One Mile Ahead
04-19-2007, 06:24 PM
I actually joined this board to ask a question about something, then some force lured me into the FF7 section... I completely forgot my original question after reading some of these bizarre threads, so I now have to ask, what the hell is this fanboy-ism over a decidedly average game all about?

I mean, it was alright at the time. Quite groundbreaking, I suppose, as it (for better or worse) more or less brought RPG games to a wider audience than the genre had before. The graphics were alright, again, for the time. But surely, the game is inherently flawed. Unfinished, full of lazy plot holes, and faaaar too easy (there's probably a connection there with the whole 'bringing to a wider audience' thing), and in my opinion, completely missed its own point and was a victim of ruining its own potential.

And then there's all these silly sequels and prequels! Why? So long after? I haven't played the games, but I saw the film, and I must say, what a load of rubbish! It didn't even attempt to fill in any of the game's plot holes, if anything it just dug new ones!

So what's the fanboy/girl-ism about? It seems to even go as far as people getting tattoos, how is it justified? Honestly, i'm not trolling or anything of the sort, it's a genuine question...

Hex Omega
04-20-2007, 12:33 PM
its one for unsolved mysteries.

and hi Prak.

04-20-2007, 01:00 PM
I don't know if you thoroughly read all of the posts on here but pretty much everything you mentioned has been argued to hell and back on this board (and on General FF aswell).

04-20-2007, 02:03 PM
I like this guy.

And for anyone getting silly ideas from Bryan's post, that is not me.

04-20-2007, 02:34 PM
lol what's that all about?

As for the rabid fanboyism over the game, guess it's down to too many people not having had the experience of playing better games - or at least an incorrect idea of what the difference is between a good and average game.

Lil' Sain
04-22-2007, 02:09 AM
i liked the matirea system. but noe enough to learn to spell it properly

jewess crabcake
04-22-2007, 02:14 AM
I like this new guy welcome to FFS, I also like the fact he didnt make "hey look at me I just joined, care to say something!!!!!!" thread.

J. Peterman
04-22-2007, 04:48 AM
i liked the matirea system. but noe enough to learn to spell it properly


04-22-2007, 04:53 AM
I like this new guy welcome to FFS, I also like the fact he didnt make "hey look at me I just joined, care to say something!!!!!!" thread.

One Mile Ahead
04-22-2007, 09:04 PM
Heh, shucks.

And no, i'm certainly not an alter ego of Prak, or anyone else.

To Giga_Flare: These people haven't played anything better? STILL? FF7 is nearly a decade old now! There have been thousands of below par games since then to cream over, many of which have been far easier, and with far flashier graphics!

To sain: the materia system was one of the worst aspects, I thought. I like having certain characters for certain jobs, traditional Black Mage/White Mage/Summoner/knight etc, stylee. It's hardly challenging having 9 characters that can do everything, is it? Rather boring too, you end up picking people because they have 'teh coolest sword LOL', or some ridiculous reason like that.

04-22-2007, 10:25 PM
To Giga_Flare: These people haven't played anything better? STILL? FF7 is nearly a decade old now! There have been thousands of below par games since then to cream over, many of which have been far easier, and with far flashier graphics!

Lol I know what you mean. Still from time to time that does seem to be the case. Either that or they have played better quality games of that type, but write those games off as being worse because they aren't as personally appealing to them.

04-24-2007, 01:00 AM
I never saw the huge draw to FFVII myself or what was so special about it that made people go all ga-ga over it. Sure, for its time it was quite advanced. But like other posts before me said--there are way more better games out there now. I had tried playing it myself a few years ago, but frankly, it bored me. I barely got past the middle of the first disk before I decided to forget about it and start playing FFIX instead.

04-24-2007, 12:45 PM
I barely got past the middle of the first disk before I decided to forget about it and start playing FFIX instead.

lol well IMO you made the right choice there.

That was about the point I started to lose interest in the game too. However, seeing as i'd already gotten that far, I stubbornly persisted with it - feeling sure that there eventually had to be something worth seeing for my troubles. Now I wish I had quit when first having the urge and spent my time on something more worthwhile. Still you live and learn.

04-24-2007, 10:34 PM
to me it was great fun, and showed me all these other great games so I think it was worth it

04-24-2007, 10:50 PM

04-24-2007, 11:02 PM
I admit, I do like FFVII, but in my opinion the following FFs are much better. It was a good game for its time, but it shouldn't still have all the attention it gets. It's got like 38209420948203df sequals now.

04-24-2007, 11:16 PM

04-24-2007, 11:26 PM
I agree its being milked, in a rather foul way.

but see this is what im talking about people keep mentioning its got too much attention,does that really change the games story,gameplay characters etc. NO, i hate it when people say something has alot of attention for being good and complaining about it.i dont see games as a popularity contest i just enjoy what i enjoy. FFXII is Highly Praised but im not to keen on it to be honest not counting FFX-2 its probaly my least favourite.but sadly you get people like that all over the world they want to be different and called them selfs
"Alternative" but become just like all the other "Alternatives" and this is majorly common in our day and age.

You have some good points, but still, FFVII is a pretty old game now, and yet it's still getting all these sequals and such. I just think they should continue to focus on future FFs, and stop making sequals for this game. Apparently DoC was crap, so why do they continue to make more, if they may end up being the same?

04-24-2007, 11:50 PM

04-24-2007, 11:56 PM
I definitely agree with you, the numbered FFs shouldn't have sequals. X-2 was an alright game, but it would have been better if X didn't have the sequal. Revenant Wings, I wish it weren't coming out, because I know I won't play it. And XIII has way too many games on its name, and it hasn't even been released yet. I think they've already got like 4 being made or something.

04-25-2007, 12:07 AM

04-25-2007, 12:15 AM
Obligatory mention that you guys are idiots.

And ultimadream, stop hotlinking images, you fucking cunt.

04-25-2007, 02:58 PM
ok yeah obvious point here but as u said u not played all the games IF u did u would have noticed that after 7 each one was....wait for it....a brand new story! it doesnt follow on n wasnt supposed to and again the film was a completely new story too so get ur facts right before going off on one

04-25-2007, 08:25 PM
and again the film was a completely new story too so get ur facts right before going off on one

Sure, Advent Children was a completely new story from VII but it still had the characters, and I repeat characters from VII. It may not have been technically a sequel, but it still continued on the stories of the characters of VII as did DoC with Vincent. It doesn't matter if the stories are different, it's still a branch off of VII. There was no need for an FFVII movie or DoC. I was perfectly content knowing there was just a FFVII, I didn't want sequels, or continuations of the lives of all the other characters. (There really was no need for FFX-2 as well. If you want to know what happens next, well, that's what's fanfiction is for m'dears.)

So you be the one to get your facts straight, mkay? =D (and please, to better the comphrehension of your posts, learn to spell correctly. It just makes you look stupid and people will never take you seriously.)

04-25-2007, 09:09 PM
(and please, to better the comphrehension of your posts, learn to spell correctly. It just makes you look stupid and people will never take you seriously.)


Ashuri, your post pretty much sums up what I wanted to say. As I've been saying, VII has too many sequals, and although they aren't direct it doesn't matter. AC, in my opinion, was a horrible movie and wasn't necessary at all. The animation was truly the only good thing about it.

04-25-2007, 09:35 PM
Its not just the characters that made it a sequel, it was the same world in the same locations. I completely agree with whoever said Final Fantasies should be just that, FINAL Fantasies.

04-26-2007, 09:53 AM
original posted Read the forum charter much?

havent had time to look at everything at the moment.