04-19-2007, 03:44 PM
My vote goes to Simpsons. No contest.

Edit: Sorry for the spelling errors.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-19-2007, 11:33 PM
I like Futurama way more than The Simpsons, but I honestly like all of the shows in the poll to some degree. Futurama is my favorite though, fo sho, ho.

04-20-2007, 12:35 AM
Futurama is good, American Dad is probably one of the worst shows on tv, Family Guy has occasional moments that are good but most of the time the show is shit, and The Simpsons has, like eveyrhting else, had plenty of shit too, but there are faaar more good times in it than anything else.

04-20-2007, 03:14 AM
Haha! This thread is great because I just picked this up...

But look who makes it...

But to answer the question, I think they are both legendary.

As for the other McFarlane, I don't like Family Guy or American Dad at all.

04-20-2007, 05:57 AM
Im thinkin thats McFarlane toys like Spawn kind of McFarlane. I say this assuming the Family Guy/American Dad McFarlane is different. y/n?

04-20-2007, 06:03 AM
Right, but look at my last line, "As for the other McFarlane..."

04-20-2007, 06:06 AM
haha, I seem to be having this problem with reading your posts thoroughly.

04-20-2007, 06:09 AM

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-20-2007, 08:58 AM
I can't stand Family Guy or American Dad. I love the older episodes of The Simpsons, the recent ones are quite awful. Futurama though, takes the lot of them to the cleaners, and it's coming back next year.

04-21-2007, 10:16 AM
Simpsons and Futurama were excellent. Had it's moments of pure geniousness.

Family Guy and America Dad were alright shows. They had their funny moments, however I much more enjoyed the Simpsons and Futurama.

But Futurama ftw.

Tidus 66
04-21-2007, 01:17 PM
Groening, Futurama> All

04-21-2007, 02:19 PM
I judge this solely by how amusing I find the reruns. And in that mentality, "Futurama" is the winner, for I've easily seen certain episodes maybe 5 or more times, and still find the show hilarious.

04-21-2007, 10:35 PM
Family Guy ROCKS!!

J. Peterman
04-22-2007, 03:28 AM
Rock Pokemon are the best!


04-22-2007, 01:20 PM
American Dad I probably like the least out of them, but it's alright. Simpsons hit a trough for a while there, but I think it's improving a fair bit lately. It's pretty much classic.

Family Guy and Futurama would be my two faves. But I think Futurama is likely the better show. Family Guy doesn't really have much really clever in it; it's retarded but I still find it hilarious. Futurama as a whole show is, in conclusion DA BEST.

04-22-2007, 01:56 PM
I would put Futurama above the Simpsons, only because I've seen just about every episode of the latter over nine thousaaaaaaaand times. Family Guy has its moments, but you can't put it in the same league as Groening's shows. American Dad is a cheap FG knock-off. (I am aware that they're made by the same person.

magic slap
04-22-2007, 03:24 PM
I got a bit bored of the simpsons after all those seasons. They keep showing the same episodes here.
Family guy was good, sometimes a bit too rude.
But i have to go with futurama, that show was great. I can't belive there aren't any more episodes (tough there was a rumor that they're making new ones)

04-22-2007, 05:07 PM
Groening pwns all in my court. I didn't really find Family Guy memorable and American Dad didn't make it over on terrestrial locally (don't have satellite, so I don't know if it's on a sat network here), but Futurama... I like Futurama, and I actually taped that episode where Leela got stung by a space bee and has a trippy hallucination. And I liked Simpsons too, although they've never been shown on terrestrial for years now.

04-24-2007, 01:34 PM
Futurama is by far the best of the four and its been listed in my order of preference. i cant stand family guy most of the time, i only like Brian and Stewie but American Dad is possibly the crappiest show i have ever seen.

04-24-2007, 04:14 PM
Futurama- The best, the grand daddy. :)

The Simpsons- Pure genius to about up to series 5. Downhill from there.

Family Guy- One of the only shows i constantly laugh out loud at. Fantastical.

American Dad- Ok

terra child
04-25-2007, 05:43 AM
Futurama. No contest.

04-25-2007, 11:55 PM
where's the south park at?

out of those shows, futurama gets my vote, though :B i can't stand family guy.

04-26-2007, 01:37 AM
I guess south park wouldnt have fit in with the other three, its in a class of its own. I think pitting south park against anything would be useless, as it would win, by alot.

EDIT: thats fucking awesome futuramas coming back.

04-29-2007, 02:05 AM
Futurama, by far. I don't think there's been an episode of it I've seen that I haven't laughed at.

Argus Zephyrus
04-29-2007, 02:16 AM
I can't stand American Dad, there is something just too wrong about that show. Family Guy cracks me up often as well as Simpsons, but Futurama kinda bores me now and then. It has its moments though, so I'd really consider any of them my favorite, except for American Dad (it disturbs me). o.o

04-29-2007, 09:58 AM
The Simpsons & Futurama are both very awesome shows; however, The Simpsons has remained on a downward slope for a while, with a terrific episode every now and then. No pun intended, but Futurama was ahead of it's time, and I'm stoked about it's return. My vote went to Futurama.

Family Guy is a decent series; I'm not a fan, though.

American Dad is just... no.

05-04-2007, 03:09 AM
I hereby declare Futurama, and Groening, CHAMPION!

05-04-2007, 05:30 PM
American Dad is fucking terrible.

I think I made a thread about a while ago that compared the two spin offs projects of Futurama and American Dad, and while Groening made Futurama totally seperate from Simpsons, McFarlane basically replaced Stewie and Brian, the two best characters of Family Guy, with an unfunny German goldfish and the most irritating character ever in that fucking twat of an alien that looks like a grey bogey.

I still think Family Guy is funnier than all of them, but you have to say if it wasn't for the Simpsons, the other three wouldn't have existed. So that gets the nod from me.

And imo, it has been improving. Yeah, sometimes you have to wade through a lot of shit, but there's usually still a gem or two in every other episode.

And season 5 and 6 were the best, and should be recognised as the benchmark for any comedy anywhere ever.

'Hello, and welcome to the Springfield Police Department Resc-u-
Fone. If you know the name of the felony being committed, press one. To choose from a list of felonies, press two. If you are being murdered or calling from a rotary phone, please stay on the line.


You have selected regicide. If you know the name of the king or queen being murdered, press one.'


06-01-2007, 08:28 PM
Family Guy. I like how it dares to take comedy to the dark places of entertainment, and won't hold anything back to make a joke, be it any kind of words that end with 'ism'.

The vendetta of the giant chicken is one of the best running gags ever to bless television. Family Guy is awesometastic.

06-01-2007, 09:26 PM
I voted Simpsons, I also like Futurama
Sorry, but I'm a Groening fan.

The Simpsons although still funny, has gone into recycle mode, and lost it's edginess from it's beginings.
Futurama just had the wrong time slot. It had so much potential. I'm glad it's on Adult Swim

I just can't stand the Family Guy, and American Dad. But I will admit that they do have their moments, well at least Family Guy does.

Some other notable mentions:
Mike Judge's Beavis and Butthead, and King of the Hill

South Park
Robot Chicken

06-01-2007, 10:11 PM
I <3 Family Guy.

Stewie and Brian are quite possibly without a doubt the funniest animated characters I have ever seen.

06-07-2007, 09:05 AM
futurama takes it for me also. its one of the few animated series that stayed consistent with its (great) humour, storyline and characters from beginning to end. it also did a really good job at maintaining serious elements in the story while being overall really funny. i know the simpsons is legendary, but i (and apparently most of the people here) think futurama is the better show. i was never much of a simpsons fan anyway, even though it deserves mad props for what its accomplished.

ive also liked family guy since it started way back in 1999 (i think?) my interest in it has died down quite a bit from then to about 2005, but i still think its a really funny show. pretty much every single character is funny to me. and as for american dad, ive only seen like two episodes ever and they were both ok but nothing spectacular. im probably not really in the position to judge it that much, but it just seemed like an exact parallel to family guy. pretty much family guy version 2. wasnt that appealing

06-07-2007, 06:08 PM
Haha my bagel army is growing, more and more people are using bagel avatars.

Anyway Simpsons is the best by far, it wasn't voted number 1 cartoon of all time for nothing.

06-17-2007, 08:31 PM
Family Guy is my favorite of all four.

Futurama is always good for a watch, and The Simpsons has it's moments.
I can't really get used to American Dad. I enjoyed it for the first few episodes but it eventually lost it's luster.