03-25-2002, 02:14 AM
Uhm, oki, well, I just bought FF9 (I've played it before, but that was when I rented it from Blockbusters...) and I'm stuck in Gizamalutto's Grotto (sp??). Any advice?

fascist socialist
03-25-2002, 02:57 AM
If you need help with the boss, be sure to be lvl 10+, and heal when needed. It also helps to get Quina, so you have her/him attack/heal when you need to.

If you are having trouble beating the monsters, I suggest going back outside, and leveling up...

If you need help with anything else.. pm me or post here or something ;O

03-25-2002, 04:19 AM
Two words................ LEVEL UP...

And if that dosn't work consult an internet guide...

03-25-2002, 09:45 PM
ya that guy's pretty anoying.


03-25-2002, 10:12 PM
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">If you're really having trouble beating the boss, try using a Tent on it. That may sound stupid, but if you use a Tent in battle there is a chance that it may cause negative status changes such as Posion, Darkness or Silence. Once you have caused these status effects, Gizamaluke is harmless. You should steal from him, like all bosses he has good items including a weapon for Vivi.

If you don't have Tents or you don't want to waste them, then just make sure that you keep everyone's HP above 200. Vivi's Slow is effective and will be useful. If it casts Silent Voice on Vivi use an Echo Screen on him. Focus is a useful move to use if you ever need to skip Vivi's turn, e.g. if you want to steal the items. The more you Focus in a battle, the stronget his magic attacks become, so you could make his attacks very powerful if you used it a lot. If Freya is low on HP you could always get her to Jump...

03-25-2002, 11:10 PM
<font color="4422BB">if ur having trouble finding ur way around talk to all the burmecian soldiers u see untill u get a bell. with this u can open one door. dont worry, u wont get stuck, there will always be another bell thro the next door. watch out for lamias, u want to be bout lvl 12-13 when u fite gizmaluke, try to trance zidane and use a tent on him if u want</font>

zidane tribal
03-26-2002, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by Meltigemini
<font color=red face="comic sans ms">If you're really having trouble beating the boss, try using a Tent on it. That may sound stupid, but if you use a Tent in battle there is a chance that it may cause negative status changes such as Posion, Darkness or Silence. Once you have caused these status effects, Gizamaluke is harmless. You should steal from him, like all bosses he has good items including a weapon for Vivi.

If you don't have Tents or you don't want to waste them, then just make sure that you keep everyone's HP above 200. Vivi's Slow is effective and will be useful. If it casts Silent Voice on Vivi use an Echo Screen on him. Focus is a useful move to use if you ever need to skip Vivi's turn, e.g. if you want to steal the items. The more you Focus in a battle, the stronget his magic attacks become, so you could make his attacks very powerful if you used it a lot. If Freya is low on HP you could always get her to Jump... you could do that^, but i suggest attacking and harming him...:D

03-26-2002, 06:34 PM
blind the boss with Zidane's soul blade (if you synthed the oger) that will help alot then steal and then you might want to take into thought that you have to hurt him to kill him

03-27-2002, 12:48 AM
Oh, I beat Gizamaluke...yea! And I did not have an ogre (crap) but all I did was cast Tent on the guy (which my bro already told me before you guys did...hehe) and have Freya do Jump and Zidane just attack...sometimes Vivi would heal Zidane with Thunder but he fainted quickly...and now I'm Steiner and Garnet at the South Gate something...what's next? And I'm OUT OF GIL! I wasted it Flee-ing from Lamias...crap...and I have enough potions...I just need some advice. (^_^)

03-27-2002, 04:36 PM
<font color="4422BB"> u need to head north to burmecia but ull need to make all ur gil back. u shud also be lvl 14-15 before goin to burmecia. u shudnt run from the llamias. theyre a good source of exp and u can beat them at lvl 12/13</font>

zidane tribal
03-28-2002, 05:15 PM
if you want complete detail and everything head on to either;, or should tell you everything you need.....

04-09-2002, 06:37 AM
Originally posted by zidane tribal
you could do that^, but i suggest attacking and harming him...:D

AGAIN MY BRO'! :D You are long as you're at a steady level, have good abilities and much hit points, concentrate on kicking his ass. Take the time to occasionally heal though..