Tidus 66
04-19-2007, 07:57 PM
I made another thread about Pop-Punk for the sole reason that this year, some of the best music i've heard is Pop-Punk, the new Unlovables is amazing altough the Hallie's voice is different, the new Copyrights is the best one yet and the Steinways 7" is great.
Other than that i can't wait for the new TBR, or the new BYOP, as well as the new Methadones & Ergs.

Also: If anyone want some of the releases stated above just PM me

04-19-2007, 11:03 PM
I like how I don't know much about upcoming releases and such so much as leech off of information obtained from TK and T66; it is much handier. I knew the Unlovables had a new album out this year and I will buy that but I did not know about the TBR and Methadones ones and I will buy those too. Good job at informative thread making.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-19-2007, 11:37 PM

BYOP is my groove nigga. Does it really apply as 'pop punk' though? Hell if I know. HELL I SAY.

04-20-2007, 07:23 AM
i would not call BYOP pop-punk but I would call them good stuff.

It's weird. Lately I would rather listen to other stuff besides pop-punk, but then I will have a day where I feel like listening to little else. Or I'll think all pop punk is kinda boring except for one particular band. It's the same with all sorts of music tho, so I guess it's a mood thing, or summin.

I've been listening to random sample songs here and there, but haven't bought any pop punk albums in a long while - got a second-hand copy of Mr. T Experience's Milk Milk Lemonade at the start of the year, but that's it. Certainly not any new stuff. There's just too much other music I like even more. Curse my wavering enthusiasm.

I listened to some of those new Unlovables tracks the other day and felt something was lacking. Might give em another go.

04-20-2007, 07:50 AM


04-21-2007, 04:08 AM
Well I guess in an attempt to generate some discussion out of this: I just wrote an entry in my LJ about Heartsickle and Upstairs/Downstairs. The summary is basically that I'm surprised to find I think Heartsickle is a work of unmittigated brilliance matched by few other pop punk albums, and Upstairs/Downstairs is... way less than what I was expecting. I'm not actually sure how I feel about it yet, but it's not the same as Dorkrockcorkrod or even Jersey's Best Prancers and I'm sort of disappointed. But it is good, and I have to listen to it a lot more.

Right now my ears are being almost completely monopolized by Heartsickle though. Do yourself a favor and listen to this. I don't care if you thought the Unlovables were brilliant or just average before, this is a whole new level for them. I thought Crush Boyfriend Heartbreak was a fantastic album, and this one simply blows it out of the water in every conceivable aspect.

Tidus 66
04-21-2007, 12:10 PM
I have the new Ergs! record but haven't heard it yet, my ears are bimonopolized by Heartsickle and Copyright's Make Sound.

What i like about the new Unlovables is that they are a lot more edgier and Hallie's vocie being guttsier make The Unlovables a lot better, her skills as a songwritter are even better than in CBH.

I'll probably post again after i've heard the new Ergs!Also, Munki Brain was a bit of a disappointment.

TK, do you have the Art Of The Underground NY/NJ Battle Royal?

04-21-2007, 01:56 PM
Believe it or not, but Grace recorded some amazing Pop/Punk songs back in the early 80's.

Hex Omega
04-21-2007, 03:20 PM

04-22-2007, 02:18 AM
TK, do you have the Art Of The Underground NY/NJ Battle Royal?

No. Should I?

I wasn't particularly impressed by Make Sounds, but I've always been lukewarm about the Copyrights. Crappier version of Teenage Bottlerocket imo.

"Four Eyes" is a song I never tire of though. I liked their first record best.

Tidus 66
04-22-2007, 02:18 PM
It includes 2 exclusive tracks from a bunch of NY/NJ Pop-Punk bands:


The Lemuria, Steinways, Unlovables, and Ergs! tracks alone make it worth the 5$

fastidious percolator
04-29-2007, 02:48 PM
I also downloaded Unlovables <3 Nice. :O I TOO LOVE THIS POP PUNK GENRE

05-11-2007, 01:12 AM
RIP Groovie Ghoulies :(


In other news, I have a theory that if I can't seem to get into some pop-punk, I just listen to some Ramones and it all falls into place.

Tidus 66
05-11-2007, 04:57 PM
The Groovie Ghoulies break-up was prety sad but at least the new record is still coming out, also the new For Science is pretty great, the new Ers! however is a bit boring and still hasn't grown on me