04-10-2007, 05:51 PM
For general discussion of Lost. Please mark any major spoilers.

If you have a specific question to ask, or want to discuss a specific episode, feel free to make a new thread!

04-11-2007, 05:31 AM
OMG and just after I got rid of my year-old Charlie av :-(

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-11-2007, 11:23 AM
The more recent episodes that have less Jack in them have been some of the best. The one where Hurley found the old camper was pretty damn good.

04-11-2007, 06:57 PM
I disagree totally. The show has become so meandering and pointless that it has become unwatchable. I won't watch it next week. I really think it has just become lazy and pretentious and would like to think it will be cancelled soon if it continues like this, but that's unlikely ;(

04-11-2007, 07:00 PM
Lost is the reason I watched Tv again.
It's So Awesome, especially Desmond <3

04-12-2007, 01:00 AM
It's had some high points lately, but yeah, Lost may well be gradually going downhill.

All I hope is that they finish the plot nice and proper before it goes off-air, instead of a lame cop-out ending. Or no real ending at all =\

04-12-2007, 01:02 AM
It's had some high points lately, but yeah, Lost may well be gradually going downhill.

All I hope is that they finish the plot nice and proper before it goes off-air, instead of a lame cop-out ending. Or no real ending at all =\

You mean, like the X-files? =p

04-12-2007, 01:33 PM
I really liked the episode that was on tonight, Not In Portland. Once again it was exciting and I liked the way it brought in the reason they (The Others) were out on their island. I have high hopes for the next few episodes now.

04-12-2007, 02:08 PM
You mean, like the X-files? =p

Whenever the second X-Files movie comes out (probably not until late 2008 at this point) it'll have a proper ending.

I'm pretty sure they intended to make the proper ending a feature film from the get-go- they've just had to go through so many hoops to be able to film it. David Duchovny was just saying something about starting filming recently, though.

04-12-2007, 02:13 PM
Whenever the second X-Files movie comes out (probably not until late 2008 at this point) it'll have a proper ending.

I'm pretty sure they intended to make the proper ending a feature film from the get-go- they've just had to go through so many hoops to be able to film it. David Duchovny was just saying something about starting filming recently, though.

Well, i read in a recent interview with Duchovny that the upcoming movie will have nothing to do with the major story arc of the series (aliens, government etc..). He also revealed that it is already planned that there will be multiple movies if this one does well. :)

04-12-2007, 04:08 PM
That would be pretty cool. I like Duchovny and the show would make a good movie if done right, not like the first one.

04-12-2007, 04:11 PM
I really liked the episode that was on tonight, Not In Portland. Once again it was exciting and I liked the way it brought in the reason they (The Others) were out on their island. I have high hopes for the next few episodes now.

The episode was One of Us. Not in Portland was a month ago.

04-20-2007, 07:11 PM
Lost is the only show I care about. People who say it's gotten worse just hoped things would turn out differently. I am still riveted to it every week.

Anywho~ Here's a theory I have.
If you aren't caught up with the show, stop reading.

Locke is going to end up as the series' nemesis. He has the classic past of a villain-in-the-making. Every time he seems to be getting something good, fate would take it away from him. The whole while, he still feels as though there is a great destiny in store for him. He begins listening to his spirituality over his common-sense, and eventually takes up the hobby of destroying all means of escape on and around the island. Now that we know that The Flame had a hidden set of supercomputers that Locke, Sayid, and Kate were unaware of, it makes it all the more saddening. I think eventually Locke will acquire a set of followers, and will be revered as a sort of "island god". This makes me upset, because Locke is my favorite character, but it makes me smile a bit too, because this would be the greatest character development in TV history.


04-20-2007, 07:29 PM
Cool theory, But I think that the Beach-Boys (Jack, Sayid, etc) will become The Others soon.

And Desmond will be Jacob, because of his flashes.

04-20-2007, 07:34 PM
The Others aren't the bad ones. At least, that's my theory. There is another force, that has been hinted at in the "Purge". I think there will be a split soon, but I think the others will only be a small part of it. Also, I don't think Desmond is Jacob. I don't think Jacob has arrived yet. Think back to "Are you him?"

04-20-2007, 07:38 PM
No, the "Are you Him?" is because the guy inside the hatch before Desmond (And then, Desmond itself) is waiting for his replacement.
That's why he said "What a snowmen said to another Snowman?", that is the code for the replacement. Or at least, that what I think =p

04-20-2007, 07:40 PM
I don't think so, because Jacob was confirmed to be "him" In the 3/20/07 Official Lost Podcast.

04-20-2007, 07:45 PM
I don't think so, because Jacob was confirmed to be "him" In the 3/20/07 Official Lost Podcast.

But that "him" was from Desmond? Or Ben said something like that? Because I remember that Ben one time said something like that, even before we heard something about "The list" in S3.

Or maybe I'm wrong, I don't have ALL the facts in my head. But that's what is fun about this, right?

04-20-2007, 08:51 PM
Lostpedia's Jacob Entry (

04-25-2007, 11:48 PM
I agree with Mossy.

I just saw that episode where (SPOILERS possibly, though i suppose everyone who keeps up with it saw it 17 years ago) all the pregnant women aren't able to conceive without getting deathitis or something equally silly. Only one of the characters had already had a baby so they had to retroactively invent a serum and say that it was used but afaik never even mentioned before that. Just seems like really lazy writing to me. =/

04-26-2007, 02:15 AM
I agree with Mossy.

I just saw that episode where (SPOILERS possibly, though i suppose everyone who keeps up with it saw it 17 years ago) all the pregnant women aren't able to conceive without getting deathitis or something equally silly. Only one of the characters had already had a baby so they had to retroactively invent a serum and say that it was used but afaik never even mentioned before that. Just seems like really lazy writing to me. =/

But the serum WAS used in season 1. In fact, one of the things that Claire dreams about is the needle. The fact that they didn't tell you that was a serum, that's another thing, and... in that time, who cares? I mean, if they told you about the serum, they should have told a lot about the others.
I prefer this way, it's so much fun.

04-26-2007, 07:18 PM
People think the show has lazy writing, but if you pay attention to the small details, you can see that everything has a purpose. I mean, they even explained why Desmond calls people "brother".

04-27-2007, 10:03 AM
I pretty much missed most of last night's episode, which is the first time that I've been totally not interested in a new episode

It was a Jack episode though and he is the only character I flatly dislike so maybe that's why

04-27-2007, 02:44 PM
I pretty much missed most of last night's episode, which is the first time that I've been totally not interested in a new episode

It was a Jack episode though and he is the only character I flatly dislike so maybe that's why

Well, you are from australia, so your last night episode was 3x09, right?

Because the last one that I saw was 3x18, yesterday

04-27-2007, 02:51 PM
Stranger in Strange Land

next week they find the car I believe

04-27-2007, 04:17 PM
People think the show has lazy writing, but if you pay attention to the small details, you can see that everything has a purpose. I mean, they even explained why Desmond calls people "brother".

That might be fine if you like to know every detail about the characters, but I have always disliked the flashbacks and since the episodes now boil down to flashbacks with a bit of filler on the side, I hate it. At least at the start the story would develop parallel to the flashback sequence.

04-28-2007, 02:21 AM
They still do, its just not as obvious now. You really have to watch every episode to fully understand what's going on.

05-03-2007, 11:17 AM
Locke is going to end up as the series' nemesis. He has the classic past of a villain-in-the-making. Every time he seems to be getting something good, fate would take it away from him. The whole while, he still feels as though there is a great destiny in store for him. He begins listening to his spirituality over his common-sense, and eventually takes up the hobby of destroying all means of escape on and around the island. Now that we know that The Flame had a hidden set of supercomputers that Locke, Sayid, and Kate were unaware of, it makes it all the more saddening. I think eventually Locke will acquire a set of followers, and will be revered as a sort of "island god". This makes me upset, because Locke is my favorite character, but it makes me smile a bit too, because this would be the greatest character development in TV history.


While I do agree with you to a certain extent I'm still of the belief that Locke will have his own faction of the "others" by the end of the season. I don't think he'll be a "bad" guy but he will be on the opposite side of the fence to our losties.

Then again, I believe that the island brought Locke to the island.

Here's a little theory of my own. I believe that the island felt threatened by the "others" and their use of technology and there ability to study and exploit the islands power and through faith, chance or whatever you want to call it, brought one person to the island that would put a spiritual wrench in the works, with that person being John Locke. With this way of thinking it must have been a mistake that the other passengers of 815 made it to the island or even survived. The island/black smoke only wanted Locke.

Locke will indeed be some sort of "bad guy" but not in the conventional sense. His faction of the others will be more close to the island, more spiritual and take the task of protecting the island.

Just a thought :P

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
05-05-2007, 12:26 PM

Officially ends with 2009's season

05-05-2007, 04:26 PM

Then again, the creators always planned a 5 year story arc for the series.

05-11-2007, 01:44 PM


Ok, lets kick things off about talking about Jacob. We were promised to see Jacob in this episode and while it wasn't exactly what we expected it still delivered. But what is Jacob?. The only guess/theory I can think of is that he, and all of the other visions, is the black smoke. I've always been of the believe that the black smoke is the psychical representation of the island and that it needs Locke to guide the island and its inhabitants in the right direction. If I'm right about Jacob being the black smoke then Jocobs words of "help me" would fit my theory very nicely indeed. Also, I found this posted on a lost website. Someone enhanced the image of Jacob.

Fantastic episode!. This is the kind of hour of mystery and entertainment that made me fall in love with lost from the beginning.

05-12-2007, 04:13 AM
Last night I had a dream about the last episode of Lost

There was a big 'natural' disaster like in the last Season 2 episode except this time it's more violent, like a hurricane or a tsunami. Anywhere when we wake up we're with Charlie and he is all alone on a different island. He was really sad so I started crying and then it ended :(

05-12-2007, 05:09 PM
Also, it looks like Charlie is possibly going to bite the bullet this Wednesday, maybe.

But here's how I see the final happening. Don't worry, no spoilers, it's just how I see it going down. We all know from the last episode that Jack and Juliet have been working together creating some kind of a plan for when the others come baby snatching. Now, remember in "the Brig" we see Danielle taking the dynamite from the Black Rock?. Well, I think Jack put her up to that and that's part of his plan by promising Danielle her daughter in return after the attack is over. So, the losties will stay on the beach and rig up around there camp with some dynamite. I have a feeling that the confrontation between our losties and the Others is going to be pretty grim. I can see a few minor characters getting the axe but have a huge feeling that Sawyer will also bite the dust.

Also also, I'm going to take a chance and say that the vision of Ben's mother was the smoke monster. Just like Jacks father/Kate's horse/Yemi/Dave etc I think while not being man-made it has the ability to change shape and take the form of certain people from your past. Then again, maybe that's why Ben's mother didn't cross the magnetic fence too. hmmmm

05-13-2007, 02:34 AM
woah, i didn't even see that glimpse of the old man in the cabin. I need to watch the episode back again.

05-13-2007, 04:35 PM
Fantastic episode!. This is the kind of hour of mystery and entertainment that made me fall in love with lost from the beginning.

I seem to be in the minority here in thinking the average episode of Lost this season has been abysmal but I am more then happy to acknowledge that it has significantly picked up recently. Still, I think it is a shame that the vast majority of this season has been shit. It is not good enough to tack on a few really good episodes at then end.

05-13-2007, 06:23 PM
Well you're certainly entitled to your opinion but I for one think this season was quite awesome indeed. Sure it had some iffy episodes but I'm just as sucked in as I was after the pilot episode.

woah, i didn't even see that glimpse of the old man in the cabin. I need to watch the episode back again.

Yeah, the creators said they wanted to create a "TIVO moment".

05-15-2007, 05:52 AM
I think there are 2 monsters. One white light, like Locke saw in "Walkabout" and one black smoke that has been seen tearing up the trees. The monsters' incarnations have always been these 2 colors.
The moth
Jack's father (sneakers)
Emily (Ben's mother)
Vincent (yes, I believe that Vincent has been dead the whole time, and is just an incarnation.)

The horse (What Kate Did)
Yemi (The Cost Of Living)
The Boar (Outlaws)

I also noticed that Jacob screen, and I think that he is the White Light monster, not the black smoke.

As for the season finale, I would be very surprised if Charlie were the only one to die. Its going to be pretty big, and I can see some Others dying as well as some castaways. (Sayid comes to mind.)

05-15-2007, 02:09 PM

that's an interesting theory!

also also - white polar bear


05-15-2007, 04:27 PM
Very interesting theory Holkeye!. :)

However, I'd be more of the belief that depending on your current state of spirituality that you see the "monster" in a "dark" or "light" way.

Anyway, it's certainly picking up for the season finale. I hear they leaked who dies from here up until the finale but there's no way I'm spoiling it for myself.

Also, here's how I see the history of the island. :)

In the beginning there were two inhabitants of the island-Jacob and the "monster". Let's assume for a second that Jacob is the island. Let's say that Jacob is quite literally the psychical representation of the island. Don't ask me why exactly but it's just an idea I have. Now, Jacob was free to move through the island at his will with the monster being his bodyguard. If anyone found the island the monster would judge them as "good" or "bad" and dish out any punishment if they were a threat to Jacob.

Then came the Black Rock. While I have no idea how it got so far inland I think that the crew of the Black Rock that survived became the "natives" of the island and seemed to co-exist with Jacob.

Now, during the early 70s the Dharma Initiative found the island and upon realizing it's strange properties they settled there and built a camp. Funded by the Hanso Foundation the Dharma Initiative set up a number of stations over the island. Some where social experiments (the Pearl Station) while others were more important (the Swan station). However, the Dharma Iniative couldn't live with the natives. They built a town on the island and set up the magnetic fences in order to keep out the smoke monster. The Dharma Inititive found the "source" of the island (Jacob) and imprisoned him in the house using the volcanos ashes as some kind of barrier. And like we saw in "The man behind the curtain" one group was purged. While Ben still thinks he belongs with the natives it seems now that they are becoming annoyed with his way of think and bringing technology into the mix. That's where Locke comes into the equation.

Jacob, being the all powerful being that he is, manipulated the lives of everyone on Oceanic 815 so that they would all converge to a certain point on one day. It seems the series is prepping Locke to become the leader of he natives and that the natives are slowly realizing that and Bens negative impact on their society. And because Ben was once apart of the Dharma Initiative he, and only he, knows the location of the imprisoned Jocob.

Now the smoke monster doesn't have a master and is rogue, Jacob needs "help", the losties and hostiles are getting ready to go to war while rescue lies just off shore. It'll be an interesting finale indeed.

05-24-2007, 07:56 PM

My mind was just blown after watching the season finale.



While the episode at times wasn't exactly the greatest ever the end was surely and ending to remember. We learned that the jack flashback sequences was more of a "flash forward" into the near future of life after rescue. I hope you guys, I know you're out there somewhere, want to discuss the episode and the ramifications it has for season four. Oh man, Lost never ceases to amaze and intrigue me since day one.

I'll have to watch that again. :)

But for now the main question is what the hell was in the casket?. Locke I assume.

Also, thinking about it now the end had a very strong connection to the graphic novel "The Watchmen". The way Rorschach in The Watchmen hangs onto the past and tracks down his old friends was very much mirrored by Jack in this episode. Just a thought. :)

05-25-2007, 02:06 PM
I seem to be in the minority here in thinking the average episode of Lost this season has been abysmal but I am more then happy to acknowledge that it has significantly picked up recently. Still, I think it is a shame that the vast majority of this season has been shit. It is not good enough to tack on a few really good episodes at then end.

Last nights episode of Lost was without a doubt the worst episode ever. Rest assured I was on the internet in minutes, registering my disgust throughout the world.

Hey, I know it was great, but what right do you have to complain?

As a loyal fan, I feel they owe me.

What? They're giving you thousands of hours of entertainment for free. What could they possibly owe you? If anything, you owe them.


Worst. Episode. Ever.

05-25-2007, 02:08 PM
Minty, geek out with us here. ;_;


05-25-2007, 02:09 PM

05-25-2007, 10:53 PM
Man, you should be allowed to criticise stuff when it is not good ;(

05-28-2007, 06:18 AM
I thought the Season Final was pretty damn cool.



everybody is dying and apparently they make it off the Island and they aren't meant to?

But Hurley kicking arse in the kombi van was pretty sweet. And Walt reappearing. And that eye-patch guy being practically immortal. Lots of krazy krap goin down.

05-28-2007, 10:06 AM
Well that finale, imo, sucked balls.

Action wise it was perfect with andrenaline pumping throughout. Storywise WTF? They all get rescued but need to go back. Maybe it's just Jack unable to get back into the gist of normal life where he is no longer a "hero", and selfishly wished that things could go back to the way they were. I think Kate is with sawyer and is happy with her situation, thus why she didn't want to go back. In the casket. I think it has ot be either Locke or Ben. Noone else would fit that role of having no family or friends in the outside world to show up.

Charlie dying, I thought that was unneccesary. They could have both escaped easily and shut the door behind them. That or just pressed the button with the equipment on and legged it.

The russian guy will be the big baddie of the next season, with Tom dead it needs to have someone for everyone to loathe.

Hurley saving Jin, Bernard and Sayid really bought back my love for him. He's such a legendary character and doesn't let anything stop him helping out when he can.

05-28-2007, 11:58 AM
I think you're jumping to the conclusion that everyone got off the island. For all we know most of them could have been slaughtered and seeing as the people coming to "rescue" them were allegedly bad than that could well be what happened.

Then again, I honestly think that Jack and Kate are the only ones to make it off the island. That's why Jack needs to go back, to rescue everyone else.

I was very impressed with the finale overall. For me it was not only the best episode of this season but also ranks in my top five of all time. The creators threw us a curve ball this season and I for one applaud them for that. Instead of giving us a gut wrenching cliffhanger like season 1 and 2 they gave us a thrilling cliffhanger but, in my mind at least, still satisfies me and is enough to keep me going for the next few months.

And as for Charlie dying it was very necessary. In the context of the story your forgetting the fact that Charlie had to die to save Claire. Sure Charlie could have escaped but he knew this was his destiny and did it for the greater good. I couldn't ask for a more fitting end to this character. Very touching.

05-28-2007, 03:05 PM
Thinking back on the episode, didn't Jack say something like "Go and check on my father, see if he is drunker than I am".

His father is dead though? Was he just wacked and crazy on pills or is something weird going on in that flash-forward?

05-28-2007, 07:43 PM
That confused me as well, I think they tried to trick you into thinking it was the past but forgot to cover their tracks and made a few errors.

05-28-2007, 10:48 PM
Overall, It wasn't a bad season. The Desmond's Episodes, and specially the season finale was well worthy.
About Jack Shepard, I think that it was only a Drunk dialogue, like he has been taking on crazy pills, nothing to be so surprised.
I think that most of them survived, but the only one that has Jack contact with is Kate. Locke is still in the island. And the one on the coffin, for me, is Sawyer. Why? Maybe something happen between him and Kate, and she hates him for that (I don't know, maybe he wanted her to get an abortion, or something like that)

Anyone noticed the wink to the fans with Juliet's response to sawyer?
"We are building the airport for the ALIENS!"
I loled

05-28-2007, 11:31 PM
Thinking back on the episode, didn't Jack say something like "Go and check on my father, see if he is drunker than I am".

His father is dead though? Was he just wacked and crazy on pills or is something weird going on in that flash-forward?

Nah, he was whacked out on drugs. Watch the reaction of the doctor.

It was confusing though but it was a nice way of fooling the viewer that it was the past.

04-29-2009, 08:55 AM
Wow, I'm surprised I had to search for this thread. Anyone still want to discuss Lost? I mean the last episode was a recap but I think the discussion should start up again with season 5.

04-30-2009, 03:18 AM
Alright so the episode on tonight is called "The Variable" and it seems it's a Daniel Faraday episode. The description says (for me):

Daniel Faraday comes clean about what he knows of the island.

For in the last episode, Faraday was seen by Miles emerging from a sub that had just come in from off the island. He came with a group of scientists from Ann Arbor (I think it was). And in a previous episode when Kate, Jack, and Hurley return and Sawyer (LaFleur) is driving them to the barracks (Dharmaville) he mentions Faraday not being on the island anymore. This led me to think that he was on the other island with the polar bears for when the people who came along with the rest of the Lost crew on the flight back to the island checked out the buildings there, they found certain charts that dealt with Faraday's area of expertise.

The show airs for me in about 40 minutes...

03-21-2010, 08:00 PM
Lost is the only show I care about. People who say it's gotten worse just hoped things would turn out differently. I am still riveted to it every week.

Anywho~ Here's a theory I have.
If you aren't caught up with the show, stop reading.

Locke is going to end up as the series' nemesis. He has the classic past of a villain-in-the-making. Every time he seems to be getting something good, fate would take it away from him. The whole while, he still feels as though there is a great destiny in store for him. He begins listening to his spirituality over his common-sense, and eventually takes up the hobby of destroying all means of escape on and around the island. Now that we know that The Flame had a hidden set of supercomputers that Locke, Sayid, and Kate were unaware of, it makes it all the more saddening. I think eventually Locke will acquire a set of followers, and will be revered as a sort of "island god". This makes me upset, because Locke is my favorite character, but it makes me smile a bit too, because this would be the greatest character development in TV history.


I just wanted to point out that I called it.

03-22-2010, 02:27 AM
Lost is the bestest series ever. I missed the latest episode though, gutted. I'll have to catch a repeat. I love Lockes alternate universe plot (flashbacks was easier to say lol) best part of this series so far.

03-22-2010, 02:36 AM
Lost is the bestest series ever. I missed the latest episode though, gutted. I'll have to catch a repeat. I love Lockes alternate universe plot (flashbacks was easier to say lol) best part of this series so far.

Why don't you just catch the previous ep off

03-22-2010, 09:46 PM
Alternate Universe stuff is cool, but it seems pretty pointless to the actual plot going on on the island.

03-23-2010, 03:58 AM
It's the epilogue. It's what happens after the on-island events come to a conclusion.

05-05-2010, 11:21 AM
Nah, don't think so. It's still not absolutely clear where they're going with these other-universe stuff but perhaps it's what would have happened if the Man in Black had suceeded in leaving the island.

05-13-2010, 03:15 AM
i'm waiting for the lost final episode!

05-13-2010, 04:29 PM
Man, the latest episode was one of the saddest I've seen from lost....

Jin, Sun AND Syed all dead :(

05-23-2010, 07:29 AM
less than 24 hrs left, 'till it's done for good :(......and this thread is a ghost town?

bad tv nerds.....bad, bad tv nerds.

i just finished re-watching the entire series in 3 1/2 weeks...................i think i can hear 'whooshing' sounds when i have fowards...or whatever the hell is going on.

05-23-2010, 01:43 PM
tbh I think the pacing of this season and the way reveals have been done haven't been very good compared to most of the rest of the show. It's still one of the best shows on tv, but I wish things could've stayed as good as they were in season 5.

It'll be so weird when it's all over.

also I want a show about Locke and Ben being teachers together

05-23-2010, 04:58 PM
at first, i wasn't so sure about the pacing of this season either. After a repeat viewing of this season, many episodes back-to-back it didn't seem quite so messy and off-kilter. (Season 4 is my favorite though...followed by 1 and 2).

So far it's offered one of the best episodes I can think of "Ab Aeterno" (the Richard-centric episode) and quite possibly THE worst episode ever too......"Across The Sea" (the Jacob/Man In Black episode). Wow...that was just terrible. It was like a bad episode of The OUter Limits or something.

I want a sitcom about Rose, Bernard, Vincent and the ghosts of Nikki & Paulo. A laugh a second comedy fest. :)

05-23-2010, 05:58 PM
My guess is some sacrafice is made by one of the characters to resolve everything at the end or something like that.

05-23-2010, 06:09 PM
So far it's offered one of the best episodes I can think of "Ab Aeterno" (the Richard-centric episode) and quite possibly THE worst episode ever too......"Across The Sea" (the Jacob/Man In Black episode). Wow...that was just terrible. It was like a bad episode of The OUter Limits or something.

Yes! Richard's episode was amazing from start to finish, and the Jacob/Esau (I don't care what his real name is he's Esau) episode was a major letdown.

Daniel Faraday is my favorite character so obviously I'm a huge season 4 fan myself. My favorite episode of Lost is The Constant, though. Perfect in every way.

05-24-2010, 12:34 AM
Faraday is a wonderful character..........his little scene this season gave me the biggest chills.

When he's talking to Desmond about writing in his notebook and what he thinks he may have done.

.........and yes...The Constant is probably one of my favorites too...easily in the TOP 3

05-24-2010, 06:06 AM
I'm so frustrated. :(

I'm fine with how they wrapped up the flash-sideways, and even the stuff with the characters and the island, but I swear at least 30 minutes of that was clips from old episodes, and not 1 minute was explaining any of the mysteries that were left.

I know the producers will probably answer plenty of questions in podcasts and interviews, and there'll be a bunch of deleted footage on the dvds, but I would've at least liked the stuff that played a major role in the season like Sayid coming back to have been addressed. I am going to have to rewatch the episode again later to even have an opinion on it because I'm too annoyed.

also I am already going crazy over how many people think they were dead the whole time and the island's not real

matt damon
05-24-2010, 06:59 AM
how did it end?

05-24-2010, 07:19 AM

05-24-2010, 07:46 AM belonged to who?

I'm gonna have to rewatch that again.

05-24-2010, 10:47 AM
Well, that sucked.

After all that build up about some kind of war between Locke and Widmore, after all the buildup that there would be some epic showdown, after all the promises to reveal the mysteries, it sure did nothing of the sort.

I think it's a damn shame they had to end a pretty good series on such a horrible episode.

05-24-2010, 01:03 PM

Well yeah, everyone in the flash-sideways is dead, but they all died at different times. We know Hurley and Ben lived on with Hurley being the new Jacob and Ben helping him (the "you were a great number two/number one") dialogue, and I'll assume that the plane landed okay and that Ben and Hurley got Desmond back to his family and they lived out their lives together.

The island is real. This is explicitly stated in the dialogue. The flash-sideways was a place that the Losties created to be together in the afterlife, because to everyone there, the time they spent on the island was the most important time in their life. It doesn't effect the main storyline of the show, it's more like an epilogue for all the characters that were there. All the characters whose deaths we saw died the way we saw them die (still confused about the Sayid business though), and all the characters who we didn't see die lived out their lives and died eventually, and then the flash-sideways stuff happens, basically. belonged to who?

I'm gonna have to rewatch that again.

Vincent was still Rose and Bernard's dog at the end of the show. He just went to be with Jack as he was dying.

I kind of wish they hadn't used the flash-sideways this season even though it had a lot of cool moments and brought back a lot of characters. Because of it, Lost couldn't use jumping back and forth in time as a storytelling device and couldn't reveal stuff off island all season. Also, even though the end was nice and gave a happy end to all the characters who didn't make it to the final, it seems like it really confused most people since so many people seem to think it was a ~they were dead the whole time~ ending.

05-24-2010, 02:47 PM
I thought the ending was really sappy and cliche, just seemed like "in the end everyone got a happy ending" thing which is lame.

It totally took away all the sadness that the last few episodes, such as Sayid's sacrafice, Jin and Sun drowning together and Jack's death. Why should we feel sad when the program goes and shows us everyone happy together at the end anyway?

I'm just disappointed, I thought the characters were gonna drop like flies, they had a chance to do a touching scene when Ben almost gets killed by a falling tree after saving Hurley but no, he's in the next scene, totally ok despite nearly being crushed.

05-24-2010, 02:57 PM
Well, I think all that stuff is still pretty sad. Sawyer still had to live his life for however long he lived without Juliet. Kate still had to live without Jack- I assume she lived for a while because of the "I missed you so much" dialogue. Sun and Jin's daughter still grew up without parents and Jin never even got the chance to meet her. None of that changes.

The afterlife stuff is pretty open to interpretation too. I mean, you can imagine that they had a happy eternity with each other, or that they only had those few happy minutes together and that was that.

I read somewhere that the finale did a good job as far as emotional resolution goes but dropped the ball on the other stuff, and I agree with that. I can appreciate the writers choosing to end on what they found to be emotionally significant about the show rather than on the show's mythology, but I think they made some pretty big mistakes with this season if that's the case. It seems so stupid to waste so much time on the sickness and Sayid coming back if you're never even going to touch on it, or to build up to a big good versus evil showdown and then not do much with it. The show's writers are better than that and this could've been a lot better overall.

edit: I think the fact that the island was the most significant part of all those character's life can be seen as a pretty sad thing too. It shows that the people who did survive to the end never were able to let go of their past and move on, and how unsatisfying their life must have been for a lot of the other characters. I mean, Boone and Shannon were on the island for like a month and a half. I know they were pretty much there just for the sake of bringing back as many characters as possible, but it's kind of depressing to think of them finding something that was ultimately the most significant part of their lives and dying before they get to experience much of it.

05-24-2010, 03:15 PM
Those are all true and I agree but I do not think the show itself did a good enough job coveying the huge sense of depression to me, I shouldn't really have to be considering all the sad things that happened once the show's over and then start feeling sad, it should have been touched upon more in the series imo.

I'm just ranting here but I can't help it, I really didn't like that episode at all :(

matt damon
05-24-2010, 06:50 PM
It seems so stupid to waste so much time on the sickness and Sayid coming back if you're never even going to touch on it, or to build up to a big good versus evil showdown and then not do much with it. The show's writers are better than that and this could've been a lot better overall

maybe there'll be a lost movie!

05-24-2010, 06:54 PM
I don't think there will be, though comics aren't out of the realm of possibility. Hurley/Ben island adventures, anyone?

I think most of the major loose ends will be answered in interviews, podcasts, and deleted scenes (I know for a fact stuff was shot with Walt for the finale), but I would have rather seen the stuff addressed on the show.

matt damon
05-24-2010, 07:19 PM
:( sorry that the ending wasn't satisfactory for you. i know how it feels to be let down by a show's ending. that's why i feel i got lucky with charmed's ending. they wrapped everything up really well and gave a great, happy ending for the characters (although sounds like the comics will throw a bump in that road!)

05-24-2010, 07:39 PM
Comics are probably gonna happen, they have comics for everything these days.

matt damon
05-24-2010, 07:45 PM
i'm glad they're doing that, though. some shows feel like they never got a real ending, like buffy and especially angel. i'm hoping there's a dollhouse comic :(

05-24-2010, 09:38 PM
Didn't buffy end with her nieghbourhood being destroyed.

05-24-2010, 09:45 PM
yeah....i feel 'Buffy's ending was a good wrap-up. As much as I enjoy the S8 comics, I don't really feel there needed to be anything after. Same goes for 'LOST''s done in my mind.

As much as ppl hate cliffhanger finales like 'Angel' and 'The Sopranos', I think they are very well-suiting to the series.

I can think of a few series that I feel still needs a decent wrap-up. Number one is 'The X-files', (I've almost managed to wipe that last movie out of my mind). .... and I guess the often talked about 'MillenniuM' film to tie-up loose ends. A 'Carnivale' comic was talked about for awhile, but I haven't much about it.

matt damon
05-24-2010, 09:54 PM
the buffy ending was totally unsatisfying, to me at least.

05-24-2010, 10:17 PM
The Buffy ending really wrapped everything up plotwise, though. There was a lot I disliked in the last season, but I can't think of one thing they dropped the ball on storywise. How Slayers came to be, stopping the first, finding a way so that Buffy didn't have to be the one girl protecting the world anymore, it was all completely wrappped up. I wasn't happy with the way things were left between some characters, but the season 8 comics fixed that before they turned to trash.

Robbu I thought you hadn't watched season two of dollhouse yet! Do that before comics. =p The Dollhouse ending was excellent, though.

I think I'd probably rate the Lost ending a 6/10. It'd be way higher if they'd at least answered the a few mysteries had if there hadn't been constant slow motion clip reels.

05-24-2010, 10:28 PM
The Buffy ending was a solid 7.5 out of 10 in my books. Although, I would have been happy with it ending after S5's "The Gift", (even though we would miss out on some excellent S6 & 7 eps). To be honest, I haven't read a single issue of S8 since #28....but from the spoilers I've passed by online, it doesn't sound too interesting.

LOST gets an 8/10 from me. I have no problems with leaving mystery's left unsolved. I think "Twin Peaks" taught me that lesson as a young (disturbed :-P) lad. I think I was ready to say farewell to these characters I came to love and when the title showed up on screen for the last time, it felt right to me.

05-24-2010, 10:41 PM
Haha, see, I love the Twin Peaks ending. But the only Twin Peaks mystery I really needed an answer to was resolved a decent bit before the finale.

I never expected every detail to be resolved on Lost. There was no way they'd solve all the mysteries in a way that would satisfy everyone- I've never seen a "Questions That Lost Needs to Answer" list that didn't have at least one mystery I considered completely solved on it- but I am really bothered that they didn't resolve the stuff that they spent a lot of time on this season. All the temple stuff feels like a complete waste, apart from showing that Smokey is a evil guy, I guess. I feel like they could've used the time so much better. I mean, they were fighting so hard to keep him from leaving the island but the show never really even demonstrated just why it was a huge threat. I know he's supposed to be super evil, but on the Lost evil scale, he doesn't really seem that much worse than a few of the show's other characters who spent time off island. I just don't get why they chose to focus on what they did when presumably they knew that it wouldn't get resolved before the finale.

I watched the pre-show thing too and when they didn't even show the temple in that I knew that it wasn't going to get answered.

05-24-2010, 10:43 PM
The Lost ending was awesome. Maybe a little cheesy but still epic. The show, first and foremost was a character drama and I'm glad they focused on that during the finale. I did think other people should have been present in the church but hey...

05-24-2010, 10:47 PM
I was bothered by some of the people who weren't there too, Harkus, but I'm more okay with it the more I think about it. Not everyone was ready to move on, and the island wasn't necessarily the most important time of every character's life.

I would've lol'd really hard if Artz or Frogurt had been there though. Or Nikki and Paulo~

05-24-2010, 10:50 PM
where the hell was Steve and Scott? :-P

no...wait....which one's Steve and which one's Scott?

05-24-2010, 10:52 PM
Wern't Nikki and Paulo the people who got buried alive?

Something else I don't get from Lost though, in the episode where Ben goes down into the temple to summon smokey, you see a picture on the wall of Egyptians worshiping the smoke monster yet when we see MIB become smokey, this is well in the middle of the roman empire. So obviously there are two smokeys but it's never explained what happened to the other one.

Also, when Jacob died, he said "they're comming". Who the hell are "they" I can onlt assume he meant Widmore and his gang but then why would Jacob warn MIB about Widmore? Also I was pissed at Widmore's death, too sudden for a guy who was almost as menacing as MIB.

05-24-2010, 10:56 PM
Yeah, I always maintained there were two smokeys too, and all the evidence seems to point to it. I was sort of hoping Jack would turn into a smokey at the very end because it would've been creepy and cool, but it would've taken away from all the other stuff that was going on.

I interpreted Jacob's "they're coming" being about the Losties that were coming back from the 70's but there's obviously more than one potentially correct answer to that.

05-25-2010, 03:55 AM
Saw this in last nights episode of The Simpsons... I stopped watching Lost around the 2nd season, but have watched episodes here and there, and like the title... I was totally Lost in what was happening. :/

Sorry, I know that wasn't contributing to the discussion.

05-25-2010, 05:01 AM
I just didn't understand why Penny was at the church. She hadn't even set foot on the island. If Penny was there, why couldn't Helen be there with Locke?

05-25-2010, 05:11 AM
Yeah, that bothered me too. I mean, it was nice to see her, but she'd barely met most of the Losties, and I'm sure she and Desmond would want to move on with their son.

05-25-2010, 06:36 AM
Basically everyone in the church was their alternate version of another branch of history where Oceanic 815 never crashed, also know as the flash-sideways history.

Seeing the foot statue underwater does not mean the Island sunk, just portions of it when Desmond un-corked it, though it might have sunk in the flash-sideways history, either way the aspects of this are far too complex.

Christian Shepard at the church in the flash-sideways history may have been a Jacob-like entity in disguse, I don't think it's MiB.

The scene with the light filling the church is an odd one, my best guess is that everyone alive in that church of the flash-sideways history was 'moving on' to fill up the vacancy of there 'dead versions' in the history where Oceanic 815 did crash on the island.

Penny was at the church. She hadn't even set foot on the island. If Penny was there, why couldn't Helen be there with Locke?

Great observation, she could have filled up the vacancy of the dead Helen in the history here Oceanic 815 did crash on the island.

Perhaps Locke decided to keep her out of it.

In my opinion there is no purgatory, when Christian says everyone in the church is dead I believe he's referring to those who died in the 'Oceanic 815 crashed on the island' history, though I admit this is not determinable.

Ben does not enter the church, because he is still alive in both histories
where Oceanic 815 did and didn't crash on the island, or perhaps he's keeping himself out of it, in same way as Helen not being there.

matt damon
05-25-2010, 07:26 AM
i did not watch the series but the wiki article said the creators explicitly said that the flash sideways were NOT alternate timelines.

05-25-2010, 03:54 PM
The flash-sideways was a world the Losties made to find each other before they moved on. They were always the ones who set off the bomb- "whatever happened, happened".

It's debatable as to whether the flash sideways is something like limbo or purgatory, but everyone in it most definitely lived their complete lives in the world we saw on the show, including characters like Hurley and Ben who survived past the end of the show- they talk about the life they lived with Hurley as the new Jacob and Ben as his second in command.

Remember that in the real world, Helen split up with Locke years before she died. I'd guess that Locke had the life with her he did in the flash-sideways because doing what he needed to for her was something he needed to to move on. Not everyone in the flash-sideways is real- Jack's son for example, is just something he created, presumably to help him work past his daddy issues.

Ben doesn't enter the church because he's not ready to move on yet, not because he's still alive in the other timeline- so are Hurley, Kate, Claire, etc. He presumably needs more time to work past his guilt of what he did to Alex and wants to spend more time cultivating a relationship with her and her mother in this world. Again, he talks about his life he lived in the real world with Hurley.

Everyone in that world can be dead even though they died at completely different times because, as Christian says, everyone dies eventually and time doesn't need to work the same way in limbo/purgatory/whatever you see the flash-sideways world as.

Think of it as something completely separate from the island world. Everything we saw on the island world happened and was completely untouched by the flash-sideways world. The flash-sideways world is what came after.

05-25-2010, 05:42 PM
I was wondering about the absence of Mr. Eko until I read this:

05-25-2010, 11:56 PM
i did not watch the series but the wiki article said the creators explicitly said that the flash sideways were NOT alternate timelines.

Do you have a link that you can you post as proof ?

I doubt it.

I like my theory, even if it is just based around a rushed ending, an elaborate and labyrinthian cancellation.

Btw I don't think it would have matter if Helen had been in the church anyways, she probably would have been left behind, or whatever.

The purgatory idea has a religious aroma that just isn't my type of a smell.

matt damon
05-26-2010, 12:11 AM
Do you have a link that you can you post as proof ?

I doubt it.

I like my theory, even if it is just based around a rushed ending, an elaborate and labyrinthian cancellation.

Btw I don't think it would have matter if Helen had been in the church anyways, she probably would have been left behind, or whatever.

The purgatory idea has a religious aroma that just isn't my type of a smell.

from wiki: "Season 6 premiered on February 2, 2010, at its new timeslot of Tuesdays at 9:00 EST pm in the US and Canada and features 18 episodes. The sixth season shows other versions of the characters stories in a non-Island setting, referred to as "flash sideways".[64]. In the real world, the survivors return to the present day and must deal with the demise of Jacob, whose death has been orchestrated by the mysterious Man in Black, the Smoke Monster. According to show producer Damon Lindelof, the term "flash-sideways" was deliberately used instead of "alternate reality" because it might then imply "that one of them isn't real, or one of them is real and the other is the alternate to being real.""

link from what this was taken from:

also, just because it isn't "your type of smell" doesn't mean that's not what was intended. from what i gather from your guys's comments and what i've read, the island is pretty powerful/mystical. it's pretty possible they used the power of the island to create the afterlife church thing.

05-26-2010, 12:39 AM
I've never seen Lost. I have nothing to do... so I think I'm going to watch... all of it. Starting from the first season. How long do you think this will take?

05-26-2010, 02:36 AM
The final scene of where Vincent the dog lays next to Jack was the most emotional part of the final eps, yet I cried watching it with my girlfriend. I thought it was remarkable that Jack dies in the same bamboo forest from where the show started. It was pure genius and a great way to end a hero's incredible journey.

05-26-2010, 05:16 AM
Alternate Endings (

Jimmy Kimmel

05-26-2010, 07:02 AM
The final scene of where Vincent the dog lays next to Jack was the most emotional part of the final eps, yet I cried watching it with my girlfriend. I thought it was remarkable that Jack dies in the same bamboo forest from where the show started. It was pure genius and a great way to end a hero's incredible journey.

I don't know about genius, it was kinda clever to have the series end where it begun but other then that, I think the ending was weak.