Sgt Phantomizer
04-16-2007, 05:29 PM
First of all let me apologize if some or all of these requests have already been done or if the Albums im going to list are already available on the website as i didn't find them.

With that said here is list of the Video Game Albums i'ld like to see on the website if possible someday in no particular order.

Game Name: Astonishia Story.
Album Name: Unknown.
System: PSP.
Release Date: Sometime in 2006 IIRC.
Specific Soundtrack: The music that is played on the Intro before the Title Screen.

Game Name: The Legend of Heroes A Tear of Vermillion.
Album Name: Unknown.
System: PSP.
Release Date: Late 2005 or Early 2006.

Game Name: Extermination.
Album Name: Unknown.
System: PS2.
Release Date: Sometime in 2001/2002.

Game Name: Jade Cocoon Story of The Tamamayu.
Album Name: Unkown.
System: PS1.
Release Date: 1998.
Specific Soundtrack: Just the soundtracks played during combat.

Game Name: Battlefield 2142.
Album Name: Unknown.
System: PC.
Release Date: October 2006.
Specific Soundtrack: The music played during the Introducter Cutscene before the Main Menu.

Thats it for now, thanks!=)