03-23-2002, 03:38 AM
Just like the FF7 one.

-When you attach a gun that doesn't work onto your favourite sword.
-You're continuously shaking your pets exclaiming that you're trying to draw their magic.
-You're really wondering why your back garden isn't like Balamb's.
-You buy every magazine you can, hoping to find new weapons or limits.
-A million people have said how gay you are for playing that game for 10,000 hours.
-Getting every card is easier than fighting that Galbadia guard on the rope without falling of once.
-You purposely slice your face to look more like Squall or Seifer.
-Zell is actually good.
-You walk into a University demanding to see the SeeD training centre.
-You hijack a zoo and demand to see Diablos, Cerberus and Eden. When you can't find them, you nick off with some lions.
-You visiously attack a huge cactus in the desert.
-Whenever you see something abnormal in the sky, you scream LUNAR CRY and run for your life.
-You get a shotgun and start shooting anyone that looks suspiciously like a sorceress.
-You try building a time machine so you can get Ultimecia where she is.
-*SPOILER*You've seen the end so many times that you actually don't laugh when Zell chokes on the hotdog and the last one:

You go to a place that sells nunchucks and show the clerk there a picture of Selphie's final weapon. Explain that it must look exactly like that and have the limits Full Cure and The End on it. The guy makes it look just like it but says he couldn't put any limits on it. You start screaming and say that they're all gonna be killed by the Lunar Cry. He says you remind him of this guy wanting to buy a sword to get revenge on this knife he cut himself with, and that he moved from that shop so he wouldn't have to deal with that again. He just notices that you're dressed as a girl/guy (depends if you're a guy or not. If you're a guy, you're dressed as a girl and vice versa). Everyone starts laughing at you as you realise you wore the wrong costume. As you walk away, you light a match and scream Firaga!!!!! and run for your life.

Zemener Azon
02-08-2008, 04:48 PM
Haha, I could see myself attacking a huge cactus.

02-08-2008, 04:53 PM
Six fucking years. That's how old this thread is.

No one posted in it then, and it's certainly not welcome on the front page now.

02-08-2008, 04:57 PM
Wow, six year old threads exist on this forum?

Wei Yan
02-08-2008, 06:10 PM
Wow, six year old threads exist on this forum?

That's what you get in 7 year old forums.

02-08-2008, 08:35 PM
I am awestruck. I have never seen a more dead thread revived. Ever. Really, this noob has surpassed precedent.

execrable gumwrapper
02-08-2008, 08:52 PM
It's almost EPIC... almost.

Erebus Wraith
02-08-2008, 10:24 PM
Wow...... Zemener Azon, i am shamed to be of the same species as you.

Marshall Lee
02-08-2008, 10:59 PM
You know you've played too much FF8 when you revive an ancient thread about playing too much FF8, merely to chuckle at a post that no one has replied to ;)

02-09-2008, 01:02 AM
Seriously, I believe there should be some kind of reward for this. I am impressed.

Wei Yan
02-09-2008, 12:52 PM
Seriously, I believe there should be some kind of reward for this. I am impressed.

It's called getting banned. :p

02-09-2008, 01:08 PM
I think someone made another thread like this. Or was it about something else? Either way, I'd vote for Azon if he was running for president :D!

02-09-2008, 01:23 PM
Hahaha, this thread made me think "omg Kie you haven't posted in ages"

he still hasn't, I suppose :(

Wei Yan
02-09-2008, 02:35 PM
I think someone made another thread like this. Or was it about something else? Either way, I'd vote for Azon if he was running for president :D!

Why not start war with Germany again already? :p

02-10-2008, 08:45 AM
my laughter increases with every post in this thread.

02-10-2008, 08:47 AM
Happy birthday, Smokey

02-10-2008, 09:55 AM
lol I love how this thread has 15 posts after being revived and still being allowed to live. Oh well, can't really be surprised, I'd probably overlook it and assume it's new if when I first see it it has only one or two replies.

02-10-2008, 07:11 PM
lol I love how this thread has 15 posts after being revived and still being allowed to live. Oh well, can't really be surprised, I'd probably overlook it and assume it's new if when I first see it it has only one or two replies.

dont forget that all 15 posts are off

02-10-2008, 08:19 PM
I like boobies :D!

Zemener Azon
02-11-2008, 04:50 PM
Yeah, I'm sorry guys. I just see a thread with 0 replies and feel sorry for it, you know?

02-11-2008, 05:08 PM
Yeah, I'm sorry guys. I just see a thread with 0 replies and feel sorry for it, you know?

The poster of this thread is probably never going to return anyway.

That said, though, you didn't just revive an old thread. You revived a thread from when I hadn't entered high school yet. That really makes me feel old.

02-12-2008, 12:45 AM
The poster of this thread is probably never going to return anyway.

That said, though, you didn't just revive an old thread. You revived a thread from when I hadn't entered high school yet. That really makes me feel old.

makes me feel ancient...Ancient thread!!!

02-12-2008, 04:35 AM
I just began high school when this was created.

02-12-2008, 06:22 AM
I just began high school when this was created.

how old r u?

02-12-2008, 09:21 AM
Why do you want to know?

02-12-2008, 12:08 PM
damn...ff8 is over 6 years old now?? how time flies

02-12-2008, 04:48 PM
Why do you want to know?

So he can stalk you and take photo's. Then stick the photo's on a blowup doll, and have rough sex with it, obviously the doll will pop, and he was so silly that he didnt take out insurance on the doll. Therfore it will cost him money, which he was saving up to invest in a blowup doll making company. As his investment was crucial in the financing of the company. The entrepreneur's dream, will be broken, and in time, will be forgotten forever...

Wei Yan
02-12-2008, 05:20 PM
damn...ff8 is over 6 years old now?? how time flies

Release date PlayStation
JPN February 11, 1999
NA September 7, 1999[1]
PAL October 27, 1999

That's over 8 years now, kkthx ^^

Zemener Azon
02-12-2008, 05:44 PM
Oh geez, I didn't mean to make you guys feel old. I mean, I was 12 in 1999. But just as a rule of thumb, I like to say that old is 70 or older. Since retirement is generally 65, I'll feel like I have a little lee way if I live that long.

Marshall Lee
02-12-2008, 10:45 PM
Even when they toss my ass in the retirement home I will still be filled with the energy of a10 year old, dahling ;)

execrable gumwrapper
02-12-2008, 11:18 PM
So he can stalk you and take photo's. Then stick the photo's on a blowup doll, and have rough sex with it, obviously the doll will pop, and he was so silly that he didnt take out insurance on the doll. Therfore it will cost him money, which he was saving up to invest in a blowup doll making company. As his investment was crucial in the financing of the company. The entrepreneur's dream, will be broken, and in time, will be forgotten forever...


02-13-2008, 12:00 AM
So he can stalk you and take photo's. Then stick the photo's on a blowup doll, and have rough sex with it, obviously the doll will pop, and he was so silly that he didnt take out insurance on the doll. Therfore it will cost him money, which he was saving up to invest in a blowup doll making company. As his investment was crucial in the financing of the company. The entrepreneur's dream, will be broken, and in time, will be forgotten forever...
Hmmm, I was thinking the EXACT same thing :D.

02-13-2008, 12:34 AM
Why do you want to know?

just curious..its ok.