04-12-2007, 01:12 AM
i cnt figure out how 2 play the ff7 pc demo can any one help me out?

04-12-2007, 01:55 PM
No. Learn to type like a non-retard and that might change.

THE Bagel Lord
04-12-2007, 03:51 PM
i cnt figure out how 2 play the ff7 pc demo can any one help me out?

What is the problem when you attempt to play the demo? someone may be able to help you if you could explain in more detail, I personally found the FF games on the PC very unreliable so I myself would not bother.

04-12-2007, 08:22 PM
well tha thing is that when i got on, it started tha fight scene. and then monsters attacked me and i counldnt press n e thing. i tried usin tha mouse an the arrow keys and presed a few buttonz but nuttin worked.

04-12-2007, 08:28 PM
Shenanigans. No human being is stupid enough to type like that, so this must be a joke account.

04-12-2007, 08:29 PM
Shenanigans. No human being is stupid enough to type like that, so this must be a joke account.

omg cam u shut up! i talk and write in slang!

04-12-2007, 08:52 PM
And you're a moron for it.

04-12-2007, 08:54 PM
BlaiseShirow: I think you should look in the settings for the control problems... can't really tell. My guess is that you might be running the game under XP and this shit just have a hard time running games that were not specifically made to run on it.


Don't worry about Prak, he does that with just about everyone. He often comes in a thread only to insult people that are different from him.

04-12-2007, 09:02 PM
He should worry about me. I'm the voice of reason and truth.

If you don't care enough about the people you're writing for to ensure that they can read it easily instead of having to decipher gibberish like he types, it's an insult to them.

04-12-2007, 09:06 PM
that's strange... I understood everything he wrote on my first read. And english is not even my natural language. One would think that for someone like you, who consider himself above everyone, should be smart enough to understand it just like I did.

But no, once again you have to denigrate someone just for the sake of it. You take a great pleasure in making fun of people like this, and to me, this sucks a hell lot more than a person who can't write properly for whichever reasons.

It's a thread he created to ask for help for god's sakes!

04-12-2007, 09:22 PM
Does it matter if I enjoy it or not?

You said the key words yourself. He asked for help. Yet he didn't respect the people he was speaking to enough to type properly. He types like some kind of ghetto thug nigger who managed to figure out the internet somewhat, but doesn't understand what the hell it is.

04-12-2007, 09:28 PM
You are quick to judge and jump to conclusions as well. You shoot the first guy you see because he doesn't fit your standards. Why can't you accept that people are all different? The important thing when you communicate with people is that people can understand what you're saying. And so far, even if he types in slang, he achieves it. Why don't you stop pointing fingers and start respecting people for a change? If it's respect you're asking for, you should deliver it first.

Or else you stay like you are right now.

a ME! ME!! ME!!!

So much for your truth and reason.

04-12-2007, 09:36 PM
Different can be very bad. And it seems you have no grasp at all of etiquette. Would you pay any attention to a beggar on the street who says, "Yo homes, gimme a fuckin dolla, wouldja?"

Of course not.

Now if the same guy politely said, "Excuse me, sir. Could I trouble you for a dollar?", most would be far more inclined to help him.

As for respecting people, they have to earn it. Everyone starts out at an even zero with me. I treat them neutrally until they either rub me the wrong way or score points by proving that they're worth paying attention to. I don't ask for respect from the people I bash. If they give it anyway, I re-evaluate my position regarding them.

And my truth and reason are quite intact, thank you kindly.

04-12-2007, 09:47 PM
Yes it can be bad if you put it that way. But although his writing was very slang-ish, to use use his word, he didn't swear nor took an aggressive vocabulary. If a beggar talked to me like this, I wouldn't be offended just like I'm not offended when someone from other cultures comes at me speaking their second or third language with difficulties.

Maybe this BlaiseShirow uses this language on purpose, or maybe he's dyslexic or whatever, I don't know. What I know though is that he did nothing to offend me in anyway. At least, if he's offensive to anyone, he's nowhere near the response you gave him.

And I have a pretty good grasp of etiquette, as you can see from a lot of my posts already. I just don't condemn this guy for not knowing as much.

04-12-2007, 09:53 PM
You can easily tell that he's not dyslexic. He's simply trying to look cool in the same way that thugs on the street try to look cool by pulling their pants way down and talking like retards.

04-12-2007, 10:12 PM
Ok Prak. Being an older member than me (in posts at least :erm:) I'll go on with the explanation you gave me in PM. But I'll do what I can to figure out a way to achieve this in a more gentle manner.

04-13-2007, 01:13 AM
He should worry about me. I'm the voice of reason and truth.
You're so full of yourself, and I think that Freud would have a field day figuring you out. The whole "I'm better than you" complex is getting redundant, and especially considering who it's coming from; you.

Also, I tried out the PC version of FVII a couple of years ago, and I had quite a lot of trouble just getting it to run properly. This is why I prefer to play Final Fantasy on my Playstation.

04-13-2007, 11:54 AM
He should worry about me. I'm the voice of reason and truth.

Hey, that's supposed to be me!

(hastily re-adds the "calm voice of reason" text beneath her user name)


On a serious note:

this must be a joke account.

04-13-2007, 12:07 PM
The default control for the FFVII PC version are all part of the Numeric keypad (AKA numpad AKA the keys on the far right of the keyboard). Turn off Num Lock and try using those.