04-11-2007, 08:34 PM
Oh finally, an outlet forum for my David Hewlett fantasies.

In all seriousness though, I really enjoy both series, but particularly SG:A. I haven't watched a whole lot of SG:1, and try to avoid to, as I'd like to watch it from the beginning.

With SG-1 coming to an end, and SG:A nearing its 4th season, there's a lot of speculation. The 2nd half of season 3 of SG:A aired in Canada, and I downloaded all the episodes in January, I believe, since the 2nd half hasn't even aired in the states yet.

I won't include any spoilers just yet for the 2nd half, but I'm not entirely sure I like where SG:A is headed. Season 3 was very well done, and as good as the earlier two, but with the rumors flying regarding SG-1 cast and other permanent characters on SG:A, I'm getting nervous :(

Anyone else watch these shows?

04-11-2007, 08:58 PM
Well, SG-1 is the kind of show that i don't go out of my way to watch but if it's on it's always an hour of fun. Still, I'm glad they canceled it as after 10 years it was dragging quite a bit.

As far as SG-A goes I've only seen around 10 random episodes but i really enjoyed it. I might download some more episodes and official start following the series.

Also, i wouldn't mind Joe Flanigan and David Hewlett to make a manly sandwich with me. Seriously.

04-11-2007, 09:12 PM
I downloaded all 10 seasons of sg1 as they have come out over the years. I've done the same thing with BSG and SGA. In all those three and the 3 seasons of sliders are taking up about 120gigs on one of my hard drives. I guess i'm a major scifi nerd. :-)

I'm really wondering how they're going to get out of the jam the set atlantis up for with this last season cliffhanger. I wish they did biyearly seasons, but I guess the shows last longer this way. It keeps people wanting more.

04-11-2007, 09:18 PM
You're apparently not enough of a nerd to know that there were five seasons of Sliders.

On topic, much love for SG1, but I've only seen through season 7. I've never seen an episode of Atlantis.

04-11-2007, 09:42 PM
You're apparently not enough of a nerd to know that there were five seasons of Sliders.

Guess not, you got me beat. ;-)

On topic, much love for SG1, but I've only seen through season 7. I've never seen an episode of Atlantis.

You should at least watch the season premier. It'll give you a feel for the series and tell you if you want to watch more or not.

04-11-2007, 09:45 PM
Also, i wouldn't mind Joe Flanigan and David Hewlett to make a manly sandwich with me. Seriously.


totally agree

Sri Krishna
04-14-2007, 03:36 AM
I love both shows although I'm a bit behind on both. I kinda lost interest in SG-1 in season 9. The story is good and the Ori are cool but with the changes to the cast it seems so ut of place. The new guy on SG-1 is fine since I like Farscape as well along with the addition of Vala.

As far as SGA I love the cast there as well. McKay is pretty funny and i'm glad they added him and he isn't quite as annoying as he was in the SG-1 episodes he was in.

04-14-2007, 12:08 PM
SG1 is awesome, but i've never had much liking for Atlantis. I've seen every SG1 episode and over half of Atlantis.

They're fixing a mistake from season 3 in season 4 or atlantis, despite the mistake being unfixable, i hear.

Sharon Agathon
04-14-2007, 12:19 PM
Atlantis started ok with the first few episodes and went downhill after that. Also most of the acting performance is poor especially Joe Flanigan(Major John Sheppard) and Rachel Luttrell(Teyla Emmagan). Nice CG though. :p

04-14-2007, 03:37 PM
Atlantis started ok with the first few episodes and went downhill after that. Also most of the acting performance is poor especially Joe Flanigan(Major John Sheppard) and Rachel Luttrell(Teyla Emmagan). Nice CG though. :p

I don't think the acting is poor, but they do rip off SG-1 with their characters. Almost every single one of them is the equivalent of their SG-1 counterpart. That's probably why i don't like it as much.

04-15-2007, 12:51 AM
You're apparently not enough of a nerd to know that there were five seasons of Sliders.

On topic, much love for SG1, but I've only seen through season 7. I've never seen an episode of Atlantis.

Yep. But the last two seasons of Sliders kind of sucked.

The Ori storyline in Seasons 9-10..it kind of dragged. Unending was...a disappointment. Sigh. I hope the DVD movies are better.

jewess crabcake
04-15-2007, 01:24 AM
I've tried so hardto get into the series but find myself plastered with confusion, I guess it's one of those shows you have to see from the beginning.

04-15-2007, 02:29 AM
I think the actress who plays Teyla is really good, she just gets such horrible dialogue. Why do all the non-Earth humans have to speak without contractions? I know the acting isn't superb in the series, but I'm not a super big person on "great acting".

John Sheppard does have a lot of similarities to Jack O'Neill, but they aren't identical. Still, I can't find a comparison to Teyla, except *maybe* to Sam Carter. McKay is... McKay. There is no comparison. Ronan is the big, scary black guy alien, but in no way similar to Teal'c. Teal'c is controlled in every sense of the word. Ronan is almost the opposite. Weir for me has always been a little lacking, up until recent episodes. I like that she's getting a little attitude and actually stepping up to her role as leader on Atlantis.

As I said before, I'm really nervous for Season 4. I have a bad feeling the entire show, no matter how much I love it now, is going to be ruined for me within the first few episodes.

*spoilers from 2nd half of season 3*

The whole thing with Michael is getting a little drawn out. His mutant Alien-esque... aliens are kind of silly and seem like it was thrown together at the last minute. I was terrified they were going to be involved in the cliffhanger of the end of the season. Of course, the more predictable Replicators took care of that. As much as I like SG:1, I don't really want them to try and merge storylines. Atlantis has enough to worry about with the Wraith (who have taken a backseat), and I'm even happy with Atlantis-replicators. But I really can see them trying to satisfy the hardcore SG:1 fans, by even throwing in cast members. But please oh please don't.

And don't bring back Carson. I hated how they got rid of him, but at least it wasn't ... set up. He died doing his job, which is what he did best - saving lives. No one got to say a proper goodbye, and they even made excuses to get away with not going fishing with him. I thought it was a bit innovative and a healthy change for a series to not have such a "clean" character killing-off. Oh god, did it make me sad though. Especially with McKay grieving. But I hope they don't bastardize his death by bringing him back in some retarded way.

/end spoilers.

04-15-2007, 04:46 AM
In the last season of SG1 the Odyssey was enhanced with all the asgard's technology. If they brought that type ship into SGA then the wraith would be taken down fairly quickly and the Pegasus replicators wouldn't be far behind.

04-15-2007, 05:05 AM
The problem with the Wraith wasn't technological advances, it was always their sheer numbers. Of course, they don't seem to be much of a threat now with McKay's help (Tao of Rodney) in maximizing the efficiency of the ZPM. Then again, if it is plausible, I doubt it'll happen. It just *couldn't* be that easy ;P

I need to stop reading up on spoilers, but I can't help it. I'm going to have a hard time waiting til Fall for Season 4. I'll have to watch the 2nd half of season 3 again. Or all of season 3. Or seasons 1-3.

04-15-2007, 05:21 AM
stargate in my nutsuck and suck a dick

04-15-2007, 06:49 AM
The problem with the Wraith wasn't technological advances, it was always their sheer numbers. Of course, they don't seem to be much of a threat now with McKay's help (Tao of Rodney) in maximizing the efficiency of the ZPM. Then again, if it is plausible, I doubt it'll happen. It just *couldn't* be that easy ;P

I need to stop reading up on spoilers, but I can't help it. I'm going to have a hard time waiting til Fall for Season 4. I'll have to watch the 2nd half of season 3 again. Or all of season 3. Or seasons 1-3.

The thing is the they have cloak and phase tech for their starships now too. So even if the wrath out numbered them they could still outmatch them easy.

stargate in my nutsuck and suck a dick

Wow, your a winner.

04-15-2007, 05:03 PM
And don't bring back Carson. I hated how they got rid of him, but at least it wasn't ... set up. He died doing his job, which is what he did best - saving lives. No one got to say a proper goodbye, and they even made excuses to get away with not going fishing with him. I thought it was a bit innovative and a healthy change for a series to not have such a "clean" character killing-off. Oh god, did it make me sad though. Especially with McKay grieving. But I hope they don't bastardize his death by bringing him back in some retarded way.

/end spoilers.

I'll advise you not to watch the second half of season 4 then. From what i read it's gonna be a pile of hogshit surrounding him.

The Wraith sucked from day one and only brought down the awesomeness of the Ancients.

Despite being a die hard fan, i thought the show should have ended with the Goa'uld. The Ori were set up to be invincible and only a completely unbelievable set of circumstances could take them down. Plus they got rid of the mythology which made Stargate what it was. It's still there, but not prevailant like it used to be.

Bahamut ZERO
04-16-2007, 09:59 PM
I became a fan of Stargate SG-1 through the character of Jack O'Neill. His dead-pan-ism and quips always bring a smile to my face. The show took a downward turn when he left as a main character, but the Ori were still a good enemy, I thought, and Vala added an extra dimension to the team that was lacking when O'Neill left.

I wasn't a fan of Atlantis to begin with, but then I started to get into it when I watched a few random episodes on TV. I've since bought the DVDs and must agree with Cassie (though for different reasons probably) that Rodney McKay is an awesome character. He's smart, and knows it. He makes you want to punch him sometimes, but makes you laugh too. :) Great stuff.

I hope the SG-1 films have O'Neill in them. It's a shame he wasn't in the final episode of the TV series...

Mobius 118
04-20-2007, 03:12 AM
Jack O'Neill rocks... and when Richard Anderson got out of Stargate I decided not to watch it again.
As for SGA I watched it al long as I could until FOX decided to replace it for season 9 of SG-1.

But I will download the episodes of SGA in the future if Fox do not replace SG-1 for SGA after its ending season.

08-16-2007, 01:35 AM
I became a fan of Stargate SG-1 through the character of Jack O'Neill. His dead-pan-ism and quips always bring a smile to my face. The show took a downward turn when he left as a main character, but the Ori were still a good enemy, I thought, and Vala added an extra dimension to the team that was lacking when O'Neill left.

I wasn't a fan of Atlantis to begin with, but then I started to get into it when I watched a few random episodes on TV. I've since bought the DVDs and must agree with Cassie (though for different reasons probably) that Rodney McKay is an awesome character. He's smart, and knows it. He makes you want to punch him sometimes, but makes you laugh too. :) Great stuff.

I hope the SG-1 films have O'Neill in them. It's a shame he wasn't in the final episode of the TV series...

i think o'neill will be in atleast one of the movies if not both. which will definatly give it a sales boost.

and i thought this thread needed a bump seeing as it's the best show and i need to discuss the upcoming movies.


Lunchbox McGillicuddy
08-16-2007, 01:59 AM
I've never watched the TV series but the Stargate movie is the only Roland Emmerich film I really like

08-16-2007, 09:05 PM
I love both and the film. SG-1 is my fav as I think Daniel Jackson is a great character.

08-17-2007, 08:14 AM
I used to watch SG1, but after the whole replicant saga, I lost track and really got lost.
I'm hoping Sci-Fi reruns the entire series.

My favorite episode is the Science Geek daydream where they actually save the day :D, but it turns out to be a dream. :(
I think I like it 'cause I daydream a lot. :p

I never really got into Atlantis.

08-17-2007, 01:09 PM
Sky one just finished re-running every episode. Now they're doing randoms. I don't know why they didn't pick up a season 11 tbh but oh well. :S

08-18-2007, 12:24 PM
Seen every last episode of SG-1 and loved it, SG-A is merely OK. It spends too much time trying to copy SG-1 rather than just doing its own thing (...now I can't think of any good examples, but trust me, they're out there).

08-18-2007, 01:26 PM
Seen every last episode of SG-1 and loved it, SG-A is merely OK. It spends too much time trying to copy SG-1 rather than just doing its own thing (...now I can't think of any good examples, but trust me, they're out there).

The characters all have their vast similarities imo. Plus some of the themes seem to recur i think. But SG-A still has enough uniqueness to be good, though.

*is now watching camelot directors commentary.*

08-19-2007, 07:23 AM
Yeah, thats why they call it a spin off. Look at the 5 versions of CSI. They knocked SG1 out because it was starting to become repetitive and now they're wanting to see if SGA can stand on its own. It's kind of sad that there are only 2 real good scifi shows left on tv now.

08-20-2007, 03:34 AM
guys i'm buying my first lot of sg1 figures

that way i have all of sg-1 season 10, plus thor because asgard are the best imo. then i can get jack once he comes back in stock at diamond select

this way ihave a bit of each series and can build from there. i'm getting them from amazon because they work out a bit cheaper.

08-22-2007, 12:29 AM
guys i'm buying my first lot of sg1 figures

that way i have all of sg-1 season 10, plus thor because asgard are the best imo. then i can get jack once he comes back in stock at diamond select

this way ihave a bit of each series and can build from there. i'm getting them from amazon because they work out a bit cheaper.

cool, tho cant wait for SG-A to come back on

08-22-2007, 12:43 PM
Huge fan of SG-1 and love Atlantis<333

Only thing I've found odd is the amount of people who don't like the show, all of my friends (even the geeky ones) can't stand the show, found the same thing with online friends too.

Au is soooo behind, I'm thinking of just buying/DLing the ep's that haven't played here yet >_<

08-27-2007, 04:09 PM
I've gotten to watch a few more episodes of Atlantis as it's restarting on Sky One. I'm quite impressed as it feels like a nice fresh start for the franchise.

Oh, and in an attempt to give Cassie an audio orgasm I'm posting this link. This DAVID HEWLETT link. Well, it worked for me at least. :smrt:


08-27-2007, 05:05 PM
Huge fan of SG-1 and love Atlantis<333

Only thing I've found odd is the amount of people who don't like the show, all of my friends (even the geeky ones) can't stand the show, found the same thing with online friends too.

Au is soooo behind, I'm thinking of just buying/DLing the ep's that haven't played here yet >_<

yeah, loads of people hate atlantis. :|. i don't like it as much as sg1 but it's still good and watchable. if only for joe flanigan and david hewlett. they are the show tbh.

www.tv-links.com has all the episodes up, though one of the season 3s doesn't work. i think it's the ones nearest the top

10-03-2007, 10:39 PM
First episode of Season 4 aired in the US last week. I can see how they are indeed taking a bit of a darker route with this season. Can't really judge much else, besides the fact that they are lucky they replaced Carson with Jewel Staite (i dont even know what her characters name is !_!), because she is pretty great. No one will ever truly replace him, but at least its a decent subsitute ;'(

David Hewlett is still sex.

And I want to reiterate that as much as I like Sam Carter's character, I am not happy she is becoming a reoccuring character in SG:A. Daniel Jackson would've made more sense and would've actually been able to fill a role (archaeologist/historian type thing) on Atlantis, whereas Carter is basically an astrophysicist like McKay, only with military background.

I am terrified they are going to ruin McKay's character by playing him out to be ever-infatuated with Sam Carter throughout the rest of the season/series. But at least it gives him the chance to end things with that botanist bitch :\ iamsomuchbetterlookingthanheranyway

10-03-2007, 11:17 PM
I think it's something Keller?

It airs this Tuesday here, which i'm pretty excited about as i haven't had new SG in ageeees. Plus i'm curious to see what they do with Weir as she's not regular anymore. + I wanna see what they're doing with Carson as i've heard rumours flying around.

I totally agree and have always said DJ should have gone to Atlantis instead. Firstly he's obviously the most likely to go what with ancient knowledge etc. Plus Atlantis is missing that mythology theme that SG-1 had most of the time, and DJ really could have added to it.

I reckon Carter will kill Mckays character, or at the very least over shadow him which is a big shame as him and Sheppard make the show.

ON THE FIGURE NOTE: i bought Avalon Vala, Mitchell and Thor. Hopefully getting some more towards the end of the october WHICH IS NEAT.

10-04-2007, 04:09 AM
Sam's replacing Elizabeth's role, as far as I can see. I don't know if they'll actually go so far as to put her in charge of Atlantis, but she's definitely the 'mature-but-still-hot experienced decision maker'.

Also, given how well McKay's character has expanded, i'm hoping he's matured enough to be 'over' the Sam crush. Maybe not fully, with a few comments for laughs, but not the stupid obsessiveness like those earlier episodes of SG1 he was in.

10-04-2007, 08:38 AM
sams replacing Elizabeth? so sam will be the leader? well i never,

in my view eElizabeth should end up with the Replicator after her 4 epps and then come back next season sometime

the first epp for season 4 was really good as i live in the uk i watched from tv links.com the season dont start in the uk till tuesday

10-12-2007, 08:38 AM
so what do you think of the 2nd epp season 4?

10-14-2007, 03:22 PM
Hm seen Adrift, waiting for the next one this Tuesday.

It was good. But it's a perfect example of why 2 hour season premiers are win.

10-15-2007, 10:00 PM
seen the first 4epps of the 4th season, so far so good

12-14-2007, 01:16 AM
Am I the only one who didn't think the last two seasons of SG1 "dragged"? I think there was still some untapped potential in the new cast. Granted ten years is a VERY good run. IMO all of the SG1 eps were gold. I have only seem some of SGA and while it was good it does have a bit of an identity crisis. I don't think the acting is bad though. One thing that is kind of interesting in the episodes I've seen is that the team lacks the conscience that Daniel was for SG1.

12-26-2007, 12:24 PM
I am terrified they are going to ruin McKay's character by playing him out to be ever-infatuated with Sam Carter throughout the rest of the season/series. But at least it gives him the chance to end things with that botanist bitch :\ iamsomuchbetterlookingthanheranyway

not sure, am sure it will run into more interesting situation, Mackay had a crush on Carter but he really cant assume it, he alway complex and got clumsy in such situation, am sure it will enhance the funny side of his character and that he will always try to get better than Carter,

a quite interesting competition will follow

Something i wonder about SG-A, will it turn into a Space opera type movie? i mean they are having a larger fleet, and they now have funds in making great space battle effect, those who remember know SG-1 started quite modestly, the acessories were recovered from old stuff :) but now they got so much nice effect, the spaceship battles were nice.. =)

02-16-2008, 12:12 AM
I totally finished my collection today. I now have every season of SG-1 on DVD! :D

It took ages, and i only bought ones on sale. Not to mention it took AGES to find season two. Found out today that WHSmith have every box set in for �30, which is neato.

02-27-2008, 07:06 PM
Both Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis are wonderful shows. The creators did a wonderful job introducing Atlantis and keep the story going. There are two more Stargate Movies coming out this year. Stargate: The Ark of Truth and Stargate: Continuum. The Ark of Truth will pick up where the series ended and Continuum is the sequel to The Ark of Truth. The Ark of Truth is scheduled to release March 11, 2008. Continuum is scheduled to release sometime in July. Both movies are straight to DVD movies.

01-13-2015, 02:08 AM
I love SG-1 and really like Atlantis the first four seasons of SG-1 are amazing season five slowed season seven was better and eight was even better and the last two were pretty good I just wanted more Arthurian mythology and the Ori soldiers should have had weapons that were less similar to the Jaffa. Cameron was pretty cool but he was too much like his character from Farscape in my opinion and I couldn't stand Vala.

---------- Post added at 07:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:06 PM ----------

The Ark of Truth was pretty good and Continuum was amazing, I was literally on the edge of my seat during Continuum's climax. I so want more SG-1 movies (sigh)