03-20-2007, 07:54 AM

Ouch... ps3 fanboys, can you feel the pain?

Can't say I'm happy since I'm not a xbox360 fanboy, but I'm sure glad that I'm not a ps3 fanboy either.

03-20-2007, 08:56 AM
Devil May Cry 3: Special Edition was also released on PC.
I'm NOT getting a PS3 any time soon, so a 360 release will definitely put less of a dent in my wallet. I just hope that it's harder than DMC3, just to keep away all the candy-ass, PS3-humping, poor excuses for gamers that complained Devil May Cry: Dante's Awakening (not the Special Noob Edition) and Ninja Gaiden were too hard.

03-20-2007, 09:18 AM

Ouch... ps3 fanboys, can you feel the pain?

Can't say I'm happy since I'm not a xbox360 fanboy, but I'm sure glad that I'm not a ps3 fanboy either.

So. And as far as I know of there is no such thing as a PS3 fanboy. I have a PS3, and just like other PS3 owners, we just enjoy what we have and that's it. We don't spend our time opening accounts to rub in shit like this (and to mooch off our soundtrack resources). We also don't spend our time spreading false rumors about the 360 or Wiis without doing our research, or at all for that matter, like some PS3 haters do. Grow up and get over it. They're just video games. If you want to be a part of this next gen race so bad then go apply for a job at Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony. Until then, the only real winners are those who are happy with the system they purchased and the CEOs of those companies who are profiting off of us. Besides, I'm happy with Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, Hot Shots Golf 5, Eight Days, Killzone, Resistance 2, Uncharted (Naughty Dog Project), Ratchet and Clank, Sucker Punch Project (Sly), White Knight Story, Monster Kingdom, Warhawk, War Devil: Enigma, Afrika, and many other games.

03-20-2007, 02:05 PM
They said this just days before the Europe release. And the list of exclusive series on the Ps3 is becoming even shorter...

03-20-2007, 06:40 PM
Personally I see no problem with this I mean when I get my PS3 down the Line I am not going to kick up a stink just because there are the same games on other Systems so long as I have the games I don't care in fact it helps me get my games. Since systems will be in compentation with each other over the game sales the first tactic of sales is lower price or Offer special options only on that system such as KOTOR for PC had Yavin 4 while the Xbox one did not. In the Long run an equal share of games between the systems can only help us the gamers. We wont have to buy a system for a couple of games that are only coming out on that system such as what I will do with an Xbox and Ninja Gaiden Black as soon as I get the money together. We will just have to wait for the port also it means we will get better games since the companies that make Games don't need to focous so much on Newbie Sales and Hand holding one of the Major complaints aganist todays games like FFXII and several others is that it is made to be as Idiot proof as possible watering down some of the challanege in the Beginning and making it slow and annoying. There was much cheer when KOTOR II came out with its skip the Learners stage part which before had to be Modded in for KOTOR I.

In short the wider the Base for the Game the better it is for the Gamer. Also I know not a single PS3 fanboy there are people who like it and enjoy it but that doesn't mean they are going to be exclusive to that one system I first truly became a gamer on the PSX but I now a days on a PS2, Gamecube, GBA Sp, some PC games, and I have Xbox plans in the works and I did all that because I enjoy several of the games that are on other systems its stupid to care about one system over the other Care about the games that is where it truly is at.

03-21-2007, 04:49 AM
wouldn't this bother sony (the company) and not the fans?

the fan's wouldn't care because it's not moving, its just becoming available for more consoles. so why would "fanboys" be pissed or sad?

stop trying to start shit.

03-21-2007, 05:03 AM
wouldn't this bother sony (the company) and not the fans?

the fan's wouldn't care because it's not moving, its just becoming available for more consoles. so why would "fanboys" be pissed or sad?

stop trying to start shit.

Agreed. It's not like the PS3 is suffering by any stretch of the imagination. It's doing fairly well and it's just coming out in Europe in a few days. 1) There are still plenty of kick-ass exclusives, 2) it's smart business for Capcom who's in this to make money, not take sides in a console war and 3) it makes it fair for those who already have a 360 but don't have yet/can't afford a PS3.

03-21-2007, 05:03 AM
So. And as far as I know of there is no such thing as a PS3 fanboy. I have a PS3, and just like other PS3 owners, we just enjoy what we have and that's it. We don't spend our time opening accounts to rub in shit like this (and to mooch off our soundtrack resources). We also don't spend our time spreading false rumors about the 360 or Wiis without doing our research, or at all for that matter, like some PS3 haters do. Grow up and get over it. They're just video games.

For the record, there are just as many Sony fanboys as there are Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys. You probably haven't seen them around lately since they barely have a foot to stand on (and most fanboys have shaky foundations at best) so they shut up, but they are definitley, definitley there.

03-21-2007, 05:25 AM
wouldn't this bother sony (the company) and not the fans?

the fan's wouldn't care because it's not moving, its just becoming available for more consoles. so why would "fanboys" be pissed or sad?

stop trying to start shit.

I see your point but let me show you an example. If Im a fun of Resident Evil, Devil May Cry, GTA and Virtual Fighter, why would I waste my money on a ps3 when I can buy my favourite games on a cheaper console (360)? Thats the point we are trying to make.

03-21-2007, 07:08 AM
Well to be honest the 360 in relative terms isn't cheaper something ALOT of people miss. While I don't know the exact prices if some does please put them out but when Xbox360 first came out it was More expensive then PS3 now. A year later after its release its price has come down significantly and I imagine so will PS3's price once a Years time has passed. For now it is cheaper but who is to say by Christmas a Natural time for shoppers to be out and about game stores for them to lower PS3's price by 100 to 200 dollars or more to reel in people since we have gotten used to the high price the sudden drop will drum up sales and zoom PS3 is cheaper and comes out ahead. There are 2 ways for prices to change up or down. The first is supply and demand if a High supply but low demand Lower prices while if High Demand Low supply Higher prices very simiple. Now the Next flux is what is called Risk Pricing basically you go out on a Limb with Lower prices hoping the Sales will cover the overlap well enough example Lets say normally PS3 is 600$ and it takes 400 to make you have a 200$ overhead to cover the other costs such as employees and so forth. Now lets say they go with Risk pricing and lower the price to 450$ not a good idea unless the sales are Way more then normal. And before and after X-mas is such a time. So I guess that by Dec we shall see a cheaper PS3 heck maybe even before hand as well.

03-21-2007, 08:26 AM
Lets say normally PS3 is 600$ and it takes 400 to make

I don't remember the exact number, but it costs well over $600 to make a PS3, so that's a shame... $600 is the most they thought people would buy it at, basically.

03-21-2007, 09:49 AM
I don't remember the exact number, but it costs well over $600 to make a PS3, so that's a shame... $600 is the most they thought people would buy it at, basically.


TGDaily has an article estimating the manufacturing cost for a 60 GB model to be around 840.35 USD and 805.85 for the 20 GB model.
Clicky (

hb smokey
03-21-2007, 12:52 PM
Skipped through all the posts because I read Reese's saying there is no such thing as a PS3 fanboy, so I knew this thread was full of a lot of shit.

This game was bound to go to other consoles sooner or later. It's just more bad luck for Sony.

03-21-2007, 03:35 PM
Muskteer That 600 was an example not an actual number and actually I just looked it up 499$ for 20 GB and 599$ for 60 GB USA depending on which state you live in that means it will only be roughly 520 and 620 respectivly or so after Sales tax unless of course you live in oregon which means you get it straight 499$ or 599$.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-21-2007, 04:02 PM
I still don't see how this "pwnz" Sony fanboys.

I mean, which console was it released on first?

03-21-2007, 04:47 PM
The series has always been on PS2 DMC1-DMC3

03-21-2007, 05:08 PM
Actually, DMC3 was released on PC also.

03-21-2007, 06:09 PM
I still don't see how this "pwnz" Sony fanboys.

I mean, which console was it released on first?
I said ps3 fanboys, not Sony fanboys. Anyway, like there's any difference between them... they got pwned because the game is now a multiplatform. Doesn't matter which system it first got released on. It's like what happened to Resident Evil

They over-gloated how this game was ps3 exclusive, and it's going to kick 360's games ass all over. Look what happened? Why are they all quiet?

I swear, if samething happens to MGS4, then I'm sorry I pity you ps3 fans out there.

03-21-2007, 06:11 PM
double post

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-21-2007, 06:13 PM
Sony fanboys got pwned because the game is now a multiplatform. Doesn't matter which system it first got released on. It's like what happened to Resident Evil series.

Which means absolutely nothing.

03-21-2007, 06:24 PM
I have to agree with Odin just because a few games are no longer one system only doesn't mean anything I mean look at Ninja Gaiden Sigma a sequal for Ninja Gaiden for Xbox that will be as far as I know it only on PS3. See it doesn't matter games change systems but in the end only the gamers come out ahead so stop trying to start something.

Prak didn't know about DMC3 on PC thanks first time I heard that but since I have a PS2 and DMC3 special I didn't look too hard either.

03-21-2007, 06:35 PM
Well to be honest the 360 in relative terms isn't cheaper something ALOT of people miss. While I don't know the exact prices if some does please put them out but when Xbox360 first came out it was More expensive then PS3 now.
You are right but my point is about now. For example me and a lot of my friends have not bought a next generation console yet (and a lot of people around the world i guess). So, when it comes to the games, Im mostly a fun of Resident Evil, Final Fantasy and Prince of Persia. I also like good fighting games.
Personally I would get a 360 because now its cheaper and offers me much of the games I like. (I wouldnt die for FF XIII).

See my point? Is the excact same reason of why I bought a ps2 over xbox.

03-21-2007, 06:39 PM
Reva, Ninja Gaiden Black is a port/partial remake of Ninja Gaiden Black with a couple new features, not a sequel. Not exactly a big accomplishment for the system there. I'm not saying this to shoot you down, just to point out the fallacy.

03-21-2007, 06:40 PM
Which means absolutely nothing.

I also have to agree with Odin. So what if RE became multiplatform. PS2 system sales has still outsold other systems to this day and they still continue to push systems. If you're going to use the same logic with RE, then it's like you're saying Capcom went multiplatform because PS2s didn't sell. Multiplatform just means that much more money for Capcom. When you have all these next-gen systems coming out and the cost to make the games begin to jump, along with the number of and type of competition from new and old software makers, you can't blame them for wanting to expand. They need to keep up with budget.

03-21-2007, 06:50 PM
You guys are missing a point though. Xbox 360 already has a large installed base far beyond that of the PS3. People who have a 360 are going to be far less inclined to buy a PS3 if they can get those games on the system they already have. There's also the people that don't have either and need incentives to buy a PS3 over a 360. The PS3 needs games that are going to move systems, and when a company is in Sony's position, that means getting exclusives.

03-21-2007, 07:18 PM
Prak didn't know about DMC3 on PC thanks first time I heard that but since I have a PS2 and DMC3 special I didn't look too hard either.
You need to read some of the previous posts, as this was clearly stated in the second post in this thread.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-21-2007, 07:36 PM
You guys are missing a point though. Xbox 360 already has a large installed base far beyond that of the PS3. People who have a 360 are going to be far less inclined to buy a PS3 if they can get those games on the system they already have. There's also the people that don't have either and need incentives to buy a PS3 over a 360. The PS3 needs games that are going to move systems, and when a company is in Sony's position, that means getting exclusives.

MGS4 by itself will be the reason I buy a PS3 with my tax refund (though White Knight Story and Heavenly Sword look pretty fucking sweet).

I don't care if they're out yet or not, I gave my modded PS2 to my cousin for Christmas and haven't had any gaming console since then other than my Gamecube and that is boring as fuck right now with no games on the shelves anywhere out here for that system.

EDIT 2: That modded PS2 had a hard drive on it with every single game I ever owned loaded onto it, he's having a fucking blast at 9 years old while I'm bored out of my fucking mind (it was my launch-day PS2, still going strong after all these years, fuck you guys that badmouth my favorite console).

But it was cheaper than buying him a new one, and better, so whatever.

03-21-2007, 07:45 PM
Just out of curiosity, would news of MGS4 being released on 360 with added features a few months after the PS3 version's release make you rethink your decision to buy a PS3? There is no point to this and I have no intention to argue with you about it. I'm just wondering.

03-21-2007, 08:00 PM
Just out of curiosity, would news of MGS4 being released on 360 with added features a few months after the PS3 version's release make you rethink your decision to buy a PS3? There is no point to this and I have no intention to argue with you about it. I'm just wondering.

Even though the question wasn't directed at me, I'd say yes. Added features on a game for a cheaper system with an established foundation of good games is a good thing for the consumer.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-21-2007, 08:00 PM
Just out of curiosity, would news of MGS4 being released on 360 with added features a few months after the PS3 version's release make you rethink your decision to buy a PS3? There is no point to this and I have no intention to argue with you about it. I'm just wondering.

Not really, I never buy the "extended" editions of the games because the majority of those "added features" don't warrant the additional purchase (I never bought RE4 for the PS2, for example).

Besides, Sony's systems are ridiculously easy to modify (I couldn't do anywhere near as much to the Gamecube as I did to the PS2 anywhere near as easily, for example) and I love to screw around and modify my systems like that.

03-21-2007, 09:12 PM
Prak I said Ninja Gaiden Sigma. I know Black is an expansion but I have heard about sigma which is Suppouse to be on PS3 I haven't much else though so if it is just a port I don't know I thought it was a Sequal to the Ninja Gaiden on Xbox.

Now I have bought RE4 for PS2 and I own the Gamecube version I have to say the Gamecube is better no Load times and none standard Cutscenes. In gamecube the Tactical Vest and the 2nd costume both show up in cutscenes but not in PS2 version which sucked because I wanted to see Leon as a Gangaster fight Krauser in the Knife fight. What I am getting at is that just because it gets some new features doesn't make it better. The only new features I liked in RE4 for PS2 was the Gangaster costume and get to play as Ada in seperate ways. Everything else well I am afriad the are not worth a Dime. And this happens alot some of the Special edtions and New feature Ports some are good some are bad. If I own the system and Have the money sure I will get it but if I don't own the system I see no point in getting a different system just for new features.

And yeah I didn't see your post Z sorry about that.

03-21-2007, 09:26 PM
Don't sweat it too much. You not seeing my post is worrying as it showed you may tend to read only the most recent posts in a thread and ignoring any information contained therein. It's usually worth the extra time to read previous posts unless there's an overwhelming number of people labeling it as bullshit.

03-21-2007, 09:30 PM
Actually I do tend to read the post that came before hand so long as it is not too many but I usually browse the Post unless it is a Big one where I would be lost if I tried to read it piece meal. Or if it Sain Master Killa so forth them I just skip 60% of the time. How I missed your little post like that I don't know but hey I am sorry.

03-21-2007, 10:29 PM
Just a second, was Metal Gear Solid announced for Xbox 360 too? As far as i know there were only rumors

03-21-2007, 11:51 PM
No Prak was just asking if Odin would buy a 360 if MSG4 came out with special features a Few months after the PS3 version. He said there was no point so I think Prak was just answering Idle Curiousity. As far as I know MSG4 is on PS3 alone no other as far as I know mind you.

EDIT-Just checked out Ninja Gaiden Sigma Prak was right it is an Expansion with a Heck of ALOT more in it from what I read off of IGN. Apperantly they are making a Side story for Rachel kinda like Ada's seperate ways for PS2 from what I read as well as they are making new enemies and bosses. Also I only saw this at Wiki so I count it as rumor only but if the Game gets alot of sales Team ninja says they might make more games for PS3 it didn't say exclusive or remakes just make games for them so I can't say what that means really.

03-23-2007, 03:05 AM
I want to say 3 words and a number:

Metal Gear Solid 4

Let's see how the 360 goes after that.

EDIT: Didn't saw that you already talked about this game. Even so, I can't wait to see Microsoft after that. As far as I know, it will be a ps3 exclusive.

J. Peterman
03-23-2007, 03:22 AM
If PS3 manages to get Pokemon Super Diamond and Ruby Pearl I believe they will have the market won.

If the 360 manages to get Madden 2008 Super Duper Edition though it can do some battling.

03-23-2007, 05:22 AM
I want to say 3 words and a number:

Metal Gear Solid 4

Let's see how the 360 goes after that.

EDIT: Didn't saw that you already talked about this game. Even so, I can't wait to see Microsoft after that. As far as I know, it will be a ps3 exclusive.

I seriously want to see a successful console that had ONE game going for it. This is the same shit that happened last gen. One of the big reasons why the PS2 was more successful was because it was older and therefore had a more established foundation of games.
I remember when all the PS2 and GC fanboys were raving that the only game the XBox had was Halo. Now the tables are turned and all the 360 fanboys get to make fun of the PS3 fanboys for having MGS4.

And about your comment about Microsoft...last I checked, Microsoft didn't have problems releasing the 360 nor did they produce products like fauly batteries. Instead they released a new version of the most widely used OS. Add this to the fact that Microsoft has two of their own amongst the top 20 richest people in the world (Paul Allen with $21 billion and Bill Gates with $46.5 billion), while Sony has none.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-23-2007, 11:43 AM
I seriously want to see a successful console that had ONE game going for it. This is the same shit that happened last gen. One of the big reasons why the PS2 was more successful was because it was older and therefore had a more established foundation of games.
I remember when all the PS2 and GC fanboys were raving that the only game the XBox had was Halo. Now the tables are turned and all the 360 fanboys get to make fun of the PS3 fanboys for having MGS4.

And about your comment about Microsoft...last I checked, Microsoft didn't have problems releasing the 360 nor did they produce products like fauly batteries. Instead they released a new version of the most widely used OS. Add this to the fact that Microsoft has two of their own amongst the top 20 richest people in the world (Paul Allen with $21 billion and Bill Gates with $46.5 billion), while Sony has none.

Heavenly Sword, Grand Turismo, future Ace Combat installments, White Knight Story, that Gundam game...

It has more than one game, it's just that MGS4 is so fucking hugely popular that it overshadows pretty much everything on every console with people that owned a PS2 and played the other games.

03-23-2007, 04:27 PM
It has more than one game, it's just that MGS4 is so fucking hugely popular that it overshadows pretty much everything on every console with people that owned a PS2 and played the other games.
Gundam and Final Fantasy are more popular than MGS series, at least in japan. Fact is, there are more western fans of MGS compared to the fans in japan. MGS is considered as a good game in japan, but it isn't recognized as how Halo is recognized in America.

03-23-2007, 04:49 PM
Odin, Ace Combat has been announced for Xbox 360 also.

pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-23-2007, 04:53 PM
Odin, Ace Combat has been announced for Xbox 360 also.

It and what else?

My point is that I tend to want to play the games that come out for the PS3 more than for other consoles (I have no interest in Gears of War or Halo, and most of the other games I've heard of that might be of interest will also have their PS3 ports).

Mr. Bunniesworth
03-23-2007, 04:59 PM
My two cents...

I'm not keen on the series myself, so I don't really care. But in general I really think people should side with game developers rather then console developers. People that spout on about how Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry and others should be Sony-native are being silly.

Honestly. Who gives a shit? If a company can quickly and cheaply port a game to another console and boost their bottom dollar, why shouldn't they? I want the good developers to make good money off their titles. After all, the more money they make the more they can afford to invest in future development.

All this exclusivity rubbish is just that... rubbish. And I really do despise it. So long as YOU get to play the titles you want, why should you care who else gets to or not? They can have Devil May Cry for all I care... all I know is that this time next week I'll be playing the latest installment of The Elder Scrolls series, and that wouldn't of been the case if all those die-hard fanboys on the OTHER side of the fence had got their bratty way and stopped the move. Cut down the barriers I say, because while they stay up the real losers in the situation are us...

03-23-2007, 06:00 PM
It and what else?

My point is that I tend to want to play the games that come out for the PS3 more than for other consoles (I have no interest in Gears of War or Halo, and most of the other games I've heard of that might be of interest will also have their PS3 ports).

And my point is that almost all of these formerly-exclusive third-party franchises are branching out. It's almost unthinkable that any of the high-profile games coming out for PS3 (which are not being made by Sony, that is) won't be released for Xbox 360 concurrently or within a few months afterward.

Of course, I really don't care if you buy a PS3 to play them. I'm not saying the system doesn't have its merits and I'm not trying to talk you out of buying one. I still like my PS2. It's easily the most reliable console I've ever had, considering that it's lasted the longest through constant play and harsher conditions.

03-23-2007, 09:16 PM
still like my PS2. It's easily the most reliable console I've ever had, considering that it's lasted the longest through constant play and harsher conditions.


pedo mc tax me softly, black person (whom i love)
03-23-2007, 09:30 PM
And my point is that almost all of these formerly-exclusive third-party franchises are branching out. It's almost unthinkable that any of the high-profile games coming out for PS3 (which are not being made by Sony, that is) won't be released for Xbox 360 concurrently or within a few months afterward.

Of course, I really don't care if you buy a PS3 to play them. I'm not saying the system doesn't have its merits and I'm not trying to talk you out of buying one. I still like my PS2. It's easily the most reliable console I've ever had, considering that it's lasted the longest through constant play and harsher conditions.

That's my main reason for not buying one of the other consoles right now, my launch day PS2 is still going strong (it faltered for a bit at one point, but that was just me being dumb and not cleaning the dust out of the fan after it had set for six months without being used)... however many years its been since launch?

I'm not saying the other consoles aren't just as reliable, but I'm going with past personal history with the one I had. Brand Loyalty and all that good stuff. I got my money's worth out of the PS2 (and then some), so I'm more than happy to pay a bit more for the new one when I have the money to spend on it (either after a price drop or when MGS4 comes out, whichever comes soonest).

03-23-2007, 09:58 PM
I'm waiting for a price drop.
I have no brand loyalty, just game dev loyalty.

03-23-2007, 11:37 PM
My two cents...

I'm not keen on the series myself, so I don't really care. But in general I really think people should side with game developers rather then console developers. People that spout on about how Final Fantasy, Metal Gear Solid, Devil May Cry and others should be Sony-native are being silly.

Honestly. Who gives a shit? If a company can quickly and cheaply port a game to another console and boost their bottom dollar, why shouldn't they? I want the good developers to make good money off their titles. After all, the more money they make the more they can afford to invest in future development.

All this exclusivity rubbish is just that... rubbish. And I really do despise it. So long as YOU get to play the titles you want, why should you care who else gets to or not? They can have Devil May Cry for all I care... all I know is that this time next week I'll be playing the latest installment of The Elder Scrolls series, and that wouldn't of been the case if all those die-hard fanboys on the OTHER side of the fence had got their bratty way and stopped the move. Cut down the barriers I say, because while they stay up the real losers in the situation are us...

FINALLY! You just said all the words I've been trying to convey for the longest time. Although my words come out wrong, which is due to my lack of a better word, sentence, term, etc., this is exactly how I feel. 110%

Mr. Bunniesworth
03-24-2007, 12:32 AM
FINALLY! You just said all the words I've been trying to convey for the longest time. Although my words come out wrong, which is due to my lack of a better word, sentence, term, etc., this is exactly how I feel. 110%

I think a lot of people actually feel this way, and I'm fairly confident that it will start to happen whether console fanboys like it or not. Heck its already started... one week after launch in Australia, the PS3 will be brandishing one of the XBox 360's killer apps.

Obviously their respected game libraries should be fairly distinct on mass, they have to be. But if a game is good (I mean really god), share it... because it deserves to be shared. Think of the online tournaments you could host! Imagine playing say... Unreal Tournament 3 and running a CTF game with a PlayStation 3 team taking on an XBox 360 team. Who wouldn't want to partake in that? Talk about the ultimate grudge match!! Well it can't happen when the console makers play tit-for-tat with each other and restrain their developers...

03-24-2007, 01:31 AM
I think a lot of people actually feel this way, and I'm fairly confident that it will start to happen whether console fanboys like it or not. Heck its already started... one week after launch in Australia, the PS3 will be brandishing one of the XBox 360's killer apps.

Obviously their respected game libraries should be fairly distinct on mass, they have to be. But if a game is good (I mean really god), share it... because it deserves to be shared. Think of the online tournaments you could host! Imagine playing say... Unreal Tournament 3 and running a CTF game with a PlayStation 3 team taking on an XBox 360 team. Who wouldn't want to partake in that? Talk about the ultimate grudge match!! Well it can't happen when the console makers play tit-for-tat with each other and restrain their developers...


Sorry, I couldn't help it.

03-24-2007, 02:02 AM
I'd be just happy that the game exists, never mind which system gets it. At least both camps should be happy. And for old farts like me, that's all that matters.

04-08-2007, 01:33 PM
at least capcom decided to make dmc4 for the ps3 and NOT for the 360 and i doubt the dmc4 will come out for the pc & 360 becoase of the massive system requirments

04-08-2007, 08:39 PM
So. And as far as I know of there is no such thing as a PS3 fanboy. I have a PS3, and just like other PS3 owners, we just enjoy what we have and that's it. We don't spend our time opening accounts to rub in shit like this (and to mooch off our soundtrack resources). We also don't spend our time spreading false rumors about the 360 or Wiis without doing our research, or at all for that matter, like some PS3 haters do. Grow up and get over it. They're just video games. If you want to be a part of this next gen race so bad then go apply for a job at Microsoft, Nintendo or Sony. Until then, the only real winners are those who are happy with the system they purchased and the CEOs of those companies who are profiting off of us. Besides, I'm happy with Lair, Heavenly Sword, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Metal Gear Solid 4, LittleBigPlanet, Hot Shots Golf 5, Eight Days, Killzone, Resistance 2, Uncharted (Naughty Dog Project), Ratchet and Clank, Sucker Punch Project (Sly), White Knight Story, Monster Kingdom, Warhawk, War Devil: Enigma, Afrika, and many other games.

quoted for truth. people are ridiculous about it.

If you don't want a PS3, then don't buy one. It's kind of crazy that people care this much.

God Doesnt Exist
04-08-2007, 10:50 PM
Why would Capcom want to release a hit game for the 3 people that own a PS3?
With it on 360 and PC it's sales are going to be so much higher now.

04-08-2007, 11:02 PM
Well for one PS3 sales are not that bad they don't match up to 360s yes but they do have a good size market. Also by the time DMC4 comes out is is suppouse to have dropped in price so it will have a larger market then. Also DMC4 will be horrible I think on PC I haven't played DMC3 on PC but I think it will have a good chunck of control issues. ONly the game designers will tell on that issue.

But PS3 does have a decent market its just pricey is all. I know when I save the money up I am going to buy one and I know a few other shriners will as well so it does have a larger market then you give it credit for.

04-08-2007, 11:53 PM
who cares. ffXIII, versus XIII and mgs4 are three good reasons to cop a ps3 over an xbox 360.