04-11-2007, 07:02 AM
Ok, im sorta new to the whole anime thing, ive watched several on adult swim, and ive come to like Full Matal Alchemist, Inuyasha and Ghost in the Shell SAC, is there any place i would be able to download these in english (without the subtitles), i dont really have a problem with subtitles, i just find it more entertaining in a language i can actually understand, it sucks having to work(read) while watching anime. Anyone have any links? Im looking for those three shows specifically
Thanks =)

04-11-2007, 10:50 AM
Well, It's not really 'work' when reading, dude...Even us men can do it. You can get the entire collection of Full Metal Alchemist on a torrents website, I got all 51 episodes + a movie. Its around 16GB, so you'll need a shitload of space if you want it on your computer. Other than that, thats all I got in terms of english anime. Everything else I have is in Japanese.

04-11-2007, 11:03 AM
On the internet, it's going to be extremely hard to get anything but subtitled anime.

If you don't have a problem with the subtitles, then you should just take what you can get as far as free stuff goes.

Try something like if you're willing to spend a little money for dubs.