04-20-2007, 06:43 AM
Would anyone happen to know where I can find this song in English? It plays during the ending CG video of Kingdom Hearts 2 but I can't seem to find the OST of this song anywhere, one without the annoying voices and sound effects.:-( Please! Please!! Please!!! tell me it exists and that I can download it. Thank you, and sorry about the yelling.:-X

Would it be "Sanctuary" ~after the battle~?:confused:

04-25-2007, 10:45 AM
Well, you may have to cut your losses on that one. The only version known is the japanese version, which if you like Hikaru Utada, you shouldn't mind too much that she is singing in japanese. ^^ This may be old news, but just in case you don't have the japanese version, and you are interested in hearing it, you can find it at ff shrine's Galbadia Hotel under:
"Kingdom Hearts 2 Theme Song - Passion [Utada Hikaru]"
You'll find that link under 'K', of course. Disregard this message if you already have this song. Sorry, I couldn't be more helpful. Jya ne! ^_^

04-26-2007, 11:22 PM
here try this

04-27-2007, 12:53 AM
I have the beginning song "Sanctuary" in English, but not the ending. As for the whole OST, I have only the Japanese one.

04-27-2007, 04:43 AM
Thanks for trying you guys but I guess I'm just going to have t ogive up on my search. :sad:

saturnwarrior@ Well I already have the entire OST, in fact I got it from this site: Final Fantasy Shrine (Thread 38432), but thanks anyway.

gaiden@ Thanks, but that's already included in the OST I have.

IDX Rider@ Yep, you pretty much confirmed it. This song does not exist on any OST or for that fact outside of the game.:sad:

Excuse me you guys, I will be off in a corner crying. [weeps heavily :sad: ]

04-30-2007, 11:58 AM
Hey, CyberSpark! GREAT NEWS FOR YA!!! I have found a link to the Sanctuary ~after battle~ posted right here on this lovely, lovely, and more lovely ffshrine site!

Here's the link:

Just in case that somehow does not work. This link is found in an old thread marked as: Utada Hikaru

Exactly like that! So, if the link I have pasted acts ugly with you >_> then, go to that thread and go to the second page, and you'll find it! ^^

Um... I haphazardly stumbled upon this becasue I was looking for a link to Sanctuary, because I had lost that mp3 previously due to a PC crash >_>

The only problem with the song is that during the part when she says: "I watch you... fast asleep..." is that the volume of her voice goes down just a wee bit, but not enough obstruction whereas you will not enjoy the whole song. The song is clear of effects! Except for the aforementioned part concerning her voice because during that little sequence you'll here some waves crashing. Although, I didn't really find that bothersome either.

Anyway, I doubt you'll be unhappy. So, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and dowloand it! ^^

Jya ne!

*looks at post before leaving* Too wordy, gomen ^^''