to see the shittiness seep into the Spiderman movies. Maybe it would be okay if Sam Raimi was handling it. And I'm crossing my fingers that Iron Man won't suck.

Really though I doubt there will be any major crossovers unless they decide to do some kind of one big movie event thing. Which actually could be kinda cool I guess. If it was done right. Which it probably wouldn't be.

And I guess Shocker is kinda cool but he just seems like such a fringe enemy to bring in. Whao special effects opportunities though.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-07-2007, 04:38 PM
Yeah, but every time I think about them doing crossovers with Spidey and other Marvel movies that have been made, I remember that all the others have sucked except the X-Men ones, and even in that case I only thought the first two were really good. There's tons of potential for crossovers with X-Men, Daredevil, Fantastic Four... but I don't want to see the shittiness seep into the Spiderman movies. Maybe it would be okay if Sam Raimi was handling it. And I'm crossing my fingers that Iron Man won't suck.

Really though I doubt there will be any major crossovers unless they decide to do some kind of one big movie event thing. Which actually could be kinda cool I guess. If it was done right. Which it probably wouldn't be.

And I guess Shocker is kinda cool but he just seems like such a fringe enemy to bring in. Whao special effects opportunities though.

I just want it to happen so that maybe we can get some actual one-liner fights out of Spidey.

But then, I want a Deadpool movie, which will probably never ever happen. So there you go. :(

Sharon Agathon
05-07-2007, 04:42 PM
Spidey-Wolvy / Spidey-Daredevil / Spidey-Fantastic4 all sounds like good crossovers to me if only they can get a director good enough to pull it off. =\

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-07-2007, 04:53 PM
Iron Man's suit has been revealed, and some goofy spy footage of someone in costume on set is online. I'll show you guys if you're interested, just didn't want to derail the thread from Spidey too much.

I didn't forget about the Shocker, he's just not one I'm too excited over seeing. I wouldn't mind him at all though, I like him better than Electro.

Spidey/Fantastic Four is the most attractive crossover to me, especially seeing as how they've often been in Spidey books anyway. They even helped him out in one of the early fights against Venom, giving him some crazy gun to use. I won't be in tears if crossovers like that never happen though, it doesn't really matter.

05-07-2007, 06:17 PM
It's sad because Fantastic Four would be by far the most sensible crossover, and yet it's also the one that would terrify me the most since FF sucked worse than any other recent superhero movie I can think of.

I'd be interested in seeing what Iron Man's suit is going to look like. I don't care if it's not totally comic book accurate but I'll be a little sad if they changed the traditional colors. If he's not clearly recognizable as Iron Man I feel like it'll just be some dumb guy in a robot suit.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-07-2007, 06:42 PM
It's sad because Fantastic Four would be by far the most sensible crossover, and yet it's also the one that would terrify me the most since FF sucked worse than any other recent superhero movie I can think of.

I'd be interested in seeing what Iron Man's suit is going to look like. I don't care if it's not totally comic book accurate but I'll be a little sad if they changed the traditional colors. If he's not clearly recognizable as Iron Man I feel like it'll just be some dumb guy in a robot suit.

Considering it's an origin story, they're going to use the first suit for the bigger part of the film.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-08-2007, 12:22 AM
Iron Man:

crazy video:


Finally found a decent Spidey 3 review now just hating it off of goofy nitpicking things:


05-08-2007, 02:27 AM

It'll probably look better in the actual movie. The proportions seem a teeny bit off as it stands. Haven't watched the video yet but I'll check it out later when I'm not already downloading something.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-08-2007, 02:45 AM
Good suit imo, and even though I wouldn't be all "SCREW DIS MOVIE" if it WAS different, I'm glad it's pretty recognizable as Iron-Man right off.

05-08-2007, 05:55 AM
I just feel like the torso is too bulky compared to the limbs. I wish they'd give him the thick bulky limbs to go with the torso like in the comics. Still in general it's really nice.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-08-2007, 11:33 AM
I see what you're saying. Maybe more pronounced gauntlets would balance it more. Also, like you said, the actual live suit will probably look better.

05-08-2007, 06:58 PM
I just read that review you linked to and I really appreciate it. I'm especially glad he understands how amazing that dance scene was and how great emo parker in general was, and it's nice to have someone agreeing with me because I just wrote similarly glowing things about that portion of the movie in my LJ. I agree with him so much about how ridiculous the "dark" things people want can get. Personally I don't even think the things he listed as flaws were really very big deals but I can see why they would bother people. Anyway A+ writer and A+ article. That guy deserves a handshake.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-08-2007, 07:39 PM
Fo sho'z. It's fine not to like stuff as long as you're not just being crazy about it...the "IT SUCKS THE END" type. That guy has very sensible and well thought out reasons for any distaste and is still able to come out with a fairly positive view. I really wish more people were like that.

You saying "emo Parker" reminds me, I wish a lot of people wouldn't let his hair cut or whatever ruin the movie for them, his attitude was anything but "emo", way over confident, easily loses his temper, etc. Total jerk ass really. Still, so many people letting the hair and darkened eyes fucking it all up for them when it's actually a decent idea to show he's definitely being affected.

Someone on another board noted the darkened eyes could be reference to the sleep deprived aspect of the comic stories, when he had the symbiote costume in the books it'd supposedly take him over while sleeping so his body actually didn't get rest. It probably wasn't the intent of the costume design/make up department, or even Raimi, but it does kind of work if you absolutely need it justified. You could also just imagine it's taxing his body in general.

I've finally had one thing about the movie that really bugs me after thinking about it. When Eddie turns into Venom, Peter is still just a few stories above him, completely vulnerable after ridding himself of the symbiote, and yet Venom's first action is go find Sandman so they can team up on him? He could have just jumped up the bell tower and killed Peter right there right?

Is this just me? Does what happened work on a higher level than I'm considering?

If not, it could have easily been changed to either show Peter leaving before Eddie is fully transformed (which I assume is what supposedly happened, considering Peter was surprised to see Eddie was this new villain later on, if he'd stuck around I imagine he would've been able to hear/see what was going on below) or have Peter ditching the symbiote and Eddie getting it not happen at exactly the same time.

It doesn't really bug me a lot, I still like the movie of course, but it seems weird. I guess it's just a result of the whole cramming 100s of details in thing.

05-08-2007, 08:06 PM
Does it show Venom leaving? My memory is that the last thing we see is just that shot of the camera zooming in on Venom kinda growling or whatever he does. I just assumed Peter left before Eddie was really capable of understanding what was going on and what he had become. He would have had to go through a whole "wtf" process and discover how to use the powers he'd just gained.

05-09-2007, 04:01 AM
I think I figured out why I adore this movie so much more than everyone else seems to. Like even the other people who liked it don't seem to be raving about it. I feel like the only one. I'm pretty sure it is because it is so hectic, cramped, frantic, and wacky that it is almost FLCL-like in its presentation.

I mean think of what the story is if you don't describe it as Spiderman: a guy gets an alien symbiote attached to him that makes him super powerful but makes him get all self-obsessed and violent, his best friend is a mentally unstable rich dude who's trying to kill him with crazy far out advanced sky-surfing/bomb shooting technology, and the whole city loves him for fighting bizarro freakazoids. Which is also going to his head. And the whole thing is told with a sometimes over the top sense of humor, references galore, and basically just throwing in whatever the director happens to think is awesome. It practically is FLCL.

i.e. incredibly frickin' awesome. I think I actually like it when movies unfold in ways that are far too fast and convoluted.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-09-2007, 04:42 AM
I saw it 3 times, talked about it online all weekend, and am probably seeing it again, you're definitely not the only one that's really into the movie!

I think the hectic feel is fine for the movie too, it's a frigging comic book film, it's over the top and there's really no reason it shouldn't be. It's not as if it's hard to follow or anything.

05-09-2007, 04:55 AM
yah you are the most enthusiastic other person I have encountered. I think I feel alone simply because of the sheer volume of crap I've written/said about it. I can't get it off my head! might go again tomorrow.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-09-2007, 05:02 AM
I guess I feel a need to stick up for it/support it in a way. I'm a huge Raimi fan, a huge Spider-Man fan, a huge Marvel fan in general, and just a movie fanatic and I know this movie is nowhere near as bad as a lot of people are making it out to be. I enjoyed it a lot and I'm thoroughly intrigued by the whole thing, the movie itself, the way people are responding to it, everything. It was the movie I was most excited about and even after seeing it 3 times it's still kept my interest and I think that's saying something.

It's down to 6.9 at imdb :( I know a lot of people on the boards said they'd be voting it a 1. This just isn't a 1 star movie. I can see voting it a 5 or so, I can see not liking it based on certain things, but really considering it a 1 star movie out of TEN? I just don't get how anyone could think it's that bad. There's so much worse out there.

This movie has some really beautiful promo art, there's a ton of pieces like this I'm just now seeing

05-09-2007, 06:12 PM
I gave it a 6 on imdb.

05-09-2007, 09:34 PM
OMG I saw that movie on like the first night it was amazing!!

Ephemeral Dyne
05-09-2007, 09:40 PM
I heard Kirstin Dunst had fake breasts for the movie...

Surely a tabloid, no?

Anyways, I have seen the first two, and loved them both, so I am sure I will like this one too. I just won't be able to see it until it hits DVD.

05-09-2007, 11:48 PM
George Lucas calls Spider-Man 3 "silly"


Lucas told me he has seen all the summer movies since his company, Industrial Light and Magic, does most of the special effects. The only one they didn't work on was "Spider-Man 3." What did he think of it?

"It's silly. It's a silly movie," he said. "There just isn't much there. Once you take it all apart, there's not much story, is there?"

Well, it's not "Star Wars."

"People thought 'Star Wars' was silly, too," he added, with a wink. "But it wasn't

Maybe it was a bit silly, but he isn't really in much of a position to be publicly calling anyone else's films silly. The birth of Vader: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" or Jar-Jar anyone?

He is the last person who should say that.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-09-2007, 11:57 PM
I hope that's BS

Atom Narmor
05-10-2007, 02:10 AM
It would be great to get a Spider-man/Ironman crossover movie, after the upcoming Ironman movie, with that Venom Returns storyline.

Spiderman/Ironman you say?

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-10-2007, 08:15 AM
I heard Kirstin Dunst had fake breasts for the movie...

Surely a tabloid, no?

Anyways, I have seen the first two, and loved them both, so I am sure I will like this one too. I just won't be able to see it until it hits DVD.

Well, considering she didn't show them and they really aren't that impressive to begin with (what with how far down her torso they're hanging and all), would it have mattered if they were fake?

Neo Xzhan
05-12-2007, 11:25 PM
Well I saw it tonight. I didn't really like it to be honest.


I really REALLY hated how they fitted the Sandman in the story. Atleast Octopus and the original Goblin were expected to get those freak accidents.

But randomly falling into a science project? Please that really didn't do it for me. I realize that the Sandman is the alternative version of Aquaman (I think?) from the comics, but his story was actually pretty good. But what I hated the most is, they changed the story (Ben Parker gets shot, Peter somewhat gets his revenge) but apparantly some other guy did it! Now we have a new reason for Peter to get angry again (though this does seem logical for his Symbiotic Black Suit, it feeds on anger so Peter needed reason to be angry). It felt really forced. I also thought he was way over the top in the final battle.

You'd also think Harry atleast would have reasonable questions about his father's death, and how Peter fitted in this picture. In the end of Spiderman 2, he discovers the truth and he KNOWS that the Green Goblin and Spidey battled. None of that was found back in the movie. I did like the new Goblin on it's own though, the flying was pretty good. But story wise, I disliked.

I really lost it when I saw Parker turn emo. Sure I completely felt that he became cocky, but it was in a wrong way. It just didn't feel good. I rathed had seen him more arrogant than that.

I liked Venom. ALOT. I think Eddie Brock was really well casted. I was disapointed about his limited screen time + very soon death. I feel like he could have done so much more. He was brilliant animated though. Not as huge as in the cartoon, but SPOT ON when it came to looks and behaviour. I agree when TK said that it was okay for him to apear on the last quarter of the movie. He really didn't need a big introduction.

It did add up where Peter eventually comes to realize what he was doing, shouldn't be doing and should start doing. But it felt a little forced and unnatural. I don't know, it didn't really apeal to me.

I still love the first two movies, alot, but I'm rather disapointed with this third installment.

I have some heavy criticism I know, but I feel like I also lighted out a few good things.

This sure as hell isn't a one star movie, but out of five, I'd give it a three.

05-13-2007, 04:39 PM

05-13-2007, 08:33 PM
I realize that the Sandman is the alternative version of Aquaman (I think?) from the comics,

More like the opposite. Sandman was one of the earliest villains in the original comics. Hydroman was invented waaaaaaay later.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-13-2007, 09:48 PM
More like the opposite. Sandman was one of the earliest villains in the original comics. Hydroman was invented waaaaaaay later.

That part of it still sucked, though. The movie could have completely left Sandman out and not suffered at all for it (if anything, it would have ended up far better since it would have left out the stupid "I forgive you" bullshit and given us a not-nerfed Venom that would've been a big threat to both Spider-man and Goblin Jr.).

I mean, let's face it, Venom from the comics would've mopped the floor with both Spider-man and Goblin-Harry (and even just the animated series version, which beat the shit out of Rhino, Shocker and a bunch of other villains with ease simply because he didn't want them interfering with his fight with Spider-man).

05-13-2007, 11:50 PM
But Venom from the movie also mopped the floor with both Spider-Man and Goblin-Harry.

I agree that Sandman could have been left out, but I was fine with him being there, especially since he was the villain that Raimi really wanted to do, and I definitely would not want that to have been taken away from him.

And I liked the scene where he forgives Sandman. The only thing I didn't really like about Sandman was how exaggerated his powers were, but even that I'm not sure if I actually minded since I can't deny how awesome that last battle was with Harry flying around shooting missiles at a fucking huge mud golem.

Sharon Agathon
05-13-2007, 11:55 PM
I saw Spiderman 2.1 and felt the new/extended scenes with Peter and Harry help connect Spiderman 2 and 3 a lot better( Harry appeared to be more of an arrogant rich brat in the theatrical cut and less caring for Peter) Just wish they leave the elevator scene as it is. The new one is just :( .

05-14-2007, 08:33 AM
My quick, overall opinion;

Wasn't as good as #2, awesome CGI, good fight, little corny, missing venom's extremely long tongue T_T

05-14-2007, 04:59 PM
Uhhh... I don't know if you know this, but Spidey's done that many times in the comics, that along with all the gripes that people have, go very much with the comic book.

Don't get me wrong, that scene made me cringe at it's corniness, but I thought about it afterwords, and well if the movie plot were in a comic book, I wouldn't have thought twice about it.

remember, it's a comic book character, in a comic book story. Corniness comes with the territory.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-14-2007, 08:35 PM
US flags also come with the territory when said territory is a huge fucking US city

05-14-2007, 08:38 PM
But not necessarily landing in front of them before you go into THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-14-2007, 09:02 PM
But not necessarily landing in front of them before you go into THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE.

Well maybe Spider-man should only stop to look at where to jump next when he's standing on a building that isn't a government owned building, eh?

05-14-2007, 09:04 PM
But not necessarily landing in front of them before you go into THE FIGHT OF YOUR LIFE.
Actually, they did that a lot in comics (Superman comics are notorious for it). It's sort of a comic book metaphor for heroic bravery at all costs. Ex: lyrics to the American anthem.

Like I said, corniness

05-15-2007, 12:10 AM
I know it was corny or cheesy or whatever, and it is something that you probably shouldn't dwell on like I have, but I think that the inclusion of the flag at that point worked only to the detriment of the film. Other people might think that it is all a nudge and a wink to the comics and is showing faithfulness to the source and that is fine, or you could take the stance that it is just the building Spiderman happened to land on and is of no real consequence, but the way I choose to interpret it is that Spiderman is a good lad entering the fight to safeguard the liberty and security of the American people or something equally patriotic and noble and he is fighting super evil villains who do not hold sacred the values upon which America is built. While the fight sequence was taking place I was not seething and typing up a letter of complaint in my head or anything; I quickly forgot it and enjoyed the excellent closing chapter of the film. Reflecting on it though, it annoys me how they have attributed the whole battle to an act of patriotism.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-15-2007, 12:38 AM
You need to get the sand out of your vag and stop looking for obscure reasons to bitch about a film that has so many other things to bitch about.

05-15-2007, 06:41 AM
I am with you Mossy, it annoyed me as well.

05-15-2007, 08:09 AM
Diddums. Get over the stupid american flag lol. It was one second of pure, stupid corniness. If that can make or break a movie for you, you have serious issues.

05-15-2007, 01:08 PM
It didn't make or break the movie for anyone, it just happens to be one thing that I found annoying.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-15-2007, 01:53 PM
It really did break the movie for a lot of people unfortunately. Pages and pages of bitching about it on IMDB. I've read people giving it 1 star on there just because of that one complaint. I'm more annoyed how much people are letting such a small thing bother them really, as JoeBob brought up, it was a fucking second of screen time.

05-15-2007, 04:58 PM
I did say I thought it was an excellent film, so it is not a make or break issue for me, jftrrrrrrrrrr.

05-15-2007, 04:59 PM
I know it was corny or cheesy or whatever, and it is something that you probably shouldn't dwell on like I have, but I think that the inclusion of the flag at that point worked only to the detriment of the film. Other people might think that it is all a nudge and a wink to the comics and is showing faithfulness to the source and that is fine, or you could take the stance that it is just the building Spiderman happened to land on and is of no real consequence, but the way I choose to interpret it is that Spiderman is a good lad entering the fight to safeguard the liberty and security of the American people or something equally patriotic and noble and he is fighting super evil villains who do not hold sacred the values upon which America is built. While the fight sequence was taking place I was not seething and typing up a letter of complaint in my head or anything; I quickly forgot it and enjoyed the excellent closing chapter of the film. Reflecting on it though, it annoys me how they have attributed the whole battle to an act of patriotism.
Sorry, but I made this post last night, but couldn't post cause I had a bad connection and couldn't log on anymore, don't mean to make it look like I was ganging up on you.

Again, for the last time:
It's a metaphor for bravery, not at all about patriotism. Now, in the closing scene of Spidey 1 it WAS a blatant message about patriotism.

I understand what you're saying, and I am pretty sure everyone outside the comic book community (and the world for that matter) would get the same impression of "yet another egotistical American patriotic superiority message"
which I reply with: It's a movie about a comic book set in New York. Would you rather have Spidey land on the Statue of Liberty?
Now I know what you're gonna say, "What about X-men 1?" Well, that was a reference to freedom from the tyranny of Evil (not american patriotism). We can go on and on with this.
Bottom line: It's a movie about a comic book set in New York!


Like everyone, I have a few minor complaints (trivial IMO) here and there, but there's only one thing that I really didn't like, and that was TOO much story that was condensed (New characters back stories were simplified). I think they could've easily made Eddie Brock's transformation the arc (cliffhanger) for the 4th film (if you missed the credits, there will be a 4th with or without the same cast).

05-15-2007, 05:11 PM
I dunno, if you want to interpret it as bravery that is fine. However, to make that interpretation based on your knowledge of the comics, and I suppose my relative lack thereof, I'm going to assume the comics include some sort of legend that tells the reader that the American flag denotes bravery, not patriotism. If it does, I guess the whole thing is pretty straightforward and I am wrong. However, in the more likely event that it does not include such a symbolism legend, I don't see how you can interpret an American flag as representing bravery and not patriotism. I guess it comes down to how you personally are going to read it, but I'm probably going to find it difficult to read it as anything beyond a symbol of patriotism.

05-15-2007, 06:54 PM
I dunno, if you want to interpret it as bravery that is fine. However, to make that interpretation based on your knowledge of the comics, and I suppose my relative lack thereof, I'm going to assume the comics include some sort of legend that tells the reader that the American flag denotes bravery, not patriotism. If it does, I guess the whole thing is pretty straightforward and I am wrong. However, in the more likely event that it does not include such a symbolism legend, I don't see how you can interpret an American flag as representing bravery and not patriotism. I guess it comes down to how you personally are going to read it, but I'm probably going to find it difficult to read it as anything beyond a symbol of patriotism.
There's no legend, except for maybe English literature (classes), which has a set of rules for storytelling. It all depends on where the symbols are placed, what the situation of the scene is (like my previous examples), and what the symbols are doing. In this context, the American flag was waving right before the climactic (clearly outmatched) fight. So this symbol would mean bravery at all cost. If you know the words of the US National Anthem, it's about the flag still waving through a tough battle, and the final words in the song are "...home of the Brave!" so by knowing this, the interpretation is bravery.

Now I know this is very detailed, and complicated, but if you understand Sociology, it's quite simple. Your culture and present day events determine how you interpret a symbol, with the whole 911, War, and the Worlds' negative backlash toward the US happening. Anything symbolizing the US comes off as Patriotism, Superiority, and all that. While your average Comic book Spidey fan will see the symbol differently.

Sharon Agathon
05-15-2007, 08:43 PM

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-16-2007, 01:04 AM
I've read a lot of "the flag would be appropriate for Superman, but not Spidey" sort of statements.

That makes no sense to me.

Yes, I understand Supes is all "truth justice the american way yes I'll have fries with that" but he's a fucking alien, Spidey is born and raised American :(

05-16-2007, 01:09 AM
Well, i have to agree, the flag would be more suited to super man, but not spidey. Super man is a hell lot more patriotic than spider man could ever hope to be lol. I'm not sure if super man said this, but i know one of them corny patriotic heroes did; "Don't thank me, thank america!" lol. So the flag is more suited to the patriotic super man, as opposed to the sarcastic spider man. Regardless if ones an alien and ones an american.

05-16-2007, 01:26 AM
I laughed when the flag scene came about. It made me enjoy the film more because it was ridiculously corny which is how I like my comic book stories.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-16-2007, 01:26 AM
I've read a lot of "the flag would be appropriate for Superman, but not Spidey" sort of statements.

That makes no sense to me.

Yes, I understand Supes is all "truth justice the american way yes I'll have fries with that" but he's a fucking alien, Spidey is born and raised American :(

See, this is why we need a Deadpool movie.

Wade could pause in front of an American flag before butchering a bunch of clowns and copping a feel on a random female asian bystander and nobody would bat an eye at the flag being there.

05-16-2007, 01:30 AM
Hah, Deadpool. He's fun to play as in marvel ultimate alliance lol.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-16-2007, 02:32 AM
Hah, Deadpool. He's fun to play as in marvel ultimate alliance lol.

If you think he's fun there, you should read his comics.

05-16-2007, 02:37 AM
Oh? Know anywhere i'd be able to download them? I'm too cheap to buy lol.

05-16-2007, 04:08 AM
I just saw the movie recently and I think it was pretty good. I kept thinking "wow, wouldn't it be great if they made a 'symbiote trilogy'? I mean, Toxin's story is one that has been on hiatus for a good while"

05-16-2007, 08:45 AM
See, this is why we need a Deadpool movie.
I can just picture the Merc with a Mouth blowing stuff up and adding zillions of puns! He'd put Schwarzenegger's cliches to shame.

I just saw the movie recently and I think it was pretty good. I kept thinking "wow, wouldn't it be great if they made a 'symbiote trilogy'? I mean, Toxin's story is one that has been on hiatus for a good while"
Well the symbiote did survive, and the producers have mentioned that the franchise will go on with or without the cast. So either Venom will be back, or Carnage can be the next villain. I'm still waiting for Dr. Connors to turn into The Lizard.

05-16-2007, 11:38 AM
Heh. Carnage, he didn't get a mention in the film did he? You know, i never knew how he came about... anyone care to explain?

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-16-2007, 12:13 PM
Heh. Carnage, he didn't get a mention in the film did he? You know, i never knew how he came about... anyone care to explain?


Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-16-2007, 04:08 PM
Back up to 7 out of 10 at imdb

05-16-2007, 04:56 PM
Heh. Carnage, he didn't get a mention in the film did he?

No, but the symbiote survived, and from what I can tell, Eddie Brock disintegrated, so unless the symbiote can actually bring Brock back to life, they might just say that the symbiote chose Kasady as a new host? If it does revive Brock, then maybe the writers might explain that it bonded with Brock's blood instead of writing in Kasady's character?

05-16-2007, 10:05 PM
I'm still waiting for Dr. Connors to turn into The Lizard.

My memory may be out but in the film he has not lost his arm has he?

05-17-2007, 01:01 AM
He has, actually. None of the movies have explained it, but he's been missing an arm every time he's shown up.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-17-2007, 01:30 AM
Can't help but think of the zombie that wanders into the house in Shaun of the Dead and the simple observation made by Shaun


Not funny just reading it maybe but great in context

05-18-2007, 10:54 AM
You can see the movie free at http://*************.

Spiderman 3 is the best of the spiderman movie series..


05-19-2007, 08:52 AM

Oh? I always thought Carnage and Venom were allies... Never thought Venom would team up with spidy lol. I swear in one of the spiderman cartoons i watched when i was about 10 or something had Venom and Carnage as allies...?

05-20-2007, 09:08 AM
If you're talking about the Fox Kids one, Carnage and Venom were allies at first, but Venom then did in fact team up with Spidey against him in the end. And also Iron Man. Which was awesome.

05-20-2007, 08:58 PM
I found the trailer to be very misleading, Spidey wasn't really that evil at all during the movie. I wasn't too impressed with it. It looked good but why did they include the whole dancing thing in the middle? It really didn't work for me.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-20-2007, 09:51 PM
Dancing scene = Dual functionality, 1) comic relief, 2) more importantly, shows Peter's blooming arrogance to provide build up towards the end of the jazz club scene where he realizes he needs to ditch the symbiote.

05-20-2007, 11:24 PM

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-20-2007, 11:59 PM
I re-watched the first movie today and it really kind of makes me appreciate the 3rd even more. Part 3 isn't as much of a deviation in style and such as people have made it out to be. I think people could watch the 3 back to back and really get a nice experience from it, they all work very nicely together.

05-21-2007, 04:40 PM
Yeah, when 3 comes out on DVD, I am most assuredly having a marathon.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-21-2007, 04:59 PM

It was fucking dumb outside of a comic relief context.

Too much display of heightened agility for nerdy Parker persona (inconsistent with how he's acted in the movies other than when his powers were initially developing in the first one).

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-21-2007, 06:58 PM
Yeah, I know if I saw a guy grab a chandelier and run across a bar I'd immediately suspect him of being a super hero.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-21-2007, 07:02 PM
Yeah, I know if I saw a guy grab a chandelier and run across a bar I'd immediately suspect him of being a super hero.

Not to mention skinny nerdy guy throwing bouncers across the room like they were nothing, eh?

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-21-2007, 07:08 PM

I saw this guy that was physically stronger than this other guy

And like

I just knew

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-21-2007, 07:18 PM

I saw this guy that was physically stronger than this other guy

And like

I just knew

Nerdy, skinny guy had four bouncers that looked to outweigh him by at least a hundred pounds each grab him and he just tossed three of them off him and slammed the fourth one against the wall.

Also that sliding along a tiled floor riding on the back two legs of a chair bit.

Not impossible, but it would've caused some questions from, you know, Gwen Stacy maybe?

05-21-2007, 09:17 PM
It was fucking dumb outside of a comic relief context.

Too much display of heightened agility for nerdy Parker persona (inconsistent with how he's acted in the movies other than when his powers were initially developing in the first one).

The whole point is that he's not nerdy shy Parker when he's got the symbiote on. X_X

And you're nitpicking plausibility in a movie about a kid who develops superpowers because he was bitten by a "radioactive spider."

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-22-2007, 12:22 AM
And you're nitpicking plausibility in a movie about a kid who develops superpowers because he was bitten by a "radioactive spider."

Yep. That was my problem with a lot of the nitpicking, such as people thinking it was silly that the symbiote just happening to fall from the sky near Peter and such things. Maybe a little silly, but isn't all of it on some level? You should be able to turn that off before you see it, it's a comic book movie, otherwise don't bother. If you're the type that can't get your mind around unrealistic sci-fi concepts then you just shouldn't bother with the series at all, and to be ok with the 1st two but not this one based on those elements, that's just so unfair. As if a kid gaining powers from a super powered spider bite or some middle aged scientist being taken over by mechanical arms is more believable than a guy falling into a science experiment that changes his molecules to sand? Yeah, I'd wager those concepts are actually about on the same level of real-life believability: not at all, and they shouldn't have to be.

Same core problem I have with a lot of the changes made in the Transformer movie. They focused so much on "well it's not believable if there's this and this" as if on ANY level a movie about sentient transforming robots from another planet could ever be somehow realistic. The movie shouldn't have even been made if that mindset was present, it's sci-fi fantasy and should be treated as such.

That's a whole other issue though.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-22-2007, 12:41 AM
The whole point is that he's not nerdy shy Parker when he's got the symbiote on. X_X

And you're nitpicking plausibility in a movie about a kid who develops superpowers because he was bitten by a "radioactive spider."

I'm not nit-picking plausibility, I'm saying it was pointless to do and completely overboard for no good reason other than comic relief.

Same core problem I have with a lot of the changes made in the Transformer movie. They focused so much on "well it's not believable if there's this and this" as if on ANY level a movie about sentient transforming robots from another planet could ever be somehow realistic. The movie shouldn't have even been made if that mindset was present, it's sci-fi fantasy and should be treated as such.

All of the nitpicking I've read over Transformers have been gripes about Micheal Bay's pointless explosions and other dumb shit and worries that he'll fuck it up like all his other movies.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-22-2007, 01:04 AM
I didn't say anything about people nitpicking Transformers at all, I'm talking about film making decisions, changes to certain elements just to make it more believable when you're still left with a fucking sentient robot film. I just feel why bother making the movie at all if you're worried about the believability when the core idea is so fucking far out to begin with.

Atom Narmor
05-22-2007, 04:35 PM
Spoof (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsAGbxd5U1Q)

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-22-2007, 04:54 PM
I didn't say anything about people nitpicking Transformers at all, I'm talking about film making decisions, changes to certain elements just to make it more believable when you're still left with a fucking sentient robot film. I just feel why bother making the movie at all if you're worried about the believability when the core idea is so fucking far out to begin with.

All I know is, Optimus Prime better use a fucking Energon Axe at some point in the film.

05-22-2007, 09:46 PM
Well, I thought it all worked well, I saw an interview with Raimi where he said that the 3rd was going to be more in depth into Parker's life with MJ. It's like in the comics, each Spidey title has to do with different parts of Parker's life. Amazing- all about Spidey, Spectacular (series ended)- Parker's college life and supporting characters, and there's more, but these are the core Spidey books. So Part 1 was Amazing Spidey, Part 2 was Web of Spidey and Spectacular Spidey, while Part 3 was mostly Spectacular Spidey.
Anyways, he also said that the comedy parts were intended to show a "dorky nerd" with no self-confidence all of a sudden gaining self-confidence and acting (a nerd's interpretation of) cool, rather than just a nerd becoming cool.

Spoof (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MsAGbxd5U1Q)
LOL... I didn't read the caption when I saw it, and I was like WTF!!!

All I know is, Optimus Prime better use a fucking Energon Axe at some point in the film.or better yet, will the autobots be able to fly, then in the next film (if they make a 2nd), will they have to start using jetpacks?

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-22-2007, 10:37 PM
Anyways, he also said that the comedy parts were intended to show a "dorky nerd" with no self-confidence all of a sudden gaining self-confidence and acting (a nerd's interpretation of) cool, rather than just a nerd becoming cool.

And it certainly works


As for Transformers, you can bet large sums of cash with anything willing that there will be a sequel.

05-22-2007, 11:14 PM
But what happens if it turns out like Stealth *cough*Poor Macross Plus rip-off*cough*, all action not a good story.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-23-2007, 12:12 AM
But what happens if it turns out like Stealth *cough*Poor Macross Plus rip-off*cough*, all action not a good story.

Stealth was about Robotech Masters and alien technology?

05-23-2007, 02:09 AM
All I know is, Optimus Prime better use a fucking Energon Axe at some point in the film.

I'm sure this is not nearly cool enough for Michael Bay.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-23-2007, 02:20 AM
I'm sure this is not nearly cool enough for Michael Bay.

As long as there is a scene that has a subtitle or whatever that says "Micheal Bay's house" and it being blown up or an Autobot being tossed through it or something it's all good.

Sharon Agathon
05-23-2007, 07:46 AM
FFS needs an "Anything-Goes" Superheroes Rumble Thread. =|
(eg. Spidey versus Optimus Prime, Superman vs Goku etc.)

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-23-2007, 08:12 AM
If Optimus was in it then you'd already know the victor

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-23-2007, 12:13 PM
If Optimus was in it then you'd already know the victor


Because Supes has no problem cutting loose when it involves robots.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-23-2007, 03:30 PM
I assumed it would be like any other 'rumble' on here where posters just pick their favorite, not a silly "who would win the fight" thing

05-23-2007, 06:41 PM
Stealth was about Robotech Masters and alien technology?No, not Macross Saga.

Macross Plus (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macross_plus) is a story based in the same universe, but many years after the original saga.

I don't like the whole voting thing, cause then you'll have stuff like Naruto beating Superman, or Vash beating Hulk, or some other stupid match up like that.

How about do it like it's done in Wizard magazine. Make an even match up between two characters, List their powers, maybe even mention previous fights each characters had, then vote on who would win!

05-23-2007, 09:19 PM
Who cares if Naruto beats Superman. It would be a rumble on a message board. If you'd actually be upset about who wins, you should probably just stay off the internet for your own peace of mind.

I say the idea should be a go. I'll do it if nobody else will.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-23-2007, 09:44 PM
Who cares if Naruto beats Superman. It would be a rumble on a message board. If you'd actually be upset about who wins, you should probably just stay off the internet for your own peace of mind.

I say the idea should be a go. I'll do it if nobody else will.

As long as neither Superman nor Goku are involved.

I mean, they're both so ridiculously overpowered that there's no point in having them both in it.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-23-2007, 09:46 PM
It has to have better organization than including characters as diverse as Superman/Naruto/Optimus, obviously. My only suggestion.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
05-23-2007, 09:49 PM
It has to have better organization than including characters as diverse as Superman/Naruto/Optimus, obviously. My only suggestion.

Tiered by threat/power levels, obviously.

I mean, you wouldn't want Superman or Goku in the same class of characters as Optimus.

Optimus versus Unit 01 would be pretty fucking rad, though.

05-23-2007, 11:38 PM
Who cares if Naruto beats Superman. It would be a rumble on a message board. If you'd actually be upset about who wins, you should probably just stay off the internet for your own peace of mind.
I wouldn't be upset, You missed my point. I'm merely saying that it's stupid to decide a victory based on popularity. Since the majority here are into Anime/Manga then most of the vote would go toward those characters.

Like I said before. Have 2 characters that would be an EVEN match up, list their powers, mention some battles they were in, then decide by vote based on facts not on favoritism.

Omnipotent characters don't necessarily have to be excluded. I mean they did have Superman vs. Hulk, and Superman won, but the debate still rages on.

05-24-2007, 12:36 AM
Superman. Batman.

Because Supes has no problem cutting loose when it involves robots, but can't handle Batman.


05-24-2007, 12:58 AM
That's because Batman has the only piece of Kryptonite on Earth

05-24-2007, 01:03 AM
It has to have better organization than including characters as diverse as Superman/Naruto/Optimus, obviously. My only suggestion.

A tiering system like Odin suggested sounds viable to me. If nobody else is eager to do it I'll go ahead and make a suggestions thread.

05-24-2007, 05:14 AM
Anyone hear about the rumors about the Lizard and Carnage being the villinas in the next one? I think that would be sweet, I dont care what anyone says, Carnage kicks ass.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-24-2007, 10:31 AM
Anyone hear about the rumors about the Lizard and Carnage being the villinas in the next one? I think that would be sweet, I dont care what anyone says, Carnage kicks ass.

Pretty sure that's in the thread somewhere.

I just don't think they should do symbiote characters in back to back movies, I think it'll feel like too much of a rehash and might really bore people.

05-24-2007, 11:06 AM
Didn't the director announce spiderman 3 to be the last spiderman movie?
Atleast that's what i heard amongst my family. Meh. Can anyone confirm whether or not that's true? I'm on 56k atm (capped internet quota) so i'm not in the mood researching on the interwebs.

05-24-2007, 12:54 PM
It is probably true that your family told you that this was the last one, I can confirm this.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-24-2007, 02:42 PM
There was never any official word on whether or not it would be the last film, only speculation.

05-25-2007, 08:58 AM
It is probably true that your family told you that this was the last one, I can confirm this.

lol... -_-;;
I didn't mean that as literally as you took it. I meant can anyone confirm what my siblings were saying. Not that them telling me spider man 3 was the last movie was true -_-;; But good job catching my out on that lol.

There was never any official word on whether or not it would be the last film, only speculation.

Mkkay then. Well, let's hope for a fourth then lol. With CARNAGE!!! :D

05-26-2007, 08:50 AM
I'll say it's good....good and sexist. Whoever wrote the story for that, along with the first two should be ahamed. If I was Kirstan, I would refuse to do the role, as it's demeaning to women, getting introuble all the time. Why didn't Spidey punish her for getting in trouble all the time? Story or not, she had no business getting in trouble. She should've been killed off to begin with. If I was the webslinger, I wouldn't save her sorry butt @ all. Why should he save her anyway? I hope that (a), the IRS taxes the daylights out of the cast, and (b), there's 4th sequel in which she gets killed off. At least she hated the actors who played the villians in the film in real life. Why do writiers write stories like that?

Anyhow, I regard people who fall for degrading films like that as as being weak-minded and lacking in self-esteem and common sense. At least, these films never won any Academy Awards.

05-26-2007, 04:51 PM
Never post again, you dumb cunt. And if you're a female, do what you ought to be doing and go cook for a man.

05-28-2007, 05:20 AM
I'll say it's good....good and sexist. Whoever wrote the story for that, along with the first two should be ahamed. If I was Kirstan, I would refuse to do the role, as it's demeaning to women, getting introuble all the time. Why didn't Spidey punish her for getting in trouble all the time? Story or not, she had no business getting in trouble. She should've been killed off to begin with. If I was the webslinger, I wouldn't save her sorry butt @ all. Why should he save her anyway? I hope that (a), the IRS taxes the daylights out of the cast, and (b), there's 4th sequel in which she gets killed off. At least she hated the actors who played the villians in the film in real life. Why do writiers write stories like that?

Anyhow, I regard people who fall for degrading films like that as as being weak-minded and lacking in self-esteem and common sense. At least, these films never won any Academy Awards.

You my friend are fail. 100% pure fail. That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard anyone say about a movie in my life. The reason spidey keeps saving her all the time is because he loves her, fool. And if you're going to call spiderman demeaning, you might as well be calling EVERY SINGLE COMIC BOOK STORY demeaning aswell. There's always a damsel in distress, and some heroic male to save her, it's the way comic books work. You don't like it? You can go get your spleen eaten by rabid foxes for all i care. Oh, one more thing, why'd you go see the movie in the first place?

Hah, btw Prak, that 'comeback' was 150% legend.

05-28-2007, 06:34 AM

You my friend are fail. 100% pure fail. That's the most ridiculous thing i've ever heard anyone say about a movie in my life. The reason spidey keeps saving her all the time is because he loves her, fool. And if you're going to call spiderman demeaning, you might as well be calling EVERY SINGLE COMIC BOOK STORY demeaning aswell. There's always a damsel in distress, and some heroic male to save her, it's the way comic books work. You don't like it? You can go get your spleen eaten by rabid foxes for all i care. Oh, one more thing, why'd you go see the movie in the first place?

Hah, btw Prak, that 'comeback' was 150% legend.
Same to you. And besides, comic books do it, because they're written by sexist writers that believe a woman's got her place, and that only males were the stronger gender. For once, if there could be the death of Superman, why not the death of someone else? That damsel stuff is swill to feed to the masses that'll eat any kind of T*R*A*S*H.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-28-2007, 06:54 AM
Would 2 hours of Mary Jane, a normal human of normal strength thwarting off insanely powerful super villains make for a more satisfactory story to you?

05-28-2007, 07:11 AM
Would 2 hours of Mary Jane, a normal human of normal strength thwarting off insanely powerful super villains make for a more satisfactory story to you?Having her killed off, and spidey avenging her death and dedicating his crime fighting in her memory just as he did for his uncle Ben would--hey, he'd just move on after her death. We all die, sooner or later. No one is immortal. And the film audience knows it. As long as the film with a storyline I described makes bucks which the IRS gets a big chunk out of its money reapings. Also, not every woman likes to get treated badly, hate actors that play villians both on and off camera, etc. Sooner or later, women get tired of the same thing over and over.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-28-2007, 07:21 AM

05-28-2007, 11:12 AM
Having her killed off, and spidey avenging her death and dedicating his crime fighting in her memory just as he did for his uncle Ben would--hey, he'd just move on after her death. We all die, sooner or later. No one is immortal. And the film audience knows it. As long as the film with a storyline I described makes bucks which the IRS gets a big chunk out of its money reapings. Also, not every woman likes to get treated badly, hate actors that play villians both on and off camera, etc. Sooner or later, women get tired of the same thing over and over.

You do remember that this is a fiction movie right? :rolleyes:

Anyway, it's entirely believable that he'd want to avenge the death of somebody that he cared deeply about. It wouldn't be something that anyone in that situation would likely get over in a hurry.

05-28-2007, 02:50 PM
It's weird and slightly unsettling to see someone this far off the deep end without me having to push them a bit. I don't really know how to react to such an obvious sociopath.

05-28-2007, 04:31 PM
You do remember that this is a fiction movie right? :rolleyes:

Anyway, it's entirely believable that he'd want to avenge the death of somebody that he cared deeply about. It wouldn't be something that anyone in that situation would likely get over in a hurry.Fiction or not, such fiction stereotypes women badly And it's time such fiction must be outlawed. For that matter, people get tired of the same old fiction. After all, Spides can't keep saving M. J.'s sorry butt forever, right? Whoever wrote that should be ashamed to write such stereotypes--stereotypes which me and my buds have sent in a letter to the ational Organiazation for Women to, and they didn't approve of it either. I mean, Adrian died in Rocky Balboa, Micky and Apollo died in Rockys 3 & 4. M.J. can't live forever. Supposing Kinky Dumbst died in between 2 & 3--then there would be no Spiderman 3, right? Hollywood is telling lies that women must never die, right? That myth must go. Didn't Spidey have another GF before M.J.? Oh, and was Medusa part of the Spidey universe?

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-28-2007, 06:16 PM
You make absolutely no sense at all

05-29-2007, 09:05 PM
Fiction or not, such fiction stereotypes women badly And it's time such fiction must be outlawed. For that matter, people get tired of the same old fiction. After all, Spides can't keep saving M. J.'s sorry butt forever, right? Whoever wrote that should be ashamed to write such stereotypes--stereotypes which me and my buds have sent in a letter to the ational Organiazation for Women to, and they didn't approve of it either. I mean, Adrian died in Rocky Balboa, Micky and Apollo died in Rockys 3 & 4. M.J. can't live forever. Supposing Kinky Dumbst died in between 2 & 3--then there would be no Spiderman 3, right? Hollywood is telling lies that women must never die, right? That myth must go. Didn't Spidey have another GF before M.J.? Oh, and was Medusa part of the Spidey universe?(The reason why I hate Feminazis. Over-exaggerations) Okay :eye:

It's like Ktulu said, MJ is a normal human. she has no powers whatsoever, which means she can't defend herself from super villians. Also, she does try to help Spidey at times, only to make her actions futile. In every comic book, Humans are distressed when it comes to Super-villians, unless they have some type of fighting skills, training, intellect, or a combination of them (Ex: Batman, Punisher, Nick Fury, etc.). Look at Spidey 2, A crowd of people stood up to Doc Oc, and what did he do, he pushed them aside with ease. MJ tried to hit Doc Oc with a 2x4 and he took the board and pushed her across the room. What about Aunt May, Why don't you complain about her, she was in distress! Is it 'cause she's old, and that's her excuse for being helpless. She hit Doc Oc right when he was gonna throw a rod at Spidey, and yet you just concentrate on MJ.
Point is, if you don't like the story, stop watching these movies, and go watch Grrrl Power movies like The Descent, The Quick and the Dead or stuff like that.

05-29-2007, 09:20 PM
Fiction or not, such fiction stereotypes women badly And it's time such fiction must be outlawed. For that matter, people get tired of the same old fiction. After all, Spides can't keep saving M. J.'s sorry butt forever, right? Whoever wrote that should be ashamed to write such stereotypes--stereotypes which me and my buds have sent in a letter to the ational Organiazation for Women to, and they didn't approve of it either. I mean, Adrian died in Rocky Balboa, Micky and Apollo died in Rockys 3 & 4. M.J. can't live forever. Supposing Kinky Dumbst died in between 2 & 3--then there would be no Spiderman 3, right? Hollywood is telling lies that women must never die, right? That myth must go. Didn't Spidey have another GF before M.J.? Oh, and was Medusa part of the Spidey universe?

From what sense I can make of that, I can only assume that you're trying to say that in order for any fiction movie to be publicly released, it must be specifically tailored to your personal tastes - otherwise it must be forever banned from society.

C'mon. How do you expect anybody to take that seriously? :laugh:

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-29-2007, 09:30 PM
and go watch Grrrl Power movies like The Descent, The Quick and the Dead or stuff like that.

Haha, excellent, give another Raimi film

05-30-2007, 10:08 AM
Hah, Wolf, you don't seem to grasp the concept of comic books do you? Heroic male saves damsel in distress. It's just how it works. It's people like you that create political correctness. It's people like you who sue people for touching your arm lol. There's nothing wrong with any comic books, regardless if they're sexist or not. The comic books weren't made to be fair to both genders were they? Males have always been the superior gender, in religion and in fantasy. Males were always seen as the higher being, women being there solely for the sake of serving the males. If you're going to sit there whining about comic books, why not go have a whine at existence while you're at it? We live in a male dominated world, sure that's slowly changing, but males still dominate slightly over women (think politics. There hasn't been many powerful women in politics), you mightn't like it, but that's how it is. Thing is, it isn't 'such fiction' that stereotypes women. It's history that does.

As much as you might hate it, Men have always been seen as the superior gender. The people who wrote all those comics lived in the age of male superiority, and therefore (nearly) all of their heroes are males, saving females.

Hah, from all this i take it you're a women yourself?

05-30-2007, 02:54 PM
So hey, I saw Spiderman 3 last night. I rather liked it! Probably my favourite of the three, but I'd have to see it again to get a fuller opinion.


Nitpickers - American flag was a blatant corny joke, imo. It's a laugh. Get over it.

'Emo Parker' was great. But yeah, he wasn't really emo, was he? He was being a jerk, and I thought it worked well. The whole dance thing was a bit weird, but worked well too, when all was said n done.

The relationship stuff between Peter and MJ actually got a surprising amount of empathy out of me. Maybe I was in a romantical mood, or maybe it was just done well.

But was I the only one who thought the chase scene between Spider-Man and Harry, before he knocks his head, was kind of messy? I had a hard time following what was going on, like it was too fast and choppy and such? Besides that, the special effects were pretty much spot-on, imo. Also, definitely the best handling of a goblin character in any of the films so far. Part of what bugged me in the first one was how much of a lame power-ranger villian the Green Goblin seemed to be. This one did it right.

And I was pretty impressed that they fit in and gave good coverage to all three villians in one movie. I think that's part of why I liked it so much. If it were just one or two, it wouldn't have been as crazy fun for me.

Oh and I always thought Carnage was cooler than Venom when I was a youngin, but mostly because he looked cooler to me. Never really considered it deeper. So I'm probably the only one who would want to see Carnage in the movies, if only for nostalgia.

And finally, oh man, the Bruce Campbell cameo was one of my favourite bits though. I was grinning like a nutter for the whole bit.

blahg, more thoughts later, perhaps after I sleep and/or watch again.

Argus Zephyrus
05-30-2007, 03:55 PM
LOLz! The Green Goblin did give me that Power-Rangers feel. I just couldn't remember Power Rangers at the moment. The chase scene wasn't choppy, I followed it through, and man, that was one hell of a bump on the head. In real life, that could've been enought to break his cranium open, I'll bet. Jerk Parker was great, my sister and I got some laughs out of that. My friends at school had told that it sucked and it dragged and that the sandman was covered for only a breath's moment. How untrue. After I saw the movie, I was thinking, "Damn, this movie is awesome!"


05-30-2007, 03:59 PM
I haven't seen S3 but my brother has and he said it was craptactular, which is odd considering he loved Spidey 1 and 2. But he said Spidey 3 was one of the worst cinema outtings he's ever had.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-30-2007, 04:12 PM
Decide for yourself.

05-31-2007, 11:04 AM
But was I the only one who thought the chase scene between Spider-Man and Harry, before he knocks his head, was kind of messy? I had a hard time following what was going on, like it was too fast and choppy and such? Besides that, the special effects were pretty much spot-on, imo. Also, definitely the best handling of a goblin character in any of the films so far. Part of what bugged me in the first one was how much of a lame power-ranger villian the Green Goblin seemed to be. This one did it right.
Yeah, i did think it was a tad hard to follow. I managed to keep up with it all the same, but i did think it was a little, to quote you, choppy.

Oh and I always thought Carnage was cooler than Venom when I was a youngin, but mostly because he looked cooler to me. Never really considered it deeper. So I'm probably the only one who would want to see Carnage in the movies, if only for nostalgia.
Hah, don't take all that credit for yourself! Carnage was one of my fav spiderman characters as a kid lol, mainly coz he looked cool. I'd love to see him in a movie.