04-10-2007, 08:52 PM
For general discussion of Battlestar Galactica.

Please mark any and all spoilers!

Anyone watch this? I got addicted to it along time ago. I got a soft spot for blonde cylons. What can i say, I'm a nerd. ;)

04-10-2007, 11:51 PM
My brother goes like ape-shit over this damn show. He's bought the DVD box-set(s), and it's near damn impossible to communicate with him. :(

Sharon Agathon
04-10-2007, 11:56 PM
I was a big fan since the miniseries. Always have fond memories of the old series but this new one is A LOT better. The characters felts real, the drama is engaging and not to mention the politics. Also, the new cylons are scary!

the mutant dude
05-08-2007, 10:49 AM
I bought the season one set last week and I really like it. Now I just need to find the other seasons and I'll be set for a two day Galactica-watchingthon.

I really liked the old series as well, but I definately prefer the newer one. It's less cheesy and more grounded. Admittedly some of the religious stuff is still there (split between humans and cylons).

05-12-2007, 05:31 PM
Is season four the last season? :(

But then again....

I have a gut feeling that due to unimpressive ratings for season 3 that this well could be Galacticas last season. I'd rather that the show finishes off on a high than be milked but Ronald D Moore always intended a 5 year story arc for the show. The best thing that could happen would be to let him finish it off when he want but I guess the network may not want that.

Also, I loved the grittiness of season 3 as much as any other Galactica fan but word is that Sci-Fi wants season 4 to be more light-hearted and more like season 1. I can't argue with that. :)

05-29-2007, 08:10 AM
I got addicted to it not that long ago. I don't think season one has finished airing yet though.

06-01-2007, 08:23 PM
Battlestar Galactica is fantastic, and has been named 'the best show on television'. Yes, it has been confirmed that season four is the final season and yes they are making a movie of BSG based on the Battlestar Pegasus, called 'Razor'.

I can't wait until season four airs next year, and can't wait until the season three soundtrack is released in August. God, I love this show.

06-01-2007, 09:23 PM
Bah, I just read the official news.

While I do wish the creator would have been allowed tell their story in the 5 year arc they planned I' quite hopeful for this season. Let's go out on a bang, I say.

Sharon Agathon
06-01-2007, 09:26 PM

06-01-2007, 09:48 PM
Gee, great...
Just when I had time to keep up with the show, the go ahead and pull the plug!
I hope at least that they don't just hurry it it along, or just simplify the season.

06-05-2007, 10:29 AM
I'm a bit annoyed about the fact that they restarted from the beginning when it was a cliffhanger (season 1-2)

06-07-2007, 02:25 PM
I actually expected this to be the last season. The first series didn't last that long either. There are only so many episodes they can do of close calls with the cylon before things get boring. It's a good deal their closing it and not dragging it out.

06-12-2007, 09:20 PM
Classic 70's centurions to make a return?.

During to tv movie entitled Razor we'll get a flashback to the original cylon war. Hell, I can't wait for that. I hope they show the scene where Tigh fights a centurion hand to hand which they mentioned in the novelization of the mini-series.

Happy happy, joy joy.

06-12-2007, 09:42 PM
Classic 70's centurions to make a return?.

During to tv movie entitled Razor we'll get a flashback to the original cylon war. Hell, I can't wait for that. I hope they show the scene where Tigh fights a centurion hand to hand which they mentioned in the novelization of the mini-series.

Happy happy, joy joy. that just confuses me???
1. I thought the 70's series, and the present series have no connection.
2. If they do, that means Adama died, Starbuck is a man, and Baltar is a traitor rather than an unwilling participant!
3. This will mean that this is the 2nd time they're looking for Earth!

06-13-2007, 07:02 PM
Now that just confuses me???
1. I thought the 70's series, and the present series have no connection.
2. If they do, that means Adama died, Starbuck is a man, and Baltar is a traitor rather than an unwilling participant!
3. This will mean that this is the 2nd time they're looking for Earth!

There's no connection at all except for the fact that during the first cylon war they looked like the 70s cylons, that's all.

06-14-2007, 05:15 AM
There's no connection at all except for the fact that during the first cylon war they looked like the 70s cylons, that's all.Okay.
See, after that flashback, I never got it, and always thought there was a really bad connection, even though they always said both series had no connection whatsoever.

Sharon Agathon
06-16-2007, 12:25 PM
Crave Online: Where do you see the rest of season going?

Grace Park: I mean , I have no authority to say this but I'm speculating that it's going to be our last, especially since we got 22. And I've heard Ron Moore say a few times that we're coming into the last two chapters of Battlestar. So with that in mind, I think instead of having more and more loose ends unraveling, we're just going to see more of them becoming tied together finally and where that'll lead us, probably to earth. What time is it going to be when we get there? No idea.

Crave Online: Mark Stern said he doesn't see an end.

Grace Park: Well, because he's Mark Stern, but he's not writing. He's part of the network. We'll probably end up on the set of Blade Runner. We get to earth and it's Blade Runner.

Crave Online: So there will be 22 episodes. Do you expect more of a slow build or rapid fire answers to these questions?

Grace Park: Not necessarily rapid fire but I certainly see us coming to certain conclusions. Does that mean all the questions will be answered? Not necessarily. But I think hopefully we'll find out what is the purpose of what's Starbuck's destiny? What's really the Cylons plan? Because they always say "we have a plan." To date, I've got to tell you, none of the people who play Cylons actually know what that plan is so hopefully there'll be some answers.

Crave Online: Is that a relief to you?

Grace Park: Kind of, I guess so. I didn't know if it was a relief, but more like having an answer is just going to feel like closure.

Crave Online: How have you dealt with adoring fanboys?

Grace Park: I'd say most of them are pretty behaved and well respected. I think because of the character I play, I mean I haven't done Playboy like Tricia has so I'm not going to have the same kind of fans that she has. But it's a pretty polite country. People aren't going to throw themselves at you. Which I don't mind. Throw money is fine. No, I'm kidding.


06-17-2007, 12:17 AM
Gaff meeting Adama?

Wouldn't the universe collapse?.

Sharon Agathon
06-17-2007, 12:34 AM

06-17-2007, 05:10 PM

Lo fah!

the mutant dude
07-10-2007, 09:38 PM
Does anyone know when the third season boxed set is coming out in the UK or if its already out, becuase as much as I like watching the mini-series, season 1 and season 2 over and over, I would like to see season 3 (especially since I don't have access to the TV channal its shown on).

07-17-2007, 06:19 PM
I liked the settings of the first season of being under constant attack and trying to survive. But when that religous destiny stuff came around I lost most of my interest however I still watched the first 3 seasons. I really liked when Apollo became commander of Pegasus but when he left the settlement and left Adoma I just sighed and knew what happened.

07-25-2007, 08:07 PM
I saw the miniseriesmoviedealer recently. I was pretty impressed. haven't started to watch the actual series yet but I intend to !

I only vaguely remember the original series, I think I only saw a few episodes. out of morbid curiosity, in the original did they ever actually make it to earth or was that just some random element thrown in that wasn't going to go anywhere?

Sharon Agathon
07-25-2007, 11:13 PM
I saw the miniseriesmoviedealer recently. I was pretty impressed. haven't started to watch the actual series yet but I intend to !
Sarah please watch the t.v series asap. It's teh best human drama ever... in space. ^^
For Sarah:

I only vaguely remember the original series, I think I only saw a few episodes. out of morbid curiosity, in the original did they ever actually make it to earth or was that just some random element thrown in that wasn't going to go anywhere?
Yes they did made it but it was Earth in the 80s lol ;_; Not a very good season and they had flying motorbikes. Really an 80s thingy gimmick like Knight Rider and Airwolf. :(
/me erase memories old old cheesy t.v series and stick with teh remake

Sharon Agathon
08-03-2007, 11:13 AM
BSG's two hour Season 4 opener "Razor" teaser(some ads will appear before the actual teaser): :swoon:

Sharon Agathon
08-03-2007, 11:26 AM
BSG's two hour Season 4 opener "Razor" teaser(some ads will appear before the actual teaser):

10-22-2007, 07:54 PM
My favorite show on TV. Cnan't wait for Razor. Sadly, I am unable to see the Razor Flashbacks because im from Europe and Sci-Fi won't let me watch them, I have to find other ways around that. :)

10-22-2007, 07:57 PM
Ops, sorry , double post and can't erase it... Ill use this one to warn people that Battlestar Galactica Season 3 OST has been released today. More info here (Thread 44477).