04-29-2007, 06:41 PM
*I had no idea where to put this, so Mods, if you see a better place for this thread, please feel free to move it*

Now then, onto the actual post...

Hello, Final Fantasy Shrine! I'm here representing Organization LIX. We are an Organization-centric audio drama group who love producing crackish comedies for general consumption by other KH fans. This May, we are going to start releasing our work on a wide scale and just to whet your pallet, we have a few samples in the form of these swanky commercials.

DiZ and Xemnas - Where ARE those goddamn butterknives? (http://www.schala-kitty.net/orglix/productions/commercials/Commercial-ButterKnife.mp3)
Vexen and Marluxia - Wasting my time (http://www.schala-kitty.net/orglix/productions/commercials/Commercial-WasteofTime.mp3)
Luxlord and Axel - Catchphrases, baby! (http://www.schala-kitty.net/orglix/productions/commercials/Commercial-Catchphrase.mp3)
Larxene and Namine - FIGHT THE POWER!!! (http://www.schala-kitty.net/orglix/productions/commercials/Commercial-FightthePower.mp3)

I hoped you enjoyed those and please keep watch for our full releases this May!

In the meantime, feel free to visit our website: Organization LIX (http://www.orglix.org)

Hope you enjoy it, folks (and that the thread is allowed to stay on the forums here).

J. Peterman
04-29-2007, 09:11 PM
Hi, I am Ash Ketchum, a Pokemon trainer from Pallet Town.

I placed Top 16 in the Indigo League, Top 8 in the Silver Conference, and Top 8 in the Ever Grande Conference. I currently have one Gym Badge in Sinnoh, with a party that consists of Turtwig, Aipom, Pikachu and Staravia.

05-04-2007, 02:45 AM
Hi, I am Ash Ketchum, a Pokemon trainer from Pallet Town.

I placed Top 16 in the Indigo League, Top 8 in the Silver Conference, and Top 8 in the Ever Grande Conference. I currently have one Gym Badge in Sinnoh, with a party that consists of Turtwig, Aipom, Pikachu and Staravia.

I'm at a loss of words. And that rarely ever happens.