Paladin Cecil
04-04-2007, 05:08 PM
What do you guys think of Sephiroth?

04-04-2007, 05:30 PM
Whiny, badly-written emo bitch with an overly generic design.

04-04-2007, 08:30 PM
Unoriginal, with too much of a mothers boy complex to be even remotely interesting.

04-04-2007, 10:42 PM
I thought he was a character with a lot of potential, but the many plot holes in the game didn't manage to elevate him in my Villain Hall of Fame.

04-05-2007, 01:13 AM
Overrated in my opinion. Kefka > Sephiroth.

04-05-2007, 08:29 AM
omg sephy so gr8

he sho9uldnt hav dieyd

i luff sepjy

04-05-2007, 09:45 AM
Probably the worst villain ever

definitely a low-point for Square, they just never realised that.

04-05-2007, 09:52 AM
Probably the worst villain ever

definitely a low-point for Square, they just never realised that.

omg ur fag lololololol

sepirotj wus greet ur jst ghey

04-05-2007, 11:07 AM
Cait Sith would have made a better villan.

Desert Wolf
04-05-2007, 01:00 PM
He wasn't the worst villian ever. I believe FF8 holds that medal.

04-05-2007, 02:31 PM
It's so long now since I played FF8 that I can't say that I remember terribly much about the villain in that one. Still, then again perhaps that's just because there wasn't all that much worth remembering in the first place lol.

04-05-2007, 04:31 PM
Have to agree with Desert Wolf here. While Ultimecia was possessing Edea she was not too bad.

However like the game in general after the second disc, she just became less and less believable.

I'd put Shuyin as the worst villain in the series though ahead of even Ultimecia.

But this is a thread about Sephiroth, so let us condemn him for being the badly written, incomplete villain of a badly-written, incomplete game. :)

04-05-2007, 05:07 PM
Sephiroth wasn't even the main villian. Sephiroth died before the game took place. You were chasing a clone. How can you be a bad ass and die before the game even begins?

04-05-2007, 05:21 PM
Well okay, the Sephiroth clone failed as a villain then! lol

I guess, thinking about it, it was really Professor Hojo who was the main villian. Not that he stood out as being terribly interesting to me either.

Desert Wolf
04-05-2007, 05:23 PM
FF7 had a few villains really. Hojo, Shinra, Sephiroth, Jenova etc. As for FF8, the first time you talk to Ultimecia is just before you fight her. You haven't a clue who she is only that she goes around posessing people and compressing time.

04-05-2007, 05:29 PM
Sephy iz so c00l with hiz HUGE KATANA!!!!^^^!!!!!!!!

04-05-2007, 05:41 PM
Very true. =)

At least in FF7 they introduced enough villains, so that - at least at the start of the game - it wasn't too obvious who the main one was going to be, and you had an idea of their basic motivations. With Ultimecia, it was if she was just some random character SE had thought up at the last minute to give the plot a bit of an extra push, rather than being intended to be a main character - at least going by what I remember.

Desert Wolf
04-05-2007, 05:47 PM
I dont know why Sephiroth gets such a bad time. Whiny? Give me one quote to show that. Emo? Yes because all Emos wear black and want to become one with the planet :rolleyes:. As for the mother bit, I dont see whats so bad about all that. Its not like hes in love with her or anything. Hes just a puppet following orders at the end of the day, the one giving the orders just happens to be his mother.

04-05-2007, 06:38 PM
I guess that's probably why he didn't come across as more interesting to some. They were expecting something a little more in-depth character motivation wise, then simply existing to please his mother. That single purpose, alone, just marks him out as being little more than somebody with the mentality of an infant - and that's not somebody that too many people are going to have alot of respect for in a villain, particularly as it detracts from the evil factor.

Not that I'm saying his character didn't have potential though. Just IMO, his background and motivations could have been fleshed out more. I was actually pretty intrigued by his character while playing the first disc, but then as the story went on I found myself losing interest.

Hmm, as for the quotes you've stumped me a little there. It's been too long now since I've played the game to remember any. However, I seem to remember that Sephiroth's started being like that from when you see that flash back of Cloud's when they are both in Sephiroth's mansion, just after he started to suspect that he had some kind of link with Jenova. One minute he's all withdrawn, then the next he's acting like a woman with PMT! :p

I can't deny though that some of my memories of that game have now become pretty hazy, so admittedly it's possible that there's details I may have overlooked. Still my impression of Sephiroth was more or less the same by the time I reached the end of the game, and that's when my recollections were alot clearer.

Desert Wolf
04-05-2007, 07:23 PM
I still dont remember him being like a woman at all. I mean he didnt wear make-up or laugh like he has an ice pop up his ass. What would make for one lame villain :rolleyes:

04-05-2007, 08:05 PM
I still dont remember him being like a woman at all. I mean he didnt wear make-up or laugh like he has an ice pop up his ass. What would make for one lame villain :rolleyes:

lol that's not exactly what I meant, though probably should have used a clearer analogy. ;)

What I was pretty much getting at is that in that flashback scene one moment he's all quiet and withdrawn, and then suddenly starts throwing a tantrum. I compared it to a woman suffering from PMT, as that's what the behaviour reminded me of hehe.

Desert Wolf
04-05-2007, 08:10 PM
I believe that was the scene where he found out he was created in a horrific experiment. Im sure you can allow for him to be a bit on the touchy side. It would be interesting to see how a woman suffering from PMT would act in that suituation.

04-05-2007, 08:13 PM
For a character who was described by the writers as having tremendous mental strength to snap like a twig over something like that is pretty dumb.

04-05-2007, 08:38 PM
I believe that was the scene where he found out he was created in a horrific experiment. Im sure you can allow for him to be a bit on the touchy side. It would be interesting to see how a woman suffering from PMT would act in that suituation.

The moodiness i.e. being withdrawn/depressed I could understand at that point, as admittedly if anyone found out something like that about themselves it would be pretty confusing and shocking. However, to totally flip the way he did was something that I certainly wasn't expecting - given the type of person he'd previously come across as. That's not to say that it's necessarily a bad thing for a villian to show a little vulnerablity at times, but that was showing more than just a little.

Now if he'd had something else against Cloud, a proper reason for turning against him - in addition to finding this out about himself, then possibly the reaction may have been a little more believable. However even then I'd have said that it would have likely worked better if Sephiroth had maybe just temporarily lost control of himself for a few minutes, but had then come around enough to devise some kind of cunning plan. One that Cloud couldn't possibly have guessed was going to occur until much later in the game. That, IMO, would have made things alot more interesting.

Khrene Cleaver
04-05-2007, 09:10 PM
I don't think Sephiroth is an imo or anything like that. He's just a crazed guy who crossed the line between "Genius Philosopher with great mental strength" and "Total Freakin' Nutcase" when he found out about himself. And I think when he went beserk, and took Jenova, He just didn't want him or his mom experimented on anymore. He turned on Cloud because Cloud was determind to stop him.

Hey, wait how did Cloud even survive being impaled through the stomach, he would've been able to digest fully and it looked like it punctured his spinal cord.

stalker 4589
04-05-2007, 10:02 PM
Overrated by most of the video gaming community. but none the less intresting
i do belive however than he has had too much time in the lime light and shud be pushed a side. but square only seem to be making worse and worse games

04-05-2007, 11:37 PM
Sephiroth has always been one of my favorite characters ever.

He lacks a bit in the personality department but he's...just too much of a demon to not like him.

Khrene Cleaver
04-05-2007, 11:49 PM
Overrated by most of the video gaming community. but none the less intresting
i do belive however than he has had too much time in the lime light and shud be pushed a side. but square only seem to be making worse and worse games

Yeah he does get too much light time, and let's not even talk about Kingdom Hearts. Sephiroth is pretty cool just maybe not main villain material in FF7

Also Square isn't making worse and worse games. FF9 is good, it had most of the good things FF7 had with a easier to follow story, a new and improved Sephiroth-like character, and the party limit was expanded back to 4. It also goes back to it's medevil routs, which a lot of people, who didn't like the futuristic looks of FF7 & 8, liked (or would've liked). It's fairly overlooked and under rated.

But yeah after that FF began to go south, and even Nobou jumped off the train after FF10-2.

04-05-2007, 11:58 PM
Yeah he does get too much light time, and let's not even talk about Kingdom Hearts. Sephiroth is pretty cool just maybe not main villain material in FF7

Also Square isn't making worse and worse games. FF9 is good, it had most of the good things FF7 had with a easier to follow story, a new and improved Sephiroth-like character, and the party limit was expanded back to 4. It also goes back to it's medevil routs, which a lot of people, who didn't like the futuristic looks of FF7 & 8, liked (or would've liked). It's fairly overlooked and under rated.

But yeah after that FF began to go south, and even Nobou jumped off the train after FF10-2.

I forgot about Kuja!

He's slightly higher on my list than Sephi.


04-06-2007, 04:13 AM
Sephiroth was interesting at the start. I mean, his first move was killing the president of Shinra. Then the next display of his power was when he impaled a huge Midgar Zloom on some massive stake thing. Now, at this point, admittedly (I was also at the age of like 10) I was like holy shit this guy seems pretty strong. What I never understood was why if he was so powerful he just didn;t wipe us out when he had like a level 20 party. Of course, doing that in turn would make the game a moot point.

But as you learn more abut him (Or his clone rather) he is mentally unstable, and is at the whim of Janova. That would have been fine, had Janova played a bigger impact, rather the just "the mother" and the destroyer of the Ancients.

The only memorable thing he really did was kill Aeris/Aerith. Other then that, he just did the generic "destroy the planet" theme. In that aspect he really wasn't that different from any other villan. He had potential, it just was never reached. He lost alot (or lack of) character dimension. His character really went downhill after the first disk. It went from killing one of the main characters, to residing in the northern creator, creating simple illusions and not hearing anything more from him untill the final battle.

04-06-2007, 01:39 PM
I dont know why Sephiroth gets such a bad time. Whiny? Give me one quote to show that. Emo? Yes because all Emos wear black and want to become one with the planet :rolleyes:. As for the mother bit, I dont see whats so bad about all that. Its not like hes in love with her or anything. Hes just a puppet following orders at the end of the day, the one giving the orders just happens to be his mother.

Well, meybe people who think the game is bad are tired of people who beilive the game is brilliant. At the end they try to underrate Sephiroth where the others overrate him.

Desert Wolf
04-06-2007, 06:06 PM
Well, meybe people who think the game is bad are tired of people who beilive the game is brilliant. At the end they try to underrate Sephiroth where the others overrate him.

Thats exactly it. The real truth is somewhere in the middle it seems.

04-06-2007, 06:49 PM
I'd definitely agree that he was a character with alot of potential, but just felt by the end of the game hardly any of it had been used. :-(

04-09-2007, 05:12 PM
sephy could have been better but u only see him about 8 times on disc one 4 on disc 2 and 1 on disc 3(not including the 3 diff bosses) so he could have been worked on more but i think shinra was the main enemy then found out about sephy in the shinra building... but overall sephy was an alright bad guy but nothing to drool over...

this is where having a remake can fill in the plot holes and add features so that you can have a better understanding to this game

04-09-2007, 05:13 PM
Enough about remakes already. Most of us would prefer to have a new game designed intelligently from the ground up than have a new version of a game that was already critically flawed and would be doomed to suck due to the inferior nature of its source material.

04-09-2007, 05:40 PM
Yeah. I'm pretty sure that SE aren't interested in producing a remake anyway - at least not anytime in the near future. Read something on that recently.

04-09-2007, 06:16 PM
yea its a hope nothing more. ive read a load on it and they havent said anything about it only they are working on FF13 and FF13vs. but lil off topic sephy isnt that great(to put back into topic)

04-11-2007, 08:52 AM
Yeah. I'm pretty sure that SE aren't interested in producing a remake anyway - at least not anytime in the near future. Read something on that recently.

True, they said they would love to create a remake ($$$) but there are too many projects to complete that they do not hae time to work on a remake.

04-11-2007, 03:55 PM
I disagree with most of what was said about sephioth. The more you find out about jenova the more you find out about sephiroth. In the storyline sephiroth fought for shinra as the top soldier. He does this because killing is what he's good at and he really doesn't have anything else better to do. When he finds out that he was an experiment and the story behind how he was created he researches everything he can on Jenova. By doing this he finds his purpose; his reason for being. Sephiroth found his porpose when he found out that he was part Jenova. He went from being a confused creation to being a creature with a purpose. See he isn't really human. He's probably more Jenova than he is human. So you could say the entire story was about cloud saving the world. Not about cloud defeating sephiroth.

Ever since the beginning of tv villians have been notorious for wearing black. I don't think it had anything to do with him being emo.

04-11-2007, 08:44 PM
he's not really emo i dont think hes emo at all cause emo ppl have emotional problems. i would look at him more of a gothic person, but hes not emo or goth its a chareacter in a game it was clothing they gave him to make a presence of a villian

05-06-2007, 04:18 PM
DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you talking about Sephiroth this way. You ought to be ashimed of yourselves!!! You lost all of the motives by badmouthing him. So, i'm not going to help you find them!

05-06-2007, 06:01 PM
DUMB, DUMB, DUMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe you talking about Sephiroth this way. You ought to be ashimed of yourselves!!! You lost all of the motives by badmouthing him. So, i'm not going to help you find them!

Quoted incase of edit.

Argus Zephyrus
05-06-2007, 10:15 PM
he's not really emo i dont think hes emo at all cause emo ppl have emotional problems. i would look at him more of a gothic person, but hes not emo or goth its a chareacter in a game it was clothing they gave him to make a presence of a villian

Sephiroth was interesting at the start. I mean, his first move was killing the president of Shinra. Then the next display of his power was when he impaled a huge Midgar Zloom on some massive stake thing. Now, at this point, admittedly (I was also at the age of like 10) I was like holy shit this guy seems pretty strong. What I never understood was why if he was so powerful he just didn;t wipe us out when he had like a level 20 party. Of course, doing that in turn would make the game a moot point.

But as you learn more abut him (Or his clone rather) he is mentally unstable, and is at the whim of Janova. That would have been fine, had Janova played a bigger impact, rather the just "the mother" and the destroyer of the Ancients.

The only memorable thing he really did was kill Aeris/Aerith. Other then that, he just did the generic "destroy the planet" theme. In that aspect he really wasn't that different from any other villan. He had potential, it just was never reached. He lost alot (or lack of) character dimension. His character really went downhill after the first disk. It went from killing one of the main characters, to residing in the northern creator, creating simple illusions and not hearing anything more from him untill the final battle.
Um, yeah, he sits in his little dark corner and daydreams all day long towards the end. Doesn't that make him emo? *lolz
Doesn't that make him your typical crazy villain? Frickin' mental case, he'd probably screw Jenova if he could. >.O'

05-10-2007, 02:42 AM
IF YA DON'T WIT WID DA FREAK..............YO IN MENTAL HOSPITIALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hex Omega
05-10-2007, 06:14 PM
i wonder who's jk account this is.

05-28-2007, 01:37 AM
Hey, I like Sephiroth, He made the game way much more interesting then it could have been if he's chracter wasn't build the way it is now. >.>

05-28-2007, 02:00 AM
Whiny, badly-written emo bitch with an overly generic design.
c/s. You can bash me for this but I don't care I'm a dragon quest head and Sephiroth is no final boss. Until you've faced a dragon quest optional boss, you have no respect or say in the matter as far as difficult bosses go. To give Sephiroth fanboys/girls the benefit of the doubt, he was pwnment in the KH franchise.

05-28-2007, 02:36 AM
So yea. Seph is overrated, but that's not his fault. Anyone can easily like some dude with a big ass katana, long white hair, evil eyes, and a memorable scene in the flames of a burning town. Sure beats the Seymour character design though. No?

I think if Seph's dialogue was better written and had more PRESENT screentime (not flashbacks) he could have been one of the best villians ever. He already had One Winged Angel and Supernova going for him.

On that note gimme a bum with tattered black jeans and a t-shirt, named Roberto with the evil personality of Kefka, One Winged Angel playing everytime he shows up, and a love for hot dogs...I think I could get to like this villian.

05-28-2007, 08:17 PM
Come on, guys! We all (or most of us) thought he was cool when the game first came out, now...I'm not too fond of him. As everybody else stated before me; Sephiroth is an extremely stylized villain and a very predictable character. He embodies most clich�s, but then again, the game is a decade old.

05-28-2007, 11:18 PM
Meh i liked sephiroth i just wish i could have that long sword that was the cool thing... but when u first play he is great cuz u dont no when hes gonna do something.. hes just lil overrated since i have beaten the game many times

05-29-2007, 12:56 PM
Best char in the game in my opinion even kno he did stay in the northen crater that was only waiting for meteor to hit so he could use the lifestream to make him into a being of supernatural power.

The Jenova
06-02-2007, 09:49 PM
Sephiroth may not be a great villain but his theme, alongside with his looks, where just amazing.

06-03-2007, 03:06 AM
Anyone who's ever so much as looked at a Dungeons and Dragons book would not be impressed. Sephiroth's appearance is about as clich� as you can possibly get.

06-03-2007, 05:20 AM
He was designed in a classic look, but still, his design was great. Probably the best design of all FF7 characters. Even if it was clich�, the others were just plain boring to look at and had little to no details or subtleties in their designs... Oh yeah!!! Barret and Red XIII had tatoos... You sure are great Nomura!

It should also be mentioned that it was clich� as far as japanese anime characters were designed. But compared to most american designs of the same type, it was a step in a better direction. Then came the Matrix... and we got to see Sephiroth everywhere afterwards.