iconoclastic pastry
04-22-2007, 08:57 PM
My girlfriend bought a new television a few weeks ago and i've noticed something strange whenever my wii is on. A somewhat large section of the screen on the left slowly changes to a bluish tint and the same happens on the right side, though the color is green. Whenever I turn the input back to cable, the sections are still darker than the rest of the screen, although it fades rather quickly. Have any of the rest of you that own a wii experienced the same problem, or are aware that such a problem can be caused by the wii? I would suspect the television itself first, but the fact that it's so new coupled with the fact that the color anomaly only seems to happen when the wii input is present makes me doubt it. It's a Sanyo by the way, if that makes a difference.

04-23-2007, 02:16 AM
That is very bizarre. I've never heard of such a thing.

Probably better off asking somewhere with techheads and whatnot. I think we are all just a bunch of goons here. =/

04-23-2007, 05:11 AM
if whatever input you're using for the wii has been used by something else without troubles (ie, dvd player, laptop) then it's not the tv.

if it still has troubles, it's the tv.

prty simple.

05-04-2007, 02:49 AM
Odds are it's your television. :-\

Sanyos are crap anyways. Besides, I haven't heard of any problems with the Wii that relate to what you are talking about.

If you must have a Sanyo, just exchange it for a new one. That usually works for me.