04-01-2007, 01:20 AM
Do you think that Square Enix should make a complication of FFVIII on Playstation 3?

04-01-2007, 03:37 AM
i think they should just remake it so that it's the same game, except with voices, and better graphics.

same goes for FF7!!

04-01-2007, 04:12 AM
On one condition;

no Squall, no Rinoa.

04-01-2007, 04:34 AM
On one condition;

no Squall, no Rinoa.

That's cool. Selphie and Irvine, FTW :p

04-01-2007, 06:26 AM
they can do whatever they want

04-01-2007, 06:43 AM
Just a remake would be fine with me.

04-01-2007, 09:15 AM

Swedish Fish
04-01-2007, 03:16 PM
As far as I'm concerned; they can do whatever the fuck they want. I'm not looking to get a PS3.

04-02-2007, 01:26 AM
On one condition;

no Squall, no Rinoa.

Yeah thats a great idea SE should replace them with Cooter & Gooch

Hex Omega
04-02-2007, 02:03 AM
Why the fuck would they make a compilation of a mediocre game?

04-02-2007, 02:12 AM
Why the fuck would they make a compilation of a mediocre game?

how is it mediocre? what FF did you like?

04-02-2007, 02:15 AM
They could, but I don't see how. The story pretty much ended with FFVIII, and to build on an already rocky story is risky.

Pimp Daddy McSnake
04-02-2007, 02:17 AM
I think they should make a remake of Monkey Island

Hex Omega
04-02-2007, 02:36 AM
how is it mediocre? what FF did you like?

Thread 9566

J. Peterman
04-03-2007, 06:23 AM
I'd rather they remake the moon.

04-03-2007, 09:03 AM
I think if they'll even try to do this game it will be only connected with the universe, like Dirge Of Cerberus with Final Fantasy VII. They won't probably remake it! But I hope they'll do it anyway. And yeah, music must be the same as in the original one (but played by orchestra, no damn MIDIs!).

04-03-2007, 11:20 AM
I'd love to see something that is based around Laguna's adventures, im full detail. I thought the small segments of the past you experienced during the game with Laguna weren't much to what he had been through.

04-03-2007, 11:53 AM
I would love if they re-released FFVIII without Laguna and his colourful friends (well one of em is coloured)

I would rank it so highly

04-03-2007, 03:43 PM
I would love if they re-released FFVIII without Laguna and his colourful friends (well one of em is coloured)

I would rank it so highly

So, no Squall, Rinoa, Laguna, Ward, or Kiros.

Who exactly would you like to keep in? :-P

04-03-2007, 05:52 PM
Thread 9566

Oh... I see

04-04-2007, 10:48 AM
So, no Squall, Rinoa, Laguna, Ward, or Kiros.

Who exactly would you like to keep in? :-P

It would be a feature about Quistis and Xu and Zell and Selphie and Irvine and maybe even Nida where they just live out there lives as SeeDs.

No world crisis, no underlying love story (which in turn becomes the main focus of the game :-(), no crazy witches from the future. Keep the politics though, just politics and your friendly neighbourhood SeeDs.

04-04-2007, 11:15 AM
I would like to spill my friendly neighbourhood SeeD all over your face, Lukey.

04-05-2007, 01:02 PM
oh god

ready and willing

jewess crabcake
04-05-2007, 05:45 PM
Well it all depends on S-E becoming an affiliate of another game provider, Say S-E joins up with Microsoft and Xbox. Then they may make FF7 - 12, for Xbox and if the PS3 cant play PS game then you may have a good chance of seeing, FF 2-9 on PS3.

04-05-2007, 06:04 PM

i think that SE should stop messing with their older ff game creations and move on. =/

jewess crabcake
04-05-2007, 06:15 PM
Every year S-E either makes a sequel or remake it's only a matter of time.

byakuya kuchiki
04-06-2007, 01:49 AM
i think good games shouldnt be remade, i meen, what if they redid the game and i sucked. then it would ruin the games name. i think the graphics, and characters make the game what it is, a classic.

byakuya kuchiki
04-06-2007, 01:51 AM
*it sucked

jewess crabcake
04-06-2007, 01:52 AM
i think good games shouldnt be remade, i meen, what if they redid the game and i sucked. then it would ruin the games name. i think the graphics, and characters make the game what it is, a classic.

OMFG lol, laughing with you not at you.

byakuya kuchiki
04-06-2007, 02:00 AM

04-09-2007, 01:31 AM
FFVIII should be left to be forgotten forever.

04-17-2007, 02:53 AM
It's not like it's a bad idea, it's just that THE PLOT WOULD BE COMPLEX TO THE MAX


FFVIII's plot itself is a loop, there will never be a happy ending because Ultemecia would just keep on reappearing in the past, go to the future, compress, start over again. Because of that there's infinite amounts of time universe and Rinoa would just keep becoming the bad guy in the future over and over again and Squall would be her knight over and over again.

However, if they would make a complication, it would have to most certainly be about how Rinoa (or Ultemecia) becomes corrupt in the future of any one of those infinite time universe and Squall becoming her knight (or Grevier). Otherwise, people won't know which universe the complication is about...

04-22-2007, 06:57 PM
I'd actually want to see another FF VIII with Seifer after he snaped out of his "Revolution" psyche.
Just anything not relating to Laguna's son and his almost would be daughter...

One Mile Ahead
04-22-2007, 08:42 PM
Remakes are a cop out. You can say the same about sequels and the like if you exclude FFX-2, which I enjoyed. But no, in the case of VIII, Square should let it lie and focus their efforts on newer games with original ideas. There is alot of strong competetion against the Final Fantasy series arising, especially from Stateside. If Square want to keep their 'RPG don' status much longer, they'd better get their thinking caps back on.

04-23-2007, 02:26 AM
It'll be great... I mean though not all FF remakes are that good but it'll be a good try if they did... most improtantly, I hope that they make it for all consoles... especially for PC and the PS2

One Mile Ahead
04-23-2007, 05:08 PM
It'll be great... I mean though not all FF remakes are that good but it'll be a good try if they did... most improtantly, I hope that they make it for all consoles... especially for PC and the PS2

What would be the point? You've already played it and clearly enjoyed it, but wouldn't you rather see something new?

04-23-2007, 05:12 PM
If they do a remake, then do it with JUST to do the following, and change NOTHING ELSE:

*redo the music with full orchestra or rock band (depends on the music being played)....either way, recorded music, not midi
*redo the graphics to be up to the current standard
*voice overs

That's it. I love this game, especially the love story element. Sure, some may dislike it, but I for one like it. I hate it when in a game it'll only go half-way with the love story. I think one should have the love story in there and flesh it out OR just not have it in there. FFVIII decided to have it and flesh it out. I approved. I still approve.

Edit: but, because companies when doing remakes can never seem to let those things not broken remain "un fixed", I voted "no" for the remake to let great things be left alone.

04-24-2007, 01:02 AM
Hmmm... there's going to be a remake in FF7 as well. From what I can know Square Enix has a tendercy to make some mistakes and in the end they might make a new one better than before. Every FF series is like a experience to them and an experiment to try out new gameplay and concepts. I don't really mind having the remake of FF8 but the most important part is the results. By the power of the PS3... sure why not give them a chance? Think positive about it. We may ended critisizing it but once it's released... probably most of you might brag it out saying how good it may be. I agree that great works should be left alone... but it would be dull if they don't try anything new on it. Just give it a try for once in the while. FF7 will be having it's remake... once released, decide whether they should make a remake for FF8. Don't brag their mistakes into something big. ^^