03-22-2002, 01:36 PM
How is Languna Squall's father?! Wouldn't Languna be alittle to young to have children? This has really confused me...so can someone please explain this to me?

Is was a right shock that laguna was Squall's Father! Squall father is Laguna! Can you believe it!


03-22-2002, 02:35 PM
Laguna was 27 during the dream sequences, so he's about 44 during most of the game. Not too old to be Squall's father. They never come right out and say that he is, but here are the hints:

-We know that Laguna and Raine had a child, but that Laguna never saw the child and that Raine died shortly after she gave birth. After she died, Elle was sent to the orphanage. Squall, who was also sent to the orphanage around this time, refers to Ellone as his sister. It's a possibility that the child Raine gave birth to lived and was sent to the orphanage with Elle.

-Moombas rescued Laguna. Years later, moombas rescue Squall in the Desert Prison, and when they see him they call him "Laguna." According to the "information" section of the tutorial, Moombas identify people by smelling their blood. Squall's blood must be similar to Laguna's.

-When Kiros and Ward finally meet Squall, they joke about how it's good that he looks like his mother instead of his father. Laguna says there's something important he needs to tell Squall but that Squall probably won't want to hear it.

-This one's kind of stupid, but I've heard a lot of people say it as proof so I'll mention it. "Squall," "Raine" and "Laguna" (which is Spanish for pond or lagoon) are all references to water. This might be Square's way of saying they're all related?

$quall Leonhart
03-22-2002, 04:52 PM
it doesnt make sense.... i never thought Laguna whould be Squalls father.. kinda hard to belive. But what Fujin just wrote now kinda makes sense tottaly sense to me!

Majin Freeza
03-22-2002, 04:56 PM
It does perfect sense $quall. Laguna is Squall's dad

$quall Leonhart
03-22-2002, 05:00 PM
You got more proof that Squall is Lagunas father?:rolleyes:? (not that im already convinct;) )

03-22-2002, 06:05 PM
I guess it could be true.

03-22-2002, 06:19 PM
yeah, i reckon so, otherwise why do Squall and Laguna's destinies (sp) cross? when setting the scene, doesnt the instruction manual ask "what is the link between these two people?" or something like that

$quall Leonhart
03-22-2002, 06:35 PM
hmmz... reading manuals... *reading*

Squall and Laguna; two men linked mysteriously by fate. The friends, rivals, and beautiful women whom they encounter all come together to create a striking and moving drama

... And we have a link:):D

03-31-2002, 04:18 PM
That link they where talking about.Could be Ellone.You know she does link Squall with Laguna together in the past.Then later they do meet ,but you already knew that.

03-31-2002, 11:57 PM
im not sure that ellone could have been the link but im convinced that laguna is squalls father

04-04-2002, 12:20 PM
I think Laguna is Squalls dad. He's gotta be I mean they even look alike. Don't they?

04-04-2002, 07:06 PM
Laguna is Squalls father? Never heard that one before. I can't remember everything about FF8's story, so i'm really not sure.

04-04-2002, 11:28 PM

well, i think its spoliers:

when squall goes to Laguna's house in Winhill, doesn't he look at pictures there, and say sumthin about them? i cant remember wot.

plus...why would he see Raines ghost? i'm going on the theory that ghosts appear to people who were important to them

04-05-2002, 12:51 AM
I always thought that Laguna was Squall's dad, it all just seems to come together. I don't know it just seems so obvious to me..... Maybe I'm just guessing to much.

04-05-2002, 06:27 PM
I knew laguana was sqaulls father but...when laguana meets sqaull he just treats him like a guy you meet waiting in line at some sort of store!could someome please tell me why he did'nt tell sqaull???and dont tell he did'nt know because the fatguy and the other guy knew!!:confused:

Cetra Angel
04-05-2002, 07:19 PM
Laguna: squall, i am your father
Squall: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! no-o-ooooooo! it can't beeee!
Laguna: come, son, together, we could rule the universe!
Squall: Never! I'll Never turn to the dark side!

lol, couldn't resist... if you read the other thread about character relations, then this theory means rinoa and squall are bro+sis! it's all too star wars!!

but i truly beleive this theory
the laguna rinoa one of mine is extremely vague...

Angel Aeris
04-18-2002, 04:06 PM
I thought that first too.

But, that FACT that Laguna is Squall's father doesn't mean that Rinoa and Squall are family. Remember, that Laguna only dated Julia, he's not Rinoa's father. Squall's parents are Laguna and Raine, Rinoa's Julia and general Caraway from Deling city.

P.S that dialog of yours gave me good laugh. Thanks!!!

Guardian of Ice
04-18-2002, 04:29 PM
Ohh yeah when you go to Laguna's old house in winhill and look at an old picture downstairs, the picture is missing or hard to make out or something like that.

Green Arrow
04-18-2002, 05:20 PM
I dunno why you all analise FF8 so much. It is what it is and will never really be solved without Square releasing an official..."FF8 ANALISED" something along those lines.
Although it is good to see what ppl think about FF8 and there opinions on games and plots and whatnot. Twould be interesting to see how close you all were to the truth, well the way Square wanted it to be taken in.

04-19-2002, 01:34 AM
People...people...here's what you should know...


Laguna being Squall's father is FACT. At least I think so.

People, when Ellone took Squall's conscience to Laguna, that had taken place 17 years ago. So right now Laguna would be around 45 or something...

Remember in the game they said that Julia had marry Caraway? Well, then that meant that Laguna never really *dated* her. Instead, he fell for Raine and they had Squall. Laguna never got over Julia, but Laguna put that past behind.

If there's anything else I should say, I would, but I'm too lazy.