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04-10-2007, 08:48 PM
For general discussion of Heroes. Please mark any major spoilers.

If you have a specific question to ask, or want to discuss a specific episode, feel free to make a new thread!

Sharon Agathon
04-10-2007, 11:32 PM
Fun Fact: Masi Oka(Hiro Nakamura) is actually an american japanese in real life and a staff of Indutrial Light & Magic involving in special fx for movies like The Perfect Storm, Star Wars: Episode II, Terminator 3 and the first two Pirates of the Caribbean movies. His acting was so convincing i thought he was a real japanese.

04-11-2007, 03:41 AM
I am pumped for this series to start up again

...only for it to end about four episodes later =\

04-11-2007, 10:49 AM
Yeah, I hate the hiatuses.

At this point, it almost makes me want to wait for the dvds to finish up the season. :(

Bahamut ZERO
04-16-2007, 10:03 PM
Hiro and Ando are fantastic.

I am not sure where the series is going to go, and if the current plot-line will end at the end of it. I hope it doesn't over-run like some shows do...

04-17-2007, 12:35 AM
The creators have said that the second season will be pretty different from the first. I'll try and find the interview about it because I can't remember how they explained it.

One Mile Ahead
04-19-2007, 11:42 PM
I like Heroes, but I have no idea why. Really, it's ludicrous. Alot of bad acting, quite a few bad characters, certainly no special effects that haven't been done before, but somehow, it works. It taps into your boy/girlhood super power fantasy mentality better than most of its ilk, I guess. Entertaining TV escapism for those who like to dabble in sci-fi nerdery, without getting all elitist with it. Although I do think it started losing its way beyond episode 12, saying that, ep 18 looks good, so mayhaps it'll pick up again before the series finale.

Sharon Agathon
04-19-2007, 11:50 PM
A lot of bad acting, quite a few bad characters.
The only bad acting and character comes from George Takei who plays Hiro's dad. :(

04-20-2007, 08:25 AM
George Takei is great. :(

I think Ali Larter is pretty bad, but whole Nikki/Jessica part of the story is pretty weak imo.

Sharon Agathon
04-20-2007, 10:26 AM
George Takei is great. :(
But his japanese dialect is so unconvincing. It takes out the reality of his supposedly 100% nihon-jin character. :(

04-25-2007, 01:12 AM
So, the series is back on again and we can finally discuss new developments.


Overall, I have really mixed feelings about this episode. On the one hand, it doesn't really maintain the pacing of the last couple episodes and didn't have much in the way of really good character moments. On the other hand, Isaac's death, more Sylar badassery, and the return of future Hiro are interesting.

04-25-2007, 06:29 AM
This series reminds me alot of xmen without the jet and the mutant discrimination. I think in real life people would embrace their powers. Thats where shows like this kind of fall for me. If i had the power to heal myself or blow up like a stick of TNT I would be really happy. Just imagine the type of money you could make reading peoples minds.

04-25-2007, 01:22 PM
Well, there's no shortage of characters like that. Take Peter, Hiro, and Sylar, for instance. All of them are genuinely thrilled to have powers and are trying to use them.

04-26-2007, 07:54 AM
I've never liked the Nikki/Jessica character or plotline, but the rest of it was rather good, I thought. All sorts of stuff going down.


Peter getting resurrected with Claire's powers and all was prty predictable tho. And the whole 'o you have EMP powers too' thing was a bit tacked on, I thought.

The future Hiro thing is really interesting to me. I sort of wonder if the plot will constantly center on him working on trying to stop the explosion, or if, once it goes off, if there will be some new, bigger challenge. Or maybe both at once.

04-26-2007, 08:29 AM
Well, there's no shortage of characters like that. Take Peter, Hiro, and Sylar, for instance. All of them are genuinely thrilled to have powers and are trying to use them.

Yeah I saw part of the marathon the other night. That was really the first time i had seen the show since the premiere. I don't know who Peter and Hiro are, but your right about sylar. He did seem to be enjoying himself.

Alice Wonderbra
04-30-2007, 02:40 AM
ive watched 2 episodes of this and i cant really get into it and i dont see how anyone can really like it. LOTS of bad acting, a bad story, and a bad script. and the only character i liked is the japanese dude.

05-01-2007, 02:00 PM
You know, I've never watched this show but I'm fascinated by it now. I want to see what the big buzz is. So is season 1 on DVD? If it is I might have to check it out.

05-01-2007, 09:11 PM
Season 1 hasn't even finished airing yet. There's no way it would be on DVD this soon.

Sharon Agathon
05-01-2007, 09:54 PM
In my country, it's already out on pirated DVD boxset featuring the first 12 episodes. :D

Atom Narmor
05-02-2007, 01:31 AM
You know, I've never watched this show but I'm fascinated by it now. I want to see what the big buzz is. So is season 1 on DVD? If it is I might have to check it out.

I watch Heroes, 4'sho..


05-02-2007, 04:58 AM
Visit to watch the episodes you missed. ;)

05-02-2007, 08:22 PM
I've just watched episode 20. It was hard to sit still. Wow. Just WOW.

05-02-2007, 09:37 PM
This last episode was pretty awesome. Especially when Peter and Sylar were going at it. So far I haven't missed an episode!

05-03-2007, 10:59 AM
Just thought I'd post and tell everyone that I finally took the plunge and watched the first episode of Heroes last night. What can I say, I'm pleasantly surprised. I can only hope it keeps up the same drama and suspense that the first episode promised and delivered with.

Sure it's no Battlestar Galactica or even LOST in my opinion, but it's a damn fine start to a show that I can only guess I'll add to my short list of shows that I actually follow regularly.

So yeah, pretty awesome stuff.

05-03-2007, 01:53 PM
Except for the fact that, you know, it actually goes somewhere. Unlike LOST.

05-03-2007, 05:50 PM
Here I am trying to be nice and this chump gets up in my grill. :(

Kidding. I wuv u 2 :-*

Anyhoo, episode two tonight. Should be good. :)

05-03-2007, 05:52 PM
Don't mind me. I'm just bitter about wasting my money on the first season of LOST. I have to put in a jab at it wherever possible. :laugh:

J. Peterman
05-03-2007, 06:06 PM

Sharon Agathon
05-03-2007, 06:31 PM

05-03-2007, 06:53 PM
It's all about Peter. Even in the beginning, I've always liked the Petrelli brothers with Peter being my favorite. Now he's just awesome and can do all sorts of shit.

05-03-2007, 11:09 PM
Season 1 hasn't even finished airing yet. There's no way it would be on DVD this soon.

Really? I was under the impression due to that layoff a few months ago that the season had ended. Oh, well. Silly me. ;-) I'll have to make sure I check out the next episode.

grn apple tree
05-04-2007, 01:43 AM
Hiro and Ando(Sp?) kind of remind me of an asian, human, modern day version of Frodo and Sam.

Also is it 2 episodes 'til the end of the series or end of season 1?

05-04-2007, 05:43 AM
What happend to the woman who can connect to the internet wirelessly anyways? I don't remember seeing her again.

05-06-2007, 03:50 PM
Ok, I just finished off episode four and I'm still quite impressed. While I'm not totally convinced by the cast the story is where it's all at for me!.

Also, having the Hiro from the future pop up at the end on the train was excellent!.

05-09-2007, 04:40 AM
Something tells me everything is gonna go straight to hell when this season finishes up.

I luv this show to bits, almost on par with my fanboyism of Hokuto no Ken (well...not that much, but close).

05-11-2007, 10:59 PM
A second season has already been confirmed.

There's only 2 episodes left this season, and frankly, it's been years since I've watched a show of this quality and I really can't wait to see how everything will unfold. The writing is top notch, the effects are believable and used at the right times and the cast is perfect (with only a few exceptions... I don't know why... but I don't like Ali Larter for some reasons...).

As long as the writing keeps on being this consistent, I wish there will be many more seasons.

This show clearly puts the bar higher than anything else that has been done in the same genre.

05-15-2007, 03:32 AM
Wow, that one hell of an episode. I did not expect all that to happen. It's going to be crazy in the season finale.

05-15-2007, 05:38 AM
Heroes tends to do things that you really don't expect at all. And they like to slap on the "to be continued..." sign so everything comes to a sudden halt! Drives me crazy! Can't wait for the season finale though ;)!

05-17-2007, 04:17 AM
I echo Prak's earlier comments about Lost --- I watched that up until this most recent season, but finally gave up on it.

Anyway, yeah, love me some Heroes. Can't wait till the finale next week. I read that next season, they're starting a new thing called Heroes: Origins to fill in the hiatus/break time, where viewers will get to vote on a new hero to add to the show. I guess we'll see how that works out.

05-17-2007, 07:12 PM
Once the finale comes I wont have anything to watch on Monday nights anymore, well hoping that they either show reruns or come out on DVD then that should fill my time since I missed the first 13 episodes.

05-17-2007, 10:29 PM
Oh, this show's so popular, I don't doubt that they'll put it out on DVD, and I wouldn't be surprised if they show repeats.

Starrynite --- I don't know what country you're from, but you said you watch it on Monday nights and they show it in the U.S. on Monday nights, so I'm thinking maybe you're from the U.S. You don't by any chance get Scifi channel, do you? They air repeats of the show on there every Friday night and sometimes at other times as well. And they're going to be having a marathon of pretty much all of the episodes soon.

05-17-2007, 11:16 PM
I didnt know they aired repeats already, this is potentially great news for now I can perhaps watch the first 13 (I skipped them and ignored them cause I hated how every character was somewhere else, and I couldnt see how the story was coming together). Thanks for the info.

05-18-2007, 03:51 AM
No prob. As long as you get Scifi Channel, you're good to go. The marathon is this Saturday, May 19. starts at 9 A.M. and goes all the way until midnight. 21 solid hours of the show, so you would definitely be able to get all 13 of those episodes that you missed.

Edit --- I messed up. The marathon is from 9 A.M. on the 19th up until 6 A.M. in the morning on the 20th, and that, of course, makes 21 hours. Oh, and the first six episodes actually air during that 12-6 A.M. block (apparently Scifi too feels that they're not as popular as the later portion of the season), so make sure to tape appropriately to get the episodes that you need.

Oh, and I probably don't need to say this, but just in case --- those are all eastern times.

Atom Narmor
05-19-2007, 03:39 AM
I didnt know they aired repeats already, this is potentially great news for now I can perhaps watch the first 13 (I skipped them and ignored them cause I hated how every character was somewhere else, and I couldnt see how the story was coming together). Thanks for the info.

If you'd look on the first page you'll find a link that I and another posted so you can watch it online. Shame if you have dial-up though.

05-20-2007, 09:00 PM
is episode 24 the final one in series one?

05-20-2007, 09:27 PM
Yep. I can't wait. I missed a lot of the marathon though. The only episodes I caught up on were ".07 Percent" and "Five Years Gone".

05-21-2007, 07:54 PM
What am I going to download on Tuesday nights if it finishes? This is terrible.

05-22-2007, 04:06 AM
Actually, there were 23 eps, but yeah, the finale was tonight. And man, what a finale it was. Great ending. Keep me guessing until the very last moment. And next season, or "Volume Two" as they say, should be quite a trip, based on that preview they showed.

05-22-2007, 02:27 PM
I thought the season finale was great... until Nathan and Peter acted dumb.

Sure, a sacrifice gives a lot of emotional impact, but in this case it was totally ridiculous. All Peter had to do, is take off and blow up in the sky. But no, they had to take the cheesy sacrifice approach, make sure Peter looked helpless in the process and BOOM. And if they play the "Peter don't know how to fly" (for any dumb reason) card, then all Nathan had to do is leave Peter as fast as he could once he got high enough. Bingo! No need for a cheesy sacrifice.

That's the only thing that was a let down for me in this episode (in the whole season, actually) and really... It is a reallly BIG let down.

05-22-2007, 06:23 PM
I get your point Hynad, but lets not forget that Peter doesnt know how to controle most of his powers. If he could, he would fight Sylar back with telekinisis, stop time, or at least do something! Most of his powers (like radiation, mind reading and regeneration) just come out. The only two abilities he is shown to control well is painting the future and becoming invisible.

Also, even if Nathan was able to fly away after he got high enough, he would die. Remember, the bomb was supposted to take out almost the whole city, so there would be no chance for him to go away in time.

Atom Narmor
05-22-2007, 07:37 PM
I thought the season finale was great... until Nathan and Peter acted dumb.

Sure, a sacrifice gives a lot of emotional impact, but in this case it was totally ridiculous. All Peter had to do, is take off and blow up in the sky. But no, they had to take the cheesy sacrifice approach, make sure Peter looked helpless in the process and BOOM. And if they play the "Peter don't know how to fly" (for any dumb reason) card, then all Nathan had to do is leave Peter as fast as he could once he got high enough. Bingo! No need for a cheesy sacrifice.

That's the only thing that was a let down for me in this episode (in the whole season, actually) and really... It is a reallly BIG let down.

How do you know he didn't take off after hoisting him in the air? You only assume. I don't think they killed either of the Patrely brothers.

05-22-2007, 10:12 PM

I just saw the finale.

I'm assuming the reason Peter didn't just fly off himself was he can only use one power at a time?

That aside I really enjoyed it. I've read somewhere that The Patrelli family are in season 2 so at least 1 brother must've survived... Peter can't die anyway we know that much...

05-22-2007, 11:35 PM
I'm assuming the reason Peter didn't just fly off himself was he can only use one power at a time?

That aside I really enjoyed it. I've read somewhere that The Patrelli family are in season 2 so at least 1 brother must've survived... Peter can't die anyway we know that much...
Yeah, unlike Sylar (one of the best villains ever BTW), Peter has to think about the person he came in contact with. I'm pretty sure he'll be able to use powers simultaneously as he learns to control his, like Mutants in Marvel.

Was Gen. Kensei Hiro's dad? Although he was masked, it looked like it, or watch the plot be that Kensei was actually Hiro in the past! That would be a pretty cool twist also IMO.

Atom Narmor
05-23-2007, 02:34 AM
What's stupid is that Peter didn't gain Sylars powers that he got from the other mutants when he came around him. That's a plot pot hole in my opinion. Peter should have telekinesis by now.

05-23-2007, 03:15 AM
Solid show, but there was to much hype surrounding the ending. It ended OK, but not as spectacular as it was sold as. Again, its still a great show.

05-23-2007, 03:48 AM
I get your point Hynad, but lets not forget that Peter doesnt know how to controle most of his powers. If he could, he would fight Sylar back with telekinisis, stop time, or at least do something! Most of his powers (like radiation, mind reading and regeneration) just come out. The only two abilities he is shown to control well is painting the future and becoming invisible.

Also, even if Nathan was able to fly away after he got high enough, he would die. Remember, the bomb was supposted to take out almost the whole city, so there would be no chance for him to go away in time.

Yeah, that's what I called "(for any dumb reason)" in my last post.

I really want to like this ending, I really do. But I just can't help it. I think the way they handled it was a bit cheesy.

So bad, because I really think this series is almost flawless.

Oh well. Maybe they'll manage to fix this in the nest season.

What's stupid is that Peter didn't gain Sylars powers that he got from the other mutants when he came around him. That's a plot pot hole in my opinion. Peter should have telekinesis by now.

Actually, I think the reason why Peter was having a hard time controlling his power at the end, and why he exploded like that was because there were too many people with abilities near him (including the ever increasing in power Sylar).
Which ended up in a really big surge of power to process at the same time.

How do you know he didn't take off after hoisting him in the air? You only assume. I don't think they killed either of the Patrely brothers.

Yeah, of course, I assume. But even so, the scene still look cheesy to me. It will be like that until I know for sure. From what they showed us, they made Nathan sacrifice himself in an attempt to create a nice plot-twist by showing us a character most people thought was leaning towards evilness and make him do the most heroic act possible. If he was to survive somehow, that would kinda ruin the impact of that moment, and would turn up to be even more cheesy then it already is.

05-23-2007, 04:37 AM
What's stupid is that Peter didn't gain Sylars powers that he got from the other mutants when he came around him. That's a plot pot hole in my opinion. Peter should have telekinesis by now.

Thats not true. Peter got telekinisis from Sylar, so he must have gained all the other abilities too, he just dont know it yet (as Sylar only used telekinisis infront of Peter).

05-23-2007, 01:24 PM
No, even though we have seen Peter use telekinesis, he should have also picked up Sylar's super-hearing. Of course, that's an uncontrollable power, but he never showed any sign of having it, so there's definitely a hole there.

05-23-2007, 04:27 PM
It was by no means perfect but it was still a great series. Roll on season 2...

05-23-2007, 06:15 PM
No, even though we have seen Peter use telekinesis, he should have also picked up Sylar's super-hearing. Of course, that's an uncontrollable power, but he never showed any sign of having it, so there's definitely a hole there.

You are right on that, I didnt really thought of that power.

05-23-2007, 07:17 PM
I also agree, cause although Peter has control of some powers, alot are still unpredictable, like telepathy. How did he all of a sudden manage to read Sylar's thoughts when the Feds showed up.

If he did get all of Sylar's powers, maybe they didn't manifest 'cause he was just concentrating on the radiation power. Also, remember that Sylar had the power of suggestion and wanted Peter to explode.

05-24-2007, 12:39 AM
Power of suggestion --- do you mean from Eden? I thought I read somewhere that Eden killed herself before he was able to take her power.

05-24-2007, 12:46 AM
She did. Sylar doesn't have her power.

05-24-2007, 01:01 AM
I could've sworn he did?
I'll go see that episode again.

05-24-2007, 02:02 AM
LOL, I just read that. It's funny, I could have written that almost word for word.

My thoughts exactly:

05-24-2007, 05:14 AM
I also agree, cause although Peter has control of some powers, alot are still unpredictable, like telepathy. How did he all of a sudden manage to read Sylar's thoughts when the Feds showed up.

If he did get all of Sylar's powers, maybe they didn't manifest 'cause he was just concentrating on the radiation power. Also, remember that Sylar had the power of suggestion and wanted Peter to explode.

Peter met Saylar at Mohinder's house. He should had absorbed the super hearing ability there.

I could've sworn he did?
I'll go see that episode again.

Well, Saylar actually tried to take her power, but Eden shot herself in the head to prevent that.

Also, I have this question for a long time. Why was Saylar able to use telekinisis at that moment when Eden entered the room to kill him? And why Eden was unable to make him kill himself?

05-25-2007, 01:38 PM
I just finished off episode 20 and I gotta say it's much better than I expected. Mr.Bennet (HRG) is sexual. Peters twisted Stallone mouth is adorable. Nathan is my hero.

05-28-2007, 12:12 PM
What the fuck what that!??

That was the finale!?.

You seriously have to be kidding me. After 21 episodes it all led up to that?.

I am hugely disappointed by the finale. I was looking forward to seeing all the characters finally meet up but what started as a fun popcorn show ended up as a complete mess.

I guess the biggest disappointment was the Peter and Sylar fight. When it finished I erupted in laughter I couldn't believe what I was watching was the finale. The last episode of a series should pull out all of the stops and give the audience what they want. But no, instead we got Peter and Sylar pouting at each other then throwing some punches. Hiro runs at Sylar, who for some reason doesn't move, and kills him. I was in total disbelief that this was the climax to what was once a fine how.

Don't get me wrong, Heroes had it's moments where it was fantastic television. For instance, the two episodes that stick out for me where "company man" and "five years gone". Now those episodes showed us what Heroes could be.

Then to top off an already terrible finale Nathan appears and sorts out the whole exploding thingy in a jiffy.

How do you stop and exploding man?. You don't actually, you just fly really high in the sky with him.

I want this show to get better and realize it's true potential. I mean, Heroes is just a no brain TV viewing for me. It has just as much heart and action as a Michael Bay movie and the deepest it ever gets is someone thinking "I know I'm a Hero" but when it's good it's great. Let's hope season two picks up a little and forgets the farce that was the finale.

05-29-2007, 08:27 PM
What the fuck what that!??

That was the finale!?.

You seriously have to be kidding me. After 21 episodes it all led up to that?.

I am hugely disappointed by the finale. I was looking forward to seeing all the characters finally meet up but what started as a fun popcorn show ended up as a complete mess.

I guess the biggest disappointment was the Peter and Sylar fight. When it finished I erupted in laughter I couldn't believe what I was watching was the finale. The last episode of a series should pull out all of the stops and give the audience what they want. But no, instead we got Peter and Sylar pouting at each other then throwing some punches. Hiro runs at Sylar, who for some reason doesn't move, and kills him. I was in total disbelief that this was the climax to what was once a fine how.

Don't get me wrong, Heroes had it's moments where it was fantastic television. For instance, the two episodes that stick out for me where "company man" and "five years gone". Now those episodes showed us what Heroes could be.

Then to top off an already terrible finale Nathan appears and sorts out the whole exploding thingy in a jiffy.

How do you stop and exploding man?. You don't actually, you just fly really high in the sky with him.

I want this show to get better and realize it's true potential. I mean, Heroes is just a no brain TV viewing for me. It has just as much heart and action as a Michael Bay movie and the deepest it ever gets is someone thinking "I know I'm a Hero" but when it's good it's great. Let's hope season two picks up a little and forgets the farce that was the finale.Well, if you think about it, they took out all the climax just getting up to this point. It's true, how is it that Sylar could stop four bullets in midair, yet Hiro just appears, pauses, and still manages to stick Sylar with his blade?
As for Peter and Sylar going at it, they can't go at it like their future selves did, 'cause Peter's power is unpredictable, and hasn't been fully developed yet. Just remember, like in all stories, character development takes time. Look at LOTR. At first, the Hobbits were afraid to fight, and hid all the time. By the end of the trilogy, they were in the thick of it.

05-29-2007, 08:39 PM
Regarding Sylar's pause: Such a thing could easily have been psychological. Think about it. He saw that moment in Isaac's comic. The simple realization of what Hiro's arrival portended could have caused him to delay slightly as his mind processed the significance of it.

The pause may look like cheap scripting at first glance, but actually makes far more sense if this was the intention. After all, why would it be written like that in the first place if it could be bypassed by having Hiro appear in front of Sylar and stab him instantly? There was a point to that moment and it amazes me that no one seems to see it.

05-29-2007, 11:10 PM
Just remember, like in all stories, character development takes time. Look at LOTR. At first, the Hobbits were afraid to fight, and hid all the time. By the end of the trilogy, they were in the thick of it.

Of course, but I felt it was a perfect time in which Peter could show off his abilities. Sure character development takes time but 22 episodes leading up to that is a little depressing.

Regarding Sylar's pause: Such a thing could easily have been psychological. Think about it. He saw that moment in Isaac's comic. The simple realization of what Hiro's arrival portended could have caused him to delay slightly as his mind processed the significance of it.

The pause may look like cheap scripting at first glance, but actually makes far more sense if this was the intention. After all, why would it be written like that in the first place if it could be bypassed by having Hiro appear in front of Sylar and stab him instantly? There was a point to that moment and it amazes me that no one seems to see it.

Good point, I totally agree with you there.

05-30-2007, 03:56 AM
I watched the episode again 2 times.

At first, my position towards it was that it was a huge let down.
Now that I've had more time to go through the last 4 episodes of the series, I still think it was a let down, it was overly underwhelming compared to, say, the episode "five years gone", but all of it makes sense.

Sure, we all wanted to see Peter use his powers at full in the fight against Sylar. But Peter is not such a guy. He is still discovering how all his powers work, and he uses many of them not even realizing what they are really (like the mind reading). When he was up against Sylar in the end, it is more and more believable to me why he couldn't really use his powers adequately. So many "special" beings were close to him, add Sylar in the equation and Peter's body was absorbing a lot of powers at the same time (we all know Peter has been in contact with Sylar before, but since then, Sylar got some new powers) which I think is what caused his body to go uncontrollable and resulted in him blowing up. Peter still tried to get the upper hand of Sylar by punching him, even though he's a caring nurse, he still seems to have a fighting spirit.

As for Hiro stabbing Sylar, I think like Prak on this one. Sylar is no fool, and it's pretty obvious that's what he was thinking there. The producers even showed us a recap of all the illustrations he saw that were leading to his death (or so we're supposed to believe).

I still think the finale was underwhelming and a let down for its cheezy scene where Nathan comes from nowhere to save the day... I think it's all due to the fact that the episode was hyped from day one, and I guess I was expecting a bigger "BOOM". But the producers thought the easy way out was a better choice than going for a clever way to end it all.

05-30-2007, 04:15 AM
How Nathan knew where everybody was?

05-30-2007, 05:33 AM
Yeah, that might be a good question... But seeing how he was so closely related to Linderman, and that this crazy old man seemed to know everything that was to happen (probably through all those paintings he possessed) my guess is that Nathan got to know where everything was to happen from him.

That, or maybe he flew and flew... until he saw something bright on the ground (Peter).

05-31-2007, 10:27 AM
Yeah, that might be a good question... But seeing how he was so closely related to Linderman, and that this crazy old man seemed to know everything that was to happen (probably through all those paintings he possessed) my guess is that Nathan got to know where everything was to happen from him.

That, or maybe he flew and flew... until he saw something bright on the ground (Peter).Server crashed and couldn't respond yesterday. You sort of said what I was gonna say. As for Nathan knowing about Peter's whereabouts, well ithink it's kind of obvious with all the sudden interest for Linderman.

I see your point Prak, but I think they could've at least had him appear and pause, then when Sylar reacted, phase out and back in, in front of Sylar to stab him. Only to make continuity since Sylar stopped him at his Mom's Apt. I know this makes me sound like those whiny fanboys with no lives, but that scene always makes me cringe, I'm always thinking "you stopped bullets, You can paralyze people with your power, you've been methodical, and now you let your guard down?", it's like those slasher movies where the characters examine the killers body rather than just leave or finish the job.
Of course, but I felt it was a perfect time in which Peter could show off his abilities. Sure character development takes time but 22 episodes leading up to that is a little depressing.You have to remember that Peter hasn't really mastered his power (since he still freaks out every time he absorbs a new power) save for a few, and I don't think his power grew dramatically since their last encounter at Mohinder's Apt. If that was the case, then the Radiation power wouldn't have been a problem.

06-01-2007, 01:30 AM
Does anyone here reckon that Claude (the invisible dude) is dead and was killed by Sylar? That's what the recapper at Television Without Pity suggested as to how Sylar simply seemed to appear out of nowhere, and it certainly seems possible to me.

06-01-2007, 06:03 AM
Does anyone here reckon that Claude (the invisible dude) is dead and was killed by Sylar? That's what the recapper at Television Without Pity suggested as to how Sylar simply seemed to appear out of nowhere, and it certainly seems possible to me.Here's the official list of Sylar's victims and powers from the Heroes Wiki ( site.

Brian Davis- Telekinesis "Six Months Ago"

Unnamed male- Unknown power, possibly Cryokenesis Online Novel-"Turning Point" Murdered in Chicago.

Chandra Suresh- None "Seven Minutes to Midnight"

Mr. & Mrs. James Walker- Unknown power "Don't Look Back"
Only James Walker's brain was removed, and his body was found frozen. Later, Sylar unsuccessfully attempted to kidnap the Walkers' daughter from FBI custody.

Unnamed FBI agent- None "One Giant Leap"

Charlie Andrews- Eidetic memory "Seven Minutes to Midnight"

Jackie Wilcox Cheerleader- None "Homecoming"

Eden McCain- Persuasion "Fallout"
She committed gun suicide to prevent Sylar from stealing her power.

06-01-2007, 08:36 AM
yeah, well it must have been a long time since it got updated, because they don't mention the woman with Super Hearing...

I would have to check some of the episodes again, but I'm sure it's not the only one left out of that list.

EDIT: after looking it back, they do mention her. You didn't! :P

06-01-2007, 08:26 PM
yeah, well it must have been a long time since it got updated, because they don't mention the woman with Super Hearing...

I would have to check some of the episodes again, but I'm sure it's not the only one left out of that list.

EDIT: after looking it back, they do mention her. You didn't! :P

sorry, did it in kind of a hurry!

06-01-2007, 11:18 PM
All right, I'll buy that. Still, if they wanted to keep it a mystery, I suppose it's possible they might keep it out of that list. I guess we may never know for sure...

09-30-2007, 09:57 AM
Since the new season's here,
rather than make a new thread,
I'm just bumping this one.


The wait is finally over!!! -thank god-
what do you guys think of the new episode?
Because of school, I missed it. Luckily they repeated it today (Sat).
hopefully they do that regularly since I don't have Tivo.
So there's a new villain. So far (if you're keeping up with the online novels), I think it can be the Haitian that's offing every one, 'cause his father gave him a necklace with that very same symbol on it.
anyone have any speculations on Peter got to the storage container with his memory zapped?

09-30-2007, 11:50 AM
My theory is that the Haitian put him in there, for whatever reason, and took away his memories.
Its interesting to see that Peter attacked that Irish guy with a "Power Blast" kind of power and not telekinisis. I wonder where he got that one.

09-30-2007, 11:54 AM
That would be right. Everyone pays attention to Peter fucking Petrelli :p

This season should be interesting. Tbh, i'm kind of disappointed at the whole 'Nathan is a drunk' thing, because I liked the idea of him continuing his political career.

Highlight of the episode: Noah Bennet dislocating the douchebag's finger at the paper company he's working for. Priceless.

09-30-2007, 11:58 AM
I was dissapointed of him being ALIVE! But I'll live with it anyway :)
I wonder when Sylar will make an appearance!

10-01-2007, 12:21 AM
Oh yeah, the scene with Noah Bennet was priceless. And a lot of the Hiro stuff, particularly his "hero" who turns out not to be such a wonderful, great guy anyway and then knocks him out. I mean, I like Hiro and all, but he was just yattering on and on and really asking for it.

10-01-2007, 12:55 AM
I was dissapointed of him being ALIVE! But I'll live with it anyway :)
I wonder when Sylar will make an appearance!

I thought it would have been really stupid of him to have let himself die, when all he had to do was go up in the sky and leave his brother there. No need to kill himself in the process.

10-01-2007, 11:15 AM
I thought it would have been really stupid of him to have let himself die, when all he had to do was go up in the sky and leave his brother there. No need to kill himself in the process.

Yeah, but at the same time he survived an explosion that was supposted to destroy the whole New York.

10-01-2007, 06:07 PM
I dunno --- I sorta got the idea that he flew him up there then zapped out of range really quick so he wouldn't be caught in the explosion.

Anyway, there was an article about the premiere in TV Guide --- it said not to read it until after the premiere had aired, so I waited, but I kinda wish I hadn't read it anyway because it gives away a few things that weren't in the premiere.

10-01-2007, 08:33 PM
Yes, thats what I tell myself too Agent. Nathan is faster than Superman anyway ;) And the mirror scene gives potential that something went wrong.

10-02-2007, 12:01 AM
Yeah, I agree about that mirror-scene --- it definitely hints about something that happened then that we're probably going to be finding about soon. Perhaps more about it... tonight? New Heroes in less than two hours, at least where I am.

10-02-2007, 12:13 AM
I watched the first eight or so episodes, gave up on it now though because the plot ceaselessly meandered and I just got bored of it.

10-02-2007, 04:48 AM
Well I have to download 8 different files to see the episode :(

I watched the first eight or so episodes, gave up on it now though because the plot ceaselessly meandered and I just got bored of it.

What? Get out of here :-D

10-02-2007, 06:36 PM
"Did you know you look like a fish when you talk? ... Seriously, a big carp." :D So funny!

The thing with the toe at the end --- wild --- kinda gross/freaky in a way --- but seriously, is it even possible to cut off your toe like that using a pair of a shears or whatever it is? Oh well, I'm not sure I want to think about it, I'm getting the willies just thinking about that scene...

10-02-2007, 08:00 PM
And the power of that twins! Its the most extreme one so far!! I dont want to imagine Peter gaining that power.

Hiro really fucked up everything :-D

I think that the invisible guy attacked Angella Petrelli.


matt damon
10-08-2007, 04:19 AM
what twins??? oh! maya and that guy? yeah, that's crazy as hell.

i think that that guy west from claire's school is sylar. and if he's not, then i think that the kid was the one that killed hiro's dad.

roki, i don't think it was him because it seemed as if angela could see him. and i want to know what her power is!! hers and hiro's dad's.

and that toe part was nasty. i was like, "they're not gonna show it, they're not gonna show it....oh, they showed it."

10-08-2007, 04:23 AM
I don't think the stalker guy at the school is Sylar, or the guy who killed the Dad either. But this goes back to what I was reading in TV Guide again...

matt damon
10-08-2007, 04:31 AM
i really want to know what you read, but at the same time i don't. don't tell me!!! lol.

and have the plots of ali larter and her husband and son been dropped? cause there's been like, no mention of them, at all. maybe it's because ali larter was busy filming RE:E, but i don't know...

10-08-2007, 04:33 AM
Well Hiro's father knew his killer, and it looked like they had some history together.

10-08-2007, 04:50 AM
Weren't those two both in previews for upcoming episodes? I think they've just got so much other stuff they were trying to get in, they haven't able to get it before now. And yeah, that movie thing you mentioned may have delayed it.

matt damon
10-08-2007, 04:58 AM
Weren't those two both in previews for upcoming episodes? I think they've just got so much other stuff they were trying to get in, they haven't able to get it before now. And yeah, that movie thing you mentioned may have delayed it.

i hope they come back because i actually liked their storylines.

10-15-2007, 03:31 PM
hey people!

Just wondering if any of you have or know where I can get the Heroes soundtrack from? Does it even exist? And I don't mean the one that has all these songs on it from people and you could have sworn those songs weren't in the show at all. I mean the beautiful background music. I wants that.

Can someone help?

10-15-2007, 06:07 PM
If there were such a thing, I'm sure it would be on Amazon. Heroes is a popular show. There's no soundtrack.

matt damon
10-18-2007, 03:46 AM
ok, well, it's been a couple weeks and a couple of episodes have aired, so i think it's time to restart this thread.


ok, so sylar's back, but why are his powers not working? maybe the company did something to him?

also, this past episode makes me think that sylar may have multiple personalities. he may just be pretending, but it seemed as if he didn't know that he was a murderer and stuff. plus the word sylar on his watch was blocked, which could symbolize that he did not know that he called himself sylar and did not know about all the horrible things he did. although, when he found out that maya and alejandro had powers (i consider both of them having the power because they use it together. she uses it and he cancels it out) he seemed to like, remember and switch back into sylar mode. or maybe he was just lying the whole time. i don't know...

10-18-2007, 04:14 AM
And the power of that twins! Its the most extreme one so far!! I dont want to imagine Peter gaining that power.
So what about Sylar, eh? But, as stated, it doesn't seem as if he has the ability to take any powers right now, though. But man, if he did get that power. As it was, I about flipped when I thought he had gotten "Candice"'s power --- I did not want him to have that.

This new character, who can learn how to do stuff just by watching someone do it on TV, I wonder if it's just by watching stuff on TV that she can absorb skills like that. Either way, it's a pretty strong power. As the recapper at Television Without Pity quipped, "Wonder if she watches this show."

matt damon
10-18-2007, 04:27 AM
yeah, it is good that he didn't get Candice's power, otherwise, everyone else is screwed. if sylar got the twin's powers, do you think he'd be able to control it? but even if he got it, i don't think he'd be able to like, not use it, you know? then he'd kill everyone he comes in contact with and the police would have to take notice of it.

yeah, that girl's power is pretty cool. it's like charlie's from season 1 (i forgot. did hiro ever save her? cause i remember him going back in time to stop her death and then my mind is totally blank to what happened next). but is it with just tv or is it can it work with reading and stuff? what if she watched a show like....superman or something? would she be able to use their powers? (i know it's a stupid question, but i think it's a legitimate one)

even though we have all these questions, at least we finally have one answered. the guy that's been scaring molly is matt's dad! (i kinda saw that coming, but still, pretty cool)

oh, and who else thought that it was funny that the guy that maya, sylar, and alejandro were riding with stole the car he was driving from claire?

10-18-2007, 04:40 AM
Re: The Superman thing, I dunno, but I get the feeling that she could only gain a skill from watching something on television if it's something really real and not from a made-up script (even if it's something one of the Heroes could do.) Which meant that if she were somehow able to watch one of the Heroes doing one of their powers on television, I think she would gain that ability. But if she watched an FX showing of Dr. Dolittle, she's not suddenly gonna be able to talk with the animals.

matt damon
10-18-2007, 04:49 AM
Re: The Superman thing, I dunno, but I get the feeling that she could only gain a skill from watching something on television if it's something really real and not from a made-up script (even if it's something one of the Heroes could do.) Which meant that if she were somehow able to watch one of the Heroes doing one of their powers on television, I think she would gain that ability. But if she watched an FX showing of Dr. Dolittle, she's not suddenly gonna be able to talk with the animals.

but she watched wrestling. ba-zing!!

lol, seriously though, what you say makes sense. that'd be pretty cool and it's definitely a possibility that the writers could explore. but what do you think about sylar and what i said?

10-18-2007, 04:59 AM
So what about Sylar, eh? But, as stated, it doesn't seem as if he has the ability to take any powers right now, though. But man, if he did get that power. As it was, I about flipped when I thought he had gotten "Candice"'s power --- I did not want him to have that.

He probably got Candice's power, at least thats what I beilive. If you remeber, when Hiro went to the future (and Claire was already saved) Saylar had the ability. It seems that everything is repeating itself when it comes to Sylar, the only difference is that NY didnt go BOOM.

I think that she can only do things that are physically possible to normal humans. So she wont be another Sylar or another Pete.

I love Sylar's actor!! He is awesome!! R.I.P. Derik :-P

10-19-2007, 01:01 AM
He probably got Candice's power, at least thats what I beilive. If you remeber, when Hiro went to the future (and Claire was already saved) Saylar had the ability. It seems that everything is repeating itself when it comes to Sylar, the only difference is that NY didnt go BOOM.
Hmm, I wonder. There is a part of me that does think that he got it and just isn't capable of using it right now. However, it's also possible that while he's in this state, he can't absorb anyone else's powers.

but she watched wrestling. ba-zing!!
:) LOL

if sylar got the twin's powers, do you think he'd be able to control it? but even if he got it, i don't think he'd be able to like, not use it, you know? then he'd kill everyone he comes in contact with and the police would have to take notice of it.
I dunno, the one twin's the one that makes it happen, the other "takes the blackness" --- so what if he absorbed both?

I think that she can only do things that are physically possible to normal humans. So she wont be another Sylar or another Pete.
Which still has the potential to make her pretty durn powerful. There's a lot of things us regular humans can do.

Oh, BTW, there's a poll at the newest TWoP recap asking what you would do if you had her her power. The top response at around 32%? "Watch a lot of cartoons." So looks like some people at least hope that her ability could extend to that.

matt damon
10-20-2007, 09:21 AM
ok, but here's the definitive question: does her power only work with tv? i mean, if she sees things happening in real life in front of her, can she learn that? or does it have to be played on a screen for her to learn?

10-20-2007, 10:08 AM
I guess, we just dont know for now. Next episode she would be watching the Matrix :-P

10-24-2007, 05:17 AM
So, a "copycat," eh? And she can absorb skills just by watching other people, it doesn't have to be on television. Yep, this looks to be one interesting power. Pretty wild, though, with the company sending Mohinder after all.

Oh, and ROKI, have you heard about something, I think it's called "Sylar's Nation?" I read about it recently, a dedicated Sylar fangroup.

10-24-2007, 12:56 PM
Episode 5 brought up a lot of interesting points this time. Seeing Mat and Nathan fighting each other was a great scene, which created a mystery behind Mat's powers.

Too bad there was not much improvment on Peter and Niki.

Oh, and ROKI, have you heard about something, I think it's called "Sylar's Nation?" I read about it recently, a dedicated Sylar fangroup.

Cant say I have. Although it would be cool, Im a fan of Sylar myself!

I cant find anything by Googling though :(

10-24-2007, 06:43 PM
Wait, hang on, yeah, I think I remember now it was called something else... yeah, Sylar's Army. Try that.

10-24-2007, 07:04 PM yep thats right

matt damon
10-25-2007, 03:52 AM
ok, having just watched the episode, i'm ready to discuss.

monica's powers are becoming cooler and cooler by the minute. but i still wonder if she can copy powers. i mean, she saw micah use his, and yet she didn't try to use it, nor did she even aknowledge that she had copied it.

and i thought that at the end of last season, nikki was able to integrate with her other personality (i forgot the name). so why is she seeking help?

peter's story arc is getting interesting. that girl is pretty cool. i thought her powers were just gonna be like, weak bolts of energy, but she can really blast it.

no sylar, twins, or claire in this episode, which is a dissapointment. i want to learn more about them, especially the twins and sylar.

and what are the powers of keito and angela?! i hope they tell us and they don't do some lame copout where they "keep the fans guessing" or something.

10-25-2007, 04:26 AM
I just reallisted that the "power blast" power Peter used in the end of the very first episode is the same power of the girl that killed Rikky!! (the irish guy)

matt damon
10-25-2007, 04:36 AM
yeah, i noticed that to. but to me, peter's blast was weak, only like 3 electricty bolts. hers, however, is much stronger. she shoots like a giant beam.

10-25-2007, 06:12 PM
Yeah, but dont forget that Peter does not really have full control over his powers yet. The only time we saw him having full control was in the future.

And Im guessing that the company had taken Peter after the bomb insitent. That could explain why nobody knew about him (as the only "good" guy who ever was in the company was Bennet), why he has the Haitian's necklate (The Haitian was still in the company) and why he has that girl's power.

10-25-2007, 06:46 PM
Interesting speculation. I read that we are going to be finding out more soon about what exactly happened then, so maybe we'll learn if that's true or not then.

matt damon
10-25-2007, 07:40 PM
speaking of the company, i thought it was a freakin' secret. everyone seems to know what it is and where it is, cause nikki was able to just waltz right in. i mean, i guess you could explain it with the events of last season, but still....

10-26-2007, 04:23 AM
Niki was working for the company, because she was working for Linderman. Dont forget that at the last episode, everyone was met in the company's headquarters.

matt damon
10-26-2007, 04:27 AM
oh yeah...see, i thought that, but still....

Mr E. Stalker
10-26-2007, 04:30 AM
Hayden Penettiere is hot.

10-26-2007, 05:11 AM
oh yeah...see, i thought that, but still....

But still isnt everyone connected to it?
Mat learned from Bennet in the last Season.
Mohinder worked there in the last season too. (to help Molly)
Nathan would know from his mother or Mat/Linderman.
Claire would know from Bennet too.

Hiro, Peter and Ando dont seem to really know about it though. But then again, the company may be looking for Peter, and Hiro's dad was in the company too

Personally, I think that the company will have much more to do in this season. :/

matt damon
10-26-2007, 05:28 AM
that's good, cause i've been wondering what exactly the company was.

i think that the boy that claire likes is part of the company. or, at the least, is bad.

10-26-2007, 07:45 PM
So you think this whole thing of him saying that he was abducted by the guy with the horn-rimmed glasses is just him messing with her mind?

10-26-2007, 08:36 PM
I doubt that. West has the scars after all, and we all know that Bennet was the one doing the hunting in the company

10-27-2007, 12:32 AM
Oh yeah, I forgot that he has the scars.

And yeah, Hayden is hot. She's also a bright young talent. So is her brother, Jansen (a bright young talent, that is.) Let's hope they both stick around and don't fade away like so many like them have done.

matt damon
10-27-2007, 09:40 PM
i think hayden is here to stay. she's been gaining popularity steadily over the years and since being in heroes, everyone seems to know who she is. the only thing i worry for her is being typecast as the "blond cheerleader"

10-28-2007, 12:00 AM
Heroes is on G4 right now. They're doing a marathon of the first season.

10-31-2007, 02:04 PM
Anyone else was dissapointed by the fact tha the show seems to focus on save-the-NY once again?

10-31-2007, 03:32 PM
Not really. I smell a really huge plot twist down the line. This season is obviously not going to cover an entire year of continuity to reach the point Peter traveled to, so it's pretty likely that action will be taken to prevent that future and will lead into something radically different.

Hex Omega
10-31-2007, 03:50 PM
Heroes, lol

11-04-2007, 04:32 AM
Wow, some people will watch anything.

11-04-2007, 05:07 AM
I agree with Prak, it's a red herring.

Wow, some people will watch anything.
... ... ... ... ...

matt damon
11-04-2007, 07:16 AM
Wow, some people will watch anything that is good.

matt damon
11-06-2007, 04:31 AM
so the new episode has just been aired and i think that it is definitely the best one so far. do not read you have not seen the episode cause spoilers.

so as soon as niki injected herself with the virus, i knew that claire was gonna be needed. again with the "save the cheerleader, save the world"?

i did not see the whole kensei/adam thing coming at all. when i saw that, i was like, "WHAAAAAAT?!?!?!?!?!!!!?!!!!!!"

speaking of kensei, poor hiro. but to be honest, i thought that their feelings were developed rather quickly and they seemed really shallow.

mohinder is becoming so bad!! noah warned him and look, it happened. he's becoming so twisted and his beliefs are being warped.

(on a side note, do the actors that play....oh damn it, i forgot their names....the two hispanic characters. oh! mya and.....alejandro? whatever. the point is, do they speak english or do they really only speak spanish with the girl speaking english with that heavy spanish accent?)

11-06-2007, 05:19 AM
I imagine that they probably both speak English. That's just my wild guess, though.

Anyway, yeah, great episode, and yes, that whole Adam thing was wild.

And next week's episode is gonna be really cool, we find out all the stuff about what happened after Peter went boom up in the sky.

Of course, depending on how long this writer's strike thingy lasts, this show could eventually be going dark.

11-06-2007, 06:06 AM
There are written episodes until the 3rd episode of December. The writer has time to solve the problem out. :/

matt damon
11-06-2007, 06:16 AM
i know! damn strike. i heard on the news that if it's too long, then they will air an alternate version of either this or next weeks episode that will serve as the season finale

11-06-2007, 06:29 AM
The 3rd episode of December would be the one to serve as the Season finale. This season was supposed to be divided into 3 story arcs,and "Generations", the first arc, would end on that episode

11-06-2007, 03:30 PM
Overall, I was really happy with last night's episode. It's nice to see the show coming out of its slump after all this time.

I pegged the Adam=Kensei thing last week though, and was certain of it about halfway through this one.

So is anyone else bummed about the Origins spinoff being cancelled?

11-06-2007, 03:38 PM
It was canceled? It was only logical, but im disappointed :(

11-06-2007, 04:18 PM
Yeah, it was announced at least a week or two ago that Origins had been axed.

11-06-2007, 04:51 PM
I didn't hear about Origins being canceled, interesting. Yeah, that's a bummer.

11-06-2007, 07:39 PM
I've just seen the last episode and all I have to say is wow! It is the best episode so far. There were just so many twists, and such a development in the story that really had me hooked up until the last second.

What is interesting to notice is that by stopping the bomb in last season, they actually created a worse alternative world. Stopping the bomb was Future Hiro's worst mistake.

I was sure that Kensei would play a deeper role than just a warrior in the past, though. I was convinced from the day I saw him that he would come to the present, but I did not see the Adam=Kensei coming.

matt damon
11-06-2007, 08:54 PM
is the world worse off by them stopping the bomb? sure, people are dying, but in the bomb world, people were hunted down and most likely put into contentration camp like places, and the whole world lives in fear and sylar still terrorizes and is almost unstoppable.

origins was canceled? why?! it semed like it was going to be good. oh well, now we have nothing to look foward to during the 3 month hiatus.

11-06-2007, 09:00 PM
is the world worse off by them stopping the bomb? sure, people are dying, but in the bomb world, people were hunted down and most likely put into contentration camp like places, and the whole world lives in fear and sylar still terrorizes and is almost unstoppable.

I actually forgot the whole hunting situation. But on the other hand, you can say that in the alternative future, everybody is suffering the consequences, and not only people with abilities. The whole world. Sure Sylar is a tyrant who terrorizes everyone, but still he is just one person. At some point, he will die. Where in the other hand, the virus will live on, and it could affect generations to come, as well as "take out whole species" as Mohinder said. So I believe that it is worse than the bomb going off.

11-06-2007, 09:00 PM
We may not have anything to look forward to for longer still if this writers strike is drawn out.

11-06-2007, 09:03 PM
You are right, Prak. Still, we can live with the hope that they will find a solution in the following month. :/

11-06-2007, 10:22 PM
We may not have anything to look forward to for longer still if this writers strike is drawn out.

for what it's worth, i think that tim kring said that this season was going to be split into two volumes, unlike the last which was all one. also, i believe i heard that the rest of this volume's writing was finished and they just needed to finish shooting, so at least we should have some closure by episode eleven.

we'll just have to wait longer for the next volume :(

edit - ok apparently that was pretty much covered in this thread. whoops!

11-13-2007, 01:25 PM
So, anyone saw Heroes last night? This episode was great, but its too bad that I figured out most of the stuff going on. :/

11-13-2007, 02:27 PM
I think this episode was the best episode of the entire season so far. If they had started it off like this it would have been better instead of dragging things out unnecessarily.

Huzzah for Adam. I am in conflict over him though. If he truly evil? Is he actually good? He still wants to make Hiro suffer so he's gotta be up to something nasty. But.... 400 years, you'd think a bloke would be over something as trivial as a woman by then.

I think I'm just going to adopt a House-ism from now on in relation to Heroes and come to the conclusion that everyone lies.

11-13-2007, 07:47 PM
Oh, of course I watched! And yeah, great stuff. Elle is truly twisted, she's going to make for an interesting character. And Maya, erm, interesting --- I didn't realize she had killed that many people. Oh, D.L, poor guy. A true hero.

Huzzah for Adam. I am in conflict over him though. If he truly evil?
I'm with evil all the way. The guy is mad twisted, and here's hoping Peter figures it out fast.

If they had started it off like this it would have been better instead of dragging things out unnecessarily.
Tim Kring has basically said the same ( in a widely discussed interview.

Three episodes left till end of season, unless something happens on this strike thingy! Tick tock, tick tock!

11-13-2007, 09:59 PM
i think that DL's death was pretty stupid, but other than that it was a really good episode

11-13-2007, 11:59 PM
Oh, of course I watched! And yeah, great stuff. Elle is truly twisted, she's going to make for an interesting character.

To tell the truth, I do not like her. Tim has the hobby of always putting a female character helping the company. First it was Eden ( one my favorite characters of season 1) and then Candice. I just get annoyed of the way more and more characters can just come out of the company to help them.

I'm with evil all the way. The guy is mad twisted, and here's hoping Peter figures it out fast.

Yeah, but cool evil :P It seems Hiro has found a rival, for the first time!

matt damon
11-14-2007, 06:31 AM
man, i really liked eden. i wanted her to stick around more.

11-16-2007, 05:03 AM
What does Peter say to Nathan when he's blowing up?

"... You can fly, I can't... [something something]"

I couldn't really make out what he said, and was confused... why didn't Pete just fly himself anyway?

11-16-2007, 05:19 AM
Tell ya' what. It's supposed to repeat on G4, I'll catch it and find out what it is if somebody hasn't already posted it by then.

11-18-2007, 04:07 AM
All right, I checked it. It's like you said, Peter did say "You can fly, I can't." Nathan asked him what he meant, he said "It's taking all my power, everything in me, not to explode." So basically, Peter couldn't fly himself because he didn't have any power left at the time.

11-19-2007, 09:03 PM
ohhh! coolio. thanks!

11-20-2007, 05:42 AM
:) No prob.

So how about tonight's show, huh? Wild. So it's Adam that's killing off the Elderheroes. Didn't see it coming, I bet a lot of people didn't. But this would seem to support the idea that he's evil --- he's certainly out for revenge anyway.

West? Still wacky, but he's definitely looking out for Claire. And how about Matt, huh? He's really starting to come into his ability, though from what I could tell, he knew not to cross the line. And Hiro, man, some stuff is gonna go down with him.

Man, just two episodes left unless the writers thing gets worked out.

Oh, BTW? The post-show on G4. Great stuff. They get actual cast-members on the show and have some inside info and stuff. It's a great program.

11-20-2007, 07:59 PM
Bob said it was Adam that was killing the elders two episodes ago!

Also, the ending was a real twist. Why did they use Claire's blood for him?

West is becoming more involving, which i find a god thing.

Sylar on the other hand seems to be out of this story ark :(

11-20-2007, 08:05 PM

I was rather pissed about Noah not being dead. I mean, on the one hand, I really do like the character and don't want him gone, but having him get shot in the face and brought back to life, especially after all the build-up toward his death, is just plain lame.

But on the other hand, it was a really major episode for Hiro, and more Hiro is always good. Hiro + Sulu = Good times all around.

Agent, Matt did cross the line. After all that Angela told him about how he would become his father if he forced the truth from her, he still did it to get that final name.

11-20-2007, 10:03 PM
Did he? I didn't catch that. Did they reveal it then? What was that final name?

11-20-2007, 10:19 PM
At the end of the episode, he had put a new post-it on the picture showing her name: Victoria Pratt.

11-21-2007, 04:00 AM
Well, that's a good catch. I missed it and so do the guy who writes for the show at TWoP, apparently; he seems to think too that Matt didn't get the info.

11-21-2007, 05:39 AM
haha! I actually saw the new 'Victoria Pratt' post-it on the picture too! But the next thought that came into my mind was "Shalimar" from Mutant X - I couldn't help it when a part of my mind yelled out "cross-over!". Oh, I hope not though.

11-21-2007, 05:52 AM
I did miss Victoria Pratt too! So she, Angela, Bob and Mat's father are the only alive ones.

I was not that pissed about Bennet being alive. I was rather surprised as of why they brought him back.

11-21-2007, 06:25 AM
[spoilers?? sleep deprived induced bad grammer?? no cookies??]

That is a mystery. Who knows? Company property? Maybe Mohinder convinced Bob to do it? Though it seemed Bob was the one with the plan to bring Noah back; since he drained some of Claire's blood before the swap took place. And the company had all the paintings before hand, so I'm thinking they still need Bennett for a job - possibly related to Kensei/Adam. Perhaps it wasn't a coincidence that he was assigned Clair to bring up, who also has the regen powers (which was kinda weirdly referenced to near the end of the episode by Bob in his mini-monologue).

It was a good episode overall, I thought. Though at this point, Kensei being the mystery killer wasn't as big of a suprise if compared to the amount of info we had two or three episodes ago. After the whole "I reign destruction over your life 4eva!" dialogue, most people figured it out.

The first time we saw Hiro's dad take the plunge, I thought killer would be female for some reason.

Matt's a good guy, I think... I hope. He has Molly as a guiding conscience.

Ah well. It was good way to end my lab-filled day.

11-21-2007, 05:06 PM
I wasn't pissed about Bennet being alive, mainly because I had a suspicion that he wasn't really going to be dead, based on some info I had read before.

11-23-2007, 02:00 PM
I really enjoyed this episode.

There's one thing I'm really wondering. Although some may see it as a let down to have Noah being revived like that. My question is why would the company revive him, when Bob knows he's there to destroy the company? There has to be more to Noah than meets the eye (duh!). And maybe his resurrection is the act of Suresh alone, who knows. I'm really looking forward to how all this will evolve from there.

11-23-2007, 11:16 PM
I don't watch Heroes. But I have to say Hayden Panettiere is super fine.

11-24-2007, 06:58 AM
Her 'angry scenes' come across as annoying to me. So I don't recommend watching the show if it's for catching a glimpse of her.

11-27-2007, 05:11 PM
So the streak of good episodes continues unabated.


I cannot even begin to say how happy I am that one of the twins is finally dead. Sylar's plot so far this season has been pretty crap, but it's finally becoming interesting. He actually didn't seem particularly villainous in the first season, but Quinto seems to be developing a much more sinister screen presence, which is really awesome.

Mohinder continues to be lame, of course, but I am feeling a bit better about Bennet being alive.

And what a seriously annoying place to end the episode!

11-27-2007, 08:18 PM
It seems that many characters will meet up in Texas. Sylar finally starts to be interesting. My theory is that the company was experimenting with the virus on Sylar, and Mohinder will probably cure him with Claire's blood.

11-27-2007, 10:28 PM
I saw a lot of crazy theories as to why HRG was brought back to life. As it turned out, there was a simple answer (which I never saw suggested anywhere), that he simply was a convenient test subject for the regenerative properties of Claire's blood.

11-28-2007, 04:46 AM
[spoilers maybe]

I really doubt that's the only answer for bringing Bennet back since they're keeping his family in the dark even now - I think Bennet plays a much bigger roll than guinea pig.

Also, I was kinda hoping Sylar would have some kind of internal struggle due to the presence of Maya. But, him showing no remorse makes his character even more malevolent.

AND what was up with the ending? That was SO crap! Not only was it an annoying scene to cut at (as Prak said), but jeez.. Communication boys! What happened to the trust? (They should have cut at the "Hiro? .... Peter Petrelli? ...." and NOT extend to the "Then you have[FALLEN TO TA DARK SIDE? NO WAIYAAAAAAAAA!]aaaAA!"

11-28-2007, 05:11 AM
Yeah, I also thought that Hiro acting like this was out of character.

Even Peter looked at him with a "WTF" look in his face.

11-28-2007, 05:24 AM
I really doubt that's the only answer for bringing Bennet back since they're keeping his family in the dark even now - I think Bennet plays a much bigger roll than guinea pig.
Sometimes the simplest answer is the truth, though you're right, the family in the dark doesn't entirely make sense if he is just the guinea pig.

11-28-2007, 05:26 AM
yeah, I also thought your proposal of the simplest answer made alot of sense until I recalled the whole Bob with the jar charade.

Also, when did Peter's weapon of choice suddenly become lightning? I'm pretty sure he could keep Adam/Kensei safe with his less splash damaging telekinesis, or even the phasing thing...

Maybe Peter's getting less passive than before.

11-28-2007, 05:27 AM
And since when did lightning become his weapon of choice?

What is supposed to be wrong with that?

11-28-2007, 05:34 AM
So everybody hear liked this episode on the whole? I've seen several complaints that it was a reversion to form of most of the rest of the season on the whole. Though personally I wasn't entirely satisfied with it, I generally liked it.

11-28-2007, 05:48 AM
"Four Months Ago" was probably my favorite episode this season (so far) but I think this episode also ranks pretty high as well (some plot is smoothed out but not without adding some more). It's opening up for some special storytelling for sure.

11-28-2007, 02:43 PM
Oh, don't get me wrong, Agent. I do have problems with it. Elle's utterly absurd appearance near the end. Hiro's unreasonable aggression toward Peter. Bennet's story in general. Niki's story in general. The stupid turn Monica's story has taken.

But there was enough there that clicked for me to forgive the material that didn't.

11-29-2007, 12:01 AM
I love the show. I've been tuning in every week since its 1st episode.

I must say this season had been a little weird for me. I at first I was a little upset with hiros story and the lack of development from sylar. I hate the character related to mika (forgot her name). I feel her storyline is pointless and took a turn for the worse this week.

This episode was great for me. I thought the way sylar is manipulating maya is great. The hiro storyline is actually turning out to be great. Can't wait to see how his confrontation with peter is going to turn out. Claire has been less interesting this season. Also want to see how suresh turns out and what he accomplishes. Its just sad because the writer strike imo hurt the overall development of season 2. I would like to see how it would have been if this strike never took place.

11-29-2007, 12:13 AM
How it would have been if the strike didn't happen: Exactly the same as it is right now. Since the only episode due to change is the mid-season one (they managed to write a script for this episode just before the strike). Which will become the end of the second chapter (Generation) if the strike isn't resolved soon.

11-29-2007, 12:18 AM
How it would have been if the strike didn't happen: Exactly the same as it is right now. Since the only episode due to change is the mid-season one (they managed to write a script for this episode just before the strike). Which will become the end of the second chapter (Generation) if the strike isn't resolved soon.

I don't know for sure but I think it would have been fleshed out a lot better because of the amount of episodes left. I was really interested in seeing heroes origins too.

11-29-2007, 12:57 AM
Basically, all they had to do is change the last episode before the break so it wouldn't feel like it ended in the middle of something important. The rest of the story will go unchanged. It was already planned for this season to include 2 chapters of the story.

11-29-2007, 03:24 PM
Correct. This arc was always intended to end next week, even before the strike. They've just rewritten it a bit to accommodate for the second arc not picking up right where it leaves off. For the most part, however, this arc will resolve as it was always meant to.

12-01-2007, 05:10 AM
Not to say this is correct, but I read and heard (from various websites and podcasts) that they altered the last few episodes quite a bit due to the strike. The arc was meant to continue longer, but due to the strike (or possibly the looming strike) they changed it up to wrap it up. Needless to say originaly it wa s planned for this arc to go through an entire normal season length, but was shortened due to the strike.

12-02-2007, 04:07 AM
You heard wrong. It was announced long before this season even started airing that it would be split into two arcs.

12-02-2007, 03:21 PM
Well, first episode finally aired on terrestrial here in Malaysia today. And because I didn't know it was airing, I missed the first 50 minutes. The 10 minutes I caught was pretty confusing tho. And it doesn't look to be in a format of shows I'd watch.

So, convince me to like the show.

12-02-2007, 07:04 PM
If you caught only 10 minutes, you probably will be pretty confused, because you really need to know what's happening in the rest of the show in order to make sense. Oh, and you know what episode it was that you saw?

As for why you should like the show? Because although it's about people with superpower abilities, it's actually mainly a character drama, with plots focusing on family affairs, people struggling to make tough moral decisions, etc. It's also very well-written, most of the time anyway, and when they do the superpowers, a lot of the special effects are very cool.

12-03-2007, 04:43 AM
'k. I'll try to catch the next episode in it's entirety next Sunday. Hopefully I'll be able to understand it better.

12-03-2007, 04:52 AM
All right. And as for the first, you might want to do what I suggested and try one of the many available recap sites to read up on exactly what happened.

12-03-2007, 05:00 AM
They also have the current season on the station websites through broadband. (I've caught most of my local TV through this due to late classes)

12-04-2007, 04:06 AM
Wow. Well, okay, they stopped the virus, but... things aren't exactly looking great. Niki's dead, Peter's dead and Sylar has his powers back. And the next chapter is called "Villains" (wooooo.) A hero's path is a hard one...

12-04-2007, 05:30 AM
Any episode with Peter in it is a good one.

*spoilers... maybe*

the 'maybe' cause I was watching this on the other side of the room with a TV with rabbit ears covered in tin foil.

The brotherly bond that trumps everything else was quite moving, and it was so disheartening to see Nathan get shot... twice. Maybe Pete will be able to revive him again with his blood? (I wonder how long the healing effect lasts for? It seems that abilities can be swaped through blood for a short period of time [recall: Mohinder's cure])

The whole New Orleans plot seems kinda weak the whole way through. Also, I don't think they need another character who can do what other people can do.

Just a couple fuzzy things though: does Peter feel something bad after he incinerates the vile? Or is he just feeling relieved?

And where was Adam/Kensei at the end? For a second I thought Hiro would transport him onto the moon. silly.

12-04-2007, 05:38 AM
*spoilers... maybe*
I assume spoilers are implied by the nature of the thread and, obviously, if people haven't seen the episode yet, they shouldn't read too closely.

The brotherly bond that trumps everything else was quite moving, and it was so disheartening to see Nathan get shot... twice. Maybe Pete will be able to revive him again with his blood? (I wonder how long the healing effect lasts for? It seems that abilities can be swaped through blood for a short period of time [recall: Mohinder's cure])
I was wondering if he could be revived too. But it seems to me the Company would take care of that. I get the feeling Peter is well-and-truly dead.

The whole New Orleans plot seems kinda weak the whole way through. Also, I don't think they need another character who can do what other people can do.
Yeah, I didn't really see why we needed to endure the Niki, Micah and Monica show in this episode.

Just a couple fuzzy things though: does Peter feel something bad after he incinerates the vile? Or is he just feeling relieved?
I'm thinking just relieved.

And where was Adam/Kensei at the end? For a second I thought Hiro would transport him onto the moon. silly.
Looked to me like he was buried alive.

12-04-2007, 05:45 AM
wow! thanks for answering to all that.

huu.. The buried alive thing is terrifying in itself... but I can't stop thinking if Kensei pulls off a "kill bill", he'll be more mad than ever.

12-04-2007, 04:31 PM
Agent... Just for the record, NATHAN is dead.

12-04-2007, 04:44 PM
Frankly, I'm willing to forgive the entire New Orleans plot simply because Niki's death is the best Christmas present I can imagine getting from a tv show.

12-04-2007, 04:53 PM
Agent... Just for the record, NATHAN is dead.
I know. I got the name wrong, but I knew in my head which it was.

Frankly, I'm willing to forgive the entire New Orleans plot simply because Niki's death is the best Christmas present I can imagine getting from a tv show.

12-04-2007, 05:38 PM
I know you do. And I know you do this mistake because you think Peter is an older name and Nathan is more fited for a cadet.

Figure Fan
12-04-2007, 07:51 PM
I was pretty happy to see Niki go, too.

I'm just tired of seeing this show get good then have it drop right back down to build up again. It's pretty annoying, and nothing important ever seems to happen that isn't just ret-conned in the next episode.

12-04-2007, 08:28 PM
I'm not going to count Niki out permanently yet. She could survive if she has an invulnerable alterself (haha!). I think Micah's gonna end up an insane child.

Alternatively, Niki could pull off a stupid, like what they did for DL... that whole "DL came back afterwards but nobody knew about it until the flashback!" was unnessarily confusing. And then he had to die again! But this time without the self-sacrifice and with additional 'lame'. And did I make it clear that it was all in a flashback?

The most likely thing to bring her back will be Mohinder's upgraded magic blood.

I didn't exactly want to see Niki go, but after getting caught in that blast... well...

I hope I'm not a bad person.

12-05-2007, 05:18 AM
They also have the current season on the station websites through broadband. (I've caught most of my local TV through this due to late classes)
Well, I'm not sure they'll allow me to watch those because I'm from outside the US.

I forgot that my sister has torrented the first 18 episodes however, although I haven't touched the DVDs yet. I'll probably go through the ep before the next episode airs.

12-05-2007, 07:14 AM
I don't see how Niki can come back --- that was a freakin' explosion! I'm not sure there's even a body left.

Anyway, is there any doubt now, as if there was ever really any before, that Angela Petrelli is one cold mother? Ordered her own son offed and once again, was totally cool with potentially seeing the other be killed too.

Oh, and regarding Adam, I offer the following from Albus Dumbledore of the Harry Potter books -- "You know, the Stone was really not such a wonderful thing. As much money and life as you could want! The two things most human beings would choose above all - the trouble is, humans do have a knack of choosing precisely those things which are worst for them."

Okay, so maybe Adam wasn't after money, but living for so long definitely wasn't a good thing for him. It twisted him even more than he was before. Man, imagine living that long...

12-05-2007, 08:09 AM
the amount of blood sharing in this show isn't very... hygienic

Also, I truly believe that Peter/Nathan's father is the true villain of the show (phone call at end!)

12-05-2007, 09:17 AM
Random thought to toss out... Does Sylar have Candice's power? See, everything I've seen so far seems to indicate that people think he does. But I'm still not entirely convinced. I'm not sure he could acquire any powers in his muted state because the virus canceled out his power, and that would seem to me to include the ability to take others as well. And if he did still have it, then why didn't he just take Maya's right away? (Other than the possibility that he was just rattled and didn't think he had it.)

12-05-2007, 04:40 PM
I'm not entirely conviced that he has Candice's power either. But, I think he kept Maya around as insurance for when he greets Mohinder (or maybe to confuse him?). But I think the main worry now would be if he has Clair's power. Does it work if he witnesses the blood doing its work on himself, but not the brain of the victim?

12-05-2007, 04:57 PM
I'm not entirely conviced that he has Candice's power either.
Glad to know it's not just me.

But, I think he kept Maya around as insurance for when he greets Mohinder (or maybe to confuse him?).
Yeah, I'll agree to that.

But I think the main worry now would be if he has Clair's power. Does it work if he witnesses the blood doing its work on himself, but not the brain of the victim?
Hrm. Well, well, I dunno. I don't think so. And the effect of the blood certainly doesn't seem to be permanent, given what happened to Nathan.

One other random thought... so Peter's little girlfriend from Ireland... what's up with her? Now that the time/space continuum is righted, or whatever, does she return automatically to his time? Or is she trapped in a rogue future that no longer exists?

12-05-2007, 07:41 PM
oh wow! yeah! I didn't even think about that! Peter will probably feel really bad if he believes he put her into non existence.

The only possible way to bring her back again would be to release another virus.. or to pluck her out of the past before they went into the future... or to jump back to the time before he destroys the virus and jump to the future again before coming back to the part where he destroys the virus and back to the present...

...time is messy. I don't think I want to go into that too much.

12-05-2007, 10:16 PM
Whenever I see messy discussions about time-travel, there's a quote from Star Trek: Voyager I always think of... Janeway: "Time travel. From my first day on the job as captain I promised myself I'd never let myself get caught up in one of these God-forsaken paradoxes. The future's the past, the past is the future. It all gives me a headache."

12-06-2007, 07:32 AM
That's a good quote.

Also, I'm not sure if anyone has seen this, but it's a parody called 'Zeroes'. It made me laugh, but that may be due to lack of sleep rather than a high degree of hilarity.

12-06-2007, 03:55 PM
I'll have to check it out later, once I'm on a decent computer to view it.

Anyway, as far as an actual answer goes regarding Peter's girlfriend... although I'm hoping the quality of the show continues to remain good, it would not surprise me at all if they simply drop the plotline and hope we forget it about it. That wouldn't be smart, though, because they should know by now that we have a long memory.

12-06-2007, 05:11 PM
The easiest way to check if she's survived would be to go check with Molly. But, I don't think she would find Caitlen, since she wouldn't "be anywhere" for about a year.

12-10-2007, 11:59 PM
Here's an interview ( with Milo Ventimiglia regarding the possible end of the season, and that they ran out of stuff to shoot. He's saying he's hoping Nathan is alive. Personally, I'm hoping he's not. I feel it loses all impact if he isn't dead, and he's already come back from nearly being radiated to a crisp anyway. And I'd be interested to see where the show goes and the Peter character with him being dead.

12-11-2007, 02:31 PM
Its da best thing on telly of 07, the story is engaging and the plot twists never get too predictable, anyone got any news on what happens in series 2

12-11-2007, 02:32 PM
Agent... Just for the record, NATHAN is dead.


12-11-2007, 02:34 PM
the amount of blood sharing in this show isn't very... hygienic

Also, I truly believe that Peter/Nathan's father is the true villain of the show (phone call at end!)

NO WAY i'm the onion kid

12-11-2007, 04:59 PM
You know, you can edit a previous post if you have something else to add, and please, learn some formatting and spelling.

12-11-2007, 07:31 PM
I second that request.

I find there's alot of symbolism in Heroes, and one of the symbols that might play a big part is one that has been 'removed' .

Nathan and Peter were originally created to be twins. We have seen several characters deal with loss (Ando/Hiro/Future Hiro; DL/family), including how Nathan deals with Peter's supposed death. I think it will be more interesting to see how Peter reacts to Nathan's assassination rather than Nathan's brush with death (which has already happened).

Peter pretty much has nobody that's right beside him now (well, Matt's on his team - but I don't think their history is too smooth), and the next closet significant figure is back to... -enter Sylar?

12-12-2007, 09:43 AM
NO WAY i'm the onion kid


12-12-2007, 06:00 PM
Happy because your ass got banned.

12-12-2007, 06:48 PM
Happy because your ass got banned.

God, that's a wonderful news.

Thanks to anyone who is responsible for that.

12-15-2007, 11:55 AM
Niki is not dead... Not until we see her dark, crispy and burned corpse.

01-01-2008, 09:34 AM
I just acquired the first season and have been watching it like mad the last few days (on episdoe 15 or so) and I think it's pretty fantastic, but I haven't read any of the read since it's too spoiler-dangerous.



01-01-2008, 11:40 AM
I also got it last week for $20 bucks.

I was debating on either buying Chicken Robot season 2 for $24.99
The Simpsons Movie for $20 bucks

01-01-2008, 10:08 PM
Wattson, any general thoughts on what you have seen of it? Favorite/disliked characters? Overall likes/dislikes?

01-02-2008, 02:07 AM
well I just finished it an hour or so ago...
It is extremely similar to x-men, which is the reason I got sucked in so much I think, but it also does things its own way which is why it's a nice change. However, I think the Sylar "fight" at the end of the season would've been cooler with a bit more length to it and seeing stuff like Niki and Peter work together against him more. I got the sense that the whole series was leading up to all the characters getting together and fighting sylar/stopping the explosion, and while that happened, it could've been more... X-men, I guess. I also don't understand why Hiro thought his one stab was enough to finish off Sylar but oh well.

Hiro is by far my favorite character, I don't see how he could not be anyone's favorite. :P I really like Peter as well and I hope/assume that him exploding doesn't mean he's gone from the series. Other than that I really generally like everyone, except for characters like Parkman's fbi "partner" who is a bitch and you aren't supposed to really like anyways? I also wish Sylar had been killed because, I dunno, I feel like his character is done and that there isn't much more they can do with him without just making him more insanely powerful.

01-02-2008, 02:19 AM
I really like Peter as well and I hope/assume that him exploding doesn't mean he's gone from the series.

If you remember the episode "Five Years Later" properly, you'll realise that even though Peter did 'explode' in that timeline, he was still around. Thanks to Claire's ability he absorbed to her contact.

01-02-2008, 05:01 AM
Or if you remember the episode where Invisible Claude pushed him off the roof.

01-02-2008, 07:43 AM
It's still possible for claire and him to die as they've both done it once. It's not inconcievable that exploding would cause his body to seperate too much to repair itself.... but it's more likely it was just an explosin of radiation being sent out from him.

01-02-2008, 04:04 PM
Well, I think what Hynad is driving at is that we already saw in "Five Years Later" that it was possible for him to survive the explosion.

01-02-2008, 07:32 PM
Well, I think what Hynad is driving at is that we already saw in "Five Years Later" that it was possible for him to survive the explosion.

Yeah, but in that timeline he was on the ground when he exploded.
MY POINT IS is that if they wanted to remove him it would have been easy enough to do so but I'm gald they didn't.

Gonna start season 2 in a few minutes~

01-11-2008, 11:33 AM
God, that's a wonderful news.

Thanks to anyone who is responsible for that.

namly u i suppose, well at least youve switched ur image slightly so im not having to stare at supermans crotch all the time

01-11-2008, 05:35 PM
namly u i suppose, well at least youve switched ur image slightly so im not having to stare at supermans crotch all the time

You should really consider asking yourself about your sexuality.

01-13-2008, 04:02 PM
Just finished watching what they've shown so far of season 2. Although it had a pretty shaky start it found it's place and some of the episodes were awesome.

However, I can't forgive them for the scenes in Ireland. They've fallen into the classic pit here, which is- the Irish are all lovable rogues, they live in a pub and love fightin`! That entire plot set in Ireland made he despise the creator. And the accents! Good god they we're terrible. Also, Peter falling in love with the sweet little Irish cailin was just so...predictable. :(

All that added to the New Orleans story really made me rethink why I'm even watching the show.

But, it did find its way once again. The introduction of Elle was great. I seriously think she's the best thing to happen to the show in quite some time. I liked the plot about Adam wanting to release the virus and it was tied in nicely with Hiros story back in Japan 400 years previous.

Although, in classic Heroes fashion they didn't disappoint with another finale they seemed too rushed. I can understand that much of the story might have been sped up due to the writers strike and them wanting the audience to have a conclusion but it still felt half baked. Still, overall it was a very enjoyable half season. I'll keep watching.

I was going to complain about the death of Nathan as I think he's the best character on the show but I won't. I'll just hope Claires magic blood does it job again. :(

Also also also, get rid of Sylar. His character should have kicked the bucket at the end of season 2. He's just boring at this point.

01-13-2008, 09:44 PM
Just finished watching what they've shown so far of season 2. Although it had a pretty shaky start it found it's place and some of the episodes were awesome.

However, I can't forgive them for the scenes in Ireland. They've fallen into the classic pit here, which is- the Irish are all lovable rogues, they live in a pub and love fightin`! That entire plot set in Ireland made he despise the creator. And the accents! Good god they we're terrible. Also, Peter falling in love with the sweet little Irish cailin was just so...predictable. :(

All that added to the New Orleans story really made me rethink why I'm even watching the show.

But, it did find its way once again. The introduction of Elle was great. I seriously think she's the best thing to happen to the show in quite some time. I liked the plot about Adam wanting to release the virus and it was tied in nicely with Hiros story back in Japan 400 years previous.

Although, in classic Heroes fashion they didn't disappoint with another finale they seemed too rushed. I can understand that much of the story might have been sped up due to the writers strike and them wanting the audience to have a conclusion but it still felt half baked. Still, overall it was a very enjoyable half season. I'll keep watching.

I was going to complain about the death of Nathan as I think he's the best character on the show but I won't. I'll just hope Claires magic blood does it job again. :(

Also also also, get rid of Sylar. His character should have kicked the bucket at the end of season 2. He's just boring at this point.

Yeah, that whole Irish rogue thing and love interest was a bit weak, aside from that, It was good even though in entirety it went from slow to fast storytelling. I was surprised how quick it finished, the season seemed rather short IMO.
As far as Sylar coming back, it was pretty obvious from the end of the last season that he was still alive with that "villain's-body-missing-when-left-for-dead" cliche
I thought it was a pretty good twist that he came back without the use of his powers.

01-13-2008, 10:18 PM
Just finished watching what they've shown so far of season 2. Although it had a pretty shaky start it found it's place and some of the episodes were awesome.

However, I can't forgive them for the scenes in Ireland. They've fallen into the classic pit here, which is- the Irish are all lovable rogues, they live in a pub and love fightin`! That entire plot set in Ireland made he despise the creator. And the accents! Good god they we're terrible. Also, Peter falling in love with the sweet little Irish cailin was just so...predictable. :(

Tim Kring apologized for the shitty beginning and the terrible West/Claire and Peter/what's-her-name storylines (or something like that) midway through the season, which is why they basically went away. So... hurray?

All that added to the New Orleans story really made me rethink why I'm even watching the show.

The New Orleans storyline was one of my favorites in the show, but it didn't seem very devoloped on and the ending for it wasn't great at all.

But, it did find its way once again. The introduction of Elle was great. I seriously think she's the best thing to happen to the show in quite some time. I liked the plot about Adam wanting to release the virus and it was tied in nicely with Hiros story back in Japan 400 years previous.

I hate Elle. Why do so many people like her?

01-13-2008, 11:14 PM
I know. I hate the fact that she's cocky.

I lolled when Noah tied her up and she tried to use her powers.

01-14-2008, 02:04 AM
I know. I hate the fact that she's cocky.

I lolled when Noah tied her up and she tried to use her powers.

Me too. I was hoping she would die.

She's not a particularly interesting character at all. :(

01-17-2008, 06:30 PM
Why do people like her?.

She's cute and has an awesome power.


01-22-2008, 03:24 PM
Every watched Veronica Mars? Any VMars fan will instantly be an Elle fan ;)

01-23-2008, 09:05 AM
Veronica Mars sucks ass.
But don't think that's why I hate Elle.
Like I said, I hate characters who are cocky from the start.

Why do people like her?.

She's cute and has an awesome power.

....The power to create electrical charge, big deal.
All she is, is a freakin' human battery, She's basically a female Electro. Candice was a way better villain with her illusion power.

Tootsie Pop
02-06-2008, 08:57 AM
I don't like Elle and I also laughed when Noah tied her up and she zapped herself. Also: ~Noah is still alive! Wonder what they're gonna do to him.

I like Claire and Peter the best coz they really can't die unless something that kills them stays inside them (or they get a virus or something, yes?)

I am pretty much obsessed with Heroes and SO pissed about the writers' strike. I've already watched my box set of the first series twice while waiting for it to come back on (Australia saw the 2nd series like a day after each episode aired in the US).

02-06-2008, 09:42 AM
I am about two thirds through Season 1 DVD and I am not amused people :(

when does the show get truly good?

I asked my friend who's addicted to the show but she didn't really give me a straight answer. Something about how much she loves Sylar and Milo and blaeaerhghgg