03-28-2007, 04:15 PM
I'm looking for some songs from Pokemon Stadium. I've checked through these forums already, and it's been requested before, but any existing links are dead, expired, broken, etc. If anyone's curious, the two I'm looking for in particular are vs Mewtwo, and the other one is the "final round" song of the Prime cup. (Don't get confused: In the harder levels this song is used in the semi-final round, and a different one is used in the finals.)

It looks like some folks have gotten songs like this (from Pokemon Stadium 2) without the sound of the crowd cheering or the cries of the Pokemon. That would be a plus.

Much as I like the announcer, he can be turned off on the option menu. Anyone who wants to record these songs themselves should know I won't budge on that one.

Well, thanks to anyone who takes the time to look at / into this.

The Nightbringer
04-08-2007, 08:08 AM
I second this request. Pokemon Stadium 1 soundtrack would be excellent. And it puzzles me as to how the one for Pokemon Stadium 2 was made, so surely the same can be done for it's predecessor, right?

04-08-2007, 06:26 PM
>_< ^ <--(raised hand)
I third this one. XD

Anyone else get really irritated at that announcer realy quick? "What's wrong, trainer?!" "I'm eating, announcer guy!!"