04-13-2007, 05:12 AM
Bonjour. I'm new to the site and was hoping if you could answer a question for me.

You see, I have this Final Fantasy VII song in my iTunes and it's just labeled "Sad Piano Theme". Lately I've been obsessed with my electric piano and trying to play some Final Fantasy songs and this one randomly popped up and started playing and I really wanted to learn how to play it....Sadly, I don't know what the actual name of the song is, or if it's even on the OST.

If some of you could help me, maybe I can send it or upload it somewhere for you to listen to and perhaps you could help me out, or even find the sheet music for me. =P

I've just uploaded it onto MegaUpload, so if you'd like to help me out by listening to it and seeing if you recognize it, that would be awesome.

<A HREF=""> Sad Piano Theme </A>

Thank you!

04-17-2007, 11:49 PM
Nevermind, it was labeled under the wrong video game. It's actually from Lunar: Silver Star Story.

04-29-2007, 09:10 PM
I think the song's real name is Nall's Betrayal (can't really remember). Anyway, here's a link to website that has the sheet music. It has "Recollection" and
"Heart Shaped Tears" too. Enjoy. =)

04-30-2007, 05:31 AM
Heh heh. Thanks! But I found after I figured out it was from Lunar, finding the sheet music was a sinch. I've alreadt got most of the song figured out, well, the melody at least.

But thank you anyways!