03-17-2007, 07:02 AM
I'm not talking about this forum in particular, but most other people. I constantly hear people complaining about how bad X and X-2 suck. I can't see why so many people dislike it. It has a great story and gameplay as far as I can tell, besides it's #5 on my top ten fave games :D.

03-17-2007, 07:12 AM
I question myself about this sometimes. The game was great for me, a bit easy but the story, the twists, the character design and the battle system were all great. People seem to complain mostly about Wakka and Tidus, although I find Tidus quite realistic in his reactions, and Wakka was fine for me.
Of course all these are just my opinions :)

03-17-2007, 08:07 AM
I agree Tidus went from a Star player with no really worries in life to fighting for his life in a world he doesn't understand add to the fact people are trying to keep him in the dark and you begin to see the problem. He acted in a very realistic manner considering all the things going on and his connection to their events,
I don't get peoples problem with the game while it isn't the best game I have played and it moved away from Several of the FF features I liked such as controlable Airship it is still a Decent game. I think some of the problem is the moving into new Game play such as a connected world with no true World map like in FFVII, FFVIII, and FFIX and others since it was new people didn't like it.
But I still say the game is good. Now FFX-2 I have alot of problems with but this isn't the place to get into it with.

03-17-2007, 02:02 PM
FFX is a good game, it was one of the only FF games to present somewhat of a challenge.

03-17-2007, 02:29 PM
I think most people had a hated this so much because Tidus whined just that little bit too much

Neo Xzhan
03-17-2007, 02:41 PM
I'd say people whine more about FFVII then FFX. I don't really see where this is getting from. On the whole, I agree with Revaninja.

Swedish Fish
03-17-2007, 02:44 PM
I don't know anyone (that has an intelligent opinion) who strongly dislikes X. It isn't my favorite, but most of my problems with X are present in the battle system and overworld stuff, not the story or characters. As far as X-2 goes though, there are plenty who don't like it, but a very, very few that can back it up with anything other than, "OMFG chik game!11!1!" I absolutely love it though.

Kaeso Brutius
03-17-2007, 03:03 PM
When people say ff10 sucks they probably mean its the worst in the series. Thats how i think of it, it's still a good game though.

03-17-2007, 06:34 PM
My personal favourite 1... but ive noticed ppls fave ff is the 1st eva ff they have played?
Am i right?

03-17-2007, 06:43 PM
I don't know anyone (that has an intelligent opinion) who strongly dislikes X. It isn't my favorite, but most of my problems with X are present in the battle system and overworld stuff, not the story or characters. As far as X-2 goes though, there are plenty who don't like it, but a very, very few that can back it up with anything other than, "OMFG chik game!11!1!" I absolutely love it though.

Same here. Even people on the Final Fantasy SHRINE forums hate it
:(. I do see some problems with it, but it's still awesome. It's sort of like FFIII in a way.

I'm listening to Otherworl & Sutei ke da or whatever now :). Oh and my copy of Final Fantasy III for DS got stolen :(.

Kaeso Brutius
03-17-2007, 07:24 PM
My personal favourite 1... but ive noticed ppls fave ff is the 1st eva ff they have played?
Am i right?

You may be right, 9 was my first final fantasy and it's my favorite.

Swedish Fish
03-17-2007, 07:41 PM
My personal favourite 1... but ive noticed ppls fave ff is the 1st eva ff they have played?
Am i right?

That really only applies to those who first played VII or VIII. I know plenty of people who've played the older games, but like the more recent far better. Vice versa, too.

03-17-2007, 07:45 PM
My personal favourite 1... but ive noticed ppls fave ff is the 1st eva ff they have played?
Am i right?

Yea my first was FFVIII and that still stands as my favorite.

As far as FFX goes, it wasn't bad but i thought it was way to easy. It's not horrible but it isn't exactly on my top games list.

03-18-2007, 12:46 AM
The game is for the most part emo..... I can't speak for every gamer, but there should be a decent balance between drama and optimism. And FFX has a poor balance between the two. Infact the only exciting point is the scene at Macalania Lake.

And it revolves around a character other than the main character(which ultimately led to X-2).

03-18-2007, 01:58 AM
in response to title in question, repetition, unorigionality, and emo

Darth Revan
03-18-2007, 10:43 AM
Ok, now I have a feeling I may be drawing a lot of flames to me to what I'm about to post here in regards to FFX and X-2. These are just my opinions...

My general dislike for FFX stems from a few things...

1) No world map - Ok, I admit, there is a pseudo style world map for this game, but in comparison with earlier FF's, I felt limited in where I could go in the world. No real free reign, just a linear path with hotspots where you can interact and do whatever.

2) Voice talent - Now this is probably gonna draw a LOT of flames against me... but once again, this is just my opinion... I do not like voice acting in many games. Granted in some the voice talent is quite well matched to the game in question (For example, GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas and the MGS series.), but some of the voices in FFX just didn't seem to suit some of the characters.

3) Story - The story of FFX revolving around a religion announcing the end of the world, and sending a summoner to try and postpone it for a time... I suppose that's a fantasy enough storyline, and it did have some parts which were alright, but there were also a lot of holes in it as well.

4) Character Design - I have to admit, I do like the design of Auron, Kimahri, Lulu and some of the Aeons, but others were just to weird in my mind, even for a FF game. For example the design of the blitzball teams, made me shake my head in disgust.

5) Location Design - Some of the locations, like Luca and Zanarkand look quite good, even with a impressive overview look at the city before you step into it. However, once inside, you're limited to only a few locations to go to.

Now in regards to FFX-2...

Firstly, I really don't see the need for a sequel (Or prequel, as teh case may be for FFVII) for any FF game. Originally, the FF games were to be one whole story in itself. That's what FF creator Hironobu Sakaguchi had in mind from the very beginning in regards to the FF games. I mean, what made FFX so special that it had to have a sequel to it made? What about the earlier FF's? Personally, I think Square should never of made a sequel to FFX... even though I dislike FFX, it was a whole story. But then again, the last FF Hironobu Sakaguchi had any real hands on involvement with was FFVI...

and secondly, while I do like the fact that in FFX-2 some of the jobs from earflier FF's reappeared (Albeit in a dress style form, with the characters changing 'dresses/jobs' ala Sailor Moon), it didn't seem to fit with what was already known about the world of Spira. Granted it was set in a Spira with no threat of Sin, but still...

Anywayz, that's enough of my rant. Once again, these are just my own individual opinions about these two games.

03-18-2007, 01:48 PM
FFX-2 got it's sequal because of the fanbase explosion over FFX's ending. FFX-2 however was severely imbalanced. You can finish the entire game with one special dressphere. You don't even need the other 2 characters. It only did justice for me since it's been a very long time since SE made an RPG with a female LEAD protagonist. Parasite Eve 2 was the last time actually. FFVII will always have it the worst with spin off thoughs =P.

03-18-2007, 02:03 PM
Ive sed this many times... X-2 IS gd but only if u have the official guide 4 it, when i first bought it, it was a pile of SHIT. I bought the guide n its a great sequel.

J. Peterman
03-18-2007, 02:28 PM
Personally, all the characters really annoyed me for some reason. I didn't like any of them at all, and if I don't like anyone, I probably won't like the game. The story is decent, nothing special in my own opinion, but it's still way too linear and like all Final Fantasy games, way too easy. I wouldn't say I hate it, but I definitely wasn't in love with it. I'm more into Suikoden anyways, and I've last played this when it just came out, so my memory on all this if a bit fuzzy and I'm like no expert Pokemon trainer. I'd go with XII over this, but even then, I didn't think XII was anything really special.

03-18-2007, 02:35 PM
Not many people I have met hate Final Fantasy X. Many rave about Seymour (why I don't know...), some say Yuna is hot, others like the gameplay. I just thought Rikku was kind of cool, and that the battle system was a bit different. That's about it. And the music. The music is what got me. I admit I liked it, BUT, I like Final Fantasy X-2 better because of the better storyline...somewhat...

03-18-2007, 03:36 PM
I definitely liked X, in fact I'd probably have it as the second best game in the series. The characters, plot and setting were excellent. Paticularly the setting.

The only real down point for me was the love story of Tidus and Yuna. It was all too apparent what was going to happen there from when they first met, which annoyed me as the relationship therefore didn't undergo too much development, unlike Squall/Rinoa and Zidane/Garnet.

03-18-2007, 08:34 PM
I really liked it, and the sequel wasnt too bad, certainly played worse games

03-25-2007, 12:19 PM
Final Fantasy X was my second favourite in the series, next to VII. In fact, I started playing it again this weekend and found myself playing for an entire day straight without sleep and not even realising it. People were passing me and stopping to talk to me as I kept playing, it wasn't until this afternoon when my sisters boyfriend (who also loves the game) said to me, "hey Amanda, have you even moved off the couch since yesterday?" And I replied, "yes, for Kool-aid and a chicken sandwhich."

There is nothing in this game I don't like, right down to the sphere grid which I think gave me better control of the development of my characters. I thought the story line was great and the characters are fantastic.

If only I didn't have to go to work tomorrow, I think I'd play another 24 hours and finish the game again.

03-26-2007, 09:25 PM
Other franchises are making appearances here in America that were virtually unknown before, so maybe that contributes to certain people hating FFX. However, I'm positive that FFX is the most successful Final Fantasy game, far outselling even FFVII. I don't see where you're getting the argument that everyone hates it.

03-29-2007, 04:14 PM
For me FFX is a good game indeed. FFX-2 may not be as good as FFX but still a good game too. about FFX I really like the plot.. I mean.. all that story is least it was what I thought.

03-29-2007, 04:56 PM

03-30-2007, 04:51 AM
Hi, this is my first post here. I thought FFX was a great game. It is my favorite out of the series, so far.

The environments were lush and peaceful. The characters were good, I thought.

I thought is was a great game! Everyone I have spoke thought it was great, also.

Just thought I would say that.

03-30-2007, 10:22 PM
It really depends on the person's opinion.

But then again, there are some people who just don't know how a good game is supposed to look like.

03-31-2007, 03:00 AM
You need to learn to hit the space bar after commas and ending a sentence, m'kay?

I actually thought it was a very goo game, it had a nice storyline, and the characters were somewhat unique. People who judged it by its looks probably has issues judging character.

03-31-2007, 08:59 PM
I love Final Fantasy X. X-2 was a little annoying, but it was still good, and I regret to say that I haven't played any of the others yet...

Safer Sephiroth
04-06-2007, 05:17 PM
At first I really disliked FFX for some reason. I guess I wasn't a fan of the voice overs to begin with... after I initially purchased the game I didn't play it more than 20 minutes for about a year and a half and then all of a sudden I decided to give it a try and I loved it. I've only played through it twice but it was one of the best experiences I've ever had with a game. I loved the story line and I got very attached to the characters and kept on playing through to find out what would happen to them next on their Journey.

As for Final Fantasy X-2... I DO like it but I've never actually beaten it for some reason. lol

magic slap
04-06-2007, 05:22 PM
I didn't like the voice overs as well. But i didn't dislike the game. At first i found it a bit boring, and i didn't like the sphere grid at first.
But it had a nice story, i liked the gameplay and after a while i think the sphere grid was good because you had a lot of oppertunities.

Safer Sephiroth
04-06-2007, 05:55 PM
I could never figure out BlitzBall, lol. To this day I have no idea how to play it properly. O_o

04-06-2007, 06:24 PM
Well I've certainly never hated the game. Really enjoyed playing that one overall - though personally wasn't too fussed about the blitzball lol.

04-06-2007, 06:34 PM
X wasn't bad at all. Fuck what people say. Now, X-2 on the other hand...that was more like Charlie's Angels meets Final Fantasy. A bit goofy in the beginning but it took a very serious turn toward the latter part of the game. So, once again...Fuck what people say.

04-06-2007, 09:47 PM
^ Ditto knight. XD

04-06-2007, 10:43 PM
For me, FFX was & still is an amazing experience. I love absolutely everything about it except for Blitzball. & how tedious it is to get some of the ultimate weapons.

The character developments, side plots, & music couldn't be, in any way, better.

& I must admit, the last few scenes made me slightly emotional.

04-07-2007, 04:07 AM
Knight of Terra is right!!

The FFX series was awesome!

So people who think different can shove it!

04-07-2007, 11:03 AM
Knight of Terra is right!!

The FFX series was awesome!

So people who think different can shove it!

What a great way to respect other peoples opinons.

The game itself was half decent I suppose.

My main gripe with the game is the sphere grid and how specific people had to follow specific arts. E.g Lulu black mage, Rikku theif and such. I prefer the older versions like ffVII and VIII where anyone can learn anything they like it allows much more flexability.

The sphere grid also annoyed me as again you had no choice as to what you learnt. It was predefined for you before you even had a say.

04-07-2007, 11:51 AM
Guess the idea there was to make the characters more unique in their abilities, and strength's/weaknesses as with some of the earlier FF games. That didn't happen terribly much in FF7, though admittedly I can't remember what the system was like in FF8, been too long since I played it.

04-07-2007, 04:56 PM
My main gripe with the game is the sphere grid and how specific people had to follow specific arts. E.g Lulu black mage, Rikku theif and such. I prefer the older versions like ffVII and VIII where anyone can learn anything they like it allows much more flexability.

The sphere grid also annoyed me as again you had no choice as to what you learnt. It was predefined for you before you even had a say.

Whatever! It FUN!! F-U-N!!!

Krusty Toenail
04-07-2007, 07:45 PM
I liked FFX, and *gasp* I liked the Sphere Grid, had no problems with it myself.

It wasn't the best mainly due to the love between Yuna and Tidus, oh god I hated that part. And I can't stand Seymour, something about that guy makes me want to break shit. But other then that it was good.

FFX-2... it well, sucked. WAY too short, dresspheres were original but felt out of place. But Paine was cool, sarcastic, dark, sexy...

But FFVIII was my first so its still the best, with FFXII close behind.

04-08-2007, 10:01 PM
You hate seymour because he talks like a homo! lol lol

And X-2 wasn't that bad!

p.s. Paine is soooo totally hot!!!

04-10-2007, 03:14 AM
X-2 is hoooorrrrrible.

The only thing I like about X-2 is Paine.

04-10-2007, 04:01 AM
One character does not make a game good.

FFX-2 was a new idea by square which I think worked well. They gave you a lot more room to play how you liked by being able to go where you liked when you like pretty much all the time. It also built more on the npc characters stories as well as the main three which made it all the more interesting.

04-10-2007, 04:16 AM
it really depends on how much depth you go into it and understand things as they go on. Tidus was a bit of a whinner yea but still i liked how you could do 99999 damage and ur health can go over 9999 that was all new and pretty sweet cause killing braskas final aeon in 2-3 hits was lil funny but sad. The main reason why i played ffX was because of blitzball unno why but i found it one of the best mini-games in the series. once you get the airship it makes it easier to get some of the players and have an amazing team. X-2 was a little bit on the garbage side but its a sequel its going to be brutal compared to the original i try to keep some positives about some games but X-2 was pushing it. the blitzball in that was dumb so i quit at that point.

04-10-2007, 07:14 AM
I really like FFX it's my second favorite after IX. I agree that it's easier compared to VII or VIII.

I find VIII the hardest for me. The junction system gave me all sorts of headache before finally mastering it.

But when it comes down to it, it's all a matter of taste.

04-10-2007, 01:14 PM
yea it wasnt to hard at first cuz of the materia system but was a challenge when you had to draw your magic from enemies. that was annoying. X wasnt difficult but everyones first time through had some difficulty, i did have a few problems but not any more its a breeze for me now

04-10-2007, 06:11 PM
When I first started playing X I thought the sphere grid was going to be another ff8 style disaster (every time i replay that game i have to re- learn how to junction. i hates it with a passion) but i grew to like it after a while, despite the fact that kimahri ended up with rikku's abilities.

The only main complaint I have with ffx is the characters. Yuna and Auron were the only two that stopped me throwing the ps2 out a second story window (even though i live in a bungalo)
The voice acting was atrocious though. Tidus's actor was so pompous. That's what ruined the character for me. He wouldn't have been so annoying otherwise.

04-10-2007, 10:11 PM
I've played FFX quite a few times through the past years and it has given me SO many good experiences. The game had a great story, nice chars and really nice minigames like blitzball. I can't imagine how many times i've thrashed all the other teams on it. Also the music is wonderful, FFX got the best music of any games i've ever played.

When FFX-2 came out i really had high expetations for the game, but i have to admit that i was to some degrees disappointed. Aeons were removed, and the story-line wasn't so great, with just many missions throughout Spira. Also Blitzball was gone, and many of the original-soundtracks which i really loved too.

When it comes to earlier FF games, like FFVII, FFVIII and FFIX i've only tried FFVII sometimes, and i guess you had to play it at that time it was popular to really experience the best of it when thinking of grapichs etc. allthough i really enjoy the music from the earlier versions.

Anyways, I think it's sad if some people hate FFX, but it could be caused of lack of playing and not experiencing too much of it. Well, that's atleast my opinion.

04-11-2007, 10:11 PM
Sorry for double posting, I pushed it twice

04-11-2007, 10:11 PM
If wa are looking at this game not comparing to the other previous FF titles, I guess it is allright... kinda... It has some nice graphics and whatnot.

But what made Final Fantasy games without match, was nothing to do with the graphics! NOTHING! THey can push in any number of pixels they want still comes out at best an average game, if there there is nothing else to it. THe graphics were nice, the Battle system was good, the Sphere Grid was the worst thing I ever saw, the characters were boring, and not only the gameplay, but allso the stoy was so linear, than it hurts. Basically They began the jurney at the point A and travelled to the point B without major turn of events, or turn of storyline.

All stated above was in perspective of other FF games, but if I look at this game like I never played the other parts of the series, this game is better then most games out there.