Paranoia Dragon
03-16-2007, 10:14 AM
I just recieved this game, & immediately, I can tell, that the guys that did the music, were the same ones that did Lords of Thunder, Sapphire, & Riot Zone! There's some nice stuff in this! Tracks 2-4 have some dialogue, but, there's also music playing, so I left those in. Enjoy!

03-16-2007, 10:17 AM
Thanks P. Dragon. This is a freakin great soundtrack.

03-16-2007, 11:44 AM

Riot Zone was a little left to be desired, really, that's why I got bored with it quickly....felt a little too repetitive....

Paranoia Dragon
03-16-2007, 07:20 PM
This game really hit me out of nowhere, I didn't expect this kind of music! It's some kind of monster trainer game, or something, I haven't figured it out yet, but, the music I say would've been perfect for a shooter IMHO!

As for Riot Zone, are you talking about the game, or the music? The game, I was originally dispointed with when it was released years ago, but, I've learned to like the game. And, since we work on games, I now tend to look at parts of games graphics, or mechanics, that I never thought about, or appreciated before. But, as for the music in Riot Zone, I love most of it, it's a little funky, rather then chunky like Lords, but, I really like it.