04-05-2007, 09:09 AM
Sorry if i get this genre wrong, i'm new to this stuff but... i just wanted to know what's your opinion on heavy/death metal. I'm talking about the music where there's a ton of shouting (ex- Opeth) those kinds of bands. I know there are a lot of open people on these forums and a lot of metal fans out there and I just want to know your opinion. Personally, i think it's kind of scary (not trying to piss u off) and mainly because most of it has to do with satanic things and it doesn't really fit my style. I try to be open to a lot of music, but i guess death-metal just doesn't break for me... unless u can persuade me.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-05-2007, 03:03 PM
If you can't get into Opeth then you don't stand a chance with the heavier stuff.

Learn to spell.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-05-2007, 10:07 PM
It's a misconception that most death metal is satanic. Anyway, I like some death metal bands like Cryptopsy. While a lot is pure noise, creating chaos for the hell of it, there are some death metal bands with really accomplished musicians (again, Cryptopsy, Flo Mounier on drums is amazing) and I can respect the complexity and such, but a lot of bands in the genre can still get on the dull side. I don't listen to it much anymore, but like any genre, there are some acts in it I like and some I can't really enjoy. I find it silly to judge an entire genre as a whole when many of the acts it is comprised of have a lot of different qualities.

04-05-2007, 10:40 PM
I love any kind of metal. Sad thing is I wouldnt be able to post any of the names of the bands since I dont know them and I am to lazy to look them up.

stalker 4589
04-05-2007, 10:57 PM
well im very open to music but the screaming death metal i fail to see a point in. id go as heavy as sum Slipknot songs and a slight few trivium songs. i mean atm iv been listening to kings will never mind (found a link for them the seem a myspace band but have sum really good vampiric and i dunno egyption songs ill post the link if anyone wants it) (btw i hate myspace for the record) and iv also been listening to thousand foot krutch who are apparently christian rock :S there stilll good

04-06-2007, 12:40 AM
The Best Ever Death Metal Band Out of Denton is a fantastic song by the Mountain Goats

04-06-2007, 01:26 AM
Hail Satan.

Swedish Fish
04-06-2007, 03:41 AM
Heavy metal is good listening. A lot of bands have softer songs for quiet time. But the heavier heavy metal is quite easy to get into. Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Megadeth all have varied types of music. And most of it is very good. If you can get into that, then the way is open for lots of bands like Pantera, Lamb Of God, Slayer, Cannibal Corpse, Cradle Of Filth, etc. It's really not that hard to get into.

Also, black metal is satanic. Death metal has very few satanic influences.

If you can't get into Opeth then you don't stand a chance with the heavier stuff.

That's not entirely true. I went from Green Day to Children Of Bodom and Slayer without too much trouble. It all depends on the person.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-06-2007, 04:08 AM
well im very open to music but the screaming death metal i fail to see a point in. id go as heavy as sum Slipknot songs and a slight few trivium songs. i mean atm iv been listening to kings will never mind (found a link for them the seem a myspace band but have sum really good vampiric and i dunno egyption songs ill post the link if anyone wants it) (btw i hate myspace for the record) and iv also been listening to thousand foot krutch who are apparently christian rock :S there stilll good

Slipknot is "nu metal", Trivium is metalcore/modern thrash.

Death metal vocals are definitely an acquired taste, and I prefer bands where the vocalists actually sing to SOME extent, but I don't see why you should dismiss the entire genre just based off of that. It takes some getting used to. Any music should be given more than one chance, I love lots of stuff I didn't like at first, check out my avatar/sig for example.

04-06-2007, 05:36 AM
Death metal has very few satanic influences.I think you should take that up with John Darnielle.

Dr. Lucien Sanchez
04-06-2007, 09:37 AM
That's not entirely true. I went from Green Day to Children Of Bodom and Slayer without too much trouble. It all depends on the person.

I went from Radiohead to Opeth, but as the guy said he found death metal "scary" which wasn't a problem for myself so I could move on to other, heavier bands in the genre. If he can't grow up and see the music for what it really is then he's fucked.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-06-2007, 04:16 PM
All I'm saying is any music any of us don't like today, a year from now if given another chance, who knows.

04-06-2007, 04:54 PM
I Love metal in general but that doesn't mean its all good like every thing else it has it's ups and downs. There has been many Songs/Bands that i hated when i first heard them but now i can't stop listening to them. Just give the music a chance if you still don't like it in a few month consider it a lost cause.

04-06-2007, 09:49 PM
I know personally I am not going to listen to music I don't like for a few months, just to give it a fair shake. I will listen to an album two or three times and if I still think it sucks, chances are it does. What Ktulu said though is pretty true your musical taste can change a great deal over an extended period of time, but that doesn't mean you should be listening to music that you don't like because you might like it later or think its cool or whatever.

Lunchbox McGillicuddy
04-06-2007, 11:11 PM
Yeah, I don't recommend listening to stuff over and over just hoping to like it, but always at least give things a second chance.

04-07-2007, 03:29 AM
I love death metal. I wasn't really into much music but when I got my first taste of Cradle of Filth, I couldn't go back. I love the death vocals and now I'm a huge fan of death/black/symphonic/melodeath metal, and even grindcore.

While I agree that it can sound like pure noise if you're not used to it, death metal has tons of incredibly technical aspects to it if you listen to it enough.

04-07-2007, 05:20 AM

But honestly, if you're scared of death metal, then why listen to it?

Death metal has very few satanic influences.

I disagree. It's split about 50-50. Think about it: Possessed, Vader (De Profundis, Ultimate Incantation, Sothis), Behemoth, Malevolent Creation, Morbid Angel, Severed Savior, Deicide, Rotting Christ, Vital Remains are all death metal bands that bash religion (I didn't even include Slayer (mostly b/c they're a thrash band), although they fit well into the religious bashing scene). But of course, there are bands that just talk about dissection, human anatomy, and disfigurement: Aborted, Autopsy, Cannibal Corpse, Necrophagist, Carcass, Rigor Mortis, Cryptopsy, and Suffocation. Then, you've got bands that touch on philosophical aspects, the most notable being Death, but there're some others, such as Necrophagist (Epitaph) and At The Gates (Terminal Spirit Disease). So yes, there are obvious satanic influences in death metal.

04-09-2007, 01:16 AM
Death metal is some good stuff, but I think prefer black and folk metal when it comes to the extreme stuff.

04-09-2007, 02:04 AM
What the hell is folk metal? Is it a satanic version of "She'll be comin' 'round the mountain when she comes" or something?

SOAD all the way

04-09-2007, 02:11 AM
Subgenre of black metal.

See bands like:
Orphaned Land

04-10-2007, 10:50 AM
My favourite metal bands are:

1. Satan's Fingers
2. The Killers
3. The Hospital Bombers

04-10-2007, 10:50 AM
DEATH metal bands of course

ps: hail satan tonight

04-10-2007, 02:09 PM
Dethklok rules! Murderface!

Oh wait, someone's already said that... :( *leaves*

04-15-2007, 10:58 PM
lol @ genoflash....why does everyone automatically latch onto that satanic excuse? I'm not mad at that, but its just that everyone says it. I say just read the lyrics of a song before you say its got some weird uber hidden message in the thing. Granted, a lot of bands do have that satanic side to em, most notably, Deicide, but hey, cant blame the actions of the few on the whole.

I myself, I'm an avid death metal fan (where the opeth fans at?!), and can tell ya if you wanna get into it, you might wanna start light. Go with Opeth's earlier albums, they have more of a melodic feel to them. Or hell, even start from melodic death. Arch Enemy, In Flames, and Children of Bodom (EARLY CoB, I dont really like Are You Dead Yet too much..) This might sound odd coming from a death metal fan....but I'm a guitarist

stay away from cannibal corpse.....I'm sorry, I know most of you are pissed at that lol, but I listen to death metal for the guitar, and I think Deicide really shows how talented Jack Owen is.

anyway, thats enough from me

EDIT:theres a lot more bands with tons worse satanic references than Deicide, I was just using the first one that came to mind.

04-15-2007, 11:08 PM
People have misconceptions about Death Metal the same way that people have misconceptions about Rap, but to say that not all Death Metal has got something to do with... Well, death and Satanism, is ignorant if you ask me. It's called Death Metal for a reason, and they're sure as hell not singing about falling in love with a girl (well, maybe one with horns :().

Also, personally, I find it hard to distinguish between noise and Death Metal.

People have been riding Rap music in the Rap thread pretty hard, so I think my little comment is more than appropriate.

04-16-2007, 01:41 AM
People have misconceptions about Death Metal the same way that people have misconceptions about Rap, but to say that not all Death Metal has got something to do with... Well, death and Satanism, is ignorant if you ask me. It's called Death Metal for a reason, and they're sure as hell not singing about falling in love with a girl (well, maybe one with horns :().

Also, personally, I find it hard to distinguish between noise and Death Metal.

People have been riding Rap music in the Rap thread pretty hard, so I think my little comment is more than appropriate.

Lol.....I dunno why, but many people find it tough to distinguish between noise and Death Metal, at least all the people I talk to. Like I told the other guy, I guess you gotta start light, and get a feel for it. If you've tried to before then hey, its not for everyone.

04-16-2007, 01:54 AM
i dont get the shouty SHOUTY kind of music that you're all talking about. that said im well into the deftones like...

but you've got to listen to music that makes you want to shake your *ahem* thang... yeah baby! i love EAGLES OF DEATH METAL but the irony is they're just... well... not death metal. i think you just go through stages in life where you learn to appreciate different kinds of music more. its took me quite a journey to get to the music i like now, but now its here to stay with me.

not trying to insult you or nothin but ive been to the shouty SHOUTY gigs, but i just didnt get it. i think people just go sometimes to knock 7 shades of shit out of each other!!

now funky town. theres a topper song!

05-17-2007, 08:56 PM
haha, Opeth has a lot of screaming? XD
nah sorry I just think it's quite funny since I consider them kinda soft...well the recent Opeth though...
I like death metal, just like any kind of metal..though it's true soms bands don't do anything but screaming, and I can't stand that... I like my songs to have some clean vocals too.
I don't mind the txt too much, it's not like I'm some satanist or so but ah well...

05-17-2007, 10:02 PM
I am really enjoying Nile and Psycroptic at the moment. They are both 'technical' death metal bands, and both are awesome.

Also just got the recent album from D��th. I listened to it all last night and I am hooked on it. For any death metal fans, You should give it a go, really impressive I think.

05-18-2007, 11:51 PM
First of all, I can't stand growling at all. If it's accompanied by impressive female soprano like Theatre of Tragedy, maybe.

Many black/death metal bands have very impressive guitar riffs and background melody. It's the screaming vocals that's the complete turn-off for me. I don't want to listen to a band whose vocal is something I could replace.

But Satanism, rape and massacre, devil-worship aren't what all death metal bands are about. And many times they don't mean it, either. I've seen plenty of death metal bands live and they are real jolly fellows off the stage.

But I don't really consider death metal to be music except for some melodic death metal. Bashing guitar and drums like there's no tomorrow with a guy/girl/it screaming and growling nonsense in the midst of it... that's just earfucking. (Archenemy's vocal is a woman and Caninus is the world's first animal-fronted band, using two dogs as vocals.)

05-23-2007, 09:28 AM
Death metal aight?
Glad I found this thread. Huge metal fan, but death is my favorite genre.
Sadly enough there are lots of poser metal bands lately so please don't base your opinion about metal on them.
If you want to build an opinion about it, check out:

Dying Fetus
Vital Remains
Cannibal Corpse
Arch Enemy

There's really no end to this list. Every month great death metal releases!
Black comes on second place for me, but that's a different story :P

Oh and about

But I don't really consider death metal to be music except for some melodic death metal. Bashing guitar and drums like there's no tomorrow with a guy/girl/it screaming and growling nonsense in the midst of it... that's just earfucking.
"Earfucking"? What are you, 10?
Satanism, rape and massacre, they're just a few things that give metal it's "shocking" status that keeps it underground. Ever heard of a metalhead raping or murdering because he's a metalhead? NO YOU DI'NT! Why? How can a person be stressed after listen to this music? It's the most extreme form of self-expression. I'd have a hard time believing you can tell someone you hate him/her for some reason and after listening to the song actually feeling less hateful about it in a music genre other than metal.
"Bashing" is not what I would call it dude... There's some tremendous skill involved into making these things. Using dogs is not decent death but just joking around with death metal. And if you would read the lyrics of bands like say Carcass, Necrophagist, Death or Impaled you'd see some complex and very thought-through lyrics, hard to find these days in any other style of music (other than metal that is...)

Many black/death metal bands have very impressive guitar riffs and background melody. It's the screaming vocals that's the complete turn-off for me. I don't want to listen to a band whose vocal is something I could replace.
So you don't consider it music, the riffs and melodies are fine, just the damn vocals aight? Pfff, why do you even reply to this post... I think this post was made for pplz that are considering listening to it and want advices or ppl with some knowledge about death metal. Please allow the open minded ppl not to base their opinion on yours!

05-24-2007, 02:22 AM
I have nothing against the whole death metal genre, but it's just not my cup of tea. No offense but I like more quieter acoustic artists. (such as Ronnie Day, John Mayer, Secondhand Serenade)

Top Cat
05-24-2007, 01:59 PM
ages ago i watched this tv show that was about this death metal band and the lead singer decided he was fed up with it all and changed his genre to life metal instead and started being all rainbow and it was fictional and comedy but it was quite good and i can't remember what it was called

Metal Maniac
05-24-2007, 07:24 PM
Any metal is awesome but some real good stuff in the Deathe genra is Children of Bodum They do some crazy stuff and sound awesome.

05-28-2007, 09:34 AM
Death metal aight?
Glad I found this thread. Huge metal fan, but death is my favorite genre.
Sadly enough there are lots of poser metal bands lately so please don't base your opinion about metal on them.
If you want to build an opinion about it, check out:

Dying Fetus
Vital Remains
Cannibal Corpse
Arch Enemy

There's really no end to this list. Every month great death metal releases!
Black comes on second place for me, but that's a different story :P

Oh and about

"Earfucking"? What are you, 10?
Satanism, rape and massacre, they're just a few things that give metal it's "shocking" status that keeps it underground. Ever heard of a metalhead raping or murdering because he's a metalhead? NO YOU DI'NT! Why? How can a person be stressed after listen to this music? It's the most extreme form of self-expression. I'd have a hard time believing you can tell someone you hate him/her for some reason and after listening to the song actually feeling less hateful about it in a music genre other than metal.
"Bashing" is not what I would call it dude... There's some tremendous skill involved into making these things. Using dogs is not decent death but just joking around with death metal. And if you would read the lyrics of bands like say Carcass, Necrophagist, Death or Impaled you'd see some complex and very thought-through lyrics, hard to find these days in any other style of music (other than metal that is...)

So you don't consider it music, the riffs and melodies are fine, just the damn vocals aight? Pfff, why do you even reply to this post... I think this post was made for pplz that are considering listening to it and want advices or ppl with some knowledge about death metal. Please allow the open minded ppl not to base their opinion on yours!

I didn't write a complicated, long post. It should be easy to read and understand.

I didn't say rape and massacre were everything death metal was about. It's said in the original post. And I really don't like repeating myself.

I personally know some death metal band members. I know they are real intelligent and jolly fellows. Of course there are always some douchebags who don't know better and actually mean whatever they scream, but most of the death metal band members or death metal fans I know are real nice people.

All I'm saying is that screaming isn't really a singing. It's vocalizing, yes, but it's not singing, pas chanter. Get it?

I try to be open-minded, but if you scream at my ear and call that singing, I'm taking you to a doctor.

DID I SAY BASHING IS ALL THERE IS TO DEATH METAL? NO. I actually like some melodic death metal, because they have techniques and skills. It's just SOME extreme metal bands that bash like there's no tomorrow that kind of makes me go ehhh....

And I was just stating my taste, because there actually might be some people who might not like the growling part like I do reading these posts. Some people don't know that growling is the main vocalizing style in death metal genre (especially this forum being mostly a non-metal forum.)

Really... What are you, 10? No, you have to be older than that, because you actually have to put effort into missing some parts out of my short post.

I understand that you are a death metal fan and my post that clearly states dislike of the genre may have been offensive or unpleasant to you. But you didn't have to flip out like that just because my taste is different. Just relax, dude.

(And I really don't like the choice of Brujeria. I don't like the fact that they are drug-dealers as well as racists, and the fact that they actually mean racists when they say that.)

05-28-2007, 01:57 PM
My favorite metal band of all time is Children of Bodom. Alexi Laiho is amazing on the guitar.

Memento Mori
05-28-2007, 04:45 PM
If Opeth scares you, you're hopeless. If you plan on allowing your balls to re-emerge, I would take the suggestions from everybody here.

05-28-2007, 05:10 PM
If Opeth scares you, you're hopeless. If you plan on allowing your balls to re-emerge, I would take the suggestions from everybody here.

Hey now, no need to diss anyone because of their taste in music.

Swedish Fish
05-28-2007, 05:16 PM
It's fine not to like Opeth. But no one should be "afraid" of them.

06-01-2007, 11:22 PM
I think you're mistaking death metal for black metal.

Black Metal is usually satanic, at least as far as the members of the band are, or they're pagan, but whatever they are they are usually strongly anti-Christian. I've been into black and death metal for about 4 years now. Really, you have nothing to be "afraid" of. It's just music. They're not going to find you and kill you or anything like that.

A lot of it you probably don't understand because of the layering. It's complexly layered, lead guitar over rhythm guitar, over rhythm guitar 2 if its dual layered, over bass rhythm or backing, and drum rhythm and filling. The vocals actually take more talent to do than you think, it's breath control, and projection on a massive scale. Some bands like Emperor for example in the sound Thus Spake the Nightspirit will switch from a screaming vocal to an operatic vocal, that's just as hard to do if not harder than anything because you have to switch everything around entirely.

Personally, if you want some good examples of black metal that you could get into look for things like Limbonic Art and Hecate Enthroned, they have screaming vocals, but symphonic music.

Death metal is completely different, the vocals are similar, but are more trained to a lower and deeper sound, that usually requires some gutteral force. Death metal is complex too, the bass guitar is usually a very complex rhythm if it's not lead, and the guitar usually interweaves with this or visa versa. Nile would be a good example of this, in "Sarcophagus" they do this quite a bit. The time signature for death metal and black metal usually vary but the majority of it is in 4/4 standard, given the exception of some solos from some bands etc.

Mr E. Stalker
09-17-2007, 03:54 AM
If you'd like a listen at some death metal, might I suggest my namesake, KALMAH, or Nile, they're death metal with Egyptian themes. Pretty killer. Opeth are just... unreal. I love them because they sing normally, but right in the middle of a song, the lyrics go all growly and shit which is fucking phenomenal. Amon Amarth are another favorite of mine. They play death metal, but have Viking lyrics. Go to youtube and check out 'Death in Fire'. I can't think of anymire as it's late, and fighting against sleep is a battle I can't win.

09-17-2007, 11:49 AM
i'm not a big death metal fans, and i'm too lazy to read everything that is written here and i'm sure (or i hope) this bands are mentioned.
Nihilist/old Entombed
Mortem (Nor)
Morbid Angel (the 2 first albums)
Necrophile (ok, they're death thrash but they still deserves to be mentioned)
Mutilator (Bra) (and the same goes for this band)

i am sure i have forgotten many death metal band that i like, but thats the most important ones imo.

and about death metal being satanic, there are some bands that sing about satanic stuff such as Deicide, but "mos"t of the bands sings about gore/horror movie inspired things^^,

Mr E. Stalker
09-17-2007, 01:18 PM
What's funny about Deicide, is that Glen Benton was going to kill himself on his 30th birthday "so I can go home to Satan sooner", but he never carried it out. He says the inverted cross symbol on his forehead was made by heating up a necklace and shoving that into his flesh. He says its for protection against do-gooders. I've seen interviews about death metal, and they interviewed him about some kid who loved Deicide, and he went missing, so his dad went to a concert, and asked Glen if he had seen the boy. Glen told him, "No, but I'm very sorry that happened, and I hope you find him soon." Turns out the kid was killed by a bunch of 'friends', and buried in the woods near some city in Germany or something. That's pretty fucking harsh, says I.

09-17-2007, 01:54 PM
what you say about the inverted cross is true, he heated up a necklace and shoving that into his flesh as you said, but i think i may have done it many times so it was "better" or somthing.

the "normal" people in the street think that all metal people are mean and don't like anyone and all that bullshit, there is a reason why there is so many metal-people who works with children in school, kindergarten etc. and the people i have talked with which is in a metal band is just, really really nice and all that. and much of the evil and satanic image thing is just because it fits the music, and it's good to have the satanic image/lyrics because it really fits the music perfect. it would be stupid to sing about flowers and stuff like that when you're in a black metal band -_-

and Ralph Santolla played in Deicide for a while and he's a christian i think^^

Mr E. Stalker
09-17-2007, 01:56 PM
...or something like that.

09-17-2007, 03:07 PM
AKA Rotten Timber. The harsher version of Wood.

Jesus Christ, Rapist
09-17-2007, 05:17 PM
Worst bumped thread ever. When will people stop using "death metal" as a blanket term for all genres of extreme metal? When you do that you make it obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Whoever said that vocalists in death metal bands weren't singing should be dragged out back and shot. How many times has this accusation been leveled at metal and rap music? Just give it a rest.

Mr E. Stalker
09-17-2007, 05:38 PM
I agree. Fuck, even my step-dad and mum were saying just the other day, "Why do you listen to that growly shit? I think that guy needs a hug.... or a bullet to the brain." I was all, "What? He's singing. Sure, not in your Barry Manilow way, but its there. I can understand what he's saying, can't you?" Mom goes, "No, and we don't want to either." Maybe parents should listen to a little death metal, or melodic death metal once in awhile. It'd give them character and put hair on their chests. Wait - scratch that last part...

09-17-2007, 08:01 PM
The hardest metal I own is some Cannibal Corpse. My cousin is a fanatic and he hooked me up with a few CDs. They got some good songs.

Mr E. Stalker
09-18-2007, 02:09 AM
Yeah Cannibal Corpse is great... you should youtube them and check out some parodies of CC. Hilarious.

09-18-2007, 08:05 AM
^ Yeh they are funny.

Also some of the them just playing their instruments are awesome. Frantic Disembowelment I think it is, man the speed is just amazing. I'd die after do that song lol

The Ricky
09-18-2007, 09:39 AM
Worst bumped thread ever. When will people stop using "death metal" as a blanket term for all genres of extreme metal? When you do that you make it obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about.

Because there are so many goddamn sub-genres of metal that most of them wind up being called "Death" metal. Seriously, I was reading the booklet for "Louder Than the Dragon Vol. 2" and they started making up sub-genres like "Epic Technical Poetic Power Speed Thrash Metal", and my initial reaction was "WHAT THE FUCK!?"

Mr E. Stalker
09-18-2007, 01:32 PM
Chuckle. How about Melodic epic pagan viking doom death thrash hardcore metal!

The Ricky
09-18-2007, 07:38 PM
Haven't seen that one yet, but I'm currently in a band that does Grinding Hardcore Sandpaper On Your Thrashy Haired Ballsack-core.

Mr E. Stalker
09-19-2007, 04:35 PM
Nice! lol

The Ricky
09-22-2007, 02:18 PM
I thought so, it's really innovative actually. I combine elements of sandpaper on my scrotum at really fast speeds, recording the sound it makes, to make up for my lack of skill on the guitar. Then I'll get two big drums, and beat them with hairbrushes with such strong incoherency that only the truest and most elite metal fans can enjoy it. My vocals consist of "AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! OH GOD THAT HURTS! RRRRRRAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" in high pitched Sopranoness.

The problem being, you'll have to buy it from some obscure metal site that only 7 people visit. It's for the art, man. Because if the masses are able to access it, then it has lost it's artistic appeal, because music only remains good if it's listened to by only 7 people. That, and playing the music live would get me an indecent exposure charge or 12.

Mr E. Stalker
09-22-2007, 02:19 PM
Exactly! lol

09-24-2007, 04:58 PM
Death metal is the best :D

Although i try to listen to other types i always end up crawling back to metal :)
I hate RNB n rap and that kind of stuff though
I can do the screaming some of the bands do...I find it good for stress relief :)

My fave bands are:

Lamb Of God
Machine Head

Mr E. Stalker
09-24-2007, 05:43 PM
Amon Amarth

Lots of others.

09-24-2007, 05:51 PM
Amon amarth are really good :D
Im goin to see them on october 2nd :)
Theyre playing with dimmu borgir

Mr E. Stalker
09-24-2007, 06:33 PM
I never saw them live, but I have their DVD, Wrath of The Norsemen. It's excellent.

09-24-2007, 07:34 PM
If you ever get the chance to go for it :P
Itll be my 2nd time seeing them this time :D

Mr E. Stalker
09-25-2007, 12:55 AM

09-25-2007, 01:10 AM
I am officially schooled!! I didnt know much about DeathMetal til today..

I need to kick it up a notch, im down here with my sissy dark stuff.

The Horrors
WhiteZombie (old)
Nick Cave

Mr E. Stalker
09-25-2007, 09:55 AM
White Zombie is also a movie from the 1920's, you know. I have it. These people go to Jamaica, and they get turned into zombies by a shaman, who wants to kill everyone.

09-25-2007, 03:08 PM
ignore this. my bad

09-25-2007, 06:30 PM

I'll have to czek it out!

Mr E. Stalker
09-27-2007, 03:15 AM
Yeah. It's really old though. 1925, I think, so the sound quality ain't that great.

01-26-2008, 10:27 PM
I've yet to see anyone talk about Arch Enemy. Melodic Death Metal at its finest.

01-27-2008, 12:07 AM
I've yet to see anyone talk about Arch Enemy. Melodic Death Metal at its finest.

Right on dude. Arch Enemy Kicks ass.

Most Metal bands, of any metal genre, are good musicians, which is what matters. Of course, every genre has there good bands and bad bands. There is some death metal that sucks, and some that is fuckin great.

01-27-2008, 03:00 AM
i think most melodic death metal bands sucks...

but i do like the first in flames album a lot, i love it, together with their first ep. but other than that; _FAIL_!!

but i'm more into the first morbid angel album, (old) death, possessed, necrophile (death thrash, but still...), autopsy, nunslaughter, mutilator, transgressor, vader, old obituary, old entombed and nihilist etc.. you get the point.

and i think that most technical death metal sucks really hard!

01-28-2008, 09:27 AM
and i think that most technical death metal sucks really hard!

Why don't you like it?

In that case you don't like Nile or Psycroptic?

Off Tech Death, I can't stop listening to Vital Remains atm....

I got their live DVD and it is great

01-28-2008, 06:34 PM
Nile Rules.

Sumostig, Morbid Angel is Technical Death Metal, and some of there newer songs is Melodic Death Metal. So chill out, dont be narrow minded like you listen to pop. There are good bands in every metal genre, dont knock a entire genre like that, it makes you sound like you actually watch MTV and VH1 instead of listening to metal like the rest of us, just discover a little more in those genres, and you'll be set dude

fastidious percolator
01-28-2008, 07:25 PM
Off Tech Death, I can't stop listening to Vital Remains atm....

I got their live DVD and it is great


I still love their album Dechristianize a lot !

01-28-2008, 07:53 PM
blablabla!!!!!...? o.OO.o

you should problaby read my post acouple of times before you start to call me narrow minded =)

first off, i sad the FIRST morbid angel album, which means, altars of madness. blessed are the sick is ok, but i never listen to it because it sucks compared to altars... their newer stuff is boring

2: i sad MOST technical death metal suck, not everything... i hate bands like spawn of possession, necrophagist etc. and morbin angel technical? maybe, but not like the band which actually are called technical death metal.

3: i actually said that MOST melodic death metal bands sucks, i also mentioned that i love the first in flames album, which in fact, as i'm sure you know, is a melodic death metal album.

dont be narrow minded like you listen to pop.

i listen to pop, a lot actually. but no, i'm not narrow minded, and you would find that out if you knew what my fav band is =)

it makes you sound like you actually watch MTV and VH1 instead of listening to metal like the rest of us

so you don't think that it is possible to like pop and metal? no, i don't watch mtv or vh1, but i don't see the problem with that. i know lots of people who does, but still are huge metal fans. you actually sound more narrow minded than me =)

just discover a little more in those genres, and you'll be set dude

do you even know what i listen to? are you really the right person to tell me to check out more in those genres, do you really think so?

sorry for my bad english. i know you didn't understand what i wrote in my previous post, but please, don't reply to me if you don't understand what i say! sorry for being a failure =)

01-28-2008, 07:55 PM
you should problaby read my post acouple of times before you start to call me narrow minded =)

first off, i sad the FIRST morbid angel album, which means, altars of madness. blessed are the sick is ok, but i never listen to it because it sucks compared to altars... their newer stuff is boring

2: i sad MOST technical death metal suck, not everything... i hate bands like spawn of possession, necrophagist etc. and morbin angel technical? maybe, but not like the band which actually are called technical death metal.

3: i actually said that MOST melodic death metal bands sucks, i also mentioned that i love the first in flames album, which in fact, as i'm sure you know, is a melodic death metal album.

i listen to pop, a lot actually. but no, i'm not narrow minded, and you would find that out if you knew what my fav band is =)

so you don't think that it is possible to like pop and metal? no, i don't watch mtv or vh1, but i don't see the problem with that. i know lots of people who does, but still are huge metal fans. you actually sound more narrow minded than me =)

do you even know what i listen to? are you really the right person to tell me to check out more in those genres, do you really think so?

sorry for my bad english. i know you didn't understand what i wrote in my previous post, but please, don't reply to me if you don't understand what i say! sorry for being a failure =)

Hey man I wasn't trying to be a cock, I should have read your stuff more carefully. Are you a musician? and you are not a failure if you are down with Morbid Angel and shit like that!

01-28-2008, 08:25 PM
no, you didn't sound like a cock, and i didn't mean to do that. it was just that you really don't know what i listen to, and all that pop stuff made it sound like it was bad to listen to pop.
i won't deny it, i love lots of pop, i love some rock and i love some metal. i find good stuff in about every genre, and listen to lots of different stuff.

my fav band is sigh, and i do love everything they have done, which is some pretty weird stuff, which you really need to be open minded to like.

i listen to sugababes, sigh, primordial, moonsorrow, johnny cash, kreator, boris, alcest. morbid angel, kagrra, girugamesh, korn, the beatles, elvis, akira yamaoka, misfits, yui, utada hikaru etc.
so no, i won't call myself narrow minded, because i love lots of different stuff. and i'm sorry if i sounded mad or something stupid like that.

no, i'm not a musician... yet XD i can't play anything, but i do want to learn to play at least the guitar 8)

01-28-2008, 08:43 PM
no, you didn't sound like a cock, and i didn't mean to do that. it was just that you really don't know what i listen to, and all that pop stuff made it sound like it was bad to listen to pop.
i won't deny it, i love lots of pop, i love some rock and i love some metal. i find good stuff in about every genre, and listen to lots of different stuff.

my fav band is sigh, and i do love everything they have done, which is some pretty weird stuff, which you really need to be open minded to like.

i listen to sugababes, sigh, primordial, moonsorrow, johnny cash, kreator, boris, alcest. morbid angel, kagrra, girugamesh, korn, the beatles, elvis, akira yamaoka, misfits, yui, utada hikaru etc.
so no, i won't call myself narrow minded, because i love lots of different stuff. and i'm sorry if i sounded mad or something stupid like that.

no, i'm not a musician... yet XD i can't play anything, but i do want to learn to play at least the guitar 8)

Oh cool, and yeah I dont know all of what you listen too, true. It just sounded like one of those ridicoulous comments. I gotcha now. You sounded a little defensive which is why I wanted to clear it up. That's good, Kreator, Johnny Cash, seems like a wide range, there is something good to find in almost every genre. good job kid

01-28-2008, 11:23 PM
@Sumostig: Most Melodic Death Metal's pretty awesome IMO. Have you listened to Dark Tranquility or Arch Enemy? At The Gates? The Duskfall maybe? I'll admit that there are some bands that just plain suck, but that's the case for pretty much every genre of music.

Those Melodic Death bands are probably some of the best in the genre.

01-29-2008, 01:06 PM
i have listened to dark tanquility, arch enemy and at the gates. at the gates are ok, and so is dark tanquility, but that doesnt do it for me. ok is faaaaaaaaaaar aways from good, which means that they aren't good enough for me to keep listening to them. doesn't help with one good song per album.

and i still think that arch enemy is boring as fuck, and that angela sucks hard!

01-29-2008, 07:28 PM
and i still think that arch enemy is boring as fuck, and that angela sucks hard!

Come on man, I thought you said you wanted to learn guitar, dont tell me you want to play pussy shit like punk Rock!? Micheal and Chris Ammott are excellent guitar players. Sorry, I dont pay attention to singers or lyrics at all. So I dont know what your judging Arch Enemy off of.

01-29-2008, 10:27 PM
i don't care if the people behind the band are good guitar player or anything at all, it doesn't help if the music itself suck.

i want to play what i make, if what i make will become punkk rock then i'll play it. i'd rather play punk rock and play what i like, that try hard to make some shitty metal and try to be cool, but fake.

i don't care about the lyrics, but it actually is hard to listen to music when the singer becomes rally annoying. and i'm juding them by the music, which don't give me anything. it gives me a little more than tokio hotel and 50 cent, but not much. and that do say a lot =)

01-30-2008, 02:50 AM
I suppose this is where we disagree. Arch Enemy's lyrics are not only easy to understand and interpret, they're fucking awesome. So is the guitar playing, and the bassist is awesome as hell, Sharlee D'Angelo, the bassist for Mercyful Fate. Angela sings death better than 90% of the guys that do it. =/

I don't quite understand what isn't awesome about any of them, everything's top quality, especially Dark Tranquility and Arch Enemy. DT's "Fiction" is probably one of the best albums ever to grace the face of the planet.

I doubt you've even heard Arch Enemy before they recruited Angela too =l

But meh, people have different opinions. That's fine. It just sounds way too narrow-minded for someone that likes In Flames, to not like Melo Death bands that have evolved far past what they set in stone.

01-30-2008, 03:25 AM
i _do_ know that they have had talented musicans in their band, but that doesn't make their music good in my ears.
and yesh, i like/love some bands that some of their member have been in like: carcass, candlemass, witchery, Mercyful Fate, opeth, krux, tiamat. so as i said, i don't dislike them or anything, jsut arch enemy. the bands music.

i have heard 4 albums from arch enemy, two with johan (?) and two with angela. i think the music is boring on all of them, tho they where better in the 90's. but not good enough.

yes, you can keep on telling me that i seem narrow minded, but you don't know what i listen to. you should check out what i listen to before you come with all that "narrow minded" bullshit, that make you seem like an idiot, tho i'm sure you're not.

and i have said that i like the FIRST in flames album, and their first ep. everything after that is boring.

01-30-2008, 03:57 AM
Not My Kinda music. Probably a bit too intense for my liking, or simply too heavy, too much of a good thing. :/

01-30-2008, 10:25 AM
I used to be insanely into it a few years back. Not so much anymore, though.

Kalmah, Bloodbath, Stormlord and pretty much anything from Scandinavia were among my favorites.

02-02-2008, 06:35 PM
I suppose this is where we disagree. Arch Enemy's lyrics are not only easy to understand and interpret, they're fucking awesome. So is the guitar playing, and the bassist is awesome as hell, Sharlee D'Angelo, the bassist for Mercyful Fate. Angela sings death better than 90% of the guys that do it. =/

I don't quite understand what isn't awesome about any of them, everything's top quality, especially Dark Tranquility and Arch Enemy. DT's "Fiction" is probably one of the best albums ever to grace the face of the planet.

I doubt you've even heard Arch Enemy before they recruited Angela too =l

But meh, people have different opinions. That's fine. It just sounds way too narrow-minded for someone that likes In Flames, to not like Melo Death bands that have evolved far past what they set in stone.

I have everything AE has released, and i've seen them in concert and met them blah blah blah. So yes I have, i've been a musician and been into music since i was 5.
Michael and Chris are very good Guitar Duo, I'd put them up there with Hammet/Hetfield or Jonathon Donais & Matt Bachand.

02-04-2008, 01:50 AM