Mister C
04-07-2007, 11:52 PM
I sure did.. Last night, i had a dream someone was playing the Final Fantasy IV - Battle from piano collections. It was beautiful, I wanted an encore, but sadly I had to wake up.

So my quest this morning when I got up, was to come to the FF Shrine and dedicate the day to llearn The Battle. To my disappointment, it's not on the website anymore.

And now I spent 8 hours looking for it on another site and I CANNOT find it.

I guess, I should go back to bed and dream more dreams about VG Music.


p.s. Since i'm on a post anyways... Is there a link anywhere to the FF IV piano collections SHEET MUSIC?

04-08-2007, 05:41 AM
Sometimes I hear the best anime soundtracks when I sleep. But then, I usually like to download them, so I hear them when I'm awake, too. ^^;

:-/ Someone on here told me they already had the I'S Pure theme, but I looked and can't find it... @_@ I think this site's just confusing to me *used to smaller ones*

04-08-2007, 09:50 AM
I once had a dream about the Final Fantasy VI ending theme, buit my dream ended before the song finished...

I had "Pray" stuck in my head all day.

04-09-2007, 08:30 PM
This used to happen to me a lot when I was younger, when I actually remembered my dreams. Not so much now.

I even remember my dream cause it was so vivid.
I was in my old neighborhood. There was me cycling down the street, I started to hum, a nonsensical song at the time. Than all of a sudden, as if God had ordered it, the freakin Ghostbusters song started playing. So I start singing karaoke to it while I was cycling down the street, I'm assuming to bust some ghosts.

I found out, that someone was watching the movie while I was sleeping, hence why that song was playing when I was asleep.

shorty spice
04-18-2007, 07:06 PM
I don't necessarily dream about the music but it will stay stuck in my head for a long time. For weeks i had Sonic The Hedgehog "Marble Zone" theme stuck in my head.

04-18-2007, 10:15 PM
I dreamt i was in the paper mario 2 game a while ago. lol. using the yoshikid.

04-18-2007, 10:25 PM
Good question really. I've never actually dreamed of any piece of music no matter how sentimental it is to me though.

04-19-2007, 02:14 AM
You guys ever get those vid game songs that you absolutely have to listen to over and over, and they appear in your dreams when you do?

04-19-2007, 02:19 AM
Good question really. I've never actually dreamed of any piece of music no matter how sentimental it is to me though.

04-19-2007, 07:53 AM
hehe marble zone, yeah i remember i had that stuck in my head alot. like others in here say i dont as much dream about them, I more like have them stuck in my head all day, the only time they will be in my dreams is if someone is playing them in real life like what happend to Shin_Okita with ghostbusters hehe

04-20-2007, 02:49 AM
I don't necessarily dream about the music but it will stay stuck in my head for a long time. For weeks i had Sonic The Hedgehog "Marble Zone" theme stuck in my head.

NOOOO! Its coming back in my head!

As for dreaming about Video Game music, its always something i just played. Most of the time if its a shooting game. :)

Snow Breezer
04-21-2007, 11:53 PM
I had the opening music of House of the Dead in my head when I was sleeping. I tried to get it out of my head but it didn't work...

I dreamed about a lot of anime/game music...@_@