04-16-2007, 09:13 PM
Played it today for the first time. 2 chapters in and it seems rather good to be fair. Anyone else playing it at the mo?

I'm on 360, haven't gone live yet but plan to asap.

04-16-2007, 09:30 PM
My friend's sister got addicted to playing it online. When the Xbox Live account was canceled, she literally shut herself up in her room and cried for a week.

I'd prefer to play it on the PS2. Free online play is awesome. That's why I don't plan on getting Xbox Live.

04-16-2007, 09:37 PM
So wait, is the 360 online mode not happening anymore?

04-16-2007, 10:26 PM
It will happen, but don't expect me to pay in order to play games online when Sony offers it for free.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
04-16-2007, 10:26 PM
Naw, it works fine on Xbox 360 still.
Also, IDX? It's pay per play on any platform :P

I'm currently working on my Guntecher Loli XD

04-16-2007, 10:35 PM
Right. So I had to pay in order to play SOCOM, Need For Speed, and lots of sports games.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
04-17-2007, 12:00 AM
No, you didn't. But obviously you didn't pay enough attention at listening skills either XP

PSU has a monthly fee called a "Hunters License"; that you pay to play it on X360, PS2 and PC. It's not about the system it's on - Infact, on Xbox360, you don't even need a Live Gold subscription to play; just the Hunters License which goes straight to Sega

04-17-2007, 01:33 AM
In numerous interviews, Sony has said that their internet is free and it will stay free. Sony itself won't charge, but some game companies (take Square-Enix and their Final Fantasy XI for example) will charge a fee to play their game online. As you know, it's out for the 360 now which means you still have to pay for Xbox Live and the fee for the FF game every month.

And just so you know in case you weren't paying attention, I'm talking about Xbox Live in general, not Phantasy Star.

04-17-2007, 08:40 PM
Chapter 3 and already I'm having to nip online for hints, I shame myself sometimes... Still.... fun game... Cannot complain for �20 brand new!

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
04-18-2007, 03:07 PM
This is a thread about PSU. You said that you wouldn't pay to play online when Sony offers it for free. Well, get this? PSU costs the same on both platforms. You don't NEED Xbox Live gold to play PSU! Only the Hunters License.
So sorry, there's no advantage to playing it on the PS2 :P

04-18-2007, 09:46 PM
This is a thread about PSU. You said that you wouldn't pay to play online when Sony offers it for free. Well, get this? PSU costs the same on both platforms. You don't NEED Xbox Live gold to play PSU! Only the Hunters License.
So sorry, there's no advantage to playing it on the PS2 :P
You weren't paying attention.

And just so you know in case you weren't paying attention, I'm talking about Xbox Live in general, not Phantasy Star.

Nazi Cinnamon Spider
04-19-2007, 03:05 AM
Of course you were! In a thread specifically about PSU itself, in which your first post was...dun dun dun!

"I'd prefer to play it on the PS2. Free online play is awesome. That's why I don't plan on getting Xbox Live.".

It, referring of course to PSU! Maybe you should keep up with the conversation; there is no free online play with PSU. Pwnzed!

04-19-2007, 02:15 PM
Pwnzed? LMAO! Wow...speak something that doesn't show how nerdy you are?

Okay, then you misunderstood me. I should've said that I wouldn't pay for Xbox Live if it's free to use the internet on the PS2. Hence, FREE ONLINE PLAY. Did you think I was talking about PSU? Of course I wouldn't know about the accounts (first post) because my friend really didn't have one and he was lying. Right...

04-20-2007, 02:04 PM
Well, seeing I came here to actually talk about PSU I'd have to say its a great game. Its kinda got that underground Ragnarok Online vibe going for it but as of yet no private servers for Universe ( I know there is for Online- Phantasy Star that is.) I played network mode (what the call their online mode and you pay for a guardian license, hunter was PSO :P)
for just over a month and then life stole me away from it. (Round about the time I deleted my main without paying attention too...)

Crap, I haven't actually said much about it. What I liked the most about the game (and it can be experienced in every mode you play) is the fact its the most action involved 'grinding' it plays like a third person action game for the most part with everything calculator in a typical level based rpg. This means doing the same mission repeatedly will always keep you on your toes. (The worlds not as big as an RPG as WoW. Think Guild Wars 'missions' but set at different levels and difficulty. But if you don't like that play another game don't declare this one a bad game because of it.) Community was good playing the game. It was quite weird not being able to judge peoples level by looking at them. (How ever in battle that was a different story...) If you can stand the offline content you'll love network mode because its all that and more, really a whole lot more which is quite good.... I wish I was still playing it *sob*

04-20-2007, 08:48 PM
Interesting thread here. I found out about these forums through another Phantasy Star Universe player at one of the game's fan communities (PSOWorld).

I absolutely love this game. I only wish I had more time to play it. I've been on the PC/PS2 version since the first days of USA server activation, and I have a blast whenever I can get on. Playing is fun and painless...you can solo or party in instanced rooms. And the gameplay is very action oriented, which can make for fun grinding times with friends.

As for online fees... I'm just sick of listening to people bashing online games that require server maintenence for having to pay for a fee to play. Pay them or don't play, its that simple. And Phantasy Star Universe has an offline mode if you don't want to pay, unlike alot of other online MMORPGs I've played.

04-20-2007, 09:59 PM
I can find a free MMORPG on the computer. Depending on the game, I don't mind paying a monthly fee for it if it's better than one that's free. In the case of Xbox Live, count me out. I'd rather play PSU on the PS2.

Darth Revan
04-22-2007, 03:21 AM
I was given a copy of this game and still haven't played it yet, as most of my time has been caught up with either FFXI, KOTOR or Scarface. I played Phantasy Star Online for the Sega Dreamcast, but I admit, I didn't really like it there, so I'm wondering what PSU is gonna be like.

The main thing which has me interested in it so far, is that there is an offline mode to it, just like PSO for the DC. I suppose I should get around to playing it... I just hope I'm not as disappointed in this as I was with PSO...

04-22-2007, 08:01 AM
All depends on what you didn't like about PSO.

04-24-2007, 09:49 PM
The single player is pretty fun, if long. Overall the fighting is a good hack and slash fighting style. Unfortunately the "extra" mode only lets you make your own character.

04-24-2007, 10:37 PM
Make your own character!? Okay, I think it's time to download!

The Nightbringer
04-27-2007, 11:40 PM
I want to play this game but on the PC. I have a question though, do the makers of the game offer prepaid cards?

04-28-2007, 04:20 AM
No sadly you gotta do the online credit card thing. Try www.playsega.com for more details. I didn't have a credit card so I bought one of those prepaid visa cards in order to pay for it.

The Nightbringer
04-28-2007, 05:06 PM
Prepaid Visa you say? Hm, well sounds like I have no way around it. :[

But the PS series is my favorite among RPGs so I 'll deal with it as long as I get to make a Cast. :D

05-02-2007, 08:08 AM
Hahah I only got round to making a Newman Force, was about a level off fortetecher when I stopped. I'm gonna play it safe and presume your from the states otherwise this link is useless for you here. (http://usa.visa.com/personal/cards/prepaid/visa_gift_card.html?it=c|/personal/cards/prepaid/index.php|Visa%20Gift%20Card) But regardless finding how to get them in country should be painless. In New Zealand we can pick them up from the post office for $5 plus the money we chuck on 'em ( min is around $25 I think.. ) And hey presto, works just like the real thing.