The Magister
04-01-2007, 11:06 AM
As the title sujests, I'm looking for the soundtrack of Black and White 2.
If you put them on the Shrine, It would be much appreciated.

03-09-2012, 03:38 AM
Me too!

03-22-2012, 11:53 AM
BW2 hasn't even been released in Japan yet as it has only been announced a few weeks ago.

03-22-2012, 03:37 PM
BW2 hasn't even been released in Japan yet as it has only been announced a few weeks ago.

This request is for music from Lionhead Studio's 2005 real-time strategy game Black & White 2, not for Pok�mon Black & White Versions 2. This becomes apparent when you notice that the thread was created five years ago.