$quall Leonhart
03-23-2002, 01:34 PM
Whats your favourite FF8 movie screen? And why?

Overall mine is when $quall saves Rinoa. Thou.. $quall saves Rinoa several times... But i mean the sceen were they in slow montion kinda hugs each other. You get that nice background and the music... its such a lovely sceen! Gotta luv that...

Disc1: The dance with $quall and Rinoa
Disc2: The missiles are cool!
Disc3: Aint that the disc were $quall saves Rinoa(see my overall :rolleyes: )
Disc4: The end sequance (simply amazing)

03-23-2002, 02:42 PM
The intro, the Danse, and the ending movie were awsome. I still watch them, as they are soo amazing everytime.

03-24-2002, 01:51 AM
The intro, the part in the 1st disc when squall and the gang is running away from XTM and the "Home Movies" that are during the credits. (Plus the ending is awesome)

$quall Leonhart
03-24-2002, 05:15 AM
I know what ya mean SSJ. I still watch that dance, intro, the end.. everything again and again! Cant get enought of FF8:D

03-27-2002, 12:14 AM
my fav has to be the battle between the 2 gardens
(including the cheap part with the dear in the forest looking over the battle)

followed by the intro then the ending

03-27-2002, 12:55 AM
Wells, I guess it's Eyes On Me scene, Liberi Fatali intro, or Waltz Under the Moon. Or when the missiles were heading towards Balamb and *thankgoodness* Balamb quickly flew out. Yea!

03-27-2002, 05:43 AM
the intro. definatly.

03-27-2002, 06:04 AM
I liked the opening, the dance scene, the scene where Squall saves Rinoa, and the ending. The dance scene is very beautiful, and the hug in the Squall saving Rinoa scene is so nice. The ending to ff8 is one of final fantasy's finest moments, imo. I felt so sad when they show Laguna looking at Raine's grave, and then so happy when I see Squall and Rinoa together.

03-27-2002, 01:39 PM
mine has to be the intro were seifers fightin squall that is unbelievable and the best thing bout it is you can watch it whenever you want!!!

i also like the scene were garden crashes into fh!!!

there all good

03-28-2002, 02:35 AM
I like the dance scene simply because IT"S SQUALL, HE'S HOT, AND HE'S DANCING!!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! But why, oh why did it have to be with that dumb bitch. I wouldn't mind if it was Quistis, or even Zell, but the whore? (sorry, I can't say her name, or something bad will happen.)

proBuM 8 8
03-28-2002, 02:43 AM
i like the intro, dance, squall saves rinoa, ending....wow same as like, everyone, and rinoa's not a whore!!

03-28-2002, 03:33 AM
If we going by disc then read below. :rolleyes:
Disc 1 - The opening. No wait Dollet Landing, equacuation, Dance, Timber Mission, Deling Parade (ahhhh:confused: this is hard i'm only on disc1)
Disc 2 - Missiles, Battle of the gardens
Disc 3 - Space flight, Lunar Cry
Disc 4 - The Ending

Phew that was too hard damn you making me choose :confused:
(used to be indecisive now I'm not sure)

03-28-2002, 04:09 AM
In disk 3 when Squall saves rinoa in space

03-29-2002, 05:01 PM
Oh, please, by all means, exCUSE ME!!!! for calling your little heroine a friggin' WHORE....... and ultimately making you cry... you poor little thing. I'm sure I deeply offended that innocent goddess of yours.... *coughwhatevercough*

proBuM 8 8
03-30-2002, 06:18 PM
whoaaa....no, i actually wasn't offended or nething, just didn't think she was a whore, man, didn't hafta get all p/oed bout it

03-31-2002, 06:43 AM
I wasn't p/oed, I was trying to tease you.

03-31-2002, 04:34 PM
<font color="4422BB"> out of the entire game its gotta be when balamb garden takes off and when balamb and galabadia gardens are fighting. </font>

Cetra Angel
04-03-2002, 08:40 PM
*eating cold pizza after the first ever garden festival*

my fave has gotta be the home movie with the credits, selphie gets pissed off with irvy and steals his hat, making him record it, lol, selphie is so cool

04-04-2002, 04:14 AM
I like the CG sequence when Edea makes the ice javelin appear, and it impails squall, that was a really emotional one too.

$quall Leonhart
04-04-2002, 09:16 AM
:rolleyes: changing topic...

Hard one... personaly.. I think all the scenes in the game waz great. I cant think of any bad ones. Can you..?

Cetra Angel
04-04-2002, 10:01 PM
lemme think...


04-05-2002, 09:55 AM
My Fave would have to be either when Squall is running away from XATM092, when he's standing on the ship (he looks kewl then), when he jumps in the car and drives to Edea or at the start with the kewl fight scene. So many choices.

Angel Aeris
04-11-2002, 07:58 PM
The intro, Waltz to the Moon, The Parade, the one when they see the G-Garden attack and Seifer, when they are in the space... And the ending... It was just so... so... so...
So, you know what I mean. ;)


By the way, ~Cloud~ and I are looking for more family members. PM to one of us if you want to be part of our family!!!

My *best dad ever* is Cloud
My *favorite mum* is Jade
My husband is ~Cloud~ *Love & kisses*
My sweet daughters are Yunie & summoner_yuna
My super-sis is Angel*Rinoa
My super-bro is DevourerOfSouls
My brothers-in-law are great guys quistis lover(iverine),
Kounan.Rey & $quall Leonhart

04-11-2002, 08:13 PM
Originally posted by megalomania
I liked the opening, the dance scene, the scene where Squall saves Rinoa, and the ending. The dance scene is very beautiful, and the hug in the Squall saving Rinoa scene is so nice. The ending to ff8 is one of final fantasy's finest moments, imo. I felt so sad when they show Laguna looking at Raine's grave, and then so happy when I see Squall and Rinoa together.

Nanaki XIII
04-11-2002, 11:29 PM
Best intro, best ending. I love the FMVs. Actually I enjoyed the whole parade scene from Edea walking through walls, to Squall driving a car into a cage. And the battle between the 2 gardens with the motorcycles flying off from one garden to the next. Man the FMVs are not half bad.

04-12-2002, 06:14 AM
OK, I know I have watched the movies on FF7, but I am checking the discs on FF8 and I dont see any movie files, do I have to extract them or what.......the 2 big files are .pak file and a fs file

Princess Dagger
04-12-2002, 12:03 PM
I like the Intro, the Dance Scene, where Squall saves Rinoa, G-Garden attack, when they are running away from XATM092, the Parade and the Ending :D

04-12-2002, 05:26 PM
I like the intro, the dance, the parade, when Squall cuts Rinoa out of the stasis machine, and the ending (all of it including the home movie part).

Intro is really great, especially if you've beaten the game and understand it. Its so much better after *SPOILER*
Squall and Rinoa have that talk at Edea's house and make the promise to meet in the poppy field.

04-14-2002, 07:13 AM
Probably the whole ending to disk 1. THe whole Edea assasination thing. Pretty awesome. Gotta love how Squall drives..:rolleyes:

04-14-2002, 04:01 PM
I would have to say the intro scene when you first play the game. I mean the dual between Squall and seifer is amazing! I also like when you see Rinoa in the field, its just a amazing intro.

04-14-2002, 07:05 PM
I would have to say that I like them all :)

04-15-2002, 07:24 PM
When Adel takes Rinoa, close-up shot on Rinoa's face, very detailed, very nice.

Jeff Hardy
04-16-2002, 01:45 AM
ok the Dance with the Balamb Fish scene was great, but I would have to say my favorite CG scene has to be the ending everything is just sooo perfect everyone is livin in peace and harmony. You can't ask for a much better ending then that! And of course it ends with Squall gettin Rinoa!;)

Jeff Hardy
04-16-2002, 01:51 AM
To Summoner Yuna.....Hey don't worry I'll back ya up on this...I'll admit that I was very sad when I saw that scene with Laguna standing next to the tombstone, and then Raine comes up, it just goes to show ya that life goes on in FF8


04-20-2002, 03:24 PM
I luv the ending secuence cause u get to here eyes on me I sing to them I just luv it.

04-20-2002, 05:11 PM
The only ones i've seen are the communication tower one, the intro, the beach landing and the eding sequence.
My fav was the ending one and second is the communications tower one..

04-20-2002, 05:22 PM
You say you've seen both the intro and the ending sequence, but not most of the ones in between? Are you looking at them on a friend's computer, or downloading them off the web?

04-20-2002, 08:41 PM
I saw the ending scene on my computer and im up to the com tower in ff8 so i aint seen any others yet..

04-22-2002, 08:12 AM
I dig the Gunblade fight between Squall and Seifer in the start, the Rinoa/Squall dance and the Ending (Including the Home Video part)