Sharon Agathon
04-10-2007, 11:47 PM
She was recently killed at the end of Season 3. But you can't have BSG without Starbuck. It's just not right. Also, what about all that talk about Kara having a destiny to fullfll by the cylons for the past seasons? I think she will return as one of those unknown cylon models in Season 4. Discuss. :-X

04-11-2007, 03:32 AM
Personally I think she's a cylon, but it turns out with this show you just never know. Maybe she didn't die in the storm and was floated away by some angel. Shit man, weirder stuff has happened before.

04-11-2007, 02:47 PM
Have you seen the final episode of Season 3?

I think it demonstrates pretty conclusively that Starbuck isn't a Cylon.


For starters, the big reveal of the final four has already been made - and even though some significant changes have been made, this new BSG is sticking to the basic outline of the old BSG. In the older series, the (male) Starbuck became like a spiritual guide; it's possible that Kara could be getting spiritual guidance from the Lords of Kobol.

04-11-2007, 03:00 PM
Have you seen the final episode of Season 3?

I think it demonstrates pretty conclusively that Starbuck isn't a Cylon.

It proved nothing of the sort. All she said was that she had been to Earth and that she had come back to guide them to it.

04-15-2007, 06:29 AM
Well, that and Ron Moore said in an interview that she wasn't a cylon.

Mind you, he also said that Katie Sackhoff had quit the show and her 'death' was writing her out of the story, so he obviously can't be trusted in interviews ;_;

Sharon Agathon
04-15-2007, 11:00 AM


Also in a surprising twist...
Saul Tigh a cylon? Never see this coming because i can't find any trace of cylonizer on him. :(

For Chief Tyrol, i've begin to suspect since the mid-season 3 finale where he could actually sense the whereabout of the "Eye of Jupiter" temple. Part of his programing maybe?

Anders and Tory are just not important enough to even care whether they are cylons or not.

Note that the names of the Final Four has the letter 'T' in them. Coincidence?
Saul Tigh
Tory Foster
Samuel T. Anders
Galen Tyrol

I bet Kara Thrace is the Final FIVE! :p
(got this idea from someone in the Sci-fi Channel forums.)

04-15-2007, 12:28 PM
I'll tell you one thing. When she appeared at the end of the season finale i quite literally jumped out of my seat and punched the air.

Thank the gods she isn't leaving <3

But, is she still who she was before?. Is she still human?. Why did her viper have no markings?.

Sharon Agathon
04-15-2007, 12:31 PM
I can't wait 4 season 4! :(

Also: anxious to know the plans of the Final 5.


04-28-2007, 12:41 PM

Isn't it funny how four of the final five were the main resistance leaders on New Caprica?. Tigh was obviously the head honcho, Anders second in command to him and Tyrol in charge of getting information leaked to him. And as for Tory I believe she did have some kind of involvement with them, I'll have to check again. :p

Here's what I think: While we do know that the final five are "different" from your average cylon I'm still in the camp that they are against both the humans and the average cylons. They are out on there own.

Then again, it's very hard to speculate as we don't know what the final five are exactly. Are there multiple copies?. Can they resurrect?. Will Hotdogs head get even bigger?. We just don't know.

Sharon Agathon
04-28-2007, 12:47 PM
My opinion is that the Final 5 may lead the humans and the regular cylons into a trap with the visons, Eye of Jupiter and all. I could be wrong. Maybe they have always secretly sided with the humans all this time. We just never know.

Also: Hotdog needs to have a dogfight with Wedge Antilles. :)

04-28-2007, 06:44 PM


Also in a surprising twist...
Saul Tigh a cylon? Never see this coming because i can't find any trace of cylonizer on him. :(

For Chief Tyrol, i've begin to suspect since the mid-season 3 finale where he could actually sense the whereabout of the "Eye of Jupiter" temple. Part of his programing maybe?

Anders and Tory are just not important enough to even care whether they are cylons or not.

Note that the names of the Final Four has the letter 'T' in them. Coincidence?
Saul Tigh
Tory Foster
Samuel T. Anders
Galen Tyrol

I bet Kara Thrace is the Final FIVE! :p
(got this idea from someone in the Sci-fi Channel forums.)

Yeah, I would have never guessed that about tigh. Being a military officer he should know to come clean. I mean if he really cares about the people he serves with you would think he would feel duty bound to omit what he is to adama. Those tests of baltar's aren't worth shit.