04-03-2007, 07:23 PM
I have this game, and the OST aswell, but I so deeply want to get the music that plays during the CG movies (without the voices and sound effects). I can�t seem to find these anywhere, and it is some of the best music in the game, like when Captain Falcon goes to race against Deathborn, and Deathborn starts talking about the belts and how he�s going to destroy Captain Falcon and blah blah blah�the music that plays is ultra nice though.

So if anyone�ANYONE has an idea of where I can get these tracks, please�PLEASE share this information with me! Thanks in advance.

04-03-2007, 07:26 PM
Please disregard this thread (accidentally doubled it; soon to be deleted). Go to the one above this, that has the exact same name, to leave your replay. Thanks.