04-28-2007, 11:05 AM
Hello, I've been trying to rip music from MAME games for a while now. Some games like NBA Jam have a nice sound test feature which allows me to dump a wave stream, but other titles like WWF Wrestlemania have very limited sound tests. I tried removing audio channels to filter out SFX but more often than not the music has digital sound effects incorporated into it (e.g. Shock Troopers 2). Is there a jukebox like Nebula's? Would appreciate any pointers!

04-28-2007, 07:48 PM
Try M1:


There's a great frontend for it here (top download link):


04-29-2007, 06:32 AM
This app is awesome! I heard of it before but I thought it was a MAME variant. Many thanks! :D

Edit - It seems tracks are looping.. I want to up a few MAME soundtracks but I need a few hints
A) If the output is mono, is it worth ripping the soundtrack at all?
B) Where to cut off loops? Do I keep listening and discern the pattern or just trim the recording after an arbitrary number of minutes?
C) Do I include short tracks like the Game Over ones as well?

Thanks again.

04-29-2007, 02:37 PM
Well, I like to make my own soundtracks as well with either M1 or Nebula Jukebox. Here's my hints.
A)Stereo is preferable, but if it doesn't sound like crap, go for it.
B)I like 3 loops. That's just me. Standard OSTs of arcade games tend to do 2 loops.
C)Sure! Adding Game Over, Continue, New Challenger, Player Select, ect... can be just as much fun as a stage bgm, and it's just the principle of having a complete OST because of it.

In the end, you're doing the ripping. Do what you like and how you would want it to appear. Others will either love it or hate it, but it's better than having nothing at all. Besides, there are programs like Wave Editor for those of us who prefer to change things up (more/less loops, fading, volume and equilizer settings, ect). Just have fun with it.

04-29-2007, 09:09 PM
These are some kickass posts and that app is freaking awesome lol! For some reason i cant do a rip of that last blade 1 rom it keeps saying im missing a V4 rom when i have it XD. Is it possible to add more roms like the ones on 113 to M1 because i noticed that the power instinct roms weren't showing on it? :S

04-30-2007, 03:06 AM
For fun I tried Last Blade in Nebula Jukebox. Works fine. Lots of pointless sound effects, but the music was in there somewhere. I just lost patience.


This works for roms that work in Nebula, so it's mostly Capcom, SNK, Konami, and the other big companies.