Fatal Divide
03-21-2002, 10:11 PM
Well, this is a story me and Purcifur have been working on. Here's the basic history behind the story and some information for our two characters.

Human History

It has been over 700 years since Deus created the world of Emdun and humankind according to ancient texts and prophet records, but they have evolved and advanced at an amazing rate. Where early mankind had spears, nowadays swords, bows and axes are common. Although guns havn't been invented, early forms of them have started to appear such as cannons on airships and boats.

Fighting has always been a way of life for humans, despite their strong religious belief of Deus. Although this belief is strong, there are few temples or holy places in the human world. But it was this strong religious belief that led Vaicad Trelar to start up
the Trelar organisation. He believed that Deus had planned his life since creation, and wanted him to become ruler of Emdun. Other power mad humans joined him in their greed, and slowly the Trealr organisation grew, developing their own army and
attacking nearby towns. They also built their own massive capital city known as Kraid.

Trelar also started to perform experimants on other humans much to the shock of ordinary humans. The result of eight years work was the Vah Charir, a half-human half-cat species. However, they were considered to be a failure by Trelar, and many managed to escape Kraid as Trelar were not that bothered about them.

The Kraid seeked safety amoung humans, but were rejected as they were thought to be 'Spawn of Trelar'. Humans fear that which is unfamiliar to them, which is one of their main reasons for enslaving and hunting down the Vah Charir.

Vah Charir Information

Vah Charir, an experimental spin off of humans. The demons that lurk quietly in the shadow and are in continuous hiding. The Vah Charir are loathed by humans and are often used as slaves to the humans because of the Vah Charirs imperfectness. Since the humans are continuely in search of them for slaves, the Vah Charir excell in speed and evasion.

Stealing and mugging is one of the many skills that the Vah Charir need to master in order to survive. Since they can't buy food or get the tools in order to make proper food, they steal their food. Vah Charir steal a number of things and are known as the main source of all criminal acts such as murder, stealing and providing for villians just for some food and shelter.

Now here are our two characters:

(Fatal Divide)

Name: Len
Age: 16
Race: Human
Hometown: Beran
Hair: Black and spiky
Eyes: Light brown

Growing up with his parents in the city of Beran, Len was told many stories about Trelar and the Vah Charir. He grew to dislike both as was his natural human inclination, but he thought that the slavery and hunting of Vah Charir was wrong.

During a sudden Trelar attack on Beran, Len was flown unwillingly to safety over the Airan Mountains. He arrived at the village of Karn, unsure of what had happened to his hometown or his parents. But the people of Karn were welcoming and looked after
him as if he had been born there. So Len vowed to protect the village until he was old enough to travel over the Airan Mountains and back to his hometown...


Sarein, a 16 year old Vah Charir, was brought up in the world of Emdun by her father Zakarya. Her mother, Deina, left before Sarein could even talk. Before Sarein was born, the leader of Trelar, Vaicad, promised Deina all the riches in the world for one price, being able to experiment on her future child. Deina agreed, since Trelar's technology had increased since the last time they tried making the "perfect human." After the experiments, and a few months of waiting, Sarein was born. Deina was devestated at the fact that Sarein was yet, another failiure by Trelar, and left one night with out being seen again.

Her father however, dealt with the fact that she was a Vah Charir and raised Sarein as if she were human with out anyone knowing the truth. All of the typical Vah Charir deformities were kind of hard to hide. The cat like ears were easily hidden with a simple hood or hat, but her tail caused a slight problem. Zakarya always had to put Sarein in a dress, which isn't a pretty picture, in order to hide her cat like tail. By the time Sarein turned 8, her father was killed, and Sarein was left with nothing. Vah Charir broke into her house stole all the riches that they received from Vaicad and everything else that they owned, leaving Sarein with nothing left besides herself and her clothes.

This is when Sarein's life as a Vah Charir began. She slowly began to learn the tricks of the trade and eventually got the hang of being a Vah Charir. Luckily Vah Charir look out for each other, as humans constantly got hold of Sarein because of her habit of being friendly towards humans. Her father always taught Sarein to be nice to others, no matter how they looked. Her long time friend, Yurai, helped Sarein out by teaching her the basics of stealing and hunting. She also told Sarein the true intentions of humans, and how they want the Vah Charir as slaves. Sarein had a hard time grasping the concept, since her father took care of her as if she WASN'T one of the Vah Charir.

Sarein continued on with her life as a Vah Charir. But all she really wanted was a normal life, a life where she could live normally amoungst humans and Vah Charir the same. Kind of like her life she had back when her father was alive.

Purcifur and I will be writing the story a chapter each, with each one showing the story through the eyes of that person's character. The story is basically going to show how the two very different species get along together despite their differences. We would be grateful for any comments you would like to give at any point in the story.

03-27-2002, 03:53 AM
o wow this seems good cant wait to see the interactions between the characters...

is this going to be a montanogue and capulet type thing?

04-11-2002, 02:51 AM
erm... when you say Purcifur, do you speak of Sarah, frum Canada? the one's who's basement i'm locked in? cuz, there's appearently 2 Purcifur's so i'm confussed, XD.

Fatal Divide
04-11-2002, 07:53 PM
Yes, I do mean Sarah from Canada. But this story's currently on hold, so nothing'll be happening here for a bit. But hopefully some time in the future it'll get going.

04-14-2002, 03:39 AM
it's pretty gewd, interesting. i kinda quickly skimmed throught it before... maybe i should read it more, cuz the cat people woulda definately given it away, ;p. can;t wait to see how it turns out.