04-26-2007, 02:52 PM
Hey, just stumbled on this and thought I would share!


It has English translations for all 18 tracks. I noticed the soundtrack mp3s available in GH have no names. This might help fill the void.

04-28-2007, 06:08 PM
Thanks so much for this! I was wondering, I've found where to get the tracks on GH but I can't figure out how to reformat them so that I can burn them to a CD. Is that even possible?

Even if it is or isn't, I can't play them even so. Any advice? It would be much appreciated <3

(And it's nice to see another Asakura fan!)


04-29-2007, 05:01 AM
I use iTunes. I just create a new Playlist, throw all the tracks in it, then select them all and hit the "Burn CD" button. iTunes does the rest.

You can't even play the MP3s? The downloads worked fine for me. Weird.