03-25-2002, 02:54 AM
Ok, I only looked onto page 2, so I dont know if this is a topic or not, but how did YOU beat the emerald and Ruby Weapons... This is what I did, both were easy as anything IMO... if you knew what to do

Emerald Weapon
Note: Levels are estimated
Cloud- lvl 60
-Weapon- Ultima Weapon
-Materia- 2 HP Plus (Mastered)
-All Limit Breaks learned-
Cid- lvl60
-Weapon- Great Gospel
-Materia- 2 HP Plus (Mastered)
-All Limit Breaks learned-
Vincent- LvL 60
-Weapon- Death penalty
-Materia- 2 HP Plus, Underwater
-All Limits Learned-

Just used W-Item to get 99 megalixers

Battle Stragedy
Had cloud and Cid do most of the attacking, Vincent just used Megalixers to keep HP up, when that stupid Emerald used AIRE Tam Storm... it did 2222 to cloud and Cid, and they got Lucky Sevens... but that stupid idiot SURVIVED, so I just hacked away, usin a crap load of OmniSlash and highwind limits, and physical attacks... I used about 50 Megalixers as well

Ruby Weapon (Bare minimum)
Cloud- Lvl60
-Weapon- Ultima Weapon
-Materia- E-skill (with big Guard) W-Summon, Hades (NESSECITY) Strong Support Summon (I used KOTR, Bahamut ZERO or 4X Bahamut ZERO would work) Mime

Killed Cid and Vincent, put cloud in middle

Battle Stragedy
Ok, started off with Big Guard (For haste) this is where Ruby Weapon got his ONLY hit on me... then next turn I used Hades/KOTR Hades puts stop on Ruby Weapon for 3 rounds, KOTR for mega damage... very easy... just mimed the rest of the battle, every time he got 'un-stopped' I already was getting to use mime again

Ok, thats how I did it, how about you?

Anima Relic
03-25-2002, 06:10 AM
Check out that top thread, and you'll knwo why this is closed
