range of the long nines
04-16-2007, 03:41 AM
Is Amarant the best? You might think he isn't but I think he is the best. When spending AP on "healer" (when you attack it heals for the amount you normally would hit for, so you attack yourself and your teamates). This is a very strong heal. You also get Charka which is obviously useful and revive. When your party is at full battling random mobs you can take healer off. His trance + Charka is also very powerful (a charka on each of your party members). Idk seems like he is so much more useful than a Eiko or Garnet, cuz his heals cost very little mp (no mp if you are using healer).

04-16-2007, 01:22 PM
I disagree. Curaga may cost more to use, but it completely restores your HP, and if you have Auto-Potion equipped on all of your characters, you don't need another method of healing.

It is however a good way to heal if you don't use Eiko or Garnet.

04-16-2007, 01:38 PM
I actually agree about Amarant. I think my favorite party consists of Zidane, Dagger, Amarant, and Freya. My main healer...? You got it, it's Amarant. I have everyone else dealing out the damage, or having "fun" with spells, and Amarant doing all the healing, and you don't even have to worry about sucking up MP with Chakra.

Though I do tend to switch out Amarant with any of the other characters. Zidane and Dagger are the two I tend to always keep, and Freya more than not. In fact, I think the two characters I tend to neglect once I have all eight members are Vivi and Steiner. ^^

04-16-2007, 02:01 PM
Nah, Amarant is useful as a healer but you can't target all your party with his spells. Garnet or Eiko are more useful in that regard especially late on when you meet some of the last few bosses.

04-16-2007, 06:32 PM
I never used Amarant in battle. He arrives at a point where I had enough with new characters in the party.

04-16-2007, 10:46 PM
Nah, Amarant is useful as a healer but you can't target all your party with his spells. Garnet or Eiko are more useful in that regard especially late on when you meet some of the last few bosses.
And that's the truth. He's good as a supportive healer, but not that great as a main healer. He's good when you're in immediate need and at the brink of death, but a little unreliable against tougher bosses.

Lil' Sain
04-22-2007, 12:19 AM
charika is good

J. Peterman
04-22-2007, 04:56 AM
I agree, Chikorita is a cool Pokemon.

04-22-2007, 07:13 PM
Once I had Amarant, I quit buying potions and ethers all together (of course after he had Chakra). There was no more reason to waste that small portion on those healing items anymore. Needless to say, Amarant was my strongest character...he was my Zidane minus the stealing thing.

And this part is for Zulu...vs. most bosses, he was still needed. When I couldn't summon anymore, I just kicked Amarant's speed up and that was pretty much the end of any difficulties I would of had.

Even vs. Ozma...When he went into his Trance, he was invaluable.