03-14-2007, 07:42 PM
i guess i have a defective copy, when i fought the guard scorpion the game would freeze if he tried to use tail lazer, so i just didnt let him use it and everything was fine. but now it wants to freeze when reno uses pyramid (as soon as the battle starts), so i guess i need to level up in a limited area until i have enough to go into the battle with cloud and tifa at full limit break (right now, climhazzard and somersault) have atb on wait and since barret automatically has limit, attempt to take off 2000 in three hits (which is pretty tough under level 20). any suggestion would be welcome.

03-14-2007, 08:50 PM
Buy a new copy of the game, or better yet play a better game altogether.

03-14-2007, 09:41 PM
If you have your heart set on playing this game then you could always return it if you still have the receipt. Maybe they will exchange it (assuming it was bought in a store).

I wouldn't recommend your power levelling idea because chances are, if its froze twice so far, it probably will freeze later. The constant levelling just to try and avoid one attack would become a pain (especially if the boss in question comes after a long-ass cutscene i.e end of disk one).

03-15-2007, 05:40 AM
Could always be the disk is scratched or dirty. Try cleaning it. Also, another idea, is that during the parts where it freezes, swich disk one out for disk two. It worked for me, since my disk one is scratched and it froze at a certain part. I just inserted disk 2 and it would work fine. After that just switch disk one back in. Note that the cutscenes will not work however.

03-15-2007, 10:58 AM
Could always be the disk is scratched or dirty. Try cleaning it. Also, another idea, is that during the parts where it freezes, swich disk one out for disk two. It worked for me, since my disk one is scratched and it froze at a certain part. I just inserted disk 2 and it would work fine. After that just switch disk one back in. Note that the cutscenes will not work however.

omfg i love you! you rock my face hardcore! i didnt think of that but as soon as you said something i knew it would work because i've come across that before too. HA! i made reno my bitch and loved it! man i've played through this game 13 times, exhausting every option and alternate route but its been 3-4 years since i had it. this is just a friends copy so i couldnt exactly get my money back. but anyway thanx, problem solved (unless it wants to be a bitch again later)thank you so much. MICK RULZ!!!