Lil' Sain
04-21-2007, 10:13 PM
I'd have to say cloud, vivi, tidus or zidange

But mainly cloud

Pimp Daddy McSnake
04-21-2007, 10:14 PM
I'd say Vincent. Getting his own game and stuff. lol

04-21-2007, 10:57 PM
I'd say Vincent. Getting his own game and stuff. lol
I totally agree with you on that one. Also, Sephiroth and Tidus have always been kind of bland according to my brain. O:

04-21-2007, 11:01 PM
Cloud, Sephiroth, Vincent, Kefka, Vivi and Squall come to mind.

04-21-2007, 11:10 PM
Cloud in my mind is overrated. I think Sephiroth lives up to his name (except the final showdown in the FFVII game and AC).

04-21-2007, 11:20 PM
Tu madre es una mierda grande!

04-22-2007, 07:41 AM
Sephi, Squall and Cloud.

04-22-2007, 09:27 AM
Cloud, Sephiroth and Vincent.

Just for the record, The Chocobo Sage and Choco Bill are underrated.

04-22-2007, 09:50 AM
Vivi, Cloud, Sephiroth, Auron, Balthier.

04-22-2007, 09:54 AM
Cloud is really overrated, mostly by people who love ff7. Some people overrate Vivi a bit. Tidus is underrated.

I'd say Vincent. Getting his own game and stuff. lol

04-22-2007, 09:54 AM
Cloud, Sephiroth and Vincent.


04-22-2007, 10:00 AM
I totally agree with you on that one. Also, Sephiroth and Tidus have always been kind of bland according to my brain. O:

Um, did you even play FFX? I'm the first to admit Tidus has his faults, but bland is not one of them. Never in a million years.

Overrated? I'd say Cloud, Vincent, Sephiroth, Kefka, Auron and Ashe.

J. Peterman
04-22-2007, 03:33 PM

Argus Zephyrus
04-25-2007, 03:07 AM
Sephiroth is an emo fag with oedipus complex. Eww.
Cloud and Vincent are definitely overrated.
Anyone think Cecil is underrated? I'm not sure myself, but definitely Sephiroth and Cloud are the most overrated.

04-25-2007, 03:09 AM
Sephiroth is an emo fag with oedipus complex. Eww.
Cloud and Vincent are definitely overrated.
Anyone think Cecil is underrated? I'm not sure myself, but definitely Sephiroth and Cloud are the most overrated.

They're most likely overrated because of all the damn sequals FFVII gets. >>

Argus Zephyrus
04-25-2007, 03:15 AM
They're most likely overrated because of all the damn sequals FFVII gets. >>
Not even taking the sequels into account. I feel sad for all those people whom I've seen over the years in threads/chatrooms entitled "SePhiRotH is mY GOD!!!!!!!1111!!!!111!!oneoneone"
Those douches need sticks of dynamite shoved up their arses and ignited.

04-25-2007, 03:19 AM
Cloud for sure and Sephiroth as well but not nearly as much as Cloud is. Basically all the characters from VII are overrated except for a select few when you think of it...

Neo Xzhan
04-27-2007, 10:32 AM
I wonder how you people think Kefka is overrated. He's pretty much the best villain in all the games. He was psycho and enjoyed it, unlike emo boy Sephiroth who people seem to adore for it.

Hex Omega
04-27-2007, 02:11 PM
Sephiroth, obviously.

04-27-2007, 02:37 PM
Um, did you even play FFX? I'm the first to admit Tidus has his faults, but bland is not one of them. Never in a million years.

And that's cool that you think that. Yes, I've played FFX and I did not like Tidus and thought he was pretty bland. I am entitled to an opinion, so keep your fanboy-ism and attitude for yourself, 'k? Sorry for sounding harsh, but I hate when people get defensive just because I have a different view on a character they like. O:

04-27-2007, 02:42 PM
Conversely, if you're not prepared to discuss or even debate your view on the matter, you have no business posting it in a public discussion. Not that I'm taking a side here though.

04-28-2007, 07:31 AM
my top three most overrated would probably be

1. sephiroth
2. vincent
3. vivi

i know when it comes down to it, everyone has their own opinions and preferences and thats cool. but these three just seem to get a lot of hype and i never really thought they lived up to it, character-wise.

to me, the only major thing sephiroth really did was kill aeris. dont get me wrong, im not calling him a bad character, i just think hes pretty overhyped. there were some pretty cool things about him; his appearance, presence, music, sword, when you come across that midgar zolom he fucked up... while all that was nice, it also kind of gets to the point im trying to make. all of that is just appearance, and thats about as far as it got for me. i guess i just didnt click with him that well i dunno, but he just seemed like a character with an exciting surface but nothing underneath. i know there's a lot of sephiroth fans out there so i wanna clarify that im not saying he's a bad character, he just didnt appeal that much to me personally.

vincent is a character who i just thought was pretty bland in general. his backstory had substance, but it didnt really do much for me. there's not a lot to say here as i never really used him in battle or payed much attention to him at all. he was more of the 'mysterious, silent type' i guess. ok neat, but still, hes just not an interesting character to me.

and as for vivi, sometimes i feel like one of the main reasons hes so well-liked is because hes a cute little black mage. i have him at #3 because he did have a couple high points. he was a great asset for me in battle so props to him there, and that scene on the airship when he gets hella pissed and shits all over black waltz 4 was ill. however, other than those two things i really cant find anything else i think is that great about him. his character and backstory just came off as whiney, with the played out 'who am i, why am i here' thing. im actually kinda torn with him, i guess it suited him since he really was just a little boy, but still it just seemed so overplayed to me. i still consider him overrated for the most part, in terms of his character.

again, this all just my opinion and nothing more. also thanks to anyone who actually reads this!