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Pimp Daddy McSnake
04-18-2007, 07:43 PM
See here ( 5)

I had some other links confirming the same, but I lost them. I'll post them later on.

Here's ( another article about Square Enix buying the Unreal 3 engine which is even more proof that Square Enix is going multi-platform not only with the FF series.

Oh and please refrain from going: ZOMG LOLZ PS3 FANBOIS GOT PWND!!!11ONE

04-18-2007, 08:07 PM
I'm just happy I haven't bought a nextgen system yet.

04-18-2007, 08:21 PM
Yea I heard this today, something about the maker of FF playing on the Xbox 360 and loving it, so FF will be on that too.

04-18-2007, 08:32 PM
As much as I'd like it if this were credible, it's unsupported so far. With this much buzz, Square-Enix will have to make some kind of statement about it soon. I'm not taking anyone's word for it until then.

04-18-2007, 08:39 PM
ooooooooo yes this means i dnt have to blummin save up for the ps3 well not until the remake of final fantasy VII comes out lol

Pimp Daddy McSnake
04-18-2007, 08:44 PM
I think chances are pretty slim of FFXIII going Xbox 360. If it does happen, it will probably be a while after the PS3 release. I'm kinda curious as to what Square Enix plans on developing for other platforms. Anyway, I think it's a good move. You can't live forever on the Playstation.

Neo Xzhan
04-19-2007, 11:42 AM
I think the chances of FFXIII coming out on the XboX360 are pretty decent. We all know Square has always stuck (now +Enix) with the system that's actually the most populair etc. So with he Final Fantasy installments upto FFVI, they were all on the SNES. Then FFVII till FFIX and remakes of the olders FFs on the PSX (also adding FFVII + FFVIII on the PC!). Then FFX, FFX-2 (Not really counting FFXI as it is multiplatform) and FFXII on the PS2.

Now we see other Square games coming out on other systems. FFXII Revenant Wings for the DS, Dragon Quest 9 also for the DS. Square is just going to release games for the best selling console, so up to date it's the XboX360. And especially (because there always are people who do this) if people start buying consoles soley for being able to play a few games they love, it'll help boost selling statistics for said console even more.

04-19-2007, 07:21 PM
While FFXIII might end up on Xbox360 I think it will be after the PS3 release of the game.

04-19-2007, 11:49 PM
Taking care of this and moving it to the proper section...

04-20-2007, 02:02 AM
Grr I can't believe that! I was pissed off enough when they brought out that fucking shitty Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GameCube! That game was an absolute disgrace to the name of Final Fantasy! As long as they don't bring out any crappy side-games for the main consoles ( 360, Wii, ect ) then I'm fine, and the games for the DS are ok I guess, but they should have made those games for the PSP! Final Fantasy should stay where it belongs, with PlayStation!

04-20-2007, 02:44 AM
Grr I can't believe that! I was pissed off enough when they brought out that fucking shitty Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles for the GameCube! That game was an absolute disgrace to the name of Final Fantasy! As long as they don't bring out any crappy side-games for the main consoles ( 360, Wii, ect ) then I'm fine, and the games for the DS are ok I guess, but they should have made those games for the PSP! Final Fantasy should stay where it belongs, with PlayStation!

Where it belongs? FF started off on the NES! SE has the right to release any game for any system and that includes FF games. There is no loyalties. SE just goes where the money is. It's Sony fanboys like you that gives us gamers a bad name

04-20-2007, 07:27 AM
I kinda wish 3erd parties would put all the games on both consoles. And leave first party games to sell the console. Most people cant afford both so why leave them out in the cold?

J. Peterman
04-20-2007, 07:36 AM
I really hope Konami puts Suikoden on the 360/Wii so I have no reason to get this $600 piece of junk.

Actually, make that Suikoden on the Wii so I don't have to buy a 360 either.

Unless I get an HDTV in which case I'll get a PS3 so I can play Madden in hi-def or something.

Oh and you gotta catch 'em all.

If this is true ha ha SONY. Unless the PS3 makes them win the Blu-Ray/HD-DVD war, in which case still ha ha SONY.

hb smokey
04-20-2007, 01:02 PM
Trying to refrain from a HAHA PS3 SUCKS comment, so I'll just say that if FFXIII isn't an exclusive, then it may be too big of a blow for Sony to recover with the Playstation 3.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
04-20-2007, 01:19 PM
Sony's running very low on exclusives. :(

Hey guys, wanna play some Resistance: Fall of men just doesn't cut it.

04-20-2007, 02:06 PM
New topic: Omaklise is a stupid cunt. Everybody point and laugh.

04-20-2007, 02:22 PM
Great news as I cannot affort a Playstation 3, but I dont know how trustfull the source is.

04-20-2007, 05:25 PM
New topic: Omaklise is a stupid cunt. Everybody point and laugh.

*Points and laughs at Omaklise*
Seeing as he/she insists that his/her current location is inside a rotary engine, what more could you expect?

04-21-2007, 12:05 AM
Prak, you're a prick. I say what I mean and you just take the piss, so fuck off and don't fucking insult people for having an opinion!

Pimp Daddy McSnake
04-21-2007, 12:21 AM
don't fucking insult people for having an opinion!

I think it's more related to the quality of your opinion ;-;

jewess crabcake
04-21-2007, 01:12 AM
Well SONY's gonna soon flop, not completely but I can forsee massive price deductions. Also that was sarcasm, SONY is full of fans, S-E doesn't own SONY, their full of affiliates, people will buy PS3s mainly for the general media player and the 7 layered processor and the graphcs. Only a true hardcore gamers will get a PS3, Only cheapos with nothing but time to kill, get Wiis, and Idiots get Xbox360s which is just an Xbox in white, with an arcade, oh also HDD PS3 is the epitome of next-gen look in 7 years the systems will be just like the PS3.

04-21-2007, 03:40 AM
Quality of my opinion? Theres no such fucking thing as a 'quality opinion'! All opinions should be treated equally!

04-21-2007, 04:10 AM
Bullshit. You're a moron, so any opinion of yours is automatically idiotic and inferior to mine.

04-21-2007, 08:22 AM
aww poor Sony. You've got to feel a little bit of pity towards them, they do try hard. But meh, i don't really care, as long as they bring out final fantasy 13 piano collections i don't care which system it goes to.

04-21-2007, 09:30 AM
Hmm i doubt it will come out on Xbox360 but maybe 360 evolution or somthin

jewess crabcake
04-21-2007, 04:22 PM
Bullshit. You're a moron, so any opinion of yours is automatically idiotic and inferior to mine.

Fucking quote worthy.

04-22-2007, 03:33 AM
That's some good news. Now I don't have to waste my money on a new PS3 system and I can Enjoy Castlevania and FF on the same system lol

04-22-2007, 04:19 AM
Everything it taken out of context. FFXIII and VersusXIII are not going to be on the 360. read on straight from the developer.."there are (6) final fantasy XIII games in development "

the playstation 3 gets 2 of the 6 that are exclusive to the playstation 3...

here is the interview where all this rumor crap is comeing from:

Now, didn't this just came out of the blue? Five new scans from the Australian PlayStation Magazine April issue that feature an English interview with Motomu Toriyama have surfaced. Toriyama mostly talks about Square Enix's main project at the moment, Final Fantasy XIII, but in one of the questions he gave the following answer:

"In fact, the Fabula Nova Crystallis Final Fantasy XIII project isn't just limited to three titles - there are many different aspects. In terms of the formats we're reaching, as well, it's not simply exclusive to the PS3 and mobile phones."

Here is the links to read the article with the developer's. FINAL FANTASY XIII "the main game" not the spin offs is only for the playstation 3. yes the xbox360 is getting a FINAL FANTASY XIII GAME but not the one made for the playstation 3 an the playstation 3 is not getting the one made for the xbox360.

Link 1 ()
Link 2 ()
Link 3 ()
Link 4 ()
Link 5 ()

So far....
Final Fantasy XIII - Main Story, PS3 Exclusive
Final Fantasy Versus XIII - Action/RPG - PS3 Exclusive
Final Fantasy Agito XIII - Mobile Exclusive
Final Fantasy Haerasis XIII - New FNC title that has yet to get an actual platform.
+ 2 unannounced titles.
Final Fantasy Dissidia XIII - May be the 5th unannounced title

04-22-2007, 05:21 PM
Guys, here's a thought. All of you just shut the fuck up about it already. Nothing is proven at this point, but on the other hand, you'd be a fool to deny the possibility of the supposed PS3 exclusives going to 360. Someone is going to be eating crow when all is said and done simply because you're all too stubborn to just wait and see.

jewess crabcake
04-22-2007, 05:34 PM
Nobody's denying the possiblity he's just saying the evidence isn't enough to validate it yet.

04-22-2007, 05:43 PM
You're blind.

FINAL FANTASY XIII "the main game" not the spin offs is only for the playstation 3.

There is nothing at all in that statement or anything else in that post that suggests a possibility.

This is nothing more than fans of different consoles measuring their dicks and looking like idiots to everyone else. If this applies to you, please understand that I'm saying this for your own good.

jewess crabcake
04-22-2007, 05:51 PM
Hmm guess I missed that, and lol you have a funny way with words. All I'm saying is everything is possible, but I wont throw a fit til there's concrete evidence

04-23-2007, 10:58 AM
Guys, here's a thought. All of you just shut the fuck up about it already. Nothing is proven at this point, but on the other hand, you'd be a fool to deny the possibility of the supposed PS3 exclusives going to 360. Someone is going to be eating crow when all is said and done simply because you're all too stubborn to just wait and see.

Wow. That's just 100% win right there.
Pretty much my point of view escept I got to admit I'm hoping FFXIII ---> XB360.

04-23-2007, 02:43 PM
I personally hope this turns out to be true as well, although at the same time it's not something i'm terribly bothered about right now. Still it'll certainly be interesting to see how things turn out.

04-23-2007, 02:55 PM
Well, I'm at school right now so both links are blocked...but I don't think final fantasy would do good on 360 because if people wanted to play ff they would get the ps3 not the 360.

04-23-2007, 03:03 PM
Well, I'm at school right now so both links are blocked...but I don't think final fantasy would do good on 360 because if people wanted to play ff they would get the ps3 not the 360.

If they already own a 360, prefer the other games available for 360, or prefer the price of the 360, they would do well to have the option of purchasing it on that system. Having it available only on PS3 forces people to purchase a PS3, something that can be easily criticized, but that you are inexplicably championing.

Your point is nonexistant. At least others mildly amuse us with Sony fanboy rants. You didn't even do that.

04-23-2007, 03:12 PM
What is championing? I just think that ff shouldn't move because it has been with ps for so long. Not counting it's SNES time. You sound angry at me too:( Anyways you make a good point so I guess I am wrong

04-23-2007, 03:26 PM
Championing = advocating, supporting.

The problem is that the argument that Sony has been with Playstation so long isn't a strong one, at best, and outright wrong, at the worst. Read the other posts in this thread and in this (Thread 37003) one for some perspective.

I had trouble seperating my Sony tendencies from my Final Fantasy ones until recently, too. I've since decided that I'm not purchasing a PS3 or XIII. I'm not saying that you have to have that kind of sea change. I'm just saying if you want to enter into this argument you could use a little more perspective.

04-23-2007, 09:38 PM
You make many good points and reasons on the moving of FF to a different console. After reading all these articles that are most likely factual it seems that FFXIII is really going to be on 360 also. I feel that if this happens Sony will eventually worsen and most of the time when you think of playstation you think of rpgs right? Without FF Sony will be losing to competitors. The 360 would probably dominate. Someone should take a poll on this on how people feel about this information on FF moving. I understand that if one company is doing better than another the smart thing to do would be to get there. I can't make a good arguement like you Knegative, but I just can't see Final Fantasy going on Xbox360. To me it is strange. I have both the 360 and PS3 and no I am not rich it was a bargain on the 360. Either way I will be able to play FFXIII when it is released. I guess I shouldn't be complaining right now. I strongly think that FF should stick with Sony because PS is all about RPGs:D

04-24-2007, 11:28 AM
I thought that it's already confirmed from the Square Enix Japan website that it's going to be under Blu Ray platform which means... PS3 or perhaps computer that supports Blu Ray?

04-24-2007, 01:36 PM
As I have read on an greek videogame website that gets its source from an interview with a guy from Square, Fabula Nova Chrystalis will spread in various consoles and not only the ps3. This doesnt mean that FF 13 is not an exclusive for the ps3 of course.

04-24-2007, 04:48 PM

04-24-2007, 04:53 PM
Wait a moment, are you saying you would be opposed to the game being ported to the Wii (if such a thing were even possible) just because you don't like the console? Also, I rather doubt that you've even played anything on the console if you claim to dislike the control system.

04-24-2007, 05:18 PM

04-24-2007, 05:20 PM
Congratulations. While that was a very retarded reply, it wasn't retarded enough to warrant me continuing to mock you.

04-24-2007, 05:22 PM

04-27-2007, 07:25 AM
MarvinStraight speaks the truth, people are taking this all wrong. The main games (the really big popular ones, FFXIII and Versus) are not going to X360 as has been made out on a lot of forums. Only spin offs/other games of the series are going to be on other consoles (just look at FFXII Revenant Wings). So, we PS3 owners/prospective owners need not worry.

04-27-2007, 08:01 AM
MarvinStraight speaks the truth, people are taking this all wrong. The main games (the really big popular ones, FFXIII and Versus) are not going to X360 as has been made out on a lot of forums. Only spin offs/other games of the series are going to be on other consoles (just look at FFXII Revenant Wings). So, we PS3 owners/prospective owners need not worry.

Umm, thanks noob. And from what I understand, Square is really taking advantage of the Blu-ray technology and cell processors for FFXIII and Versus. I can only imagine how they could port it to a DVD-9 format when at the moment BD are 5 time the storage. I can't find the link but there was an interview with the XIII director who was discussing those same reasons for keeping those 2 games exclusive to the PS3 while multi platforming the completion. There are also talks that the FFXIII demo will be available to download in the PlayStation store by the end of the year which I'm looking forward too.

04-28-2007, 02:22 PM
I won't be buying a next gen console for a long while. If FFXIII goes multi platform and goes on the Xbox360 I believe that's the end of the ps3. Microsoft will take the place the ps2 had. Personally I don't really care about consoles. I have no palce in the cinsole wars, I buy whatever console is the one that i like. I bought a ps2, now I'm waiting to buy either a ps3 or xbox 360 along with a wii.

Where ever FFXIII goes I'll probably follow though.

04-28-2007, 03:07 PM
Ok think about it this way zelly...the wii is just some system that will die out because it cannot compare to the 360 and ps3. The ps3 however is more powerful then the 360. If it were to had had as many games available as the 360 at time of release it would've sold more and even more if the price were lower, but sadly sony isn't going to lower the price until people buy, but if people don't buy it will never lower. Besides Playstation does not thrive on Final Fantasy alone although many people would think FF when hearing PS. Microsoft cannot take the place of Playstation because it is owned by Sony. Don't even say something that game will not cause the down fall of Playstation. Yet you say you don't care about consoles, but you want to wait for it to be released and see. First of all if it does go multi platform it will most likely be released on PS3 before the 360 and according to your comment that means you'll get the PS3 which it seems you think will die so don't even bother getting FFXIII. Second if you read the previous comment above you if true and he does say he saw an actual video of the directors saying that it won't go multi platformed than it won't be on 360 at all and you don't have to worry about it.

04-28-2007, 06:24 PM
Ok think about it this way zelly...the wii is just some system that will die out because it cannot compare to the 360 and ps3.

The sales of the Wii say otherwise

04-28-2007, 07:34 PM
Well I don't know how to explain it, but the wii is just such a shame:D

04-28-2007, 09:28 PM
Who cares? FFXIII is going to suck anyways!

And yeah, I say that on the basis of one screenshot, but I am insanely intelligent and not even slightly biased. =D

04-28-2007, 09:40 PM
Who cares? FFXIII is going to suck anyways!

And yeah, I say that on the basis of one screenshot, but I am insanely intelligent and not even slightly biased. =D

Well, that's all the verification I need. Fuck Final Fantasy XIII!

04-29-2007, 04:37 PM
Ok think about it this way zelly...the wii is just some system that will die out because it cannot compare to the 360 and ps3. The ps3 however is more powerful then the 360. If it were to had had as many games available as the 360 at time of release it would've sold more and even more if the price were lower, but sadly sony isn't going to lower the price until people buy, but if people don't buy it will never lower. Besides Playstation does not thrive on Final Fantasy alone although many people would think FF when hearing PS. Microsoft cannot take the place of Playstation because it is owned by Sony. Don't even say something that game will not cause the down fall of Playstation. Yet you say you don't care about consoles, but you want to wait for it to be released and see. First of all if it does go multi platform it will most likely be released on PS3 before the 360 and according to your comment that means you'll get the PS3 which it seems you think will die so don't even bother getting FFXIII. Second if you read the previous comment above you if true and he does say he saw an actual video of the directors saying that it won't go multi platformed than it won't be on 360 at all and you don't have to worry about it.

Just for the record, you're a complete idiot.

04-29-2007, 08:43 PM
Ok think about it this way zelly...the wii is just some system that will die out because it cannot compare to the 360 and ps3.

I'm pretty sure that if you were to find out some up-to-date information in regards to PS3 sales in comparison to those of the Nintendo Wii you'd think pretty differently. If things continue along the route they are, then it's more than likely that the PS3 will be the first console out of the two to die out.

As for your comment on Sony not lowering their price unless people by, IMO they should definitely consider lowering their price for the PS3 if they hope for the sales figures to improve anytime soon. A brand name alone is not enough to determine the success of a console. Nintendo were smart enough to realise that.

Of course, a larger line up of game titles would help too...

04-30-2007, 12:13 PM
And from what I understand, Square is really taking advantage of the Blu-ray technology and cell processors for FFXIII and Versus. I can only imagine how they could port it to a DVD-9 format when at the moment BD are 5 time the storage. I can't find the link but there was an interview with the XIII director who was discussing those same reasons for keeping those 2 games exclusive to the PS3 while multi platforming the completion. There are also talks that the FFXIII demo will be available to download in the PlayStation store by the end of the year which I'm looking forward too.

Yes, I heard about all of that too. They are favouring the PS3 for various reasons, including the Blu-Ray format. As for the demo, I hope it becomes a reality, because if it does (aside from hyping a lot of people) it will give us a very good indicator of what the final product will be like, which would be great since we don't know much about it yet. It doesn't look like it would be released anytime soon though, but hopefully this year, as has been said.

05-01-2007, 10:07 AM
I'm not a Sony fan, I'v had too much stuff failing on me to have much love for sony, and their sales reps are real stuck ups(and fail to mention key points that can make or break a product, i've had this one guy who laughed in my face when i asked him the range of a camera flash, and tell me all flashes have equal range) and false marketing/advertising is common(except -i'm told- in the US where they have strict laws on the matter).

BUT Microsoft is the absolute pinacle of all the above mentioned traits and more.

If it comes to choosing i would go for the lesser of the two evils, Sony . i wouldnt even use windows if my employers didnt.

This is just my opinion, and i really wish FFs would stay within the realms of Sony or Nintendo, but it look's like SquareEnix and Sakaguchi(the father of FFs who has apparently started Mistwalker with MS funding) both have other ideas.

Heck I wish they would release FFs for every frickin platform...

Ultimately only time will tell... i dont want this post to start a MS bashing contest or a flame war, unless its in a thread of its own. this post reflects what i think of FF going to platforms other than PS, which is good as long as its not MS. If things go the MS way IMHO we'll see the same thing in the gaming industry as we are seeing in the software industry.

I'm more interested in what becomes of Mistwalker than Square.

hb smokey
05-01-2007, 10:28 AM
This might be the best post I've read in quite a while!

Ok think about it this way zelly...the wii is just some system that will die out because it cannot compare to the 360 and ps3.If you are talking in terms of raw power sure. Memory sure. Sales momentum, yes. The Wii can't compare to the 360 and PS3 because it has the momentum.

The ps3 however is more powerful then the 360.
The ps2 was the least powerful of the last generation consoles, and it dominated. The ps3 is the most powerful and it's currently in bad shape and not getting any better. Ironic isn't it?

If it were to had had as many games available as the 360 at time of release it would've sold more and even more if the price were lower, but sadly sony isn't going to lower the price until people buy, but if people don't buy it will never lower.Apparently Geico isn't easy enough for you to use.

Don't start bringing it 'if this and if that' about the ps3. It had a really poor launch, with one hit title amongst a bevy of mediocre/poor titles. It was a $600+ machine, a black box. A lot of people still see it that way, and that's why they haven't bought one yet.

Sony won't lower the price if people start buying the ps3. Do you think Nintendo is going to lower the price of the Wii just because it is selling incredibly well since launch? Not a chance.

Besides Playstation does not thrive on Final Fantasy alone although many people would think FF when hearing PS.
No it doesn't thrive on FF alone, but it sure has quite a big stake in it.

Microsoft cannot take the place of Playstation because it is owned by Sony.
This may be the most retarded comment in the history of retarded comments. Ever.

Microsoft = company.

Playstation = console.

Sony = company that owns Playstation.

Microsoft can't take the place of a console; they are two entirely different divisions. The Xbox 360 can, and has however, taken the place of the ps3 thus far.

Don't even say something that weird...
Oh really?

one game will not cause the down fall of Playstation. Yet you say you don't care about consoles, but you want to wait for it to be released and see. First of all if it does go multi platform it will most likely be released on PS3 before the 360 and according to your comment that means you'll get the PS3 which it seems you think will die so don't even bother getting FFXIII. Second if you read the previous comment above you if true and he does say he saw an actual video of the directors saying that it won't go multi platformed than it won't be on 360 at all and you don't have to worry about it.
Too much bullshit to try and decipher. I'll make out what I can.

People say stuff about game exclusitivity all the time. People also lie all the time.

05-01-2007, 10:33 PM
Well I can't really argue with your comment because you make me seem like a loser, but that's ok...the part where I say of lowering prices is bound to happen because of all that stuff with inflation and currency and gold exchange. I'm too stupid to explain it intelligently. The next thing I was wanna say is that I had said nothing about the Xbox360 when you quoted me on how Playstation cannot be taken over. Yes the 360 can take the place as #1 over Playstation, but I said that Playstation cannot be owned by Microsoft since Sony owns it and your response to that was saying what I am saying now, but you added on that little comment about how the Xbox360 can take the place as #1 over Playstation even though I did not say that. Do you hate me?:D Well don't say stuff I didn't say if your going to make me look bad. Not everyone lies by the way. If Square wanted to go multi-platform they could have a long time ago. Why now? I don't know. I believe that they won't because they haven't. If they did I got the 360 and PS3 so I won't complain. You couldn't possibly be saying that Final Fantasy actually supports Playstation by a bigger ratio than it can itself. How could it have lived before it had Final Fantasy. Even then a lot of so called Final Fantasy fans have only played one or two out of the whole series and you say that this is what keeps the playstation alive? There a thousands of other games that are enjoyable and some people who own playstations don't even know what final fantasy is which means that other games are played. If I were to make a comment about the Wii like you did about the PS3 I'd have to say it is a small white box with a little stick that causes nerds to play sports like tennis baseball and bowling virtually when you can step right outside and play. If your going to be lazy and play games why play those games like that. You really piss me off because if I wanted to play sports I would go outside. Not buy a dumb console with stupid sport games that aren't worth playing indoors on my TV. Some people get into it and break their TV's or throw it out their windows. Playing the Wii is like an oxymoron to all lazy people out there. Oh I'm going to play games, but it requires me to move. What kind of system would make you do that. What athletic person would play it. None because they go outside to do sports. I couldn't think to find any enjoyment in playing sports in a game. That is why it is a game. You can do stuff you can't do in real life. For example die and revive, get away with murder, see supernatural beings, but the Wii has you playing virtual tennis. I see a tennis court every day on my way to school. It's like one block away and you are supporting this console. I think I now know why it is sold out. It's supposed to make lazy gamers like me and others look productive when in reality it's not. How do you get happy by hitting something you can't even touch. That is the dumbest bullshit I've ever seen. Oh and retard if your going to quote my every word like you just did atleast say something back at stuff I actually have said and don't go saying oh ya there is too much shit in here to decipher DUR DUR DUR. That to me seems like you ran out of witty comments and just like being a jerk. Your are a pathetic loser. Oh and don't say anything about how I started using bad words and all that. You'd be even more of a loser because everyone swears:D

Oh ya I had to edit this for a bit because of all the swears I had put in. It's too bad I couldn't express myself to the fullest so that you could rant more about my immature vocabulary. You suck so much right now hahahaha

05-01-2007, 10:48 PM
You are such an idiot.

05-02-2007, 02:46 AM
Oh so your on never answered my question about requests on music sheets........:D

J. Peterman
05-02-2007, 03:06 AM
Oh so your on never answered my question about requests on music sheets........:D

tifa sure has some big breasts

hb smokey
05-02-2007, 05:48 AM
I almost put a bullet through my head while reading that post. It would have been a lot less painful.

Like Prak said, you're nothing but a complete idiot. You're just saying stuff to hear yourself talk. You've already demonstrated that you cannot back up anything you say.

The only thing I'll comment on is you saying athletic people won't play the Wii. It sure doesn't stop them from playing sports games on the other two consoles. You know, where you sit there for hours, and don't move at all. Pushing several different buttons with your thumb.

J. Peterman
05-02-2007, 06:05 AM
Pushing several buttons can be pretty hard at times. I mean, R1, R2 and X? Man, three buttons sure does test those hands of yours. And then you have to be PRESSURE SENSITIVE at time, press it just long enough. Button pressing truly requires athletic ability far beyond the capcities of the typical human.

05-02-2007, 02:58 PM
Oh and you have proof of your talk? You said that the ps2 was the weakest but I disagree because your a faggot. What the hell are you saying about athletics? No shit that is my point. If your going to sit around and play games why play sport games dumbass that is what I meant. It just bothers me you used the gay sentence of ps2 being the weakest even though gamecube freaking sucks and so does the wii. There are only a few exclusive games that can be named for the wii but atleast the ps3 is better with the few exclusive games it has fag

Your previous comment sounds like you ran out of more bullshit to spew out of your mouth. I'm an idiot, but atleast I'm smart enough to know if I should go out to play sports faggot like just stfu

05-02-2007, 03:01 PM
And ClaudStrofe continues to prove that idiocy knows no bounds.

And just so you know, the Wii has a ton of exclusive titles; far more than the PS3 has.

05-02-2007, 09:42 PM
Well I can't really argue with your comment because you make me seem like a loser

No one is making you seem like a loser. You're doing a good job of it already on your own, simply because you're making blind statements without any real facts to back them up and refuse to admit it. :rolleyes:

J. Peterman
05-02-2007, 10:11 PM
Oh and you have proof of your talk? You said that the ps2 was the weakest but I disagree because your a faggot.


Pimp Daddy McSnake
05-02-2007, 10:19 PM
Remind me to never make another thread about anything related to the gaming industry ever again.

jewess crabcake
05-02-2007, 10:47 PM
Will do.

05-03-2007, 03:22 AM
Wow, ClaudStrof, you realize that nobody in here has to do anything to make you look like a loser?

It is a common knowledge that the PS2 was a weaker system than the GameCube. The specs proves it, and Capcom and Resident Evil 4 proves it in turn (that is but one example). You're really just a mindless fool who doesnt even know what he's talking about.

like Prak said, you are such an idiot.

05-03-2007, 03:45 AM
Ever make fun of someone so much you feel you should thank them for all the good times you've had?

05-03-2007, 11:04 AM
this thread could have been a quite intelligent discussion but thanks to ClaudStrofe it has deteriorated in to a flame war and the rest of you are actually replying to him, how retarted do you have to be to do that.

for the sake of argument(and too much free time) i'm gonna explain why(for the most part) the price of gaming consoles come down, ClaudStrofe is right in that prices do come down over time because of increased sales, but that is purely upto the maker and happens mainly when they have huge stocks, as far as i know this is one of the reasons for the drop in the price of the ps1 and ps2. this is not a common in the electronics goods market because the maker can choose to reduce production and if they are the only ones making the product they can control the market price, this is more common in the jewellery and food industry, however, and we see seasonal fluctuations in food prices.(not in restaurents though cos they would prefer to hang on to the higher price, and some govt regulations prevent price fluctuations, so that bussinesses dont go bankrupt in leaner times)

in the electronics frontier the more common reason and the one that applies to 90% of comsumer electronc goods is the infamous "Moore's Law" (attributed to Gordon E. Moore co founder of Intel)
"The complexity for minimum component costs has increased at a rate of roughly a factor of two per year"

which is a very fancy way of saying that the cost for producing certain electron goods will fall to roughly half the starting value around every 2 years, what cost $200 to make in 2007 will cost $100 to make in 2009, in practice in the PC industry this has remained somewhat accurate in that the price halves every 18 months or so.

when this happens the manufacturer is left with the choice of reducing prices, in a market without much competition(like in gaming consoles) the retail price drop is very slow(sometimes never), but in fierce competition(like mobile phones) the change is almost immediately evident. once again there are local and international laws governing this and manufacturers are prevented from changing the prices as they please.

another aspect of this law is that if you were to buy something for $200 in 2007 in 2009 you can get something twice as good for the same price. one good example of this is the various products from Apple, they rarely drop the price instead they bring out a better product in 1-2 year cycles.

they only drop the price to get rid of excess stock, like they are doing right now with the Cinema displays, one day they just cut the price in nearly half, they didn't do it gradually, in some cases it was a $1000 price cut in one day!!!

there you have it, Moore's Law in action, now can we please cut the bickering. and tell me of any factual errors in a more constructive manner.

05-03-2007, 02:43 PM
Ya, I have no proof of what I say, but oh well. Did I really start a flame war? No one else is saying anything except that I'm an idiot since I can't back up my comments. That isn't too bad. Atleast apocalypse took the time to explain what I meant about prices changes over time. Well I ran out of things to say which I can't back up so I'll stop:)

J. Peterman
05-04-2007, 08:20 AM
ClaudStrof peace to you brotha

05-26-2007, 07:24 PM
somehow, i can't imagine FF13--or any other FF game for, say, the X Box 360.

05-26-2007, 07:35 PM
You don't need to imagine anything :p

05-26-2007, 07:48 PM
It doesn't matter what systems its on it will look way better on PS3 than the 360

05-27-2007, 02:49 AM
I don't see what would stop them from releasing the original FFXIII to all 3 platforms. Unless they own shares (or the company) that makes PS3's, they affect a much larger gaming community by releasing FFXIII to all 3 platforms. Not only that but any FF fan with a 360 isn't really going to buy a PS3 for the original FFXIII unless they trade in their 360 (or are completely fucking stupid).

Not only does making FFXIII for 3 several platforms open up the gaming community but it also makes people curious about the other FF's. Therefore more people might buy the other FF games as well as FFXIII. In the end, Square Enix would be making more money. And that is what a company always strides for. Releasing only the side-games of FFXIII to all 3 platforms would only prove that Square Enix is making money off of PS3 sales. If that was the case, then they should make FFXIII for all 3 platforms and then make FFXIV for the PS3 so that they can make an even larger impact on the gaming community.

But that's just my opinion which is based on different financial actions.

jewess crabcake
05-27-2007, 02:55 AM
You don't need to imagine anything :p

well that proves nothing Pc= multi-purpose xbox360 imo.

05-27-2007, 03:53 AM
I wasn't trying to prove anything Smarties, I was just rebuttling Wolf dude.

jewess crabcake
05-27-2007, 03:56 AM
oh, sorry. I hate FFXI so much, getting my hopes up I was so close to get a ps2 HDD, then it said I have to pay, my response, you can lick my hairy nutsack. I wanna play a ff mmorpg but paying every month for a game just seems unreasonable to me.

05-27-2007, 01:58 PM
I went in for the 360 mostly due the cost and Gears of War. I have been keeping my eye on the exclusive games debate. I really hope that FF13 does come out on both ps3 and 360. I don't want to be the guy that buys a ps3 to play ff13...

05-27-2007, 05:34 PM
It doesn't matter what systems its on it will look way better on PS3 than the 360


jewess crabcake
05-27-2007, 06:08 PM
That's pretty debateable, the Ps3 is far greater suited for greater graphical capabilities, and the 7- layered proccessor... :swoon:.

05-28-2007, 02:20 PM
No one has proven yet that the PS3 can produce graphics that are visibly better than the Xbox 360's. It's highly doubtful that anyone ever will, mostly because the expense of developing a game that made full use of either console's capabilities would be astronomical, and therefore too impractical for it to ever happen.

And add to that the possibility that the PS3 may never be able to achieve the listed specs due to design flaws (which has never been fully proven, nor denied with any credibility) and things start to look pretty even.

jewess crabcake
05-28-2007, 03:43 PM
Yeah I know thats what I hate about the PS3 why pay for such powerful proccessors when nobody will ever release something to such a capacity, well I guess that's Sony. Well unless Sony releases the game, Legend of the Dragoon 2. It seems Ps3 is releasing nothing but spinoffs and sequels where has the originality in Sony gone?

05-29-2007, 02:35 AM
It seems Ps3 is releasing nothing but spinoffs and sequels where has the originality in Sony gone?

Down the toilet it would seem. =/

jewess crabcake
05-29-2007, 02:56 AM
I'm not willing to throw in the towel yet Sony may make a come back, I mean the PSX was Sony's greatest Endeavor, The Ps2 capitalized on that the PS3, need take the Psx's originality and put it into modern day graphics. Their getting beat by the Xbox360 or as I like to call it Shoot-a-palooza. As most of their greatest games are shooters.

The Jenova
06-02-2007, 12:09 PM
Well, acctualy i was thinking in buying the PS3 thanks to the FF series, but if that is truth, then i would rather buy a Xbox360, because the PS3 is pretty crappy though...

jewess crabcake
06-02-2007, 02:57 PM
Buying a console for one game is never smart, also it's not smart to make a general opinion of a game system thats only been out for less than 1 year. Sony is still releasing games for ps2 (well not a lot) but like the PS2 my guess is next year or two it will be pushing out all the commercially bias games we all know Sony to do.

The Jenova
06-02-2007, 03:49 PM
Buying a console for one game is never smart

Well i wasn't buying it for one game,I mean, if XIII comes out on PS3, than i'm sure that the FF series would go on with the PS3, no?

jewess crabcake
06-02-2007, 04:17 PM
well, just one series doesnt justify buying, an entire console.

06-02-2007, 06:24 PM
Going by the UK prices being charged for the PS3 games in stores right now, in addition to the cost of the PS3, I'm becoming less keen on the idea of buying a console all the time.

At the rate things are going, I doubt I'll bother buying one - though I may change my mind in due course.

06-03-2007, 10:57 AM
Yeah I might wait a year or two until there's a heap of games I want and there cheap. The console in an affordable range is the Wii but the lack of games I like it's getting pretty boring.

I'm gonna wait on the sidelines and see what happens with the PS3 and 360 war, ATM it seems like ps3 might crash and burn but then it hasn't been out that long 360 has a years headstart on it. So I guess I'll wait and see.

06-05-2007, 03:22 PM
Having read the article, it seems plausible that FFXIV could go multi-platform. However, the article does not state that FFXIII will be released on another platform and so the topic title is incorrect. An official statement is required to make it an 'official' fact. QED, really.

06-08-2007, 08:49 AM
Here's a spot I frequent:

Square Enix have come out and made a statement on Final Fantasy XIII. Shinji Hashimoto spoke to Japanese gaming magazine Nikkei BP and said that they were developing FF Crystal Chronicles for the Wii, but �as for FF on the Xbox 360, it�s currently a completely blank page.�

Given the console situation in Square Enix�s main market of Japan, this wasn�t totally unexpected, but it should put a stop to the usual rumour-mongering. It�s worth noting that he didn�t totally rule it out for some point in the future, but as they have absolutely no current plans to port the title then PS3 owners will know that FFXIII is being optimized for the PS3 rather than compromised across two platforms with different strengths and weaknesses - which has got to be a good thing.

06-24-2007, 05:56 PM
I see it this way. It doesn't matter which console can push the graphical envelope so long as the game is worth playing. It's taken developers YEARS to utilize the full potential of the Playstation 2's graphic processor. Unfortunately it wasn't until the end of it's generation. I love Final Fantasy, but I'm not willing to fork out over half a grand for a console for a single game unless you count Versus in which case would be two games. The promises that were made during the hype were nothing short of phenomenal, but when push comes to shove the console fell short of everything we had come to expect.

06-24-2007, 10:18 PM
hum... as you said in this contradictory post of yours, it took years for the developers to fully tap the potential of the PS2. So I think it is kinda early to say the PS3 is not living to the hype.

Over time, the development cost will most likely drop a bit as the developers will become more familiar with the architecture, and dev kits and graphics engines will become more polished and easier to use as well.

Once some AAA titles will come out on the PS3, the console will most likely get some momentum and people will take notice of it. After that, developers will be more willing to create games for a system that can sell itself.

06-27-2007, 12:29 AM
lol at people who can't afford all three consoles.

06-27-2007, 07:07 AM
LOL at this guy up there who doesn't have a life.

07-04-2007, 04:42 AM
hum... as you said in this contradictory post of yours, it took years for the developers to fully tap the potential of the PS2. So I think it is kinda early to say the PS3 is not living to the hype.

Over time, the development cost will most likely drop a bit as the developers will become more familiar with the architecture, and dev kits and graphics engines will become more polished and easier to use as well.

Once some AAA titles will come out on the PS3, the console will most likely get some momentum and people will take notice of it. After that, developers will be more willing to create games for a system that can sell itself.

When I referred to the PS3 falling short of expectations I was speaking of the hype about how powerful the console was SUPPOSED to be meaning the features, and operations that were promised. I didn't contradict myself, it's just how you perceived it.

07-04-2007, 06:08 AM
So far it does offer the features it was supposed to offer originaly.

The only thing we are not sure yet is its graphical potential.

So many variants come into play, which makes comparing its specs with those of the 360 almost impossible.

Only time will tell if the system will be able to puch graphics like the Killzone 2 pre-rendered demo, like Sony claim it could.

07-06-2007, 07:11 PM
Awesome :) but i do think that the FF13 game will be on the 360 the wii.. i dont think so but hey the chances are 50/50 so it would be super cool to have it i myself have the wii and loving it and if they decide to add ff13 to the Nintendo console we all fanboys will be pleased.. why do you ask?
well for instant is that the ps3 console its too damn overpriced yeah we all know it has blue ray disk capabilities and crap but hey... whatever! we buy it to play it not to see it! so yeah :)

07-10-2007, 07:45 AM
I was reading a few pages and just felt like I had to jump in.

Just a quick question, why would FFXIII be on the 360? I thought that the 360 sunk like a pile of bricks in Japan. I mean, it did great in sales in the US but it died overseas in Japan. So why, then, would a FF game, which has a HUGE fan base centered in Japan, come out on a console created and centered in the USA?

I'm not saying that there isn't a huge fan base outside of Japan but I mean SE has never been one to really cater to America. Kingdom Hearts Final Mix and Final Mix Plus come to mind.

The possibility of it being released on multiple platforms, however, is quite possible. Theres no way in hell SE would make it 360 exclusive and from what I've seen its way too graphically demanding to work on the Wii. Maybe it will mainly come out on PS3 for Japan and then mainly on the 360 in America?

I, personally, have no inclination towards any of the three consoles, I would love to have them all but theres the whole money issue :x. As for the rest of this topic, lol@nintendo/sony/microsoft fanboys.

Honestly, who cares what console it comes out on? The ONLY reason you should be complaining is if you already have one of the systems and it comes out for another. All of this "SQUARE NEEDS TO STICK TO THEIR ROOTS!" and "THE PS3 DOESN'T DESERVE FF!" as well as the "LOL WHO THE HELL HAS A WII?!" junk needs to stop.

Heres saving up for w.e console FFXIII comes out on. See you all the day its released~

07-10-2007, 09:23 AM
What a shitty first post that is. Don't you have any manners? Or do you do it in the outside life as well? Going to someone else's place to talk shit about what they love? You laugh at fanboys faces, yet you say something as ridiculous as:

Heres saving up for w.e console FFXIII comes out on. See you all the day its released~

What kind of a moron are you? You even comment about such stupid thing as SE maybe considering going 360 exclusive with FF XIII, yet it was repeated COUNTLESS times in this here topic (and in the gaming news everywhere) that S-E is NOT developing FF XIII for the 360.

Maybe it will mainly come out on PS3 for Japan and then mainly on the 360 in America?

Maybe you are mainly a guy who ask mainly stupid questions?

In any case, I wish your parents, friends, neighbours, whatever, are patient, because if you barge in their house like you did here, they sure need it.

07-11-2007, 05:36 AM
What a shitty first post that is. Don't you have any manners?

What a welcome ;D Nice to meet you too. Well at least now I know my lack of swearing and prejudgment is "impolite".

Going to someone else's place to talk shit about what they love? You laugh at fanboys faces

Hmmm? I was under the impression that this was a Final Fantasy Forum, hence the name Final Fantasy Shrine :x. I don't think I "talked shit" about any of FF, which this forums is supposedly about. I'm sorry if I offended you in whichever system fandom you belong too, it's just my opinion that the whole concept of limiting yourself to a single console and bashing all others is silly. This being the first thread on this forum I've ever read I just went on what the forums title suggested, that this is a forum for those who love FF, not a single system.

What kind of a moron are you? You even comment about such stupid thing as SE maybe considering going 360 exclusive with FF XIII, yet it was repeated COUNTLESS times in this here topic (and in the gaming news everywhere) that S-E is NOT developing FF XIII for the 360.

I don't think you understood what I said about the 360. I was commenting on how there are quite a few people thinking FFXIII will be 360 exclusive and that that will NOT happen. I wasn't stating it as if i believed it myself.

Maybe you are mainly a guy who ask mainly stupid questions?

It wasn't a question, in case you were wondering. I was offering my take on the subject. I never said anywhere in my post that what I was saying was really gonna happen :x. IMO, even though I'm pretty sure this won't happen, releasing FFXIII on the PS3 and 360 would be a good venture by SE.

In any case, I wish your parents, friends, neighbours, whatever, are patient, because if you barge in their house like you did here, they sure need it.

Excuse me for thinking this was a Final Fantasy forum; and excuse me for having my own opinions. I didn't know this was a forum for game system fanboys. Before you make such scathing comments about someone else, make sure you actually read the post correctly. Reading is fun.

07-11-2007, 06:06 AM
Bitch! Hynad was owned by a newbie!!

............Fucking queer PS3 fanboy shit.

07-11-2007, 06:40 AM
Bitch! Hynad was owned by a newbie!!

............Fucking queer PS3 fanboy shit.

Naw that's not PS3 fanboyism...

THIS ( is PS3 fanboyism. (Or a Sony kiss-ass, either one really)

07-11-2007, 03:44 PM
Xavier887, go back to your school and study the meaning of ownage. You obviously know nothing about it. Now GTFO.


[QUOTE]What a welcome ;D Nice to meet you too. Well at least now I know my lack of swearing and prejudgment is "impolite".

Your definition of respect is really thin. And you talk about a lack of prejudment, yet you call poeple you know nothing about "fanboys". You barge in here, you don't take the time to introduce yourself, and start laughing at people who for reasons you don't know might have a preference for one given system. There are many ways to lack respect that dont involve the use of "swearings". And you showed just one of these ways.

Hmmm? I was under the impression that this was a Final Fantasy Forum, hence the name Final Fantasy Shrine :x. I don't think I "talked shit" about any of FF, which this forums is supposedly about. I'm sorry if I offended you in whichever system fandom you belong too, it's just my opinion that the whole concept of limiting yourself to a single console and bashing all others is silly. This being the first thread on this forum I've ever read I just went on what the forums title suggested, that this is a forum for those who love FF, not a single system.

You obviously know nothing about this here forum. Final Fantasy is what started the forum, yet a majority of the members here are not here for FF discussions. This is a forum for any discussion, and if you had just taken a look before posting your first piece of trash, you would have realized that the "General Discussion" part of the forum is a lot more active than all the FF parts united.
Now you didn't talk shit about any FFs. You talked shit about the people who for some reasons prefer a system over an other pretending that you are better because you have no preference. How hypocritical.

I don't think you understood what I said about the 360. I was commenting on how there are quite a few people thinking FFXIII will be 360 exclusive and that that will NOT happen. I wasn't stating it as if i believed it myself.

You mentioned S-E maybe considering going for a system in Japan, and a different one for the US release. Call it exclusive or not, just the fact that you stated such a ridiculous idea is beyond retarded.

It wasn't a question, in case you were wondering. I was offering my take on the subject. I never said anywhere in my post that what I was saying was really gonna happen :x. IMO, even though I'm pretty sure this won't happen, releasing FFXIII on the PS3 and 360 would be a good venture by SE.

It would be good, but that's not what you said. You stated the possibility of them doing so. And I stated that they won't do it. At least not in a near future. And as I pointed out, I have many interviews with the developers to back my claims.

Excuse me for thinking this was a Final Fantasy forum; and excuse me for having my own opinions. I didn't know this was a forum for game system fanboys. Before you make such scathing comments about someone else, make sure you actually read the post correctly. Reading is fun.

You call me a fanboy, yet I have showed nothing to make you believe I am one. I didn't praise any system, or belittled an other. You only show me yet again that you make baseless judgments over things you know nothing about.

07-12-2007, 03:35 AM
LightZorel, nice movie. I enjoyed it. Reminded me of Hynad....

Hynad, admit defeat when you face it QUEER!! And in that last thread that you particularly wrote to RedWolf, you are such a fucking hypocrit.

You mentioned S-E maybe considering going for a system in Japan, and a different one for the US release. Call it exclusive or not, just the fact that you stated such a ridiculous idea is beyond retarded.

What the hell does this prove, cunt-hoe? You fucking talk about Red making assumptions and pre-judgements about you; And yet, you clearly display that in your own words, you can't take your own advice. So until you can debate (and by that, I mean take your own advice) you need to GTFO this thread. Or you need to atleast leave, until you have reached puberty.

07-12-2007, 01:47 PM
Xavier, you are an absolute moron. Do your part to clean up the internet by leaving it forever.

07-12-2007, 03:44 PM
I need to GTFO of the internet

Excellent idea.

07-12-2007, 09:46 PM
Xavier887: Why don't you listen to your own advice and learn to debate before posting in here? What did you type in your garbage to push the debate forward? Oh yeah, nothing. You just basically came here to shoot shit at my face, suckpuppeting Redwolf6056.

Now listen to the words of wisdom that Prak and TheMaster gave you and GTFO.
Seriously, that's for your own sake.

07-13-2007, 01:20 AM
"It's official: FFXIII no longer exclusive for PS3"

The title of this thread still makes me giggle. lol.

07-13-2007, 01:24 AM
I'm with ya there.

07-13-2007, 03:19 AM
I franky don't give a shit.

I can still reply to this thread if I want and you can't make me get off.

....Fanboy cunts.

07-13-2007, 04:33 AM
I franky don't give a shit.

I can still reply to this thread if I want and you can't make me get off.

....Fanboy cunts.

No, please. Keep posting. People are going to give you shit and treat you like shit and say your fool of shit because you're a piece of shit but that's the only way you're going to learn shit around here. Earn you keep, man. Earn your keep.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
07-13-2007, 10:48 AM
Just in case anyone missed this:

07-13-2007, 04:48 PM
If it comes out for the 360 then it does, if not then it won't. Either way I'm getting it... I don't care where it lands. Honestly.. i also don't care if it's exclusive or not. I'll have both systems anyway.

07-13-2007, 07:45 PM
I franky don't give a shit.

I can still reply to this thread if I want and you can't make me get off.

....Fanboy cunts.

Actually, if you continue to act like the little shit you are, an admin could very easily ban you.

07-13-2007, 09:06 PM
Funny how he says "....Fanboy cunts." but... here he is on the forums with the rest of us.

07-15-2007, 01:56 AM
bleh.. won't take me to page six... let's see if it will after i post.

07-15-2007, 01:56 AM

07-20-2007, 08:28 PM
Dr. Lucien Sanchez is amazing. Darkplace was a class series...

But on the topic

Ok so the media seems to think that no FF13 for the Xobx360.

I have to be honest I have a 360 and aside from Gears of War and Dead Rising I have yet to play a game I have enjoyed. With FF and Metal Gear confirming as exclusives I think I'm gonna trade mine in for a ps3.


07-21-2007, 10:28 PM
Dr. Lucien Sanchez is amazing. Darkplace was a class series...

But on the topic

Ok so the media seems to think that no FF13 for the Xobx360.

I have to be honest I have a 360 and aside from Gears of War and Dead Rising I have yet to play a game I have enjoyed. With FF and Metal Gear confirming as exclusives I think I'm gonna trade mine in for a ps3.


FF13 is one of my main reasons for picking up a PS3

Pimp Daddy McSnake
07-21-2007, 10:38 PM
"It's official: FFXIII no longer exclusive for PS3"

The title of this thread still makes me giggle. lol.

As soon as I pressed the submit thread button, I was like oh shi-

But I was to lazy to ask a mod to change the title :D

07-23-2007, 08:04 PM
wow it has been a while since i have been here. I just wanted to point this out.

If sony were to go multi platform and put final fantasy on the 360 or wii it would lose out on a lot of money. Now some people have said "oh sony is going multi to make more money" but comparing a price of a game to the price of a ps3. which has much more value being only $500 now. It would be a VERY bad decision to go multi platform.

Now I must state my opinion. PS3 is going to kill all the other consoles. It just hasn't released all the games yet and once the price drops it will definitly be number 1. The wii is so limited and all I hear is what about zelda. Well then go buy a GC and play it. Wii sports tennis is the only good game i liked on the wii EVER. Just like last gen consoles the ps2 dominated. It was acutally out like 2 years before the xbox or GC was introduced but it came out on top. I know this because there was no profit in xbox and GC just sucks. Im sorry but it does so does the wii. Those 2 consoles will die. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that is all i needed to say. cant way til march might check back on this thread to see how it turned out!

07-23-2007, 08:13 PM
It may have been a while, but you're still an idiot.

07-23-2007, 08:25 PM
MoronicStrofe wrote:
If sony were to go multi platform and put final fantasy on the 360 or wii

OMG, since when did Final Fantasy become the property of Sony...

And you dare show yourself on a FF forum?

It may have been a while, but you're still an idiot.

Quoted for truth.

07-23-2007, 08:56 PM
wow it has been a while since i have been here. I just wanted to point this out.

If sony were to go multi platform and put final fantasy on the 360 or wii it would lose out on a lot of money. Now some people have said "oh sony is going multi to make more money" but comparing a price of a game to the price of a ps3. which has much more value being only $500 now. It would be a VERY bad decision to go multi platform.

Now I must state my opinion. PS3 is going to kill all the other consoles. It just hasn't released all the games yet and once the price drops it will definitly be number 1. The wii is so limited and all I hear is what about zelda. Well then go buy a GC and play it. Wii sports tennis is the only good game i liked on the wii EVER. Just like last gen consoles the ps2 dominated. It was acutally out like 2 years before the xbox or GC was introduced but it came out on top. I know this because there was no profit in xbox and GC just sucks. Im sorry but it does so does the wii. Those 2 consoles will die. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that is all i needed to say. cant way til march might check back on this thread to see how it turned out!

Words cannot possibly explain how fucking horrific this is.

jewess crabcake
07-23-2007, 09:52 PM
Words cannot possibly explain how fucking terrific this is.

I had quite the larf

07-23-2007, 10:06 PM
Now I must state my opinion. PS3 is going to kill all the other consoles. It just hasn't released all the games yet and once the price drops it will definitly be number 1.

The same argument can apply to the other consoles. Wait for Halo 3. Wait for Brawl. Wait for Galaxy.

The wii is so limited and all I hear is what about zelda. Well then go buy a GC and play it. Wii sports tennis is the only good game i liked on the wii EVER.

Then you must live with a very closed mind. Super Paper Mario, Mario Strikers Charged!, Resident Evil 4, Pokemon Battle Revolution and Call of Duty. Some other games that receive a lot of praise. As for the Wii Sports comment, what is that meant to prove? The fact that it was the only game you liked doesn't mean a thing.

as like last gen consoles the ps2 dominated. It was acutally out like 2 years before the xbox or GC was introduced but it came out on top.

The fact that the PS2 dominated last gen doesn't guarantee the PS3 as a sucess. The Nintendo 64 and Gamecube are proof of this.

I know this because there was no profit in xbox and GC just sucks

There was quite a lot of profit in the X-BOX. The Gamecube comment is pure 'anti-Nintendo', the Cube had a lot of classic games. Resident Evil 4, The Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Smash Bros Melee for example.

Im sorry but it does so does the wii. Those 2 consoles will die.

The Wii is no where near dying. Not with the phenomenal sales it's been having. The 360 is also no where dead.

07-23-2007, 10:17 PM
Resident Evil 4, The Wind Waker, Super Mario Sunshine and Super Smash Bros Melee for example.

Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2 Echoes, Paper Mario 2, Tales of Symphonia, MGS the Twin Snakes, Star Wars Rogue Leader, F-Zero GX, Pikmin, Pikmin 2, Mario Kart: Double Dash, Eternal Darkness, Soul Caliber 2 (probably the best version since Link is a lot more fun to play than Spawn and Heihachi)... to name a few more.

jewess crabcake
07-23-2007, 10:25 PM
lies whats so fun about playing as a little boy/elf in green tights?

07-23-2007, 10:44 PM
Getting to whack things with his toy sword.


07-25-2007, 01:51 PM
Sony loses another exclusive.....

good thing i haven't bought a next-gen console yet.

07-30-2007, 06:11 PM
Did you read this thread??? FF13 is a ps3 exclusive...

07-31-2007, 11:58 PM
OMG, since when did Final Fantasy become the property of Sony...

And you dare show yourself on a FF forum?

Quoted for truth.

I never said Final Fantasy was their property. I just stated that if it were to go multi platformed because the latest ff games are only available on the ps2 and soon to be ps3. Also you didn't quote the whole sentence for some reason.

Right now all I can see are people naming games that are popular on the 360 or wii. Wow the same thing can happen with the ps3. I also see someone stated that the ps3 will not be a guarentee success just cause the ps2 was. Well the same person said the xbox made profit. I'm sorry but no it DID NOT make any profit. the wii and 360 can fail just as likely. I am not going to directly point out any system in particular since someone will again quote what i say in half a sentence making it look bad and then tell me a list of games here and now and in past consoles that did well. Well did the console sell well? The xbox as i say again made no profit for microsoft NONE as in zero dollars zero cents. I cant say much about the gc except that it's a cube....-_-

There are no exclusives on the 360 except gow and halo 3, which you fanboys have beaten to death. And look at the ps3, which has exclusives such as drakes fortune, little big planet, motorstorm, reistsance, killzone 2, ratchet and clank FTOD, god of war 3, heavenly gate, 8 days, devil may cry 4, mgs4, not to mention included with a blu ray player and free online. Must I say anymore?

Mario Kinnikuman
08-01-2007, 12:16 AM
Final Fantasy should stay where it belongs, with PlayStation!

Where it belongs? FF started off on the NES! SE has the right to release any game for any system and that includes FF games. There is no loyalties. SE just goes where the money is. It's Sony fanboys like you that gives us gamers a bad name

The harsh, hilarious truth strikes again. I just can't get enough of this correction. *Thumbs up* @ Crossblades.

jewess crabcake
08-01-2007, 12:19 AM
Lol Irony his usernick is crosblades.

08-02-2007, 03:52 PM
There are no exclusives on the 360 except gow and halo 3, which you fanboys have beaten to death

Exclusives for Xbox 360 as of July 2007
Xbox 360 (96)

Released (47)
Amped 3
Battlestations: Midway*
Bomberman: Act Zero
Bullet Witch
Call of Duty 2*
Call of Juarez*
Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars*
Condemned: Criminal Origins*
Dance Dance Revolution Universe
Dead or Alive 4
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
Dead Rising
Earth Defense Force 2017
Forza Motorsport 2
Full Auto
Fuzion Frenzy 2
Gears of War
Hour of Victory*
Import Tuner Challenge
Kameo: Elements of Power
Lost Planet: Extreme Condition*
MotoGP 06*
Ninety-Nine Nights
Over G Fighters
Perfect Dark Zero
Project Gotham Racing 3
Project Sylpheed: Arc of Deception
Quake 4*
Ridge Racer 6
Rumble Roses XX
Saints Row
Star Trek: Legacy*
Tenchu Z
Tetris Evolution
The Elder Scrolls IV: Shivering Isles*
The Lord of the Rings: The Battle For Middle-earth II*
The Outfit
Top Spin 2*
Vampire Rain
Viva Pi�ata*
WarTech: Senko No Ronde
Xbox Live Arcade Unplugged Volume 1

Unreleased (49)
Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation
Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures*
Alan Wake*
All Points Bulletin*
America’s Army: True Soldiers
Banjo-Kazooie 3
Beautiful Katamari *NEW*
Blue Dragon
Castle Wolfenstein*
Cry On
Culdcept Saga
Dance Dance Revolution Universe 2 *NEW*
Dark Messiah of Might and Magic: Elements* *NEW*
Dead or Alive Code: Cronus
Dungeon Hero*
Eternal Sonata
F.E.A.R. Files* *NEW*
Fable 2
Far East of Eden Ziria
FlatOut: Ultimate Carnage
Halo 3
Halo Wars
Infinite Undiscovery
Kengo: Legend of the 9
Kingdom Under Fire: Circle of Doom
Left 4 Dead*
Lost Odyssey
Marvel Universe Online*
Mass Effect
Mobile Ops: The One Year War
MotoGP 07*
Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
Postal III*
Project Gotham Racing 4
Project Progressive
Sacred 2: Fallen Angel*
Scene It? Lights, Camera, Action *NEW*
The Secret World*
Theseis* *NEW*
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell: Conviction*
Too Human
Two Worlds*
Universe At War: Earth Assault*
Viva Pi�ata: Party Animals *NEW*
World in Conflict* *NEW


08-02-2007, 04:52 PM
So you are comparing those to halo and GoW...people are berating the ps3 thru lack of games...if i took an hour of my life to google unreleased games I could come up with a list as big as yours. The games that are released were never as popular as halo or gears of war. Lots of people got the xbox solely on the fact that halo came. Those games you have listed are not exclusives what so ever.
And once again like I predicted someone would just post a list of games. It is pretty much my first sentence in the previous post I wrote.

Is there anything else that you people can do besides name games and name games that did good in the past yet knowing the ps2 came out on top and the ps3 has many unreleased games also that are VERY good. Once the price lowers near the 360 it will be undeniable that it will come out on top.

08-02-2007, 04:54 PM
My goodness. Claudstrofe continues to be a moron!

08-02-2007, 05:03 PM
my goodness please tell me why!

08-02-2007, 05:13 PM
Blatant irrational PS3 fanboyism.

08-02-2007, 05:21 PM
-_- how is that...I never wrote anything like ps3 ownzors...or
ff should stay with ps cause it has for 10 years...

I gave nice good reasoning like for example.

If sony and NO I AM SAYING SONY "OWNS" Final Fantasy, but YES playstation is the only console pretty much that has FF on it. There may be some spin offs on other consoles I do not know.

But as I was saying one reason why I am not doing that I had said if sony would go multi platformed it would lose out on A LOT of money through one of their major exclusives such as Final Fantasy 13. It is very true that if it did go multi the venue for gaining money..would increase, but when you compare the price of 1 ps3 to 1 game which would be the smarter decision. With a price drop many more people would buy the ps3 to play exclusives such as final fantasy were it not multi platformed bringing in much more then just 1 game would.

08-02-2007, 05:43 PM
If you really want me to point out the fanboyism, I'll oblige.

So you are comparing those to halo and GoW...people are berating the ps3 thru lack of games...if i took an hour of my life to google unreleased games I could come up with a list as big as yours. The games that are released were never as popular as halo or gears of war. Lots of people got the xbox solely on the fact that halo came. Those games you have listed are not exclusives what so ever.
And once again like I predicted someone would just post a list of games. It is pretty much my first sentence in the previous post I wrote.

You say that the games that were listed are not exclusives. How can you possibly hope to back that up?

Is there anything else that you people can do besides name games and name games that did good in the past yet knowing the ps2 came out on top and the ps3 has many unreleased games also that are VERY good.

The fact that the PS2 was on top in the last generation means nothing to the new one. Bringing it up is pure fanboyism. Also, to claim that the unreleased games for PS3 are "VERY good" is insane, considering that they have not yet been released and could actually be lousy. You're making the assumption that they will be good, but that is not proof, and it is certainly not admissible under debate conditions.

Once the price lowers near the 360 it will be undeniable that it will come out on top.

Again, pure fanboyism. There is nothing to indicate that the PS3 will gain an advantage when its price comes down to that of the Xbox 360. Your claim is nothing but pure, baseless, useless speculation.

jewess crabcake
08-02-2007, 05:45 PM
Aaah I think I can clear this up publishing/releasing titles does not entitle ownership. They (the publisher)only let it out to the public, meaning S-E has a choice not a contract, they've stayed with Sony because Sony rakes in the big bucks from FF7+. Nintendo didn't bring in as muh as Sony, and Sony's been good to SE, but a non exclusive title only generates more SE money While Sony may lose a 100,000 or two, depending on how over exaggerated the graphics are in the next FF.

08-02-2007, 07:21 PM
I ate a big red candle.

08-02-2007, 08:51 PM
Well truly I cannot back up that information, but he also showed no proof of the games exclusivity either. It was just a list of games released and unreleased.

I see why you said that I have fanboyism...

and I did not fully understand what you meant Smarties please explain in further detail...

and the link where Vivi Fire had gotten the game has a list of ps3 games along with it-_-he should've mentioned those.

The Lost One
08-03-2007, 03:01 PM

08-30-2007, 06:05 PM
Dammit clicked it twice. Read the next post.

08-30-2007, 06:06 PM
ClaudStrofe - YES playstation is the only console pretty much that has FF on it. There may be some spin offs on other consoles I do not know.

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I'm assuming you have never played one of the FF greats: FFVI. It's a very good game, but due to your bias against systems not produced by Sony, you aren't giving it a chance.

I have played 7, 10, and 12, and they were all very good, but just because a series is on another system doesn't mean you shouldn't try it.

Let's take me for example. I like playing many of the Nintendo franchises like Mario, Zelda, Kirby, Pokemon, and Metroid. I at first didn't seem to like Halo. However I tried it with a friend who said the game was great and I liked it. Now look at me: I've reserved a copy of Halo 3 and can't wait for it to come out. Here's another quote from you:

ClaudStrofe - the ps3 has many unreleased games also that are VERY good.

This is my personal opinion: Every unreleased game has the potential to fail to live up to the hype and/or suck ass. This goes for Halo 3, Assassin's Creed, FF 13, hell even Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Mario Galaxies. I don't seem to get why everyone is so hyped up about Assassin's Creed. I ask now for someone to tell me what seems so good about the game. But I'll still try it and see if I like it.

My point is, we all have personal opinions on each game. But we can't judge how good a game is until we actually try it. Just try the game, let your friends try it, and then tell them your opinion about the game. This is my stand on this discussion. For the people who think I'm stupid/retarded/whatever, you may now flame me.

08-31-2007, 01:36 AM
As much as I love my PS3, the games I have and the games coming out each month for the next year and a half, some of the fanboys in this thread are almost making me ashamed of owning a PS3 because I would have to be associated with you. Yay FF13 is PS3 exclusive, but don't cry if it, which it wont, goes multi platform.

08-31-2007, 09:27 AM
im just buying a ps3 when an ff game comes out on it, as for now i have a wii and id buy a ff game on that and still get a ps3

09-01-2007, 12:56 AM
im just buying a ps3 when an ff game comes out on it, as for now i have a wii and id buy a ff game on that and still get a ps3

Only buy an FF for the Wii if you want a Crystal Chronicles game.


09-01-2007, 07:58 AM
chrystal chronicle aint half bad in its own way, and what ff is on the wii?, i might get me a wii if its got games that are of interest to me, right now, i'm playin ff1 (via iso) on the psp cos my ps2 is scratching cds and no one seems to know how to fix it, and it seems to be common issue with the ps2. i'm just hoping things like that dont happen on the ps3, i dont want to spent U$80 on a game cd only to use it once.

09-03-2007, 10:25 AM
Am I the only one here who feels that the PS3 is majorly overpriced?

And that blu-ray ain't going to get my support because it's region-protected?

I'm happy about this. Sure, the quality of the FMV on the other console versions may suck, you may need to swap some 8 DVDs, but at least I don't have to cough out some three thousand bucks excluding shipping for it (I will need to buy my PS3 from the US, since only the Japanese version is sold here as usual, and I will only play RPGs if it's in English). Hey, maybe it'll come out for the PC as well ala FFVII and FFVIII and you just install from some 43 CDs and then you can play from just the first CD.

09-04-2007, 01:21 AM
Sun & Earth: don't say yuck to Crystal Chronicle on the Wii just yet. The game is not going to be the same as the one on the GameCube.

The game is supposed to be centered around the single player experience, while the multi-player one from the Cube game has been kept for the DS version.

09-04-2007, 08:06 AM
3000 dollars? and i thought it was expensive here, they are demanding 800 U$ round these here parts.

i havnt had much time to check the hacker forums lately, but has the PS3 been hacked? i'v heard from some friends that it has, but these friends barely know what a disk image is so i wouldnt trust a word they say.

and are there any good rpgs on the wii i'm getting a wee bit curious about the wii, if if dosnt cos t a fortune might as well get me one, but only if it has some good titles.

09-05-2007, 03:38 AM
if square started a new project in ff13 they could have made the game for 360 and ps3 at the same time. theyre pretty far along in production on it though, and they were talking all big about the blu ray having so much more space per disk that id be really surprised if they took the time to make it compatable for hd, as well as back down from the hype they set up. theyd have to go back to everything they already made and convert it.

also, unless theyre counting on making zillions with the english versions i doubt theyll make the investment because 360 isnt selling in japan.

however theyve got the funds to back it so you never know. sony is pretty happy about it im sure...

J. Peterman
09-05-2007, 08:00 AM
i hope squaresoft makes their next pokemon game on the psp and the ds

09-05-2007, 08:03 AM
I just hate how they half-assed the PS3 if they didn't have framerate problem and other probloms that my friend pointed out cause he's a tester in japan for ps3 so he really doesn't cares cause he didn't buy it cause for that price and to have so many problems. it's not worth going to gamer hell over. people in love with ps3 are just deny the fact that really it's not that powerful cause also it's outdated graphic card. i really wished that sony is remaking it as my friend said they are,so it'll work right.

J. Peterman
09-05-2007, 08:06 AM
man i know what you mean i was going to get a ps3 until i learned that it was horrible with the dancing games

09-05-2007, 09:07 AM
you also must forgot thte sony put some software that i can't remember the name of in their system and don't know how to use it.

Add to any fucking morons that think that the 360 and Wii should just die is should die themselves cause the economical balance would be gone and the ps3 with no more competetion would hick the fuck gay as it is price up through the fucking roof so only the rich would easily buy it.

09-05-2007, 09:11 AM
bad grammer on my part

J. Peterman
09-05-2007, 07:40 PM
man bad grammar is the way to go imo

09-05-2007, 08:10 PM
can we restrict posting in threads like this to people who can remember being disappointed in super mario brothers 2

J. Peterman
09-05-2007, 08:17 PM
I wasn't disappointed man that was awesome as I flew the sky with Kirby!

09-05-2007, 08:25 PM
you could not have answered with a more perfect responce.

09-05-2007, 10:41 PM
WEll, this discussion still seems to be alive, so...

I've said it before, but I really hope FFXIII gets on the XBox 360. It's more powerful than the Wii, but has a lower price tag than the PS3. Forget Blu-Ray, I hardly even use DVDs as it is. That, and the XBox 360 already has a decent established library of games, with plenty more coming out (Bio Shock, Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, and S-E is showing signs of defecting to the XBox 360 with Project Sylpheed).

I've liked the PSX and PS2, but Sony really priced themselves out of the market with the PS3. Whether they were "Future-proofing" their system or whatnot, a lot of people aren't going to buy into that if they just don't want to pay that amount of money, even if the machine is supposedly "ahead of its time." Right now, the PS3's market is little more than 20-somethings and suburbanite kids whose parents have money to burn.

Japanese gamers will still want their FF games on the PS3, but for the American release, it'll probably be ported over to the XBox 360, if only in addition to a release on the PS3.

Even if FFXIII sees a release on the PS3 first, I'm going to wait and see if it's going to be released on the XBox 360, as well. No sense in getting a system just for one game. Hopefully some other stuff worth my time will come out on the PS3, but I'm not keeping my fingers crossed. Not joking.

jewess crabcake
09-05-2007, 11:02 PM
Truth is Sony has been good to FF 7-12 are waaaaaay more heavily marketed than any other prior FF. FF switched over to Sony but still kept ties with Nintendo. FF will not just hop ship because people are saying I don't have enough money, they'll wait until the sales show the right answer, so my guess is they'll release it on the PS3, wait to see if they get a good amount of buyer and spread off to other consoles to make up for what they made before. If it doesn't flop that's another exclusivity with Sony. And once the trailers come in with the hi-def picture, crystal dynamic sound, and the magazines call it the best FF ever that will seal the deal.

09-06-2007, 09:39 AM
i think some of you guys should read this, not exactly in keeping with the topic but should be informative non the less,

09-07-2007, 01:11 AM
yea i agree with you schwarzer, i just dont think theyll make the move with ff13 is all. blu ray and hd are still neck and neck and probably will be for a while considering the backing both of them have.

09-07-2007, 01:33 AM
oh yeah!

J. Peterman
09-07-2007, 01:36 AM
oh yeah!

jewess crabcake
09-07-2007, 03:40 AM
Blu-ray out sells Hd-dvd 2:1 where have you been?

09-07-2007, 07:25 AM
lol...300 sold like over 10,000 Blu-rays to HD's 90 something..

09-07-2007, 07:28 PM
The Blu-Ray discs have a bigger storage capacity than HD-DVDs. If you remember back in 1995, the decision of Nintendo to stick to cartridge made Squaresoft go with Sony because of its more versatile and higher storage capacity format. The same can be said when it comes to HD content and Blu-Ray. Both X-Box 360 and PS3 are HD systems, but the 360 isn't using HD-DVDs out of the box while the PS3 IS Blu-Ray from the get-go. If the developers want to create really long games with a lot of diversity in their designs (more diverse textures, more models, more SFX, more... everything), the Blu-Ray driver of the PS3 is the way to go.

But as far as I'm concerned, I'd rather play a game in 480p that cost me around $380 CAN than pay $780 CAN just to play FFXIII. Sad thing is, I'll probably end-up buying a PS3 just to play the game anyways... Truth is, I don't have the stuff to enjoy HD as of yet. So I don't really care about all this. Metroid Prime 3 still looks pretty awesome on my regular 480p TV set.

It'll be interesting to see if the release of FFXIII will have as big an impact on the systems sell as the other first entries on a system have had in the past (FFVII and X).

jewess crabcake
09-07-2007, 07:32 PM
That's the most truthful thing ever, I said the same for the PS2 "350 USD I'm not buying it"... got it 4 years later.

09-08-2007, 07:28 AM
Correct me if I'm wrong (like I even need to ask you to), but doesn't the PS3 need an HD TV, or can you hook it up to a non-HD TV?

09-08-2007, 07:33 AM
You need a HD TV to harness the HD potential of the system, but you can run the system just fine on a regular cathodic TV set.

09-08-2007, 07:57 AM
You need a HD TV to harness the HD potential of the system, but you can run the system just fine on a regular cathodic TV set.
Ahh, okay. Of course, eventually old CRT TVs will be discontinued, and one won't be able to receive "transmissions" on them, anytime one wants to upgrade to HD is good.

09-10-2007, 03:46 AM
magnus youre only looking at a fraction of the media.

blu ray has a deal with almost every major movie studio, panasonic, dell and apple. also everyone who has a ps3 has a blu ray player automatically built into it. the same is not true for 360.

hd has microsoft, intel and toshiba in their corner. theyve got the pc market and all those nifty accesories that match with it. theyre also making deals that allow 360 owners to download video content in hd.

theyre still pretty close, and the fact that one may be slipping isnt really an issue because both companies have fundings up the ass to help them get out of a rut. the bottom line is the games.

Mr E. Stalker
09-20-2007, 09:24 PM
While I won't be gettin' a PS3 for a looooong time (the price floors me every time I see it, which actually isn't much... last I saw it was $800.00, and who wants to pay that for a damn game console?), Final Fantasy XIII is one heck of a game. I'll probably buy it just to have until I purchase a PS3. Phenomenal graphics, says I. Hope she sounds great like the rest o' the FF games. Oh- a little off topic, but has anyone heard that Dragon Quest IX is gonna be on a hand-held system? I heard it was only for the HH, and no console.

09-20-2007, 09:44 PM
Guess I wont be forced to buy a PS3 after all...... Square titles would be a huge reason for purchasing

09-22-2007, 10:49 AM
It was certified that FFXIII and FFvXIII will be PS3 only...

Mr E. Stalker
09-22-2007, 01:56 PM
Make up yer mind.

09-22-2007, 05:09 PM
Make up yer mind.

What do you mean by that?

Mr E. Stalker
09-22-2007, 07:07 PM
Is it PS2 or PS3 or X-Box or Nintendo-something-or-other, or yack yack yack blah blah blah, where's a shotgun when I need it... Not for you, for me own self. Me head's a hurtin'. BAD.

09-29-2007, 03:18 PM
bigger storage doesn't mean better games at all

09-29-2007, 03:21 PM
Who said it was?

09-29-2007, 08:32 PM
Anti-PS3-fan... Who cares...

10-01-2007, 03:52 PM

10-03-2007, 12:25 PM

Honestly... I think Enix bought decided to go multi platform cause the ps3 wasn't selling. The estimated hype about it in USA wasn't up to expectation, so I'm not really surprised.

So, I think I just wasted my time trying to save up to buy one anyway ~_~

Mr E. Stalker
10-03-2007, 12:41 PM
Hell, maybe I'll be able to afford a PS3...... in about 10 years.

10-04-2007, 09:34 PM
Hell, maybe I'll be able to afford a PS3...... in about 10 years.

Aw, please it's not expensive when you consider what you get for the price.

Don't tell me you can't afford one! Just get a job!

10-06-2007, 08:33 AM
I will get it... Probably not in the upcoming half a year, but sooner or later I will! I hope you guys won`t make fun of the FF fans that can`t get some things, because my DAMN COUNTRY SUCK SO MUCH! PS3 there costs even more than in USA or somewhere... It SUCKS!

Quantum Link
10-14-2007, 04:30 PM
FF Versus XIII looks better than the original (No, not because the main character is a boy.) However, I don't care which one I get, as long as it's either of them. I'm getting my PS3 with a HD tv soon. Just waiting for those oh so vital games to be released, such as FFXIII and MGS4.

10-15-2007, 05:11 AM
Looks better huh? How come you'd say that? Did you get infos that we didn't?
Because I can swear the only thing we saw about FFVXIII was some CG cut-scenes. And as far as FFXIII goes, at least we got to see some in-game graphics.

Quantum Link
10-15-2007, 04:04 PM
Well, we know that Lightning can use gravity spells as a limit break sort of thing. But the main character from FF-V-XIII looks like he might have an alternate form. Like an evil, invincible devily thingy.

10-15-2007, 04:15 PM
Tetsuya said that those powers seen in the cutscene will be unlocked only somewhere later in the game, so don`t get excited yet!

Quantum Link
10-15-2007, 04:17 PM
I complete games fairly quickly, so it shouldn't take too long to achieve those powers. My first task, however, is to buy a PS3. :(

10-21-2007, 11:49 PM
Meh, it would have been ok if they had put it on pc :) but making it on other consoles as well as the ps3 kinda sucks less reason to buy the ps3 :/

10-21-2007, 11:51 PM
Did you read the thread properly?

For the... damn, I lost count... FF XIII IS STILL PS3 EXCLUSIVE!!!

I swear... those noobs....!

10-21-2007, 11:56 PM
:P well i couldnt be a**ed reading 8 pages of posts for this xD sorrys

Thats still like new ff's on pc :P

10-22-2007, 12:00 AM
You just had to read the first two pages to see it... But it seems like common sense might be to much to ask of you...

And since this topic is like OVER FIVE MONTHS old, you should already know by now that it was just a stupid rumor that came out from some morons who couldn't read the news properly.

10-22-2007, 12:02 AM
"Meh, it would have been ok if they had put it on pc but making it on other consoles as well as the ps3 kinda sucks less reason to buy the ps3 :/"

Final Fantasy does not belong on the PC. End of it

PS. Why the hate on PS3?

10-22-2007, 12:05 AM
No real reason at this point. The best reason for disliking it so far is the lack of any must-have game on it so far. Which should change somewhere in 2008.

Hardware-wise, the PS3 is a pretty good system that was released without any problems (like over-heating, and those 3 red light of death... ).

12-10-2007, 10:33 PM
This is pretty treacherous seeing as it is most likely that all your favorite games were made on the original Playstation platforms.
I see people with Kingdom Hearts avatars, others with Final Fantasy ones.
But what's this, all the FF pictures are taken from games made on Sony consoles, I don't see anyone using a SNES related FF avatar now do I?
Impatience seems to cause stupidity around the world, if you were the owner of many different consoles you'd be able to tell what's best without going OMG LYK I LAV DIS CONSOL SO MACH BCUZ I JUSS DO!!!!
I'm a Sony fan because they've never failed me. Microsoft with it's shitty Windows operating systems comes in late game and starts introducing utter crap, with nothing exclusive for themselves besides Halo. Wow, just another FPS game that we need amongst another 12trillion of them.
So far I've sent my XBox360 in for repairs 3 times, no I look after my things, I even cover my consoles so they don't attract dust, and encase my game covers in plastic glad wrap-like bags so they don't wear away with the years.
Thanks to the shitbox, my house has almost short circuited about twice, and running Gears of War which was the maximum potential of graphics and gameplay it could handle almost caused the console to explode. (It actually red lighted which is why it needed repairs)
The man behind GoW was even disappointed at how so many features had to be dumbed down on the game, because the Xbox could simply not handle it, and if you haven't noticed the PC version has a whole 5 chapters which makes the game at least double in length. So not only does this console dumb down graphics, physics but it also kills the length of games.
I am not the only one to have problems with the Xbox360, but I will not say it's a piece of shit, though I will say when you need to face the facts, don't be so damn ignorant.

Oh my, Playstation 3 is a whole $100 more than an Xbox360???!?!?! HOLY CRAP MY LIFE IS OVER, [/sarcasm] it's not like it was carefully architectured using state of the art hardware. [/end sarcasm]

If you want rushed games, you'll get a piece of shit, and if you want a piece of shit, that's exactly what you'll get. Good things take time, buildings aren't created in a day, if they were they'd crumble apart and you'd all be dead.

And for people whining about not being able to afford things, get a damn job.
Working helps society and earns you money, you didn't know? Well now you do.
It also prevents the loss of brain cells from having to deal with fanboy morons whimpering about Oh noez, dis gaim iz liek cominkz to dis pltformz lolz!!! u suk nao bcuz ur consolz suks!

Now one or many of those morons are going to flame me for this, or attempt to start some sort of argument, googling for an English dictionary of intelligent sounding words, and searching for ways to construct a sentence using perfect grammar and punctuation.
And since I don't really give a damn, I'm going to continue searching for what it was I initially began looking for.
(Which is something C&C 3: Tiberium Wars related. Wtf how did I end up here???)

12-10-2007, 10:41 PM
There are many things in your post that are bound to atract flamers. Things that contradict themselves, and others that are totally false, and biased.

I won't take the first torch. I'm heading for bed now. But I will hope someone will have the time to correct the wrongs of your fanboyism (how ridiculously you try to deny being one).

12-10-2007, 11:01 PM
You are a fucking moron. Here is why.

Microsoft with it's shitty Windows operating systems comes in late game and starts introducing utter crap, with nothing exclusive for themselves besides Halo. Wow, just another FPS game that we need amongst another 12trillion of them.

Strike one is the windows jab, which has nothing at all to do with the console you're posting to bash.

Then there's your idiotic claim that Halo was their only exclusive. I don't even need to justify myself when I call you an idiot for that one. Any fool can see it.

So far I've sent my XBox360 in for repairs 3 times, no I look after my things, I even cover my consoles so they don't attract dust, and encase my game covers in plastic glad wrap-like bags so they don't wear away with the years.

Too bad you didn't figure out how to not make your console break down. And anyway, your point falls apart when you consider how extensive Microsoft's warranty on the 360 is. When these problems appeared, they extended the coverage to three years. In addition, they've isolated the problem and fixed it in the new consoles being produced. They're taking responsibility for their faults and going above and beyond to make things right.

Sony, on the other hand, is notorious for having shitty customer service. While I have no Sony horror stories of my own due to not owning many of their products, my brother had a ridiculously hard time getting his PSP replaced when it turned out to have nearly a dozen dead pixels. In case you don't know, federal standards only allow a certain number of dead pixels in LCD screens per square foot, and a dozen of them on a PSP screen is in gross excess of that standard.

Thanks to the shitbox, my house has almost short circuited about twice, and running Gears of War which was the maximum potential of graphics and gameplay it could handle almost caused the console to explode. (It actually red lighted which is why it needed repairs)

Maximum potential of graphics and gameplay, eh? I really have to laugh at that claim. Ignoring the obviously idiotic, yet harmless claim about the graphics, I'm going to jump on the gameplay comment. So you think the 360 has a "maximum potential for gameplay," do you? You must have a very strange definition of gameplay.

The man behind GoW was even disappointed at how so many features had to be dumbed down on the game, because the Xbox could simply not handle it, and if you haven't noticed the PC version has a whole 5 chapters which makes the game at least double in length. So not only does this console dumb down graphics, physics but it also kills the length of games.

You deluded fool. Here's a quote directly from the guy you're talking about.

" is unlikely we will bring that content to 360... Unfortunately the version it's built on is not really compatible with the 360 and so it would involve a massive patch, a patch larger than all five we've done so far, to Gears of War to do that."

In other words, you're dead wrong. Get your facts straight before you spout off, you stupid Sony fancunt.

I am not the only one to have problems with the Xbox360, but I will not say it's a piece of shit, though I will say when you need to face the facts, don't be so damn ignorant.

You called it "shitbox" earlier in that same post, you hypocrite.

Oh my, Playstation 3 is a whole $100 more than an Xbox360???!?!?! HOLY CRAP MY LIFE IS OVER, [/sarcasm] it's not like it was carefully architectured using state of the art hardware. [/end sarcasm]

As was the 360, you ignoramus. And guess what, the 360 was constructed with more attention to the interaction of the various components. I'm not talking more about that. If you really want to risk having your delusions shattered, go look it up yourself.

It also prevents the loss of brain cells from having to deal with fanboy morons whimpering about Oh noez, dis gaim iz liek cominkz to dis pltformz lolz!!! u suk nao bcuz ur consolz suks!

That's exactly how you're behaving.

Now one or many of those vastly more intelligent people than myself are going to flame me for this

Damn right.

or attempt to start some sort of argument, googling for an English dictionary of intelligent sounding words

I know them off the top of my head, actually. It's called education.

and searching for ways to construct a sentence using perfect grammar and punctuation.

Again, this is a natural by-product of education.

Now fuck off.

12-10-2007, 11:21 PM

jewess crabcake
12-10-2007, 11:47 PM
I was so bored I read an argument not even pertaining anything to so with me :(. Man that guy makes me ashamed to defend PS3's and I love Sony, but you have to admit PS3 does not pick up where PSX and PS2 left off. Psx revolutionized gaming with it's graphical capability and quality sound. Ps2 had by far the best game library ever PS3 has neither, the library is still a work in process, and some games come out looking better on the 360. And why'd you insult Windows OS? 360 does not run on an OS.

12-10-2007, 11:54 PM
Ultra Magnus, just for your information, all systems since the PS runs on some types of OS. Although it's a lot lighter than Vista.

jewess crabcake
12-11-2007, 12:33 AM
You know what I mean, I man you cant just pick up and install XP on your 360. What he's talking about is a PC OS... I think.

12-11-2007, 12:37 AM
Actually, he's proven that he doesn't know a shit about what he's talking about.

12-11-2007, 03:19 AM
GuardianWyrm, with all due respect, if you ever get a PS3, please do not try to add me to your PlayStation Network friends list.

12-11-2007, 03:48 AM
This is pretty treacherous seeing as it is most likely that all your favorite games were made on the original Playstation platforms.
I see people with Kingdom Hearts avatars, others with Final Fantasy ones.
But what's this, all the FF pictures are taken from games made on Sony consoles, I don't see anyone using a SNES related FF avatar now do I?
Impatience seems to cause stupidity around the world, if you were the owner of many different consoles you'd be able to tell what's best without going OMG LYK I LAV DIS CONSOL SO MACH BCUZ I JUSS DO!!!!
I'm a Sony fan because they've never failed me. Microsoft with it's shitty Windows operating systems comes in late game and starts introducing utter crap, with nothing exclusive for themselves besides Halo. Wow, just another FPS game that we need amongst another 12trillion of them.
So far I've sent my XBox360 in for repairs 3 times, no I look after my things, I even cover my consoles so they don't attract dust, and encase my game covers in plastic glad wrap-like bags so they don't wear away with the years.
Thanks to the shitbox, my house has almost short circuited about twice, and running Gears of War which was the maximum potential of graphics and gameplay it could handle almost caused the console to explode. (It actually red lighted which is why it needed repairs)
The man behind GoW was even disappointed at how so many features had to be dumbed down on the game, because the Xbox could simply not handle it, and if you haven't noticed the PC version has a whole 5 chapters which makes the game at least double in length. So not only does this console dumb down graphics, physics but it also kills the length of games.
I am not the only one to have problems with the Xbox360, but I will not say it's a piece of shit, though I will say when you need to face the facts, don't be so damn ignorant.

Oh my, Playstation 3 is a whole $100 more than an Xbox360???!?!?! HOLY CRAP MY LIFE IS OVER, [/sarcasm] it's not like it was carefully architectured using state of the art hardware. [/end sarcasm]

If you want rushed games, you'll get a piece of shit, and if you want a piece of shit, that's exactly what you'll get. Good things take time, buildings aren't created in a day, if they were they'd crumble apart and you'd all be dead.

And for people whining about not being able to afford things, get a damn job.
Working helps society and earns you money, you didn't know? Well now you do.
It also prevents the loss of brain cells from having to deal with fanboy morons whimpering about Oh noez, dis gaim iz liek cominkz to dis pltformz lolz!!! u suk nao bcuz ur consolz suks!

Now one or many of those morons are going to flame me for this, or attempt to start some sort of argument, googling for an English dictionary of intelligent sounding words, and searching for ways to construct a sentence using perfect grammar and punctuation.
And since I don't really give a damn, I'm going to continue searching for what it was I initially began looking for.
(Which is something C&C 3: Tiberium Wars related. Wtf how did I end up here???)

Someone up there already destroyed your pieces.

Gamers game
Fanboys choose sides. If FFXIII was a 360 exclusive, I wouldn't cry:

"Noooooo! It's not fair! T_T." I would be the gamer that I am and buy the bloody 360! That IS my must have game. So ANYONE that wants to pick up a GOOD argument that doesn't trip over itself, (Aiming at the Sony Fanboy) bring it on Shinigamis! I'm pro-PS3 myself. XD

12-11-2007, 03:57 AM

Wait... that sounded like a comment Ass Ketchup would make.

12-11-2007, 04:00 AM
I am pro-Videogames!


Wait... that sounded like a comment Ass Ketchup would make.

Oh yeah!?

Well I'm...

Pro-Super Smash Bros Brawl!


12-11-2007, 04:08 AM
You're even more childish than I tried to be.


But you know what? I'm pro-beating-the-crap-out-of-the-wannabes-like-you.

THAT is Unbeatable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ..................... (breathe) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!

12-11-2007, 04:10 AM

I'm actually anti-beating-the-crap-out-of-the-wannabes-like-you(Taaj).

That counters it. >.>

12-11-2007, 02:03 PM
Ok, that was the farthest I was willing to lower my brain cells activities.

So I guess you're the one winning the first chance at rope jumping.

12-11-2007, 02:35 PM
[/sarcasm][/end sarcasm]
You're doing it wrong.

12-11-2007, 07:39 PM
Actually, I think he was just trying to show us how serious he was. It seems his level of serious was: [total serious]

12-25-2007, 08:48 PM
bbaahhh... a PS3 "FLAGSHIP" for XBOX360? (as if sony will let it go) whats next MGS4 confirmed on XBOX360!!! WAAAHAHAHUHAHAUHAUHAHAHHEHEH!!!...i feel sleepy, next source please..

12-25-2007, 08:49 PM
official... Boooohh!

12-25-2007, 08:53 PM
anyway where s the confirmation?

12-25-2007, 10:03 PM
People come here and don't even read farther the topic's title...

This thread is a huge pile of fail and should be deleted without further notice.

12-26-2007, 02:46 PM
No way. It's a great trap to identify the morons who are too dumb to read a thread before posting in it.

12-26-2007, 05:00 PM
Yeah, you have a point there.

I guess I'm just annoyed to see so much stupidity manages to find its way to this forum.

12-27-2007, 03:13 PM
It's official: FFXIII no longer exclusive for PS3 <<<------

then who the hell will read those ten sets of postings? maybe the morons? or maybe the two of you.

dont deny.. dont be shy... ders no true final fantasy for the xbox 360.

12-27-2007, 03:38 PM

This guy gets dumber with every post he makes.

12-27-2007, 09:10 PM
this thread gives me many great LULZ.

01-23-2008, 03:40 PM
Seeing the title had my hopes up that it would still be PS2 compatible. I'm retarded, I know...

02-06-2008, 06:20 AM
First of, no, i didn't read every last post, but it is almost 12AM and i didn't want to take the time to read them all.

I honestly don't give a crap if it goes multiplatform. I have a PS3, my bro has a 360, and i'll be getting a 360 for Fable 2, Splinter Cell Conviction, among other titles. But, i still want the PS3 version to be released first. Why? Becuase i feel that a simultaneous release would redce the quality of the final game. I think if they concentrated all their efforts into creating the PS3 version, making it as good a game as they can, then porting it, i would be happier, personally, with it (i'll get it for the PS3 anyway). Like with Half-Life 2. It came out on the PC and was simply amazing. They were then able to port it to the Xbox and it was still amazing, no really diminish in over all quality. But hey, i could be wrong, they could do just as good a job with a simultaneous release, COD4 was yet another amazing game, and that was released on PC, PS3, 360, and DS simultaneously, and they did an amazing job. I just want this to turn out as great a game as they could make it, especially after waiting all that time for FF XII, which really didn't live up to it's hype, at least not for me anyway.

02-06-2008, 06:39 AM
pretty much what sphinx162 said, rather than "simutaneously" release for all the other consoles, why not just make the most official one the best one (the one for PS3)? then additional time could go on for other projects later.

02-06-2008, 07:02 AM
OK... The thread started was really moronic to put such a stupid title.

But I guess we see those who are ignorant and don't follow the news, no matter how old these are.

I'll repeat again, just to make sure people understand.


are NOT going multi-platforms.


I hope the ignorant noobs will understand now.

02-06-2008, 10:00 PM
*asks whether FFXIII is on Xbox 360.

02-06-2008, 10:34 PM
*asks whether FFXIII is on Xbox 360.


02-06-2008, 10:38 PM
Everybody ignore Hynad. He's just a silly PS3 fanboy who's in denial.

The truth is that FFXIII is not only coming to 360, it will come out on it at least 6 months sooner than it will on PS3. It's also now being developed as a 360 game and will be ported to PS3, so the 360 version will be better!

Now everyone go out and buy a 360 now and wait for it to be released.

02-06-2008, 10:52 PM
I think they should release it on atari!

imagine the possibilities!

Twilight Stellar
02-07-2008, 05:06 AM
I'd buy the game but for ps3 because the quality is so much better than on xbox 360, but i guess it seems that creators of the final fantasy series want to expand their marketing areas, but they have done that with the Nintendo consoles, right?

execrable gumwrapper
02-07-2008, 05:16 AM
Haha, wow... the last page is enough to rofl a bit.

02-07-2008, 01:57 PM
Everybody ignore Hynad. He's just a silly PS3 fanboy who's in denial.

The truth is that FFXIII is not only coming to 360, it will come out on it at least 6 months sooner than it will on PS3. It's also now being developed as a 360 game and will be ported to PS3, so the 360 version will be better!

Now everyone go out and buy a 360 now and wait for it to be released.

I see what you want to achieve there. :smrt: Good luck with that.

I won't be surprised if anyone ... (Prak, you fill...)

02-07-2008, 02:29 PM
Hey Hynad, I think that(interupted by loud fart)

Wei Yan
02-07-2008, 03:01 PM
I think they should release it on atari!

imagine the possibilities!

Lies, Sega Dreamcast pwns it beyond recognition.