Lil' Sain
04-20-2007, 04:32 AM
Hello I'm Sain(six) i can't say it with the 6 on runescape (lvl 98) muted. I'm gonna make a Runescape Thread. if you hate this game don't post or making a thread dising it. In here Feel free to talk about your Character stats, Items or QP's.

Whats happening With me on RS:
April 19th

i spend 2 months trying to find someone who will host a video on my rs character on there youtube account, Since i perfer not to host any vids under my own account name. The person said i have to First make the vid, secound I have to make a Video trubuiting that youtuber. although he said mabie I'm pretty sure he'll let me host it under his name.

Where I am ATM
killing giants on condor world 9