04-12-2007, 03:00 AM
Tell me what are your favorite moments and favorite characters. Least favorable characters so on and so forth.

My favorite moment: The best part out of all the games I thought was you get to fight along side snake on MGS2 at the end. I thought that it was cool how you get to feed some bullets into soldiers with the legendary snake.

My least favorite moment: On the MGS2 at the end of the ship part when you think that snake dies. I thought it was already the end of the game.

Favorite character: Of course Snake. I handles situations and his voice is pretty cool. Thank you David Hayter.

Nonfavorable character: I thought that the bomb guy on MGS2 one was retarded. He wasnt cool at all. If it wasnt for his bombs he would just me some fat guy.

Favorite villain: My favorite villian is Liquid Snake. I thought that he was the same as snake in everything except that he was evil. He to also had a cool voice.

Least favorable villain:That bomb guy. I cant even remember his name since he was so gay I didnt bother to memorize it.

Hard part: It took me two years off and on to beat Metal gear in MGS1.

Easiest part: I thought that Fear in MGS3 was pretty easy.

Favorite game: I liked MGS1 the best since it was really interesting and it got me into liking the MGS series.

Least favorite game: I didnt like MGS2 since you had to play stupid Raiden. I only thing I liked about playing Raiden was being able to fight along side Snake and that was it.

Favorite music/Song
I liked the beginning music from MGS2. The video it showed and the music was very well put together.I also like the caution music on MGS3.

Least favorite music/song
I dont dislike any of the music in Metal Gear. I think that all of the music flows very well with the game.

I have other things but it would take to long to right I want to see other peoples thoughts. Also did you hear the Hideo Kojima finally signed the rights to make a Metal Gear movie. I hope that it doesnt suck like alot of other video game based movies.

04-12-2007, 03:26 AM
My favorite moment: There's alot of moments I like, but I really like how Big Boss (Naked Snake then) Kept owning younger Ocelot. Also liked the whole REX scene.

My least favorite moment: Waiting to find a way out after you get caught by Sniper Wolf and turtoured in MGS1.

Favorite character: Big Boss aka Naked Snake.

Nonfavorable character: Otacon. He just annoyed the hell out of me.

Favorite villain: Either Ocelot or Liquid.

Least favorable villain: Vamp

Hard part: When playing on the extreme difficulty, the whole damn thing is hard. But I though versing the End in MGS3 (Unless you do it the cheap way by leaving it off for a few days and he dies of old age) cuz I could never keep track of where he went.

Easiest part: Lots of parts, but the easiest boss would be Ninja for me.

Favorite game: MGS 3

Least favorite game: MGS 2 I suppose. Not so much because you played Raiden, just prefered the other missions.

Favorite music/Song

Least favorite music/song

A movie eh? Well given the sucessful ratio of games going to the big screen (what success?) I'm not to confident.

04-12-2007, 05:29 AM
My favorite moment: At the end of each game where a brief conversation occurs that totally makes you rethink the story of the game.

My least favorite moment: Guarding Emma with the PSG1. Totally boring.

Favorite character: Ocelot

Least favorite character: The Pain

Favorite Villain: Ocelot. The main villain in the whole series.

Least favorite villain: Gene

Hard part: MGS3 on European Extreme

Easiest part: Unlimited ammo on the back of EVA's bike, shooting like mad at the end of MGS3.

Favorite Game: MGS1

Least favorite: MGS: PO

Favorite Music/Song: The Best is yet to Come/ MGS1 End Credits

Least favorite music/song: Can't think of one that stands out.

The movie will probably be bad based off of Snake's character. No one can imitate it they way it is portrayed in the games.

04-12-2007, 06:40 AM
My favorite moment: The part where Emma dies in MGS 2. Not saying it made me leap for joy or anything, but just how it seemed like they were real people and the actor for Otacon did an awesome job. Kinda stuck with me for a while because I felt pretty darn sad.

My least favorite moment: Fighting Vamp when he's in the pool.

Favorite character: Gray Fox

Least favorite character: Fortune

Favorite Villain: Liquid Snake

Least favorite villain: Fortune

Hard part: Dealing with Raiden doing cartwheels naked >_<

Easiest part: Whenever I had the Infinity Face Paint with my Shadow camo equipped, Stealth, and my EZ Gun in MGS 3

Favorite Game: MGS1

Least favorite: MGS:VR

Favorite Music/Song: The Best Is Yet To Come

Least favorite music/song: the song played during your encounter with The Sorrow

I heard about this movie too. I also heard that he would rather direct it himself than have Uwe get his hands on it. I also think that he said something about getting someone that looks like Snake, but have David Hayter as the voice.

Sri Krishna
04-12-2007, 09:54 AM
My favorite moment: In MGS2 when the AI on Arsenal Gear starts to crash and you get all the crazy codec messages.

My least favorite moment: The whole thing with guarding Emma with the sniper rifle and the fight with Vamp there.

Favorite character: Favorite to use Solid Snake. Favorite character I didn't get to play as Grey Fox.

Nonfavorable character: Raiden only because he stopped me from playing as Snake. Beyond that I personally have no problem with him.

Favorite villain: I liked Raven a lot and the second fight with him I found to be fun.

Least favorable villain: Vamp. Personally I thought he was lame at least Fat Man had bombs. Vamp was just some loust villian who would just not die.

Hard part: Beating Fat Man on extreme I just can't do it.

Easiest part: Fighting Grey Fox in the lab.

Favorite game: MGS1 since it has the best story and best villians.

Least favorite game: I didn't care too much for MGS3 I thought the bosses were annoying and some of the events were too much for me. Ocelot spinning pistols to kill bees was just too stupid to take.

Favorite music/Song
Everything out of MGS1.

Least favorite music/song
The end credit music for MGS2.

04-12-2007, 11:26 PM
My favorite moment: Gray Fox cutting off Ocelot's hand.

My least favorite moment: Liquid snake dying from a lame way to die.

Favorite character: Probably Solidus Snake, the evil genious of the series. Well maybe not evil but definitely a genious.

Nonfavorable character: Emma... jeez why did Raiden have to rescue her.

Favorite villain: Solidus Snake.

Least favorable villain: Olga?

Hard part: Liquid Snake in the Hind D in MGS1.

Easiest part: Beating torture scenes with rapidfire controller.

Favorite game: MGS1. It had everything. Ocelot, Gray Fox, Liquid Snake.

Ahh Outer Heaven 2 I can't wait.

04-14-2007, 01:47 AM
I heard about this movie too. I also heard that he would rather direct it himself than have Uwe get his hands on it. I also think that he said something about getting someone that looks like Snake, but have David Hayter as the voice.

Why cant they just use David Hayter. Its not like he is ugly unlike the man who plays John117's voice on halo, Steve Downes With all of the new technology these days they could make him look like snake. I cant wait for MGS4 to come out I dont have a PS3 yet but even if I dont have one then I am still reserving it.

04-24-2007, 07:03 PM

04-30-2007, 12:38 AM
Metal Gear Awsome (Stupid but funny)