03-24-2002, 12:36 AM
is it just me or does ff borrow alot of shit from mythology?

Greek- there monsters(harpy, chimera, etc.) cant think of any more but i had more
o! this surprised me alot
Most of you are familiar with Aeris from FF7. Well there is an Eris in greek mythology, who is the goddess of discord, which means she caused alot of disputes. In ff7 she caused disputes between cloud and the gang, shinra, the turks, and sephiroth.

Norse- ok first there is Odin, the norse believe he was the god of the gods, and a familair summon in ff. Then theres Fenrir, the fenris wolf, a giant wolf that odin had to fight. And my favorite, Ragnarok, a name used for swords in ff, and also the transportaion ship in ff8. Ragnarok was the final fight between all the gods of the norse. And last, theres midgar, the beginning point in ff7. I believe the name was borrowed from midgard, the middle level of the norse universe, which i found weird

Add on if you would like, and correct me if i was wrong about any of the things i said above

Rabid Monkey
03-24-2002, 01:08 AM
Shiva is a god of one religion and also a Jewish holy day.

The Sabine Hills are sacred hills outside of Rome.

There are a lot more, but those are two of the lesser known facts about the FF series...

03-24-2002, 02:02 AM
There's even more Norse, Nibelhiem is a distortion of one of the icy hells in the mythology, and I didn't know about the goddess Eris, but Aeris does mean "air" in Latin. Final Fantasy is very big on borrowing from mythology and religion (most fantasy is, read some Tolkien and you'll see). I know more, but there's just too much to post now, it would be great if they put out a book or something or other with all of the references and the sources listed in it, it would truly be fascinating to see...

03-24-2002, 04:21 AM
Originally posted by Rabid-Monkey
Shiva is a god of one religion

yes! i forgot shiva is a hindu god of some sort
and also Tantalus from FFIX was a greek who thought he was better than the gods (or something like that) and he was tortured in the underworld, he was chained to a kneedeep pool surrounded by trees with fruit, and everytime he reached for the fruit it would fall from the stem into the water and disappear

03-24-2002, 06:06 AM
There is some Aztec history of some kind in it too... Ummm what was it Queztacotl and Queztalacotl is an aztec god... Correct me if im wrong..

03-24-2002, 01:13 PM
Ifrit is also some mythology person. The name Sephiroth can be backed tracked to another mythe
and basically ragnarok is the end of the world, Midgard is the earth realm, Asgard is the god realm.
And as it may speak for it self, The phoenix is another mythological beast (suprise suprise)
Square always uses mythologies for every FF which makes the game more interesting and deeper that most other RPG's

03-24-2002, 03:38 PM
most of the GF's and summons from FF were all taken from mythology, and some other stuff too. I was surprised when I did some research awhile back and found a whole lot of stuff from FF.

03-24-2002, 06:18 PM
also theres Thor (think thor's hammer, a move performed by Ixion in ff10) in norse mythology, i dont know the complete story but he was tied in with lightning and lugged aorund a big hammer

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
03-24-2002, 10:14 PM
Gilgamesh is in the norse mythologhy lot, he use to travel round with Thor.

This is'nt really mytoholgy, but Mythril is taken from the Tolkien books, but in his books it's spelt Mithril.

Actually Quezacotl was'nt Aztec (your going to hate me so much, for sounding like a smart arse), he was Mayan.

Another thing that I wonder is, in the Hindu religion Shiva is male, but in the FF's he/she is clearly portraied as a female, can someone clear that up for me.

03-24-2002, 11:33 PM
<font color="4422BB">man, everything is borrowed from mythology. everything....really...</font>

03-25-2002, 09:19 PM
yes mythology has influenced almost everything

03-28-2002, 08:23 PM
Siren is one from Greek mythology.

Abbadon(or anyway you spell it) is from Christian mythology.

Behemoth is from Christian Mythology as well as Leviathan(the dragons, demons, beasts, whatever in the bible)

Dragoons are from German culture, particularly world war 2.

Gilgamesh isnt with Thor, he is from Mesopotamian/Sumerian mythology. Along the lines of Ishtar and such.

Ifrit is from Efreet or Ifreet, an old devil trickster in eastern religion/mythology. Its an elemental beast, like Djinni.

The Minotaur is obviously from Greek Mythology.

Seifer/Sypher means dualistic.

Cerberus is the mythical Hell Hound who guarded the Gates of Hell/Gehenna/whatever in Greek Mythology.

Sphinxaur is obviously Egyptian Myth.

Carbuncle and Tiamat are both from something but i am not certain what.(will research and edit later)

Eden is also Christian myth. Particularly obvious because of the Garden syllogism.

Malboro is a poke at Marlboro ciggarettes(Malboro's Bad Breath attack)

03-29-2002, 02:41 AM
Leviathan- Is a huge sea monster told by pirates from around about the 17th century.
Siren- I remeber learning about accient at primary school and theirs a tale that when some soldiers sail past siren you get hypnotised.

I looked on encarta at school and its got loads of stuff on this sort of thing if you have it you shoud have a look.

03-29-2002, 06:33 AM
Originally posted by TheOmnislasher
Leviathan- Is a huge sea monster told by pirates from around about the 17th century.
Siren- I remeber learning about accient at primary school and theirs a tale that when some soldiers sail past siren you get hypnotised.

I looked on encarta at school and its got loads of stuff on this sort of thing if you have it you shoud have a look.

leviathan was first the beast that jonah was inside of during his run away phase back in the old testament(some say jonah and the whale)

03-30-2002, 09:39 PM
I only know about the Sirens in Greek Mythology. They were beautiful ladies with wonderful voices. They sat on rocks near the shore and sang (In FFVIII, Siren is on a rock and the ocean surrounds her.) When sailors passed by the Sirens, the Sirens' the song would make the sailors fall in such a love for the Sirens that they wanted to sail closer to them. Then, the boats would crash into the rocks and they would die.
I'm reading The Odyssey by Homer in my English class. Hmm...funny...

04-05-2002, 07:59 AM
I remember awhile ago someone posted a link to a site with a GIANT list of FF relations to various myths, maybe a mod could post a link to that in here? it was a really interesting site.