03-22-2002, 08:27 AM
Ok I know this is a realy old ass anime but Im wondering if anyone here has seen it.

Its super good, the art the story...even though its basicaly the same as every other adventure anime out there...whatever.

Have you seen this chil..anime?

03-22-2002, 08:57 AM
I'm guessing that this is your favorite anime? I'm guessing that you got your nickname from this anime.

I haven't seen 3x3 eyes, but I'm sure it's great. The art looks really decent, and the overall story seems pretty interesting. I'd watch it, but there're way too many new anime out there that I have to watch.

03-22-2002, 09:11 PM
I own the first set of OVAs on video. XD it was one of my first animes, and i like it quite a lot ^_^ I also own some of the manga.... but it's kinda hard to get >.< heh, i've been meaning to get the next set of OVAs... it's a really good anime, imo. ;)

03-23-2002, 03:03 AM
Ya thats where I got the name...

But I have only seen it a while ago on VHS, and now I cant find it on the net.

I shur hope somone tells me where I can find it....