stalker 4589
04-05-2007, 09:13 PM
yeah hey first post :-[ anyway i belive a few characters have great potential and have been under looked by alot of my freinds and square them selves.

Jecht. His story from what i remember wasnt too deep but he honestly is one of my favorite characters ever. and his sword wow so cool.

Zack. Now i know alot of FF7 involves him but he honestly didnt have many actual apperances in the game. and he is much cooler than cloud ever was.

Shuyin. Another quite influential character but not given a deep story or explanation. but clearly in my eyes a good character.

there is more but im in a rush atm ill edit with them later.

and also im planning on modeling some of the swords from FF games in general and was wondering if anyone could provide me with a pic of Shuyin's sword and if anybody has any swords they would like to see in the collection,


04-06-2007, 09:53 PM
Ward from FF8, I've never seen a fat white guy who could jump that high

Clouds Mom, RIP. You've got to respect a woman who managed to live on her own with her husband dead (supposedly) and her only son going off to join the army

Marlene (FF7), without her Barrett probably wouldn't give a damn about anything. He probably would've went mad like Dyne

The moogle who saves your game (FF9), he saves your game but how often do you think of him when you're thinking about ff9?! Show him some damn gratitude

range of the long nines
04-07-2007, 12:42 AM
vivi's grandpa, he taught him so much!

04-07-2007, 02:07 AM
I think that Kimahri from FFX is the most underrated character in all of FF history!

He can probably kick anyone's ass!

04-07-2007, 03:29 AM
Julia from FF8. Her story was tragic, but at the same time, very romantic. I think she's highly underrated as people rarely talk about her.

stalker 4589
04-07-2007, 10:57 AM
i agree with darktidus kimahri is underated

The black chocobo rider from the golden saucer.(he must of tained so much to be the best)

04-07-2007, 11:15 AM
Kimarhi is not underated at all.

He plays no real part in the story apart from pritecting Yuna. The only time he becomes remotly interesting is when you go to mt Gagazet and have to fight Biran and Yenke. Thats about the only time he is of any use. Beside that you can use any other character and in effect you will be using Kimarhi one way or another.

I personally think that Esther from ffVII should have got a bit more story time. As you only see her when she comes to rescue you from the desert prison and then when you wanna race her chocobos. But beside that you really know nothing about her. Yet she is vital for the story to continue otherwise you would be stuck in the desert prison with no way out.

04-07-2007, 12:06 PM
Raine: Probably my favourite female in FF8. She doesn't seem to get mentioned much, and since all evidence points to her and Laguna being the parents of Squall, she has a huge impact on the game, just never really thoroughly looked at.

04-07-2007, 03:03 PM
Xu from Final Fantasy VIII - she had so much to do with the survival of Garden, especially after Cid fucked off to the orphanage without a mention. I always read people saying that Squall should have been headmaster post-FFVIII, but it definitely should have been Xu instead.

Ruby from Final Fantasy IX - whenever she's on screen I always read her dialogue with a Dolly Parton voice in my head.

Judge Bergan
04-07-2007, 04:18 PM
VIII - Raijin and Fujin, Kiros and Ward
IX - Amarant
XII - Vaan and Pennelo

Can't think of reasons right now.

04-07-2007, 04:54 PM
The black chocobo rider from the golden saucer.(he must of tained so much to be the best)


04-08-2007, 06:15 AM
Regent Cid from FFIX.

While he may have allegedly cheated on his wife, thus being forced to spend most of the story as either an oglop or a frog, he did a great deal to help Zidane, Garnet and the rest of the gang whenever they needed it most. Also, I always thought it was sweet that Eiko was adopted by Regent Cid and Hilde at the end of the game.

04-08-2007, 07:40 AM
i cant belive that no one has said Quina, his/her's blue magic helped me alot, especally White Wind when Garnet was with steiner.

another one i think, Yuffie, sure she stole the materia (still hate that) but she was farily descent combat wise.

oh, and Sir Fratley, without him, Freya woulden't have gone looking for him and she woulden't be in the game, and face it Freya is bad ass

Lil' Sain
04-08-2007, 07:47 AM
vincent, freya and amerant

04-08-2007, 11:00 AM
I agree with the ruby one. I do a sorta Dolly accent myself its slightly worrying

04-28-2007, 07:35 AM
two that i consider underrated off the top of my head would be tidus and kuja

i've heard a lot of people go on about how annoying and pussy tidus was but i always enjoyed him. i liked how he started off just a kid living his life (playing sports, hitting on girls, ect..) and then is all of the sudden handed a sword and expected to fight, while being hurled into a whole new world and having to deal with it all. throughout the game i they did a good job of portraying him as a kid in a totally unfamiliar world, while at the same time still keeping his confident and somewhat carefree personality intact. i also thought it was cool how, as the game progresses, you can see how he sort of grows and deepens mentally, in terms of his surroundings, yuna and everything in general. i thought he was a great character

and then kuja, who is probably my favourite ff villain. got a lot of heat for his feminine appearance and gestures and all that. i understand, he does look like a girl, but that didnt take away from all the ruthless things he did that made him great. with him destroying all 4 major 'nations' in the game, brainwashing and killing brahne, just his overall destructive attitude really appealed to me and drew me to his character. not trying to take away from any of the other villains, but i enjoyed him

04-28-2007, 07:56 AM
Raine: Probably my favourite female in FF8. She doesn't seem to get mentioned much, and since all evidence points to her and Laguna being the parents of Squall, she has a huge impact on the game, just never really thoroughly looked at.

QFT. We are going to correct the injustice done to her in the VIII Rumble are we not? All my points are going to her from here on out. I still can't believe that noob -6'd her :sad:

04-28-2007, 09:45 AM
Seymore Guado. Totally underrated!

04-28-2007, 09:55 AM
Raine: Probably my favourite female in FF8. She doesn't seem to get mentioned much, and since all evidence points to her and Laguna being the parents of Squall, she has a huge impact on the game, just never really thoroughly looked at.

I agree. Raine was also my favourite female in VIII, and it kind of sucked how little of a part she plays. As you said, considering she is Squall's mother, she really should have had her background explained more or something.

04-29-2007, 04:04 AM
ff6 shadow - not enough story, yeah he was a bounty hounter/assasin/hand for hire and could ahve been relms father but i would have liked to have a side quest on him or something besides sleeping at the inn..........ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERS, I WANT ALOT MORE. throw skill isnt really useful when compared to blitz and sword tech, but he is awesome nontheless

ff9 amarant - a real bad ass but couldnt get involved enough with wat they provided I WANT MORE. also has good skills (chakra)

ff12 balthier - the cool guy who happens to be cids son... and become a sky pirate... and? i WANT MORE

jewess crabcake
04-29-2007, 05:01 AM
Zell- his story was skimpy i know they thought he ws a wuss but what led up to that?

maester kinoc- he was Auron's friend what made him change into such an ass?

umm Paine actually even after you learn about her past it's still like uh.... o.k.

Kimhari, all that's known is that he found Braska and he told him about Yuna, How the f did he get to Besaid? And howcome noone cared he left?

05-11-2007, 04:44 PM
I agree that Tidus is the most underrated. Everyone I talk to about FFX complains about how much of an annoying whiner and a tool he is. I disagree! Tidus is one of the most punk-rock characters of all time! He just bursts into the sacred Cloyster of Trials which is like blasphemous taboo, but he does it anyway because he's worried about Yuna. He doesn't care, he speaks his mind and fights for what he believes in.

Okay so he's slightly annoying with his dialogue. Oh well, I still admire the kid.

Hex Omega
05-11-2007, 05:01 PM
Shadow, Cait Sith, Freya and a few others.

J. Peterman
05-11-2007, 08:20 PM
cloud he had a cool sword

Floyd _the_Barber
05-15-2007, 06:29 AM
Ultimecia you never really know who she is, some say she is Rinoa in the future but I'm not sure. And I think Irvine is also underated!

05-26-2007, 07:05 PM
FF8's Ellone Loire. Bar none.

05-27-2007, 03:53 AM
FF4-Kain, Edward, Kung fu dude
FF5-Galuf );
FF6-Moogle, Shadow, Gogo
FF7-Barret, Red XIII, Cait Sith
FF8-Ellone Loire
FF9-Didn't care enough

05-28-2007, 03:07 AM

I have never understood how anyone could hate him. He's like a big brother to Tidus, he's always upbeat when you need him to be, and he overcomes his prejudices and learns to think on his own w/o the crutch of his religion.

06-02-2007, 02:17 PM
Final Fantasy VII - Cait Sith. I mean come on, his Limit was sweet, the character design was sweet, and his quotes are sweet. People say that they don't like him because of how he betrays the party and is just a white blob with a black cat, but he was truly an awesome character when you thought about it. His weapon was a megaphone! :]

Final Fantasy VIII - Kiros and Ward. They were the support for Laguna through his err... "ordeals" back in the day, and continue to support him once in Esthar and etc. Laguna may not be underrated, but the two guys who helped him get popular in the game are. :P

Final Fantasy IX - Beatrix! Some just thought of her as a stubborn lady with a sharp object in Alexandria, but really she actually had a personality as evident later in the game. That, and her abilities are sweet and so is her character design. Stop overlooking her sweetness, damnit. :[

Final Fantasy X - Tidus. To all of you Tidus haters, the ENTIRE GAME was centered around him, the storyline was actually amazing because of him being a dream and all, and his relationships with each of the characters (Wakka, the Aurochs, Yuna, Rikku) added SO much to the game. He and Squall are probably my favorite FF leads ever. Although Tidus was whiny at times, his inability to see reality at times is what made him so interesting. That, and his tendency to get in trouble constantly. ;)

Final Fantasy X-2 - Baralai. While the storyline first focuses on sphere hunting then moves onto Yuna obsessing over Shuyin, Nooj and Baralai and Gippal get put on the backburner for a good chunk of the game. I think Baralai in particular was a really interesting character with his influence on Yevon, and it would've been cool to see more from him. Regardless, he's awesome and deserves some credit. :]

Final Fantasy XII - I hated this game terribly, so I'm going to go with Montblanc and leave it at that.

06-02-2007, 02:27 PM
Baralai was fucking awesome. That game would have been so much better if you gained chars as you went through the game, like practically every other ff. Baralai would have been cool to use, with his own dresspheres, but obviously the whole story would have had to be re-written.