Heavens Cloud
03-23-2002, 12:51 AM
Well now that I have got your attention this thread isn't about chicken (sorry to all you chicken lovers out there :p )
This thread is for anybody that is playing final fantasy 7 and is eather stuck on something or wants to know how to get or do something.
Being that I have only passed the game about 10 times and have found probaly every secret I should be able to help you.
Oh ya and if there are any people that want to post there own secrets that they think people don't know about feel free.


.........oh sorry about that I got a little caried away :p :D ;)

03-23-2002, 01:01 AM
ok I have one on some of my save files I missed alicsander (sp) summon is it posible to go back and get it

Heavens Cloud
03-23-2002, 01:05 AM
Yes of course it is possible to go back and get it you do know where to get it dont you?

03-23-2002, 01:20 AM
I have the guide but it was not much help I just wander aound till I find where I need to go but I have gotin it so I shoud be ok

Heavens Cloud
03-23-2002, 01:25 AM
its actualy not that hard because all you have to go is try to find which way in that snow field is north then from there just head to about the middle and then keep going east im pretty sure.
Oh and also in about the middle of the snow field there is a cave and inside you can get a all materia it is isnt very hard to get to if you you your markers carefully

03-23-2002, 02:27 AM
Cloud, you're right about all. But you left out an important detail. I believe you'll meet a woman in the cave first, and have a little (weird) conversation, and you'll eventually fight her. If I can remember, she's not hard. Whence she is beaten, you should recieve the Alexander materia.

Note to Cloud

Great thread you got here, but even though the title's for laughs (even though I got a chuckle out of it my self), I would reccomend changing it to a title more suited for the thread. I mean, people aren't gonna be expecting "I love chicken!!!!" to be a help thread for FF7. Oh, and one more thing, include every little detail or else you'll be just as bad as the guide!


Anyway, I'll shutup and leave now.

Heavens Cloud
03-23-2002, 02:35 AM
hmm you do have a good point garnet! But look at the up side I will attract all those chicken lovers :D

And another thing I forgot to mention about getting that materia that I just remembered is that im pretty sure that you have to make sure that you dip your hands in that hot water spring/pond thing cause then the heat from the hot water irritates that scary wierd ladie or something then for sure she drops the materia.
The reason I didnt mention this before is because the question was if you could go back and get the materia any time in the game not that you had to scare of the ice ladie to get it the materia :p
But still it is a good piont to remember! :)

03-23-2002, 03:08 AM
Hey, I'm Cloud. Well, i spose you can appreviate if you want. As with a qu, well.......*thinks*.............how about: Why would people leave treasure chests around littered with powerful weapons and items to help you win the game? And why don't they just make you vs Carry Armour at the start? They have it, they might as well use it now to kill you.

Heavens Cloud
03-23-2002, 03:34 AM
Thats a very good question! :D And the answer is simple people leave traesure boxes lying around with dangerous items in them because............There was once this big flying airplane that was filled with millions of treasure boxes with rare items that were supposed to go to president shinra to make him happy......................and they were on there way..........Blah blah blah...................vrooooom !!!!!!...........captain look out...................AND THEN SUDDENLY THERE WAS A BIG EXPLOSION!!!!!!! BECAUSE BAHUMUT GOT REALLY PISSED OF BECAUSE PEOPLE KEPT TRYING TO SUMMON HIM DURING HIS COFFEEBREAK!!!!!!!!.............VROOOOMMMM!!!!!!!. ..WHOOOSH!!..........................OH SHIT CAPTAIN WERE GOING DOWN!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! ................then as the plane was coming crashing down it exploded and all the treasure chests when flying and got scattered across the land, now the reason the treasure chests didnt blow up is becuase they were.....uh... MAGICAL TREASURE CHESTS!!.. ya that will do hehe....Anyways they were magic and since they fell from the sky everyone thought that they were sacred and only the chosen ones that would save the planet could open them, and since that is cloud and the gang they could open them.........and...uhh ........they all lived happily ever after the end!
Now I hope that that cleared some things up for you Cloud.
Or who knows mabey they only throw out there old used materia and weapons and the treasure chests are there kind of garbage bags.

And for the reason of why they dont just use there stronger things like Carry Armour to kill you from the start is simple they are stupid they want to make you look strong so that later the person that kills you can take all the credit not even thinking about how you can level up and get stronger. I tell you evil governments and terrorists that were black clothes don't even think ahead these days *sigh* well I hope I cleared some stuff up for you :D

03-23-2002, 11:34 AM
lolol, yep, thought so. But what about the save points??

03-23-2002, 06:43 PM
the reason they diden't use the Carry Armour at the bigining is becase the shinra were still bilding it but why coulden't they use all the terks at once to finish you off and why (sp)

would the bild bombs in the pilers that suport the plates that midgar is on

Heavens Cloud
03-23-2002, 11:16 PM
Ahh save points I will lend you some more of my wisdom my son :D ........Well you see the reason for the save points isn't nearly as exciting as the reason for the treasure chests.
You see I have traveled from one city to another from Midgar to Junon to even Cosmo Canyon and what I have found out in my studies is that..................The save points are really old explorers that died in there explorations across the planet but as they were becoming one with the planet at their hour of death there last request to the planet was to make magical shining save points where they died so when future travelers got there they could save there status in case sephroth all of a sudden came and..................blah blah blah .....................yakity....................... DIEEE!!!............................KABOOM!!!..... ...............NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!.............. ..THINK OF THE CHILDREN.......................HAHAHAH!........... ..so just in case this ever happened they made sssure that they had a place so if they died they could magicly go back in time and come back to KICK ASS!!!!!!........T

No boys and girls wasn't that interesting? (in the back round sound of a little girl screaming "MOMMY!!! I WANT MY MOMMY!!")
(and of in the far corner one kid stabs another kid with a knife to see if he can make the kid be one with the planet)

Whoe!! let that be a lesson folks don't do drug's, I meen don't start screaming at kids age 6 or under DIEEEEE!!!!!! NOOOO!!! HAHAHA!!! reapetedly cause this little brat just wet his pants

Oh what I mean is have a nice day :D

03-24-2002, 03:09 AM
This thread will become nothing more then a spam trap. Sorry. If anyone needs help they can lokk at back pages or make their own thread.


*KotR level goes up 1*